Monday, December 22nd, 2003 |
4:33 pm |
I apologize if it's just not my style So lets say you go to your friends birthday party and have a good time, and hear some funny stories, and it's alright. Then everybody you know is fucking passed out, you are the only person nice enough to tell the absolutely drunk guy that it's about time he walked home, and no even if he wants to beat someones ass he really should just get on home. not only that but at about four in the morning when you were going to sleep on the couch, apparently folks in the back room decided to start coupling up and beginning a fuck festival choir group in the back bathroom and bedroom. You would just kinda clean up a little bit in the living room, turn the lights out, and leave too. at least I hope so. It was really fun though and i got to meet some new folks but jesus that just isn't my scene. yesterday I got to deal with the ex having a break down during which she got into a huge argument with her parents. So i get to pick up the pieces and it becomes another 45 minute discussion of what the problem was with us, and about how I'm able to get over it and she can't. so for about the hundredth time I tell her that I can't fix her side of the problems. She's on this whole "well I'm just afraid.. afraid that I won't find anyone to talk to me or love me or take care of me." and so on. I tell her "you're still gorgeous and smart and funny, and I still like you, but somewhere it fell apart for me. and I'm sure you'll find someone else, and if you don't well then the whole world is stupid.." I'm pretty sure I did as well as I could. *sigh* here's to a few gin and tonics and me being able to waste my day off doing almost nothing. I do need to find something to eat but Greek House is closed for like the next two weeks. I've just lost a staple food source *grrrrrr* later folks. I hope everybody has a great day. It's kinda dreary here. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: I forget the title but its taking back sunday (1 surfacing | Concious) |
Saturday, December 20th, 2003 |
1:51 pm |
It all hurts so much I went to bed about seven in the morn. I am up now... and it hurts. I have to work in like half an hour. here's to the good times.
So last night at work was one of the worst ever. we had a 2:1. two staff members on one patient. the 85 pound girl of terror. and I'm one of the two assigned. imagine what kind of pain in the ass someone has to be to have two fucking staff assigned to watching them only for eight hours.
the same thing will probably happen today. hopefully she doesn't slit my hungover throat. but if she did I would so apologize for bleeding on her shirt *heh*
maybe it's just my imagination or last night trying to come to the forefront via my esophagus but the combination of gatorade and spearmint gum is leaving the lingering taste of jagermeister in the back of my throat.
speaking of jager. the bottle from last night is so dead. we killed it like it was a baby seal. I apologize to anyone I just offended.
speaking of last night. I did a whole lot of ass shaking. I took about four shots in five minutes while playing catch up. I was fooling around and half assedly trading punches with this gal emmy. I got hit in the face alot. I also stole her shoes. rock on.
I think I am a masochist. I think this rock and roll lifestyle is catching up to me. I think I have to go get some food before I head to work.
anyone whos an artist. I'm looking to put an homage to icarus on my back. if ya got a good rendition of wax and feathers broken wings or could create one I would love it. and if ya can find me something or someone that translates to greek that would kick ass too.
late folks. be good be safe and have a wonderful day. It's beautiful outside.
