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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Robert's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, December 9th, 2004
    11:56 pm
    "what is that demonry!?"
    today was alright...i got some stuff in the mail...mostly presents...but a few things for me:
    Visitor Q dvd
    Space Ghost Coast to Coast: Volume Two
    Amanda and Jason came over...then i went with Amber to take her to do some christmas shopping...i did some me one store i got:
    The Cure: Three Imaginary Boys (the new 2 disc deluxe reissue thingie...)
    then at another store i got for the PS1:
    Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
    Incredible Crisis!
    and they had a sale for buy 2 used dvds and get 1 free...that's why i got the last one...'cuz it was about the only thing left worth getting free...:
    Twin Peaks: the First Season
    Auto Focus
    Cabin Fever
    then we picked Jacques up and went and ate some i'm back home...i like stuff...

    Current Mood: headache...
    Current Music: The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys
    Wednesday, December 8th, 2004
    8:53 pm
    not much...
    didn't do much of nothin' Justin came over for a brief bit...we ate Fino' was swell...then tonight i went to Bookstar...i had seen the book i was looking for for like $10 cheaper online so i got other stuff: A Personal Matter by Kenzaburō Ōe and Trout Fishing in America, The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster, and In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan...that pretty much brings you up-to-date with me...

    Current Mood: overspending...
    Current Music: Faust - BBC Sessions + [The Wümme Years 1970-73]
    Monday, December 6th, 2004
    10:02 pm
    didn't do much of anything i went to Target to make use of that $5 gift card...i got some necessities, some Jones soda, Da Ali G Show: Da Compleet First Seazon, and Atari Anthology for the PS2...then a little later i was at the mall and got a few used things: a PS2 controller so now i have two that pretty much work, Tokyo Highway Battle for the PS1 (not as cool as the title might lead you to believe...there's not much battling if's pretty much just a standard car racing game...but that's was cheap...), and Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven for the PS2...i'm excited about the latter...something i've been needing anyway and then to find it used! yeah...that's pretty much all that's going on now...i like video games...

    Current Mood: headache...
    Current Music: Slint - Tweez
    Sunday, December 5th, 2004
    2:48 pm
    a lot of junk...
    let me see if i can remember all there is to talk about...tuesday evening my Seinfeld box set with seasons 1 through 3 arrived...i conquered the whole thing by thursday night...all 8 discs...yeah, i spent almost all of those days/nights just watching that...wednesday the results for that short story contest were released...i didn't win shit...oh well...wacky coincidence: the first place winner had the same title as the lesser of my submitted stories ("Acceptance"...the better, if you recall, was called "Story"...) i'm sure mine were a lot better, too bad the judge can't just take my word for it...thursday night Jacques came over and we finished overdubbing his guitar on "A Series of False Starts"...when we first recorded it he had a few spots of sloppy playing so we overdubbed it later that night after the others left...but when we overdubbed it the mic was positioned wrong and the overdubbed parts were a lot quieter than the rest of the we got around to fixing that on thursday...yeah...then on friday Jacques, Amber, Justin, Amanda, and i went to eat at New Hunan...then back to Jacques/Amber's place where we hung out and stuff...Jason came over after a little while...yeah...i almost forgot, one of them days, i forget which (wednesday?) i went to the bookstore and got The Complete Gray's Anatomy ($4 too!) and Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut...then yesterday i went and ate ethiopian with Jacques and Amber...then a trip to the library bookstore yeilded: The Razor's Edge by W. Somerset Maugham, Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Ada or Ardor: a Family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov, Selected Letters 1880-1903 by Marcel Proust, Atlas of the Third World (from 1983), The Plumber's Handbook, Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke, and Modern Recording Techniques by Robert E. Runstein (copyright 1974, but this is a 1981 printing...however, in such circumstances, it's not being "modern" is actually a plus...) well, then The Family Ghost practiced after that...we recorded "The Yellow Light" as it's the one song of ours that would fit on the tape that was leftover at the end of the reel...i didn't realize it at the time but that was the first time the whole band has worked on that song together...when i first wrote the guitar i showed it to Jacques and he came up with a guitar part for it...then the two of us showed it to Josh once a while back and he came up with something (when Brad wasn't there), then once when Josh wasn't there we showed it to Brad and he came up with some drums...but it turned out beautifully...we even threw in the vocals...and that Billy guy that i work with came over with some friends of his to give me a recording of a few of their songs 'cuz i had suggested recording his band...i let him listen to the recordings we'd done so he could hear that i don't just suck...they just have two songs right now...i listed to their cd burn and was pleased to hear that they're good...math rock-y...Amanda came over...everyone went their separate ways...Jason came over and we went over to Jacques/Amber's...a trip to Walgreens led me to the Blade Runner dvd in their big bin of mostly crap...we ate at Huey's and went back to their place and watched was swell i end this post...

