Tuesday, December 24th, 2002
8:40 pm
All I got for Christmas was a thing I vaguely remember as Ab-Slide or something from Home Shopping Europe. It looks like a handlebar with a wheel in the middle and is meant for working out. Fuck that! But I had scotch and red whine with my family. I need Antje, good ideas and cigarettes.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
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| Wednesday, September 18th, 2002
8:53 pm
I am now officially the worst yachtsman in the world. Not only did I manage to fall off the fucking boat after around 3 minutes on Monday, today I crashed into another yacht which is now heavily damaged. If you ever want to lose € 150 (or more) in 2 seconds, try this. Although the first two weeks went really well, all those maneuvers are a complete mystery for me. I haven't dropped the fucking sailing lessons because there's only two dates left and I paid for it. But the damn license is impossible to get. I hate sports.
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| Thursday, August 15th, 2002
8:35 pm
| Wednesday, July 10th, 2002
11:17 pm
So yesterday was the hottest day of this summer and Sonic Youth played in this tin can where it's already impossible to breathe at normal temperatures, and they were playing the most boring songs they could think of. I didn't know they could play bad songs at all, but hey, at least Thurston Moore had fun. I even caught myself thinking whether it would have been better to see Toto unplugged which was at least outside somewhere. But we have tickets for London in one month and the semester ends next week and I want to go to the sea which we haven't done for years (except in France last summer). Love Parade is on Saturday and I have to get out of here because I could hear the music in our appartment last year. I don't know where they get to film those people you can see on MTV, everytime I look around I see a million 14-year-old suburban kids with ugly merchandise shirts, glitter make-up from Woolworth and those beercan-holder-caps. (I sound so old, I should really have gone to Toto. Fuck that.)
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| Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
12:02 pm - i lied about being the outdoor type
At least I can feel my arms again...We were on canoe trip, urban kids trying very hard to love camping and being outdoors and enjoying nature. Paddling the distance to Mars an back, at least it felt like it. And fighting with Antje on the way home. We have sailing courses arranged for september, I will buy a yacht and sail the mediterranean sea when I grow up. Everything is either random or confusing or terrible lately. I am terrible.
current mood: discontent
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| Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
8:54 am
I'm still here, though not making much sense lately. I finished the paper from last semester and I am not going to think about linear regression models and autocorrelation until autumn. But what else is there to do? Checking out every cocktail bar and Mexican restaurant I can find, watching the skater kids who invade the place in front of the library every sunny afternoon, preparing vegetarian barbecues on the balcony? To do this week: - buy tickets for Sonic Youth and maybe the Pet Shop Boys (expensive) - book flight and rooms for a London trip in August - call the janitor for the 47th time because our bathroom is still flooded every other day - stop Antje from smoking and/or stop smoking - finísh Arthur's website (bad weather alternative) - write emails (already 2 months due)
PS; It's a very bad idea to watch Leni Riefenstahl movies in Berlin because people tend to let out their nazi mentality on these occasions. Very scary and disgusting.
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| Thursday, May 9th, 2002
11:18 am
Strangely enough, Lj talks to me in German. I have to double re-translate. Denkwürdiges...
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| Saturday, April 20th, 2002
7:26 pm
I borrowed Arthur's 8-Track and Mic because I need to rock. Loud is the new loud.
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| Friday, April 5th, 2002
4:46 pm
Good news: I have a new hosting company and I can have cgi/php/mysql and unlimited e-mail accounts. Bad news: underused is still being restored after the hd crash. I could do anything and have nothing to do. [Anyone want to get hosted?]
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4:41 pm
My parents were visiting us this week and, thank god, they left yesterday. Euphemism: Antje could have been happier if they had not come.
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| Saturday, March 30th, 2002
8:22 pm
This afternoon...
current mood: artistic (whoa, egg painting)
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| Friday, March 15th, 2002
11:10 pm
Me being bored and stealing from Chry
++ full name: michael is sufficient. ++ animal you most resemble: a turtle (a ninja turtle!) ++ famous person you most resemble: graham coxon (after he'd eaten alex james) ++ most ticklish spot(s): behind my ears, ++ how do you feel about abortion: every woman should have the right to choose ++ how do you feel about adoption: i am suspicious ++ how do you feel about homosexuality: love is good. but i do check my homophobia sometimes. ++ did you get to choose your name: i don't remember having a choice ++ favorite color(s) for a cat: b/w or the brownish/black stripes my cat has. ++ do you have cellulite: no, but I am scared of losing my hair. ++ how do you feel of people not of your race: i don't give a fuck about my race or others' ++ what's the weather like: grey, rainy, depressing. as usual. ++ who do you get most of your emails from: jan, sara, uni staff ++ the last thing you stole: a mouse adaptor from work ++ name 11 bands you love: smashing pumpkins, that dog, radiohead, pj harvey, tocotronic, soundgarden, the cure, manics, pavement, sonic youth, belle & sebastian (fuck, that took me far too long to answer) ++ name 3 bands everyone should like: mot?rhead, petshop boys, atari teenage riot ++ name 3 bands no one but you should like: lemonheads, eels, mudhoney ++ name 3 bands that suck: Dave Matthews Band, Foo Fighters, Crazy Town(i want to name 371 more!) ++ what role does music play in your life: i still love it but my record collection used to grow faster 5 years ago. ++ last time you were upset: yesterday. after finding out the car was broken. ++ what are you doing today: finishing this, reading. ++ what are you doing tomorrow: being bored by aunties and uncles. family functions all day long. ++ last time you were sick: last year in september ++ what store are you in most: ALDI? ++ when's the last time you had sex: [blushes and looks for a calendar] ++ favorite