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i need to sleep. why won't you let me sleep?

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Wow! What a show! [Mar. 24th, 2005|02:22 am]
[mood | cheerful]
[music |The Pillows - Instant Music]

Yes, I actually got to go to The Pillows show *squeal*

Let's see Tomo & Kelly.. was up first, which was like this duo sort of thing.. both persons doing vocals, but only member (Tomo) doing guitar.. acoustic of course. I can't remember much about it, I'm afraid, but it was still pretty good, I do remember they did a Magnetic Fields cover which was rad.

Next up it was Noodles! Three piece Japanese girl rock band sort of thing. I didn't know any of their songs, but it was all good stuff! Totally would like to get ahold of one of their albums.. or at least find their website and get a few songs. The bassist and lead singer both had red hair. The drummer did not. The lead singer was.. well you know, my eyes certainly weren't complaining! Haha. But anyway, they were so cute with the Engrish. Saying things like, "This our first time in Sea-at-tar.. we like it berry berry much. It's very beautifur." or something like that.. and later on randomly in the show the bassist mentions that she likes salmon.. which I'm assuming means she tried some salmon while here in Seattle. The singer mentioned that she didn't like salmon, haha. This salmon thing may seem quite irrelevant, but it'll figure again in this "plot" later.

So now we have The Stereo Future.. while musically I don't think they were quite as rad as Noodles, their stage prescence more than made up for it. They were a fun bunch of guys.. kept making all sorts of funny jokes and keeping folks in good spirits, which wasn't hard you know. Props have got to go out to their keyboardist/guitarist 'cos he put the whole thing together. I wish I could have given him a hug.


The singer did a couple of amusing and great poses on one of the stage monitor thingies.. and than finally they start the show and to both my surprise and delight they kicked off with "I Think I Can" than after that the singer shouts, "DO YOU LIKE FOOLY COOLY?" to get responded with cheers and shouts of approval.. myself included in those.. and they play "Ride on Shooting Star" The order from here kinda gets mixed up.. but some of the songs they play I believe included "Blues Drive Monster", "Instant Music", "Sleepy Head", and others. Twice in the show the singer mentioned that he liked "crazy dance" and wanted to see everyone doing a crazy dance and stuff. I obligied the best I could, but it was pretty crowded. With a bit more space I could do better, but than again so could of everyone else. The singer at one point teasingly makes fun of the "I like salmon thing" and is like "I too like salmon. No. Wait! ... I AM SALMON!!" to cheers, laughter, etc. of approval. :D They closed the set off with "Last Dinosaur." Ah but than their was the encore! For which they did Crazy Sunshine and Advice (NOT the instrumental type dealie on one of the FLCL soundtracks.. this had lyrics/singing!)

Wow! What a show I wish I could think/remember more to share.. but I'm tired. I think shared all the best parts at least and I think that counts for something. Check out their music folks, though it's worth saying I thought they were pretty rad before hand, but the live radness of them really exceeds their album/studio deal. Just saying that if you can get into their music, you'd love their concerts even more so!

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OMG ET CETRA [Mar. 19th, 2005|02:52 am]
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na na nanana na [Feb. 26th, 2005|04:50 pm]
[mood | cheerful]
[music |Beck - E-Pro]

I think I'm starting to become a little I dunno.. "dependent" on licorice... (red vine) not like I really like the stuff it's more like I'm getting use to having it in such a pattern or whatever that if I went for a long period without it I would probably feel a bit "deprived". Haha.

This random ridiculous excuse to update my LJ has been brought to you by Teddy Grahams.

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i hate guys [Feb. 19th, 2005|07:52 pm]
[mood | aggravated]
[music |Elvis Costello - Less Than Zero]

heh, funny how their was a time i thought i was like bisexual or something. well maybe "hate" might be too strong of a word. i just find it guaranteed at some point or another.. if you know a male (well in real life at least, over the internet i've been "luckier", haha) he's guaranteed to fuck you over (NOT LIKE THAT!!) sooner or later. with females i've noticed that's not so guaranteed, though it does happen. They also have a tedency of not knowing when to stop when they're just "joking around" and turning a "joke" into something "hateful". Of course since I'm a male as well, I'm included in this. Bwah.

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but she never lost her head even when she was giving head [Feb. 15th, 2005|08:12 pm]
[mood | artistic]
[music |Lou Reed - Walk on the Wild Side]

It's queer how I keep changing in attitudes of "what's normal" and not. Folks might think I'm eccentric or something, but to be honest I don't think I'm eccentric enough. I'm too uptight in my opinion. Most of my so called eccentricness is done over the internet, which, when you think about it ANYONE can be pretty damned eccentric as they want to over the internet as they can hide behind the frames and wires. In real life I'm way too much on guard. I really wish I could let loose a little. I had this idea yesterday of like being like a living musical or something.. singing my way through the day.. if their were some items at the library for me to pick up I want to not say, "Hey you have some items on hold for me." but more like sing those lines. Sometimes I want to wear a bit of makeup.. nothing to do with metrosexuality. I'm not interested in makeup for the sake of attractiveness, well maybe I little, I dunno. I'll admit it, I'm more interested in the attention it would bring me if I wore certain makeup in a certain way.