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: James Brown - The 50th Anniversary Collection
    Monday, November 29th, 2004
    8:48 pm
    for real, totally on vacation, dude...
    not much happened friday...Jason and Amanda came over that evening and we watched Ichi the Killer...i hadn't seen it since getting the unedited version...the numbers tell of like 20 to 30 minutes difference between this version and the old crappy version that was released before...i'll be damned if i could notice that much eyes picked up maybe a total of 5 minutes or so...i dunno...crazy...oh, i did make an astounding discovery on saturday about my new game Dog's Life...honest to god, you can take dumps...even while joking around i was certain that such a glorious thing would not happen...then i'm playing the game and, well, whaddya know? yesterday started off with me playing Paper Mario...then i hung out with Justin for a little while before he left back to that no-man's land in the other corner of the state...then i dropped him off at the airport...came back home to make total use of the fact that i had the first 3 hours of my shift off i was back to playing Paper Mario...for about 7 fucking hours cool is that? then i went to work at the leisurely hour of noon...just got off...and before i left i made sure to get hold of that $5 Target gift card that i won the other i won't be back there in forever and such...well, i guess that sums up all of my exploits...

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: Windsor for the Derby - Earnest Powers +
    Friday, November 26th, 2004
    10:54 pm
    a life in video games...
    Justin came over last night and dragged me over to his parents' to sleep on the couch...great...then i got all woken up early to go to the dang while i was there i spent money i shouldn't have at the video game store...but i made a nice killing:
    Intellivision Lives! (finally!!!)
    Dog's Life
    Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge (the case is slightly damaged but it was used and really cheap...)
    Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins
    i also got a PS1 card so i can play my new game...
    then i left and came back to that store 'cuz that where Justin and his mom ended up...then i saw they had a sale: buy 2 used games get 1 used game free...goddamnit! i had just bought two used games and didn't realize i bugged the slightly faggy manager and he was all bitchy about it but reluctantly said he'd do it (claiming it would take a long time to do the exchange...of course when i picked out my other game it didn't take no time at all...) so yeah, then i got:
    Bomberman Generation (afterwards i realized it doesn't have a goddamned booklet...oh well, it was free...they didn't really have any other games there too much worth getting anyway...)
    then he dragged me to Guitar was lame there...then he went to Comp USA...i got a 4 channel rca switch now my GameCube and PS2 can both hook up without having to unplug shit! i'll probably spend tonight playing video games...awesome, huh? then back at Justin's folks' i took like a two and a half hour nap...then his parents' took us to dinner at Ruth's that was awesome...i completely stuffed myself...well, now i'm home and alone...let the nerd-fest begin...

    Current Mood: full
    Current Music: Echo & the Bunnymen - Ocean Rain
    Thursday, November 25th, 2004
    10:03 pm
    (pretty much) on vacation...
    Justin H. showed up in town yesterday and i hung out with him a bit last night...his mom treated us to eating at Houston's...uh, then we sort of hung out but he went to bed early (even before i was going to!!! that's early...or something...) anyway, i went home and finished reading 1984 by George Orwell...then work today was pretty sweet...of course, holiday pay...the majority of the shift was really slow so i got a bit of reading done...though at the end it got busy which pissed me the fuck off...thanks to Amanda for bringing me a thanksgiving feast for lunch!!! woo!!! then after work i went to my parents' and had another thanksgiving feast...for dinner...the doggies freaked out when they saw was i'm back home and i guess that's all...yeah, i'm pretty much on my big month long break now...i guess...i do go to work on monday, but for only part of the day (7 hours) so i guess that's swell...yeah...well, that's all i've got to say...

    Current Mood: full
    Current Music: Mission of Burma - Peking Spring
    Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
    9:03 pm
    last night i kicked it for a brief bit with David...we ate at Huey's and then back at my apartment i showed him the wonders of sexual intercourse with men...i mean, playing Katamari Damacy on the PS2...we almost did two players (which i've yet to try), but one of the controllers Jacques handed me down turns out to not work...oh well...i also realized i was wrong about what i said about the problem Jacques had not happening to me with this Playstation...well, it's not switching games that messes it up, it's when you power it off and then try to turn it back on for a certain amount of time...well, it turns out it does that with me too...oh well...that's not something i'd find myself doing often anyhow...i guess i don't have anything else to say...

