a simple twist of fate's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in a simple twist of fate's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, February 4th, 2005
    10:53 am
    ella at the coffee table

    another one )

    (5 stars | float in space)

    Sunday, December 26th, 2004
    9:38 pm

    (3 stars | float in space)

    Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
    12:18 pm
    I should not be permitted to control my own money.

    I also should not be in an advanced placement science class.

    That and I managed to pretty badly burn my own chin in the dumbest accident ever.

    (3 stars | float in space)

    Monday, November 8th, 2004
    3:17 pm
    This inspired me a lot today. May I once again state my resounding love for The Nation?

    There's some really awful transphobic shit going on at my supposedly so progressive, freethinking school. (It's the administration causing it, not the students) There's just so much idiocy going on there this year, but this specific incident has been kinda it for me.

    (10 stars | float in space)

    Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
    11:59 am
    I wrote something here a few minutes ago. I'm angry, very angry, but I'm filled with sorrow. What's happened to this country that I love? What's wrong with our country, when the one thing that seems to unite us and win overwhelmingly is hating gay people? What happened to hope, the "American dream" being real for more than the mythical norm?

    Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay. I haven't cried since last night, even. I can't. I'm just too confused.

    (1 star | float in space)

    Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004
    8:10 pm
    I cannot watch this news coverage. I will drive myself crazy if I do.

    I phone banked all day and almost passed out on campus because I forgot to eat. And then I cried seeing Students for Kerry posters be defaced with "W the President" stickers. And then I cried thinking about Bush winning again. And then I cried thinking about how happy I'll be if Kerry wins. I think my obsession is kind of unhealthy.

    (3 stars | float in space)

    Tuesday, August 31st, 2004
    12:42 am
    you need some cold advice about a few things
    Anything and everything that comes out of my digital camera leaves me totally unsatisfied and completely pissed off. I know I could do so much better, I used to do so much better before my film camera's shutter got stuck and something went fucked with the light meter on my digital, if it even has one of those. I think we all know I'm really just using it as an excuse for my creativity running on empty.

    I visited Oberlin unexpectedly a couple weekends ago and have decided it's my new nUmBer OnE DrEaM coLLeGe!!11!! Definitely. I almost feel guilty about it, the whole $29,000 a year tuition thing. I'm determined to find a way to make it work out, though.

    (7 stars | float in space)

    Thursday, August 26th, 2004
    12:46 am
    this is a long drive for someone with nothing to think about
    Late night VH1 is ridiculously comforting. Everyone goes back to school tommorrow or already has, I still have a month until the bulk of it starts and this alternately makes me incredibly happy, frightened, and pissed off. Saturday is my last day working at Starbucks, so I'll have my life back again, minus the weekly income.

    If I've completely neglected talking to you this summer, it doesn't mean I hate you. Or even anything close to that. I've just been taking 15 credit hours, working full time, and trying to maintain a relationship (which is way too easy, sometimes).

    (2 stars | float in space)

    Tuesday, August 17th, 2004
    3:59 pm
    closer all the time
    I feel like, just now, I'm getting to know him on this level that no one else does. It's taken nearly two years but mygod every minute is so worth it.

    This upcoming school year is going to tax me unbelievably. What it looks like:

    AT OSU:
    Women's Studies 110- Women, Culture, and Society (T-R 5:30-7:30 pm)
    International Studies 201- Introduction to Peace Studies (M-W 5:30-7:30 pm)
    Political Science 210- Introduction to Political Theory (T-R 1:30-3:18 pm)

    AP English Literature & Composition

    AT GRAHAM: (probably, based on my conversation with Greg)
    Algebra II
    Spanish II
    Comparative Religions

    and my internship on Tuesdays & Thursdays, either before or after Political Theory class.

    I <3 school. Remind me of that when I'm going crazy in a couple months.

    (11 stars | float in space)

    Tuesday, May 18th, 2004
    3:40 pm
    blue )

    (11 stars | float in space)

    Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
    3:40 pm
    pictures )

    (1 star | float in space)

    Saturday, May 1st, 2004
    10:59 pm
    such great heights
    I think we're at our most beautiful when we're at our most vulnerable. This morning I took him to his exams in his pajamas, and the little smile he cracked as he left my car. It was just one of those scenes.

    I got "Satellite of Love" (just the refrain) by the Velvet Underground playing in an endless loop in my head when I was trying to take the SAT II biology test today. It just sat there and buzzed. Then I drove to Inniswoods playing "Hey Jude" really loud on one of the first really beautiful (hot!) days of the year with the windows down and sunroof open. I took old lady flower pictures with the school's digital camera. Now I've drank three cups of coffee in an hour, waiting for 11:45 so I can see the boy when he's done with work.

    a few pictures from park of roses on thursday )

    (2 stars | float in space)

    Thursday, April 29th, 2004
    7:39 pm
    Today at Park of Roses I took the only pictures I've really liked in a long time. They're on the school's server still, though.

    I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and ask people to post a memory about me. I think this should be interesting.

    (8 stars | float in space)

    9:50 am

    (2 stars | float in space)

    9:30 am
    ap tests & sat II's= the death of me

    (2 stars | float in space)

    Friday, April 23rd, 2004
    5:52 am
    I have pink eye. In both eyes. Gross.

    (3 stars | float in space)

    Friday, April 16th, 2004
    7:05 pm
    My boyfriend is in New York. I am not. If only I was.

    (1 star | float in space)

    Friday, April 9th, 2004
    12:13 am
    I am a whore for raising money... for activism, that is.
    I'm going to be walking in the Central Ohio AIDS Walk and I need donations! I'm normally not totally shameless as to asking my LJ friendslist for donations, but whatever. Donations support really important organizations like the Columbus AIDS Task Force. And awesomely enough, you can donate online, so if anyone wants to & can afford to donate $5 or $10 (or less or more)to my cause, go here and be awesome forever!

    (6 stars | float in space)

    Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
    4:18 pm
    eating her fingers just like they're another meal
    I've been listening to a lot of Pavement in my car. It was really beautiful but now it's rainy and cold again. My stomach is so often I barely knows what it feels like to not want to vomit. Last night Mark, Eric and I sat in Barnes & Noble and talked about going to college. It's so weird we're doing this.

    It's funny, how we're so far apart but yr still this incredibly integral part of my life. It's just that when we first met, we skipped all that new friends bullshit and went straight for the things that really mattered, the things I hadn't told anyone else.

    My whole life can be placed into eras of boyfriends. I probably need to learn to live on my own.

    (11 stars | float in space)

    Wednesday, March 17th, 2004
    10:28 pm
    i won't tell a soul except the people in the nightclub where i sing
    I've had one of the nicest birthdays ever- Mark & I went out to dinner and faked mature and I got pad Thai noodles and fancy cheesecake, he wrote me a beautiful story and I'm once again reminded of a million reasons why I'm in love. My grandparents got me two dozen roses, nobody's ever got me that before, I have a beautiful family & an amazing partner and what else do I want, really? I'm going to bed happy.

    (9 stars | float in space)

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