Current Mood: In the hurt box Current Music: Thricey staring at the sun goodness (2 surfacings | Concious) |
Thursday, December 18th, 2003 |
7:24 pm |
Real quick I gotta run errands on break First off the new lord of the rings is the best movie I have ever seen. I nearly cried a billion times in there and I am so willing to admit it heh. The whole movie is just amazing. My friends and I were talking about it afterwards and all of us are like I nearly cried just because the movie was so amazing. I don't think I'll ever walk out of a theater feeling that way again folks. *sigh* couldn't sleep after the movie so ended up staying up til like 6 in the morning talking and i watched infomercials for like an hour. hypersonic toothbrush2.. yeah it's sad that i want one. it's got a hypersonic tongue scraper for goodness sakes. Some little things I've gotten to enjoy the past day and a half. The feeling of new socks. Showers that turn your skin pink. Staying up to see the sunrise. Getting to watch the sunset at work. those things are what life is really about. the small pleasures man.. went out for a few drinks last night had good times. prolly gonna celebrate with some friends after their last finals tonight. to good friends, good times, good beer, and icarus heh *clink* everyone have a good night. late for some reason updating here just put me in the happiest mood heh.. must be the franticness of it. Current Mood: giddyCurrent Music: Thrice - the melting point of wax. (Concious) |
Tuesday, December 16th, 2003 |
9:26 pm |
I'm sure somebody out there thought it was funny. that every time i run into somebody I want to ask out on a date, I'm also hanging out or doin lunch or what not with my ex girlfriend. That just sorta fucks everything up. Bahhh. On a side note I ate at souper salad again and I so wanted to ask the gal to eat with us since she was eating alone, but luckily I'm not that stupid about creating amazingly awkward situations. *rock on* I guess the Broccoli cheese soup was really good though did not booze my cold to death. I instead quit smoking for like a day and drank Jamba Juice with immunity booster. (strawberry tsunami so good) I am feeling so much better today which means acting the complete and total nerd and going to Lord of the Rings: Return of the King will be absolutely and completely BADASS. I might even dress up like uhhhh gollum. I mean I've got pretty big eyes like he does. and i jump around almost naked alot, and i like raw fish, and i'm really really lanky, and lets just stop there. anyhows off to get some eats folks. late. "you touch her skin and then you think... that she is beautiful but she don't mean a thing to me..." Current Mood: geekyCurrent Music: Death Cab for Cutie - Tiny Vessels (7 surfacings | Concious) |
Saturday, December 13th, 2003 |
7:20 pm |
First off. I just looked at the contemplative smiley and it's winking.. I mean is it contemplating how to get ya into bed or something "ohh I'm such a sexy and thinking and winking smiling guy" I have no idea where that came from so i had late break but lost it which sucks. so i get set back an hour before beer o'clock starts. ahh well. I'm in a better mood now. Work has been easy as hell tonight the clients are all being friendly and cooperative so that's good. I'm not sure if this cold is going to go down to the 'drink it to death' method. I mean it isn't that bad certainly but it fights back each morning with disgusting phlegmyness. I have no idea how to spell that word. hmmm. can't decide what to eat for break... ahh well ohh and I already got tickets for a midnight showing of lord of the rings on tuesday night. rock on. random fact: you all know you shake ya ass and dance around naked after getting out of the shower when nobody else is home and you can put the music on. either that or you guys are the wierd ones. not ME... heh. late folks. you all know you love this song too Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: Blink 182 - Feeling This (1 surfacing | Concious) |
1:51 pm |
heres to 80 dollar bar tabs..... SO yeah went out and took James on a bender since i owed him.. all in all good times. went to best buy recently and yeah the store is completely the devil. I went in meaning to just get my brothers christmas present and spent like an extra fifty bucks on CDs and what not. I did finally get the Godmoney DVD since I love the soundtrack and have wanted to see that movie since like highschool or something. Blink 182's new song is a guilty pleasure. I bought the CD. shoot me in the face now. Driving around I thought about all the random stuff I do for wishes and what not and scratching the top of my car etc etc. (it all came up after i remembered that you get a wish if you touch a screw and lift your feet up going over railroad tracks.. heh I don't know how it started, but it's so true.) anyways, every time i do something like that I smile.. and wishes or not that's really all it's about. Today I'm yet again driving and see the couple up in the car ahead of me. and they are playing back and forth and what not and just being touchy feely. And then I think about how when I was going out with Angela she wasn't such a touchy feely person, and didn't like to hug alot in public or just i don't know "touch". and reflecting on it I think that bugged me a whole lot more than i let on at the time. bahhh enough of this. I'm just so lame that it hurts. rock on folks. I'm prolly hitting the only good bar in town again tonight heh.. late. Current Mood: contemplativeCurrent Music: death cab for cutie - the new year (3 surfacings | Concious) |