    Current Mood: "Feed the Hungry"
    Current Music: The Pop Group - For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder?-We Are Time
    Monday, November 22nd, 2004
    9:26 pm
    washing dogs...
    while at my parents' yesterday i washed the doggies...they were excited to see me otherwise (i think they were still excited to see me while i was bathing them...just frightened too...) i wish i had something else to say...don't really...bought groceries on the way home from work tonight...that's all...

    Current Mood: the usual...
    Current Music: Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band - Doc at the Radar Station
    Sunday, November 21st, 2004
    12:12 pm
    a series of false starts
    on friday morning i beat Katamari Damacy...and what sucks is on the last stage, to get infinity you need to be 800 meters and i got 799 meters...if i had just rolled up one more cloud...oh well, i can always go for it again...on friday i was gonna go look at this house, i had an appointment set up...but i drove by earlier and saw it was a fuckin' that kind of took that out of the picture and i called and cancelled...oh yeah, and i also ran into my landlord so i told him about the situation...i most likely will have to owe rent for next month anyway...but at least i'm sure i now have a definite lawsuit against Tim...and once i'm settle and know where i'm going to be living i'll have the time to focus my energy on suing "the biggest asshole sometimes"...yesterday The Family Ghost had another successful recording session (finally)...we attempted "A Series of False Starts" again...this time with the whole band...though everyone was late, we still managed to pull it off...and it sounds superfine...then after that Jacques added the vocals to "Placeholder" as well as "A Series of False Starts" and was satisfied with them, so that's amazing in and of itself...then later that evening i gathered at Jacques and Amber's with Jason, Amanda, and Justin...we watched Cannibal Campout...a movie from the late 80's shot on a camcorder...but somehow it had gotten distributed...and i guess we're all glad it did...

    Current Mood: eh...
    Current Music: Neu! - '75
    Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
    9:13 pm
    crap that's been happening...
    friday, Jacques got a new of them thin, tiny ones...he had been having some issues with his old, anyway, he gave me his old that was cool, even if possible trouble, who can argue with a free Playstation 2? not i, certainly...i never thought i'd own one of them things...but i guess it's cool now that i hasn't some swell games that aren't on other systems...then uh saturday The Family Ghost attmpted to record again...i had to go to a hardware store and get some tools to fix the tape machine 'cuz one of the roller thingies came off and then i did and fixed it and we were ready...but Brad didn't show so we attempted "A Series of False Starts"...but it didn't go too well...hopefully next time we try we'll have the whole band there and it'll go better...then that night we went to the mall to the video game store...i couldn't have a PS2 and not have any games for i got a memory card and:
    Katamari Damacy
    Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack (containing III and Vice City)
    and those are the major PS2 games i can't get on the GameCube that makes me hella set...i've played a bunch of Katamari Damacy these past few days...i've almost beaten it...(i mean, i have played it a good bit at other peoples' houses already...and of course there's always the task of replaying levels to get bigger balls and find all the gifts etc...) and the problem Jacques had been having was you could play one game fine, but it'd overheat and if you tried to stop and play a game right afterwards it wouldn't work...(and that pause between games seemed to be getting longer and longer...) so far i haven't had a problem with it yet...i tested it out playing all the games in a row and it worked fine...i've kept it laying flat and on the floor in the relative maybe that helps it work better...we'll see...not too much been going on lately...i've been looking for a new place to live...can't say i'm having too much luck...there was some mail today (a pre-order from long ago):
    The Kids in the Hall: Complete Season 2 1990-1991
    i guess i'll be spending some time watching that...that's all...

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Erase Errata - At Crystal Palace
    8:36 pm
    what? astrology's not a crock of shit?
    You are 27% Cancer

    Current Mood: bored
    Monday, November 15th, 2004
    10:08 pm
    well...i guess now the "so does anyone know someone who needs a place to live?" angle has been completely exhauseted...i now move to: so, does anyone know of a place to live? (preferrably where my band can continue to practice...)

