Wednesday, February 14th, 2001
9:35 pm
john is a butthead
current mood: awake current music: Creeper Lagoon - Drop Your Head
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6:31 pm
correction to that last entry...i think i had some balance due for about $300 left
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5:59 pm
sometimes i wish i had the nerve to beat the fuck out of somebody. today i got a letter about owing the jewelry store $576 for a purchase i didn't make. and i know exactly who did it too. my fucking stupid ass fucking ex went in and made a fucking purchace that was way more than i was allowing her to do. i did authorize her for $75. i wrote a letter and all that fun stuff, and this new girl working there put her down as part of the account. dumb ass. so now, i'm stuck w/ a $575 bill instead of a $100 and something bill that i thought i had. not even counting the fucking money she has stole from me, stole from my niece (which is barely over a year old), the linens she stole from mom, dad's jambox, and you get the picture. if i ever become a serial killer, she's my first i have a new found hatred for this girl.
i just had to find out about this on valentine's day when my true love is 6 hours valentine's ever
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Tuesday, February 13th, 2001
6:27 pm - blandness
today was pretty bland...john is supposed to be coming down today...that would be freakin awesome. he's bringin me some stuff...woo hoo! like thinking fellars live album...and its vynil...woo hoo
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Monday, February 12th, 2001
11:08 pm - good day
found out today that i am getting the promotion...just gonna be a matter of time. cool dat
finished the first project for rubber chicken records. electric tooth syndrome's debut album, In Praise of Folly, is finished. if you want a copy, email me at . albums are $6 plus shipping and handling...(aprox. $2)
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Saturday, February 10th, 2001
7:25 pm - slave labor
community service sucks. i had to get up at 4am. drive 2 and a half hours. and pay to work. the work was mediocre, nothing hard, but it sucked. i was tired. anyway, now i missed my love and she won't be on till tomorrow. i guess i'll go drown my sorrow in beer.
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Friday, February 9th, 2001
10:19 pm - winamp rocks
it's been so long since i've played with winamp's's a blast. i can spend hours messing with it. just dreaming i had some acid to go with it.
current mood: cheerful current music: MC 900 Ft Jesus - Tiptoe Through the Inferno
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6:46 pm - finally!!
I finally talked to andy today. he had waited 2 days to tell me i didn't get the job. urgh. however, i'm still getting trained on the job cause there's gonna be another opening...huh? why would he train me on it and not give me the job. doesn't make since. oh well. at least i finally know, ya know
current mood: blank
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Thursday, February 8th, 2001
10:18 pm - just cause nicole did it...8)
skweetis Here is an overview of your results
Your interest color is: BLUE People with blue Interests like job responsibilities and occupations that involve creative, humanistic, thoughtful, and quiet types of activities. Blue Interests include abstracting, theorizing, designing, writing, reflecting, and originating, which often lead to work in editing, teaching, composing, inventing, mediating, clergy, and writing. Your usual style is: YELLOW People with yellow styles perform their job responsibilities in a manner that is orderly and planned to meet a known schedule. They prefer to work where things get done with a minimum of interpretation and unexpected change. People with a yellow style tend to be orderly, cautious, structured, loyal, systematic, solitary, methodical, and organized, and usually thrive in a research-oriented, predictable, established, controlled, measurable, orderly environment. You will want to choose a work environment or career path in which your style is welcomed and produces results.
Animator Child Care Worker Comedian Cosmetologist Editor Fashion Designer Interior Designer Inventor Journalist Librarian Nurse Office Manager Paralegal Philosopher Photographer Product Designer Secretary Teacher City Planner Writer Chiropractor Corporate Lawyer Public Relations Trial Lawyer Hospice Nurse Landscape Architect Optometrist Physician Assistant Training Specialist Website Designer
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8:39 pm - no clue
i sat and waited all day to talk to my boss today...he was too damn busy. i guess i gotta sit and wait and be extremely nervous about this. what the hell is he going to tell me. is he going to interview me. urgh. i'm just building myself for a disappointment...i already know it.
current mood: anxious
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Wednesday, February 7th, 2001
11:26 pm - sleep
no matter how much i get no matter how much i try i can never ever get enough i can lay for hours tossing and turning just thinking of you and the irony of it all is that once you get here i'll still toss and turn but i'll be tossing and turning with you
current mood: lonely current music: Electric Tooth Syndrome
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6:44 pm
brad gave me a copy to 2 of his albums today. i'm listening to one right now...its pretty awesome. he's really good at mixing. this is definitly material i would like to put on rubber maybe i should make a contract w/ him...lmao seriously though, i think i'm getting my hopes up too much for this promotion i applied for. the acccount manager told today when i was leaving he needed to talk to me tomorrow. and earlier, when out on the smoke dock, he was talking to ron, the guy that pays all of us (aka, att dsl implemintation manager....6 figure guy), and he had mentioned to him that i had applied for the DNS job. why would he mention that? why does he need to talk to me? why am i getting my hopes up for another denial? damn i ove ranylize everything
current mood: anxious current music: Electric Tooth Syndrome
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12:32 am - email
woo hoo...i cleaned my email out. i had like 30 new messages that i had no intention of opening...i hate junk mail. it really bites, and i thought i had the bulk mail filter option turned on. what a crock of shit.
current mood: annoyed current music: Creeper Lagoon 03 Drop
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12:17 am - subject
i decided i hate subject lines. they always always always stump me. you know, you gotta be clever with them. for a long time, i was able to pump them out like water. but now its like its a chore to find something original. what a fucking trivial thing to be clever and creative about. i'm wasting all this energy on subject titles and naming shit, but it takes me a fuckin week to write some the hell out of me
current mood: awake current music: Silver Jews - Honk If You're Lonely
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Tuesday, February 6th, 2001
6:51 pm - rubber chicken records
rubber chicken records may become a real thing. while talking to brad today, he told me he has like 3 albums. i know i have enough for an ep. richard, another friend, has an album...its really wesley willis-ween rap kinda stuff. and john has at least 2 maybe 3 or even 4 albums worth of stuff. that's 4 artists, plus i want to get some other local people on this label. it has always been a dream of mine, and i have talked a lot of shit about it. if i can get like $2000, i can afford to buy a good burner that kicks cd's out like peanut butter.
yup one day rubber chicken records will rule the world. delivering lo-fi indy crap to the disc jockey near you....eek hope not
current mood: optimistic
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6:13 pm - funky wanky's cranky turkey
another wonderful and exciting day at work. that's about it. i talked to brad today. he and i used to be really close, then we fell apart because of a girl. damn i'm dumb. anyway, he's working where i work now. it was good to be able to sit around and talk to 'em. i think that was probably the most exciting thing today. pretty sad.
current mood: hungry
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7:39 am - mornin'
its morning. i'm barely awake after my morning shower. i swear, i hope after this damn training class, i'll be put on a later shift. like 10:30-7...that would be nice. i wouldn't have to get up till 9:30....but then i wouldn't go to bed till 3 and i would still bitch and moan about getting up. ack. time to hit the world of att dsl...
current mood: cranky current music: electronic whines of the pc
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1:03 am - time for bed
time to hit the sack. its late, i gotta be at work in like 7 hours. which means (idealy) 6 hours of sleep. i'll probably get about 3 again. i hate day shift
current mood: tired
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12:34 am - i rock!
yup, its official. i kick much ass! ha!
current mood: amused current music: still occasional guitar
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12:05 am - pic
woo hoo!! i figured this wretched thing out. gotta pic, got the colors i want, and got a friend...8)
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