Monday, December 8th, 2003 |
9:35 pm |
The quick workbreak update Saturday I fucked up my hand hitting the wall way too many times during the OU game. half of you.. hell all of you probably think it was a really stupid thing to do. It happens. the 9 jager bombs helped me get there. me a lush? no way. went to Vista after that to meet some of the work crew. only about 3 of em came out which was fine because about 3 more of my friends came out. had good times. apparently I was amusing two or three other tables at the bar when i called one of my coworkers to see why she hadn't come out. (she had helped plan the vista event after all) I think the key phrases were: "quit hiding inside your vagina and get out here." "Are you wearing granny panties? Are they the color lame?" In case anyone forgot I was kinda drunk at this point and time also got to explain the 'in bed' addition to fortune cookies, but really who hasn't heard of this. c'mon. and got to hear this great line.. "I like my women like I like my coffee... ground up and in my freezer" classic bounce to Library for one more beer then its sleepy time for Jon. Sunday. Depression and the day after Just kinda mope around at James. go get some hideaway. waste time at best buy (store of the devil) and then find out OU is still in championship, but still not too happy. watch Atlanta game and human highlight reel Mike Vick and cheer up go to the bar and grab about four drinks. we're the last folks out and so we put up our chairs. it's the friendly thing to do. Today. broke and lazy. I'm working but on break now and for some reason I spend it on here all the time now. heh.. funny. but now i gotsta go. late folks. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: death cab for cutie - the sound of settling (4 surfacings | Concious) |
Friday, December 5th, 2003 |
8:31 pm |
Hurt box meet Jon... Jon meet hurt box Yeah what was supposed to be a simple night of hanging out turned into craziness get off work at 11. Hit Library with lotsa friends. not enough chairs so we had split up tables for awhile. had 4 or 5 beers. seems simple enough right? no it's ohh so wrong. End up hanging out at Wilhites house, playing pool and chess and drinking Jim Beam and more beers... that in itself isn't so bad either. Its when we start cranking through a bottle of good old KD that things turn ugly. Ohh there is more pool playing and bullshitting about life in general. And yes I'm actually asked to give relationship advice (because I've been ohh so succesful heh) But there's also the hanging out and trying to freesyle rap to various CDS that get put on.. lets just say I suck. alot. Then talk about tattoos then being shirtless and having a discussion about how awesome it was that me and matt were like skinny small guys in highschool and now it's basically the same but we're hitting like prime now instead of getting all fat like "those big fuckers back then" or something like that. you would think it stops there but ohh the night is not over folks. Head over to Matts house to crash and end up having another beer, and getting high. I don't have a great track record of combining drunk and stoned but it goes okay. the bad thing is its fucking 8 in the morning. it was especially great running outside and screaming at the construction.. super awesome. more rambling about Mcgriddles and how good they would have been (that's like the second time in two weeks) playing with the dog and not remembering exactly when i passed out on the couch. I wake up at 2:00 I have to be at work in 30 minutes so I go in basically the same clothes except i had a clean sweater in the car. I'm glad i got to brush my teeth. so for the rest of the day I've looked like a damned reject ski instructor in my beanie, sunglasses, and sweater, except for the fact that i have like I'm a bum stubble all over my face and no cool windbreaker jacket. *sigh* works been good I'm on break now. got to see fireworks that were so random with the patients. and having a decent time even with headache and pain. The fireworks make me cheesy sad though because it's like cool crisp beautiful night, and it would be great to just have someone to hug on out there while watching em. who knows. For some reason I'm having greek house for my first real meal of the day and it feels like I'm going to put my stomach through a trial by fire.. after work. it's nerd out time with Owen and Zack and Nate.. rock on. late folks Current Mood: energeticCurrent Music: Unwritten Law - Sound Siren (2 surfacings | Concious) |
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003 |
9:22 pm |