saying: schei?e. ++ how would others describe you: smart. ++ last movie you saw and how was it: Entrapment, boring. ++ last person to say your name: Antje ++ last time you faked sick: 1992? ++ cry often: not at all. ++ what color do you wear most: blue ++ what shoes do you wear most: my beloved denim chucks ++ worst cartoon ever: the flintstones ++ name one thing that annoys you: stupid (=most) people ++ what do you need: love, thoughts, food ++ something that turns you on: eyes, hands ++ consider yourself to be a good person: yes, very good indeed. ++ first lyrics that come to mind right now: "can't help feeling something's wrong with everyone of you." ++ who do you want to be: me, with antje by my side. ++ drinking anything: no. ++ eating anything: some bread. ++ have any bumper stickers on your car: no stickers, not even a car anymore. ++ most disgusting thing that happened this week: standing in the train to schwerin with beer-drinking workers in stinking flannel shirts" ++ funniest person you know: Mr. T? ++ are you feminine: no. ++ bad habits: smoking, drinking, swearing ++ what are your parents doing: sleeping and snorting ++ worst town(s) in your state: well, Berlin is the a one-city-state, so i'd say Reinickendorf and Spandau. ++ worst local band: sofaplanet? ++ best local band: einst?rzende neubauten, rammstein, die ?rzte ++ last concert you attended: barbara brockhaus ++ excited for anything: going to amsterdam, london or paris this spring ++ worst day(s) of the week: sunday ++ worst fast food restaurant: kfc ++ what time is it right now: 11:03 pm ++ what are you going to go do now: go to bed, watch tv, read a book, do random stuff
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11:36 am
Pulp's Trees is the feel-not-so-bad-hit of the winter.
[I want to listen to Berlin radio stations, need to find out what my parents have on cable.]
current mood: awake current music: pulp - we love life
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1:04 am
I just found out the domains and e-mail are working again, yay. my hosting company decided to shut them down this week after finding my old bank account closed. but angry faxes and emails do work. and happy birthday, mom. (gotta go to sleep)
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12:44 am
Misfortune must be fought back. Not much has not gone wrong lately. After the broken hard disk came a flooded bathroom and, making this week the shittiest in years, the car did not fucking start when we were going to get to Schwerin for my mother's birthday. Waiting almost two hours for the mechanic who then told us that the starter thingie is completely fucked up and needs to be changed. Yip, as if we had 300 EUR and nothing else to buy. So we had to take the train, which was, of course, a proletarian commuters' train and we had to stand half of the time. I love public transport so much, and it's only five times as expensive as gasoline and stuff, especially if you're two poor students with a return ticket. But at least I have my 1992 Toshiba notebook here, and I can see all the beautiful posted pictures in 640x480 and 256 colours. *sigh* I don't think I make much sense tonight but I'll stop now and try reading Ulysses for the 1485th time, in vain of course. And I miss Antje already, after only 4 hours. Misfortune must be fought back. (tocotronic)
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| Friday, March 8th, 2002
10:34 pm
guess who has a broken hard-disk. guess who made the last backup in july. guess who lost the whole underused project, all of his pictures, and everything Antje wrote for uni. guess who is just pissed and angry and wants to get the hell out of here. yeah, right, let's just kick my ass for being so stupid.
ps: the emails are all gone, too. how could they have survived.
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| Friday, February 22nd, 2002
3:19 pm
When I woke up this morning it was snowing and it must have snowed all night. And I had already thought of starting spring activities again. [note to self: must find out what activities I could start in spring] So I had to use the bus to get to all the libraries and uni, and of course, I had to wait half an hour for the fucking bus and then walked and took the underground. The U7 must be the shittiest subway line on earth, and I felt already pissed when I was just one hour out of the save apartment. Fitter, happier, more productive... I have almost finished the layout job for uni, and I read 1984 in one day, and I listened to Machina 2 which I got from Jan on Sunday, and the Soundgarden bootleg I got from Sara on Tuesday. Thank you. And I got my first credit card because I semi-lied and told the bank I was working in public service. Nobody wants to give out credit cards to students here. But I have one now and I feel so bourgeois and middle class. Upper working class I suppose. I'll go buy stuff at amazon.com like hell, or get a bootleg of the last Smashing Pumpkins show on Ebay for $100.
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| Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
1:24 pm
Sitting here in the computer room. I have agreed to watch Petr's student while they're typing their final coursework for this semester. I'm so bored and want to go home because I get headache from being at uni for more than 4 hours a day. And I was here yesterday from 8 to 8, coding dozens of magazine covers (no glam, just financial crap magazines) for my stupid research seminar. We had to present the results of our supersimple coverstory -> sold copies model this morning, and blah.
There's a brilliant Macbeth performance at the Schaub?hne this month, so if you're in Berlin (and speak German) go there. I still want to see Shopping And Fucking and 4.48 Psychosis. Avantgarde all over, Baby.
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| Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
12:27 pm
My brother is staying here with us until Thursday, and I don't think we'll go out with him because we have nothing in common except the last name. At least Antje and I have enough work to do this week and my brother doesn't want company, anyway. I'm at the uni now but not working. Although my to-do-list is so long. The sun is shining outside and the carpets in my office have this poisonous smell and I don't have the motivation to prepare my tutorial for tomorrow. I think I will just steal a powerpoint presentation somewhere and have them edit it. PS: Why do I always turn around when somebody whistles on the street, or in the shopping mall? None of my friends have ever whistled in public to get my attention. I could hardly be friends with someone who would do that. So what's the use of turning around. Silly me.
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| Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
3:27 pm