But yeah eccentricness.. I put too much thought into people and what they'll say or think of me if I do some of the littlest of things. I don't like being made fun of, it's something that happens to everyone, but I can't help but being sensitive. I realize I pronounce "ketchup" wrong. Don't fucking patronize me over it.

I think lately I've been getting more moody which isn't abnormal for me, but for a change I'm making less of an effort to hide the moodiness.. I don't want to become a complete asshole, but on the other hand I'm kinda glad some of my overly "nice guy" routine is kinda being shedded. It was kinda creepy if you ask me.

I want to try opium sometime. I constantly feel so fucking depressed before I'm about to get to sleep. I'd like to go to sleep in a peaceful state of mind.

Mint is good.

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snorlax raped my face! [Feb. 2nd, 2005|09:21 pm]
[mood | bored]
[music |Beck - Black Tambourine]


just saying pichu totally owns pikachu. THAT IS ALL!

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Myspace-ness [Jan. 28th, 2005|05:40 pm]
[mood | giggly]
[music |Weezer - Getchoo]

the actual one

the BIZARRO one

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I want to "The Magic Dragon" [Jan. 7th, 2005|04:46 pm]
Had an eggroll and two potstickers.

I've never had potstickers before.. believe it or not. Oh my gosh! They are so good! And only 30 cents at the place.. I think I have a new addiction. Hehe.

Thank you to all of you who gave recommendations in my last thread.. I'm familiar with Xiu, Dismemberment, Skillet, Toby, and Blood Brothers. I'll have to check out those other bands. Thanks again!
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For those of you about to rock.. WE SALUTE YOU!! [Jan. 5th, 2005|07:29 am]
[mood | lazy]
[music |mewithoutYou - The Soviet]

Hey, can anyone recommend me any good "heavy/hard" and also experimental bands? I love stuff along the lines of The Dillinger Escape Plan. Thank you! ^_^

oh stuff along the lines of AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, etc. is rad as well.

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I'd love to kiss your sweet boyish lips, girl [Jan. 1st, 2005|04:29 am]
[music |Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945]

I can't wait for the Chinese New Year to arrive than it'll be the year of the cock! Of course, every day is like the "year of the cock" for me!

...'cos i really love roosters.. aggressive, but adorable buggers.

hmm.. resolutions? i guess i would like to make another close friend in real life. resolutions just seem kinda like i'm planning out my failures or something. haha, how fucking dramatic. I've rediscovered the joys of Neutral Milk Hotel.. which isn't to say I forgot about them.. it's just that it's been awhile since I've listen to 'em.

Damn.. I need to learn to be more "festive" or something.. I pretty much treat Christmas, New Year's, and all that like any other day.. I mean I guess I'll do like a little extra something, but, you know, the keyword is "little".. and hell I occisionally do "little extra somethings" on non-holidays.

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Breakfast [Dec. 11th, 2004|08:01 am]
[mood | curious]
[music |Thursday - Wind Up]

Uhm... how bad is it to start you day off with the following?

Bowl of cereal with banana cut in

2 cups of tea
1 cup of coffee
1 glass of orange juice

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thanx 2 Jordan (my friend's cousin) [Nov. 30th, 2004|11:55 pm]
[mood | chipper]
[music |Faith No More - From Out Of Nowhere *live*]

A black man walks into a room full of a bunch of black men.

He says, "Woah. Who turned off the lights?"

What do you call two Asian men in a hot tub?

Cup o' noodles!

What do you call a busload of white people?

A loaf of bread!


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random thing that pisses jeremy off.. [Nov. 30th, 2004|12:08 pm]
[mood | blah]
[music |The Velvet Underground - What Goes On (Live)]

i remember on this one special on VH1 they had some celebrity talking about how it's "SUCH A CHALLENGE TO LISTEN TO REVOLUTION #9 ALL THE WAY THROUGH" ... what the fuck, dude? no it isn't. And I actually believed the guy and I was SO PROUD OF MYSELF when I listened to it all the way through.. and you know what? Ever since than I must have listened all the way through at least 20 or 30 times and I've also learned their are PLENTY BIZARRE MUSIC/SOUND RELATED THINGS SOME A LOT MORE BIZARRE THAN REVOLUTION #9! aUGH!!

You want a music listening challenge, Mr. Hollywood? Listen to "Sister Ray" all the way through without pausing/stopping it or even better (worse?) listen to the entire "Metal Machine Music" album all the way through.

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I'm having an orgasm! [Nov. 25th, 2004|04:47 pm]
[mood | anxious]
[music |Pavement - Flux = Rad (CR, CR Deluxe Version)]

Oh wait.. that's just snot. I sneezed. Okay, move along with your business folks. Nothing here to see.