Wait a second, this ain't no brain...this a damn bee's nest. Meatwad is the greatest.. ever. 16 whole episodes of Aqua Teen. Just typing those words is sexy enough to turn me on. heh. Well what have I been up to? not a whole lot the usual going out having a few drinks and work. *sigh* I'm gonna get like six paid days off work in two months thanks to the holidays and working a state job. rock on. might go out to Cali to visit. the point is six paid days off I don't really know what to do with them but I have them *muahahaha* got into a good conversation with my friend matt the other night just about school and life and the nature of how we drink and what not. Good times. Talked about the ex girlfriend and how I understand it's just not good but the whole physical attraction thing enters the picture and blah.... I guess it's just because you want some one to accept and love and what not, but I just know that it can't work with her. stupid girls stupid life. It happens I guess. Smashed my thumb earlier in the week a bit and now i have this chunk o skin that I'm waiting to pull off because its disgusting. but I don't want to rip it off and make it all bloody again. I seriously didn't know that your thumb could bleed that much. bloood everywhere ughh. My favorite patient got discharged from work. He'd been there for like 3 months and was just hilarious. He cried when he left. I really hope that they take good care of him where he went. Tuesday was absolutely lame for me. nothing but doing laundry and sitting at home and playing video games. I stayed up to finish 'The Lone Drow' and it was good. Two glasses of wine and 5 in the morning later went to bed. Introduced to a cute gal by my friend Nate the other night. I'm trying to figure out if he's into her or not. Not only cute but cool too. can't beat that. Gotta find someone to go out with after work tonight. I'm just in a chill mood. late folks. be good. Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Thrice - The artist in the ambulance (5 surfacings | Concious) |
Saturday, November 29th, 2003 |
11:42 am |
This is gonna be short... for me Went to the bar 2 times. My head hurts Earlier in the day got to tell my stupid partying stories I now have AquaTeen Hunger Force volume 1 DVD I fuckin rock I also bought second book of the 3rd drow elf trilogy. The Lone Elf heres to loving cheesy but good fantasy reads.
so stuck in my head right now "Meatwad makin money see.. Meatwad get the honeys G..."
later folks
Current Mood: mildly hungover but with water Current Music: Aqua Teen themesong. and mooninite voices (Concious) |
Friday, November 28th, 2003 |
8:10 am |
Hope everyone had a beautiful turkey day. Mine was pretty good. I got woken up earlier then expected by the rentals and we went and had thanksgiving lunch together. Hung out with my brother some and just had a general good time. went to work and we pot lucked it I couldn't find any Mac and Cheese so I just brought macaroni salad instead.. we had to cook the turkey at work which was cool but the kitchen staff didn't mind at all. the patients were great it was just fun times really. I was so worried that everyone was out of town already and that I wouldn't be able to find anyone to do the at the bar afterwork celebration but like at eight Mer called me and all was good heh. Austin met us up at the Library, which I had thought was going to be closed since I drove by earlier and it looked like they had up those we are closed on thanksgiving papers in the door. They actually turned out to be "we know you guys are going to be tired of the jerks in your family so we're opening this place up from 4 to 2." SO I basically got to spend my Thanksgiving with 3 different families. I got to have my shot of Wild Turkey whiskey to celebrate (101 proof) it was like sweet sweet candy going down. and I got to hang out and check out the stars and be thankful when I got home. Called the Meeshy a bit later in the night. hope I didn't sound too drunk. heh normally drunken calling is so reserved for your exes for some reason.. hopefully there is no ill omen involved there I watched Finding Nemo in bed while going to sleep. Is it sad that I nearly cried for the intro sequence.... err I mean i got something in my eyes that made them watery. And I can see why I get compared to the turtles alot. Now its debating on wether or not to do the shoppin til I drop today or not.. hmm I love ya all. Current Mood: cheerfulCurrent Music: Pavement - Shady Lane (2 surfacings | Concious) |
Thursday, November 27th, 2003 |
3:06 am |
I ask the sky. The sky says nothing, predictably. I make a face, uplift a defiant middle finger, and give an obscene little kick. The sky ignores me, forever unimpressed." I woke up today with the wierdest dreams ever, which is wierd because i'm decent at the whole lucid dream thing. basically what i remember.. it's been awhile since this morning is that in the dream i have to help carry this girl around almost skeletal like around, and other people are helping too and she's trying to hurt us all, but realy we're just trying to carry her to a safe place.. somehow she breaks free and she says "No now it's time to die..." and lunges for me to bite my face. I wake up at this point at about 6:30 in the morn chest beating heart pounding and thinking jesus i've just had a nightmare, when i see what looks to me like the