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Hoochie Minh

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the domestication of man [24 Aug 2004|01:13pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Enon - Disposable Parts ]

Jeff's mom gave us a bunch of dishes, candles, rugs, all sorts of cleaning supplies, freshly baked cookies, macaroni and cheese, tons of soup, and a coffee machine.

We were both extremely excited about the cleaning supplies.

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[20 Aug 2004|02:03pm]
I will be having "Girl Drink Night" at my apartment tonight, if anyone would like to participate.
Basically, prepare for a sugar coma.
Oh, we also have tons of kool-aid. So this may turn into Girl Drink/Ghetto Mixed Drink night... a la kamchatka and blue raspberry.

Give me a call if you wish to join the festivities: 762-2454.
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THE CONTINUING SAGA... what am I, mail order?? [19 Aug 2004|02:11pm]
Hello. My name is Cuneyt. From Turkey. 22 years old. I randomly searched and found your profile. anyway, in short, to put it in a nutshell I want to be friend with you if you really care too. I have to go now. Take good care of yourself. Dont drink cold beverages when you are sweaty :) Byess
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Roger Hargreaves [17 Aug 2004|11:50pm]
[ music | Mum - Will the Summer Make Good for All of Our Sins? ]

Remember those children's books about glorified smiley faces with limbs and hats or something, and who had names like "Mr. Happy" and "Little Miss Giggles"?
I think today I would be "Little Miss Bloaty" or "Little Miss Crampypants".

Earlier I was feeling adventurous at Walgreens. And I have to say, nothing gets a person like a little Mexican liquor(ish). I think next time I will stick to my Good 'N Plenties.



Helen "Big, Black, & Beautiful" Bentley

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[16 Aug 2004|02:38am]

I just hung out with my friend/ex-boyfriend Dave...

This is the first time I've gone anywhere without Jeff in nearly a month. But that's just an observation, not a complaint... no, not at all. Dave and Jeff are actually pretty decent friends, too.

But Dave called me earlier today and told me that within the span of two days, both of his parents were diagnosed with cancer. I can't imagine what it would be like to receive such news. I just wanted so much to cheer him up, despite the inevitable awkward "hey-you're-dating-my-friend-now" moments. It was strangely comforting in a way to reminisce with him. I hope everything turns out okay. His parents are the kindest, most selfless people. I feel so bad. They certainly don't deserve this misfortune. And neither does Dave.

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NYC [08 Aug 2004|11:57am]
Jeff and I are leaving for New York tomorrow. Any recommendations for lesser-known places/things/etc we should check out?
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My Gabriosa [06 Aug 2004|05:44pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | The Magnetic Fields - 100,000 Fireflies ]

If I missed Mr. Poland at Curiosa, I will die instantly.

How sad would that be? I have not seen that boy for two years, and I miss him dearly. Were he and I within so much as a fifty foot radius of each other two nights ago, without knowing it...

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It's Jeff's birthday, and... [04 Aug 2004|04:29am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Jeff and Tristan almost got into a fight tonight...

Jeff, James, Glenn, and I went to Thursdays, where we ran into Tristan and Melissa. I decided to try to be courteous and say hello to Tristan. Tristan pulled me over to the side and said, "I don't believe you've been formally introduced to Melissa"... I was very nice... shook her hand and everything... of course Tristan was laughing to himself the entire time... knowing how much I can't stand her... after Melissa wandered off, I approached Tristan and grabbed his hand and said something along the lines of "Fuck you," basically for being so smug. He then poured beer all over my head. I guess because I squeezed his callous when I grabbed his hand.

Jason, the doorman, told Jeff if anything were to happen, Tristan would be kicked out and Jeff would be allowed to stay. Tristan actually had the audacity to apologize to Jeff, saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring you into the middle of this". And then he tried to throw the blame on me and turn Jeff against me.

I hate to say it but I think I'd really enjoy seeing blood run down Tristan's face. I just don't want Jeff to get in trouble, especially not on his birthday. But Jesus Christ...

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important!!! [03 Aug 2004|12:28am]
Has anyone ever played a game for SNES called Lester the Unlikely???
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myspace/friendster messages, the continuing saga [02 Aug 2004|01:45pm]
[ mood | amused ]


hello beautiful, chadgavinkurt@yahoo.com add
me if you like. i live near the beach


Intimate love for rice?!?!...I'm in love!

I eat chicken and rice 1-2 times EVERY single


Joshua/male/27/Cuyahoga Falls:

Wanna grab some sushi from Giant Eagle & then go
for a hike and talk about how I survived Japan


I don't understand the marketing strategies employed here...

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[29 Jul 2004|09:55pm]
[ music | Interpol - Obstacle 1 ]

We finally came upon a Super Nintendo for $15 in Canton that works. YES. Best find ever.

Earlier it dawned on me that I'm really not as jealous a person as I came to believe I might be after 2 years of dating someone so horribly arrogant/insecure. Most of Jeff's friends are femmes, and it really doesn't bother me... why? Because he doesn't talk about them like they're trophies, nor does he keep me separate from them. So there is never the impression that he has anything to hide from me, or that his friendships are exclusionary. In 15 days, we are more open and honest with each other than Tristan and I were in 2 years. I can't even begin to explain how much this simultaneously thrills me and pisses me off. Well I am just happy to have finally found someone I feel really compatible with. No more drawing comparisons. I just want to enjoy this.