    Current Mood: depressed
    Thursday, November 11th, 2004
    10:47 pm
    studio work
    worked overtime thursday...nothing to say about that...but last night was pretty awesome...a ray of light on an otherwise cloudy week...The Family Ghost had practice and we tried our hand at the recording again...this time with everyone there as well as a few lessons learned from saturday's we recorded "Placeholder" and it sounds fucking awesome...the drums took up a whopping 8 tracks...the bass was pretty standard, recorded in the hallway (the drums the only instrument actually played/recorded in the "practice room" area)...the keyboard amp was set up in the bathroom right behind (well, to the side of, not behind like between the wall) the toilet...i set up a mic in the bathtub, pointed directly at the toilet...a fun little play with the mic...Jacques's guitar amp was put in the room formerly known as "Tim" least we're taking advantage of the has the most amazing reverb...and there were 2 mics used for the right by the amp and another several feet away, closer to the middle of the room, and on top of a small table...we played through the song and it was fucking wonderful...there was one problem that turned out to be a mist-opportunity! Jacques's fuzz pedal's a little messed up and sometimes when you step on it to make the fuzz happen it'll be really muted and you kinda have to step on it again...well this happened in the big distortion buildup at the end of the it was really muted...but no problem, we're multitracking so we can overdub!!! i decided to put the overdubs on separate tracks and not just erase what was already recorded, to avoid any chance of messing up the transition as well as giving a bit more flexibility...after we did the take Jacques said "i think i hit the distortion too late" and he did hit it later than he did when we initially recorded...(we started from the "midpoint" of the song...the [long] end, starting from where it gets quiet going through the whole buildup...) anyway this turned out super cool 'cuz it's building up and it's all clean then there's a bit more dimension to the buildup 'cuz instead of just going all out with the fuzz the main guitar stays clean then there's this backgroud muted fuzz underneath creating a really cool texture for a few measures before the total ballstomp assault happens...yeah, so at the end there's 4 tracks for the huh? sorry if i've blathered about that, i'm just quite proud of what we accomplished last night...recording's so dern cool...everyting left and we tried to add the vocals to the mix, and we did a take, but that one's not a keeper...Jacques was nervous or something and wasn't feeling too up to it and we'll also need to figure out a way to get the vocals sounding good without being too quiet...(if you know Jacques then you probably know what a feat this will be...hehehe...) okay...anyway i worked a little overtime tonight...just finished reading Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman...i guess that's all...hopefully we can get some more recording done before whatever is going to happen happens...and hopefully whatever that is that happens brings about another situation where we have a fucking place to practice and record!!! goddamnit...

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: The Art Ensemble of Chicago - Live
    Monday, November 8th, 2004
    10:47 pm
    clean and empty...
    saturday was The Family Ghost's pseudo-attempt at recording...i got all the reel and all set up...Brad couldn't make it so we were gonna do "Placeholder" which Brad's part could be easily overdubbed later...Josh had to be late as well...then when we got everything set up, we had trouble playing the actual song...Josh couldn't really remember how it went...then he had to go to work...Jacques and i attempted recording just our parts, if it was successfull Josh could overdub his later too...but the playing was exceptional and there were some issues with the way stuff it wasn't much of a success, but i guess we're gettin' some good lessons on how to do this crap...hopefully, at least...then i passed out early but woke up 'cuz i hadn't eaten all day...i've sort of been feeling pretty shitty lately...then i went over to Jacques/Amber's...we watched The Conversation which was really good...then yesterday i went over to my parents' like usual...i borrowed a big tupperware container many many gallons...almost tub-level...i threw all the disgusting dishes in it and filled it with soap and water and let 'em sit overnight 'til just after letting 'em soak a day i washed those fucking dishes that fucker Tim left for me after neglecting them for over a month...i was surprised, it took me less than an hour...but i guess the long soak had everything ready to go and it was just warsh i don't feel disgusted in my own home!!! (even though i'm pretty sure i won't be living in it much longer...) there is one little blip of happiness in the otherwise crap of everything turns out there was a mistake when they calculated my vacation days...i have another 33 hours of vacation to use befor the year's up! so i guess i'll tack that on to the beginning of what i've already gotten off...but anyway, as you may have guessed, the possibility of getting a roommate keeps looking dimmer and dimmer...(and it was far from bright to begin with...) oh well...what to do what to do what to do...

    Current Mood: depressed
    Current Music: Enon - Onhold
    Saturday, November 6th, 2004
    10:02 am
    a day
    Justin came over yesterday and we hung out for a while in the day...uh...i got Ichi the Killer and Audition dvds in the mail...(it's nice to have replaced the buddy, edited version of Ichi that i've already gotten rid of anyway...) after a while i dug up George (the big dildo)...with my apartment mostly very empty right now there's massive reverb throughout so we were playing a game of throwing it to the floor so the suction cup would smack really and get the loudest "bang" (it was sounding like was fuckin' awesome...) okay, now let me give you the abridged version: making use of the empty home, Justin and i had fun playing with a giant dildo...woo...right after that Jacques and Amber picked us up and we made a trip to the mall...i picked up Past Worlds: Atlas of Archaeology, Atlas of the Second World War, and The Plague by Albert Camus at Amanda's work...then back to Jacques/Amber's...sitting around...Amanda and Jason came over...Jacques and Amber went to bed...the rest went back to my roomy was had...i woke up too early...i have to take a dump majorly...