apparation of a woman in a white shawl across the room.. it lasts for about 30 seconds and I'm creeped the fuck out. so i just force myself to bed. enter another pseudo sleep dream.. where it's just a couple of faceless entities talking to me, and they say "we're trying to give you the answers you just have to realize your questions..." and i'm continuously going which question, i didn't ask anything.. and they reply "questions aren't always outloud.." and I 'wake up' again only i'm not sure if i was ever asleep for that last part.. I'm confused as hell and just sit there and try to think about what happened for a good thirty minutes. Get cleaned up head out for the day and decide to destroy my stomach. I eat Pad Thai for lunch, and then for dinner have Greek House (so good.. cheese so good) and then go out with my work friend for the first time, and have beers and cheese fries. the first wave of friends gets sent home quickly and me and Lindy close down the bar havin good times. heh. I nearly spent my entire paycheck at best buy today.. or at least thought about it alot.. that store is the devil.. like I saw four or five CD's a digital cam, a couple dvds, a computer game, and more i want. I will never go there again. speaking of which I do need to find a good pair o boots and the aqua teen DVD's.. Borders maybe? or Hastings? who knows gotta find em. gotta work tomorrow it is my responsibility to bring Mac and cheese. KFC better be open. that's all i gotta say. celebrating thanksgiving at work with all the patients.. because unfortunately they don't just sane up for the holidays.. *sigh* after work gotta find a friend or two to keep me company at the bar.. because by god it's gonna be wild turkey whisky shots for the holidays.. *rock on* alright folks I'm tired and sleepy. heres to hoping we all have sweet dreams. g'night. Jon. Ooooh firstly sandalwood smells so good... Mmmmm and scond I love this time because all the constellations I know are out.. staring at the nighttime sky *rooowwwrrr* late folks. Current Mood: sleepyCurrent Music: Portishead - Wandering Star (2 surfacings | Concious) |
Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 |
1:47 am |
before i go to bed WhenIcarusFalls: also mucho bootie shaking to outkast.. WhenIcarusFalls: what my mama gave me can GROOOOOOVE
good times tonight.. but it ended quickly everybody else was in the hurt box from yesterday heh.
i also forgot to mention that i burned a matching divot in my tongue last night.. the stupidity continues.
much love and good night folks. (Concious) |
Tuesday, November 25th, 2003 |
9:27 pm |
There's so much talk about Santa Claus, but see.. Cupid will not be defeated.. (i really hope i don't have a fixation on young winged men.. heh) Anyhow I randomly checked the home answering machine last night and some of my old highschool friends were in town. so we ended up hanging out.. amazingly great times. We tried to hit Library at like 8 but it was way too crowded so we went to the Vista instead.. *sigh* it was probably better that way because one of my friends was off his ass drunk by the time 10 o'clock rolled round. We seriously had to cut him off and force him to drink water.. which he would spill each and every time into his lap because he kept tipping the cup to try and get at the straw. (lets ignore the fact that there were at various points and times granola bars, chips, sugar packets, lemon, and salsa tossed into his "water" and he kept on chugging.. it just kinda sucked when he plunged his hand in to come up with some of the granola bar to eat.) Also ran into one of the kids I bought cigarettes for in highschool. It was my pleasure to pass a beer his way this time instead. SO then we go to Natascha's apartment and there are about eight of us there and the drinking continues and we listen to the andre CD and bootie dance the night away, until it becomes pajama party... things i remember I doled out some spankings. I have like the worst rugburns ever since like gradeschool, and I can't really figure out how i got em. my tshirt and boxer clad ass was outside in the 20 or 30 so degree weather smoking cigarettes. kicked ass at chess. good times I went to bed at 6 in the mownin mumbling about how fucking awesome it would be to get McGriddles since the breakfast menu would be going soon You know how you make a roomful of hungover rookie bitches groan. you get a lanky bird legged philippino friend that wakes up an hour before em all to turn on Outkast again and start bootie dancin like a mother.. heh. so everyone else finally is up after being pounced on and given water and what not by everybody else. And more bootie dancing and reminiscing and eating breakfast. then we part ways. Episode two is tonight.. I'll be lucky to get out alive. rock out tonight folks Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: Outkast - Happy Valentines Day (Concious) |
Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 |
11:58 am |
Quite simply... If I were going to summarize the goings on that happened last night, it all just comes down to a string of bad bad decisions.
Good god it's cold.. this artic front or whatever blows. Say hello to my shivering ass.