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[27 Jul 2004|11:42pm]
Jeff and I went Super Nintendo shopping today. We even got a bunch of games and an extra controller and everything. We were both so excited, until we realized that something's wrong with the spot where the cords plug into the system. It was going to be the next best date ever (second only to picnicking on the roof of the Highland Theater), but our shit was broke.
I finally found the Kirby game that I've been wanting though. And now I can't play it. I'm so sad.
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[26 Jul 2004|02:34pm]
[ music | Jolie Holland - Sascha ]

As per Matt's recommendation, I bought this CD yesterday, by Jolie Holland called Escondida. It's the same CD we fell asleep listening to after I fell down a flight of stairs, got into a car wreck, and lost my beau of 2 years. I figured any CD would be worth purchasing if it could still be comforting after all of that. Jolie Holland has the kind of voice that makes me want to spin in circles and paint with my toes.

I found this awesome toy piano at Abbey Anne's the other day that sounds exactly like the toy piano on the Amelie soundtrack. It's kind of tinny, and a bit out of tune, but not to the point where it's impossible to listen to - just slightly unnerving. Unfortunately someone else had already paid for it. So now I'm on a mission to find something similar... so far all I can find are Schoenhuts (apparently the Steinways of toy pianos) which usually go for $60+ in vintage condition.

Also, if anyone knows anything about this sort of thing, please school me.

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[22 Jul 2004|11:59pm]
I just got a bunch of my stuff back from Tristan... and talking to him again just reaffirmed how much I can't stand that arrogant demeanor... yuck.
I just want to punch the fuck out of that smug smile.
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warning - really sappy shit ahead [21 Jul 2004|07:48pm]
Jeff really makes me happy...
I am so sick today... I woke up and my throat felt like it had almost completely closed. I called off work and they told me they were going to weed me out of the schedule if I did it again, so I started crying. I tried to explain to them that there was no way I could even stand up for more than 5 minutes at a time... my fever was so high, and I couldn't swallow... I was coughing up blood... even breathing felt like rubbing sandpaper on a wound.
I had to call my father, whom I haven't spoken to in over a year, and ask him to phone in a prescription for me. Which he did, thankfully. I found out some painful little tidbits like, he's been sending my stepmother's daughter from a previous marriage $200 every 2 weeks, although I've never seen a penny from him. It's always been like that... I've never been important to him. The conversation was a tough one to have, and I told Jeff this.

So Jeff came over with a big bouquet of flowers, a little stuffed monkey, a bunch of my favorite kind of mac n cheese, and some tylenol. Then he took me to pick up my prescription, even though he was supposed to be at band practice.

There is really nothing bad I can say about this boy. Last night I was ordering a drink at Thursdays, and this girl next to me turned and said, "Hey were you at Wet Seal yesterday?" So I said yes, I was. Her eyes lit up and she exclaimed, "I recognize you! You guys were looking at the necklaces. Well actually, to be honest, I recognize him." Jeff and I exchanged nervous glances, and I said to the girl, "That's because he's cute." And she said, "Yes, yes he is cute... walk him away girl, walk him away."
Jeff seemed more freaked out about the whole encounter than I was. He picked me a flower and we had a little discussion about what "we" wanted to be...

I haven't felt this free with my emotions in a long time. I don't have to hold anything back with Jeff... I feel like if I want to tell him just how much I enjoy spending time with him, I can, and it won't scare him away. I don't have to mask my excitement. And I'm really excited to see where this goes...
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... [20 Jul 2004|02:24pm]
[ mood | thrilled ]

I don't know if this will work if you aren't on myspace, but... I posted some new pictures here...

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I'M READING THIS BOOK... AND IT'S AWESOME!!! [19 Jul 2004|12:48pm]

My old neighbor/friend/ballet teacher Kelly from NYC just sent me this message...

Just got back from Prague where Boris is being shot in a wonderful
part (chauffeur/grandfather) in film based on "Everything is
Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Big star is Elijah Wood,
director in debut is well-known actor, Liev Schreiber. Cross your
fingers, okay?

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BEST DATE EVERRRR [18 Jul 2004|07:52pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Pat Benatar - Warrior ]

Shaking hands didn't ruin anything, I'm pleased to announce...

Jeff is AMAZING... more on that later...

But we're going to have the greatest time tomorrow... I asked my boss if we could have a picnic on the roof of the Highland Theater, and he said yes... even told me he would unlock it for me, and he let me test drive it for a while. I'm so excited.

And sometime later Jeff wants to take me on (I think the Midnight Express???) train. We can dress up in our pajamas and ride through the park.

This boy makes me giddy like no other.

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LONG STORY SHORT... [15 Jul 2004|05:58am]
[ mood | excited ]

It's five something in the morning...
I just got back from hanging out with a really cute boy, and I hope he calls, because I like him a lot.
Except, like a moron, I shook his hand goodnight.
So he might think that I'm not interested.
Let me mention that first he gave me a hug, and then I shook his hand.


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Here is a very important message from "Gwmenzdorf": [14 Jul 2004|12:43pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | A Flock of Seagulls - Telecommunication ]

Summer 2004 was too hot for the software manufacturers.
No wonder! As the prices were reduced in 3-4 times.
This was caused by the software glut on the world market.
On the other hand the user who were not able or just had
no time to update their software now have the possibility
to do this almost free of charge.

Read the whole article:
Year 2004. Sotware prices fall down.
© Peter Conner Waals Geraldine looseness secede drained
aural breaches hesitating devise provided
spray amalgamate summit place squared
emaciated Gibbons creditable befoul privileges

It's about time Peter Conner Waals Geraldine stopped being so loose! I was not aware that hesitating drained aural breaches had devised spray amalgamate for Summit. All of Summit county beware! And Gibbons should really consider changing his diet. No wonder his privileges have been befouled!


With the aid of my colleague Dr. William Gates Sr. who is well versed in the field of advanced encryption technology, I have determined that the above message is, in fact, another euphemism for "Kill Whitey". Go figure.

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