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Bedhead - Beheaded
    Friday, November 5th, 2004
    12:52 pm
    people that should be killed: Tim...Tim should be fucking killed...
    i guess it started yesterday as i was leaving for work...things were looking awful suspicious around the uh, my roommate (Tim) was moving out on me...there was talk of this other guy moving in temporarily (which i wasn't really for anyway)...he was asleep on a couch i was hoping well maybe things are just being moved around some for him to move in...but i knew it really fucking looked like someone was moving OUT...but i went to work as i had to do...did finish reading Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids by Kensaburo Oe, but that's been relegated to a minor detail i worked overtime and was there for a fucking long time and got home after midnight...of course, i come home to find Tim and that other twat in the process of getting out the last of Tim's shit...when asking him what was going on he even said "i can be the BIGGEST asshole sometimes"...i do admire his power with the understatement...where Keith's stabbing me in the back was more sneaky, Tim's was more sleazy...but i don't guess none of that's important, like comparing a turd against a dump...i've been screwed again, i'm alone and desperate for a roommate...we'll see how this goes...i really really really don't want to have to find a new place...just when things were getting set up and perfect and all that shit, it fucking falls apart on me AGAIN...why does this always happen to me and my band? ALWAYS...well, i guess "why" is pretty insignificant at this point...just gotta keep moving, and hope i don't have to start all over again...oh yeah, and remember those dishes i was bitching about the other day? well, i guess that solves THAT problem...the dishes are getting done...i guess Tim no longer being on the "roster" makes it my "turn" now...hoorah, thanks a fucking lot, goodbye...

    Current Mood: fucked in the asshole...
    Current Music: The Potomac Accord - In One-Hundred Years the Prize Will Be Forgotten
    Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
    11:31 pm
    take a guess!!!
    politics: i voted and am not living under a rock so of course today's post can't exist without some comment on all that...i doubt there's anyone who'd read this that would be terribly shocked to find out that someone [me in particular] is not happy about the outcome of our election...i'm sorely disappointed but not surprised...i had hope, but i unfortunately expected this even fears were correct...i may have to abandon the faith in humanity i'd desperately tried to cling onto and go completely over the top into cynicism...oh well...i guess there's not much i can say about all that...don't take my word on this, as i'm sure the laziness that consititues my core being will take over, but i'm considering actually paying a bit of attention to politics now...i just really don't feel comfortable that things'll just go their own merry way, some good some bad but still carrying on like they always have...i see vectors pointing off into the distance, held firmly in place...i finally think i might be scared of not paying i said, once the heat of the current events cools down and my natural sloth takes over who knows how far i'll actually go...but i fear some shit's gonna happen ("we can make up all sorts of crazy laws!") and i at least don't wanna be surprised afterwards when i find out through my 5th hand sources over the internet (a truly informed citizen...) anyway, enough policital blather...not really much of anything has happened otherwise...Jacques came over tonight after work and we talked about the band a little (that was the itent of the "meeting") but mostly we just bitched about stuff...

    Current Mood: bollocks
    Current Music: Tom Waits - Real Gone
    Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004
    8:52 pm
    went to the grocery store and came away not only with groceries but also This Is Spinal Tap on dvd and a milk crate!!! i was excited about the milk crate 'cuz wow! something to finally but my records in...but then i got home and it was the wrong size and they came close to fitting but not close enough...oh well...there's tons of random crap strewn about my can hold work today i got the all-star parking again (for my performance in the month of september...) so back to the drill of getting a good parking least it wasn't a month later...when i'm on vacation...that'd piss me off...but i'm about ready to kill my's been OVER A MONTH since the dishes have been done...(it's his turn...) it's just a fucking filthy mess in the kitchen, etc...i'm really pissed's fucking disgusting...did i mention that i'm pissed off? i am...

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: Pavement - Crooked Rain Crooked Rain -> L.A.'s Desert Origins
    Monday, November 1st, 2004
    9:36 pm
    politics or something...
    i don't believe in omens or nothin' but election day (tomorrow) also happens to be el día de los's very tempting...

    Current Mood: ominous
    Current Music: "Friend or Foe (Unhugged Mix)"
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