Nam I hope you got your car back. heh. you summed it up best with "Jon, you have the most amazing aura of 'lets get shitfaced' I've ever seen."
I need to make some business cards soon.. soon
yeah when you actually do the walk of shame, you often think to yourself you screwed up somewhere. *dooooh*
I love the idea so much, but you throw too many toasts up to Icarus, and all you're gonna do is craaaaaaash and burn. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.
here's to rubix cubes at the bar and passing out shots to the rookies. happy 21sts whoever you were...
later folks time to get ready for the real world
Current Mood: mildly hung over Current Music: thrice - the melting point of wax (Concious) |
Saturday, November 22nd, 2003 |
11:35 am |
I'll sing a song you've never ever heard... no one else can hear. *sigh* had good times hanging out last night. just sorta sat around with a bunch of my friends and drank beers. just a regular night on my scene I guess, except I got just a little high too... damn fuckers smogging out the entire front of the house with fucking blunts. *shrugs* it was good times i suppose could find absolutely no one to eat dinner with me last night, because i always get hungry at like 7 or later and everyone else eats way earlier than that it seems. since i hadn't eaten I was pretty scared about the combined drunk/highness because it seems like i always make my bed on somebodies front lawn when those get combined. especially if i haven't eaten. but things turned out well ran into a guy from highschool that i knew and he hung out with us and got another call from a friend at like 1 in the morning when i was already passing out(that's so early for me hmmm), but i didn't know the number. passed out watching Carlito's Way.. had dream dream dreams.. about driving around randomly, making out with a crush, and about cats talking to me.. sadly my dream life is too realistic, well except for that whole making out thing. I just need someone to sing this song to me i s'pose is that too much to ask. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: tsunami bomb - The Simple Truth (7 surfacings | Concious) |
Friday, November 21st, 2003 |
5:20 pm |
Like a goldfish swimming in glass circles... wha wha WHA?!?! updating two times in one day Craaaaaaazy
so i feel like i've been so useless and lazy today.
called in sick to work for several reasons.. I'm feeling lazy, it's a nice day outside and you gotta enjoy them before that like 30 degree drop this weekend, and i sweat to god someone put fucking rat poison in the bedamned Hot Pocket i ate earlier... My stomach is doing the best impression of a russian gymnast I have ever seen gaahh
so the ex got mad at me for not "maybe ehh i guess" going to the lunch plans with her today when she called me. excuse me for being tired and just waking up on my friends futon that i had crashed on. and then not wanting to go out feeling all grimy and dirty and mildy sick. I'm so sorry. Damn Yo. end rant.
went to Borders and read the last of the Griffin and Sabine books.. The Morningstar.. so awesome so good. I'm still a bit confused as to the meaning behinds all of the imagery, but the book just left me full and happy (sick stomach and all) I love em. I should read them all again to analyze more but won't that just take away from enjoying the artwork. *sigh*
random post it: when trying to look up a quote on the net make sure there are no sexual terms in it at all... you won't find what you are looking for.
on reflection it might not be the hot pocket so much as the cigarette ash beers that I drank last night. like my own personal stomach pump detox drink.. I mean ash and coal not a whole lotta difference. the correlation is there.
I'm just gonna go drink this stomach think to death.. take that.
lets all be good and safe tonight folks. later.