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I had an emo(tional) moment today [Nov. 20th, 2004|11:14 pm]
[mood | content]
[music |The Beach Boys - I Know There's An Answer (Mono)]

I got "The Pet Sounds Sessions" boxset at the library. It's incredible, beautiful.

So yeah that relates to this emotional moment.

Listening through the boxset.. started with the bonus mono remaster cd (incredible!!).. than the 1st cd of the sessions... than the 2nd one. So it got to the backing track (i.e. instrumental version) for "God Only Knows" and I.. dunno... it just started hitting me.. I tried singing the song and got a little chokey around the "If you shoud ever leave me, than life would still go on, believe me.." part. Than yeah I make it to the 3rd cd.. and the vocals only "God Only Knows" and I just start fucking sobbing into my pillow. And I mean I listen to (and enjoy) Bright Eyes and have never really cried over the stuff. Is this sharing too much? Sorry.

But yeah I think it probably was before, but I wasn't really ready to say/admit it was.. just in case, but listening to the stuff on the boxset and reading the materials "Pet Sounds" IS the best album ever. No one will probably ever make an album that good again.. no one's that ambitious and if they are they run out of "fuel" or whatever.

Saynora until next time. ^_^

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Bubble Tea Adventure #2 and Library Praising [Nov. 17th, 2004|07:01 pm]
[mood | content]
[music |Pavement - Raft]

Tried some Bubble Tea for a second time recently. This time it was plain milk tea with coconut jelly. Pretty spiffy stuff! Kinda looked like a malt drink of sorts.. haha.

But now to get the part about the library. HOLY CRAP, I LOVE THIS LIBRARY!! It's so nice to be able to just go online to "hold/reserve" certain things.. and man, the selection they have is incredible. From checking my hold list just now here's what's ready for me to pick up the next time i go there:

Cowboy Bebop Vol. 2 (Manga)
Good Timin' Live at Knebworth, England 1980 (Beach Boys concert DVD!)
Neon Genesis Evangelion Vol. 6 (Manga)

Plus stuff in transit right now (Meaning it'll be ready to pick up any day):

Cowboy Bebop Vol. 1 (Manga)
Cowboy Bebop Vol. 3 (Manga)
Endless Harmony: The Beach Boys Story (VHS)
The Pet Sounds Sessions (CD Boxset)

And yes, yes I absolutely pretty much freaked when I found out they had the Pet Sounds Sessions boxset... oh man! God bless the library! :D

Oh and unrelated note to all of the above the version of "Flux = Rad" on Pavement's "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain: L.A.'s Desert Origins" blows me away. I like how much rawer it seems and stuff compared to the other version.

Heh nearly forgot to mention that I'm going to try and get my friend to watch Dark City with me tonight.. than tomorrow I'll be returning that and Roman Holiday to the library and picking up those three items (and any more that might hopefully come in by tomorrow! *crosses fingers for PS boxset*) .. and while I'm at it it's worth mentioning every item you borrow you get to keep for about 3 weeks.. and if needed you can renew online. Oh technology! *makes love to you*

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one more time. [Oct. 29th, 2004|07:49 pm]
[music |Beck - Whiskeyclone Hotel City, 1997]

Went to the Asian District. Tried Bubble Tea for the first time. It's quite spiffy! I had coconut with tapioca beads. Next time I think I'll have strawberry with coconut jelly.

Naturally being inthe Asian District we went into an Asian Bookstore across the street.. and looked at the manga (more like just looked at the covers, didn't really bother browsing at the pages or whatever), import cds, and stuff.

Went to the BIIIIIIIIIIIIG Seattle Public Library.. checked out three graphic novel type thingamajigs "Fun With Milk and Cheese" by Evan Dorkin, "BONE Volume One: Out From Boneville" by Jeff Smith, and "Usagi Yojimbo - The Shrouded Moon" by Stan Sakai. Also, I put a hold on "Good Omens" .. I can't wait to read that book sometime! :D

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Sea at El [Oct. 25th, 2004|02:29 am]
Yep we're here!

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know what else to say. CIAO.
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one more before seattle [Oct. 23rd, 2004|09:17 am]
[mood | peaceful]
[music |DarkMateria - The Picard Song]

well today's the day.. Dex and I will be taking the Greyhound Bus up to Seattle.. the bus leaves at around 5 pm.. granted wth all the stuff we have to do (shopping and what not) I think now is probably the best time to update with this sort of thing. I'll be sure to update (if possible) as soon as we get there on Monday.. though I may just sleep first, haha. ;)

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*bicycle horn* [Oct. 20th, 2004|10:02 am]
[mood | bored]
[music |Beach Boys - You Still Believe Me]

well as of starting yesterday, i'm now 21. glad that's over with.

stupid rain.

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