Current Mood: the unhappy edge of vomiting Current Music: black flag - wasted (5 surfacings | Concious) |
1:45 pm |
We won't stand for hazy eyes anymore.... how did last night go for me?? pretty well I think. after all the errand running and feeling like i'd wasted most of my day (I had and was going to waste the rest of it too *bleh*) went over to James to eat. For a lesson in gas station dining hang out with me. nothing like two hot pockets a snickers and an ice cream sandwich to fill you up.... and leave you with that I'm just about to retch on myself feeling. TCU lost heh after having a 'fine dining experience' cigarette head out to THE bar.. the library and start on the beers. a couple of carbombs one broken bottle (so not me) and helping out the girlfriend of one of my friends get him trashed it was goodtimes, and off to drink more at a friends house. I'm not sure about it but i thought i was getting looked at alot by this one gal. either i've got some growth on my face, she thought she knew me from somewhere, or i looked cute. *shrugs* I can't decide.. she was a cutie though and barring the me having a whole lotta drinks and not wanting to act retarded i woulda asked for the number on her way out.. here's to hesitation. *clink* next time i s'pose. ohhh and invited one of the grad student to professors to our table. pretty cool guy to drink with.. Tim something or other. He enjoyed our various "so i was drinking in class" stories. I forget how to spell her name but Pallas' house (is that right?) had too many beers and a bottle of mudslide. good times. got into wrestling and being carried around mischief and other fun. Lesson from the night: do not get into an ashing in each others beer contest. it is just bad for both people involved. And if you're like me you just might drink the beer with the cigarette tossed into it because damn it you ain't going out like that. I'm only mildly retarded folks.. really. Late Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Outkast - Roses (3 surfacings | Concious) |
Thursday, November 20th, 2003 |
6:19 pm |
goodness I love my friends this is apparently a theme song hook up. "You've flown far too high boy now you're too close to the sun, Soon your makeshift wings will come undone" But how will I know limits from lies if i never try? Theres no promise of safety with these secondhand wings But im willing to find out what impossible means. Climb to the heavens on feathers and dreams Because the melting point of wax means nothing to me." And thank you Thrice for giving me a song about Icarus. so rock on. so anyhow hung out last night drank some beers. saw my crazy halloween party pics and amazingly I don't look absolutely fucked up in any of them.. Rock on woke up this morning with big ass bed head hair so i went with it and threw on the complimentary big old elvis golden sunglasses.. if anything i amused myself and everyone who laughed at me.. heh gotta love that walk/drive o shame. ran errands for the rentals. heres what i hate though like two days before it was one thing and then like a day later it was like well since you've agreed to errand number one you can do this too.. and on and on until my entire fucking day is stolen from me. My grandma is doing better and she's weak but she's outta the hospital now and thats awesome. i don't know if i ever mentioned it but she had a few surgeries the past few weeks and my dad went down and i was worried but it looks like things should be okay. I know there was more but the thoughts have already escaped my head Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: thrice- the melting point of wax (4 surfacings | Concious) |
Tuesday, November 18th, 2003 |
3:34 am |
Because I'm a wishful thinker with the worst intentions.... Looks like i've managed to climb back over the edge of the planet..
Its probably just easier to update everything in little bits and pieces in no particular order.. my memory gets a bit hazy as I've been bordering on alcoholism.
woke up one morning to what i first thought were dinosaur sounds, crazy screeches and groans. found out it was a construction site a block or two away.
For some reason discussions of my personality have abounded.. but it all comes down to this. "Well it's like you're this blatantly good person, but hidden somewhere inside and not very well is this latent ill will that you occasionally spring on people. And I think that it's awesome and it makes you a better person"
I set a new record for myself at 14 straight days of going to the bar. it's fun to have a 'Cheers' like vibe at one place in town. the waitresses like to stop and talk with me on occasion and almost all of them will at least wave or say hi to me once during the night. Unfortunately this kills your paycheck and your tolerance.
is this a happy note or a sad note? 4 shots of jager and several beers and i feel perfectly sober...
took down my friend with irish car bombs.. my friends think i'm officially 98 percent irish and 2 percent viet cong. I've got wierd friends
I still toast to icarus. he's a role model
I didn't make out with my ex girlfriend even though it is like my ultimate weakness. I just accepted the fact that it wouldn't be healthy and said no. It just sucks because i just miss kissing and sleepin next to someone. *sighs* that sex thing is kinda nice too i s'pose.
Girls just confuse the hell out of me.
I think I still feel bad for the things of done to people for too long, and still want to apologize even though i'm sure it's just completely socially inappropriate and they've forgotten whatever i haven't forgiven myself for.
Free kittens sign.. my goodness I need to call the number.
I really want to go to sleep but too many thoughts keep racing in my head.
Just finished Geek Love and thought it was great, just finished Alexandria and loved the art.. but it doesn't compete with the earlier Gryphon and Sabine books. need more books to read.
I love the smell of sandalwood. mmmmm
off to try and sleep
Current Mood: awake Current Music: some random unwritten law tune. (13 surfacings | Concious) |