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Nov. 1st, 2004 @ 10:25 pm
Halloween pics!!!
Read more... )
Current Mood: hyper
Current Music: "Menocide" by Otep

Nov. 1st, 2004 @ 12:04 am
wow, this is my... bazillionth time checking lj today.

i need some help.

Oct. 30th, 2004 @ 10:34 pm
hello everyone.

im cate, im 17 andddd....

because i am a lj whore (and it wont stop) .. i was looking for a community to join and this one caught my eye.

this is because i cant stop looking at the lj's and updating and its insane.
i tried to stop or slow down but then i find something that absolutly MUST go in the lj!

i guess it never ends?


Oct. 25th, 2004 @ 04:00 pm
im goldie and im a lj whore.
im constantly checking on it all the time.

anyone Wanna be my friend? :]

I am a LJ Whore.Oct. 21st, 2004 @ 05:22 pm

My name is Chelsea.

And I am a LJ whore.

I tried quitting for a while...but I fell off the wagon.

So here I am... trying to appease my constant need for LJ attention.

Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: "sweet transvestite" - RHPS
Other entries
» (No Subject)
i made another LJ community.
lets go all whorish on it and get it going :) haha

here's what it's about:

boner = stupid-ridiculous-assinine-dumb-funny-retarded-whatever

this is a community where you get to write all about the most assinine, stupid, ridiculous, or funny thing that happened each day. it could have been something u did, said, or saw... or something u heard. or something in the news. or whatever. could be something dumbbbbb that is going on in politics... something your school is doing. whatever. have fun!

here are some prime examples of boners:

"A 7 year old boy in Louisiana, got in big trouble for telling a classmate that his mom was gay. The assistant principal called the mother and said that the boy said a word that couldn't be spoken on the phone"

"A frenchman cleared his bank account and set it on fire before he swallowed a bunch of pills. He survived and now has to start all over again with no money."
» (No Subject)
hey ppl im new to the community and yes i am a lj whore...its sad really and the absoluite worst part is i go on meme binges so my friends have all these random entrys of milions of memes on there friends page..friend cool
» (No Subject)
Hello! Joined yesterday and just now figured out how to post..only have had a LJ for a few weeks and all ready I am an LJ whore.

I live in Texas with my hubby and two kids.
» (No Subject)
Want to make new friends and be apart of a community with people that you can relate to in so many ways??

Join [info]goodlookin123 a rating community of not only looks but by personallity points

» (No Subject)

Hey I'm new here. my name's Madison and I am an LJ whore. :)
I live in Ohio and I love meeting new people.

friend me?

also I have my own community that is very new and needs members. if you join now you don't have to fill out the application!!
we love LJ whores there :)

[info]__hardcorexlove  PLEASE JOIN!!

<33 Madison

» (No Subject)
Hey, I'm Ariel, 14, DC area. I am an LJ whore, whenever I'm on the internet I'm pretty much only ever on And I get pissed off when no one comments or posts or anything within a few hours. I guess I have to realize that other people actually have lives...
» (No Subject)
if you're bored, try this:
» (No Subject)
Hello there! I just joined and I post way too much in my damn lj. I currently reside in Mpls,MN.

Anyhoo, I am Hilary - drop a line as I love to chit chat whomever is around :)
» Hi. New. Blah. Whutev.
You Know You're An LJ Addict When...

If you can't access the site, you have a minor freak out - and a major case of hitting reload.

You found yourself composing journal entries during dates, movies, even sex!

When you're out, you suddenly think of a witty reply to a comment somebody made to you... several days ago.

You actually call it LJ and not Livejournal. Check.

You've downloaded some sort of LJ program which has only the purpose of making entries easier to write without going on the site manually.

You consider it a great offense if someone deletes you off their friend's list.

The first thing you do every day when you go online is check your friends journals - even before checking your email.

You actually paid money for a few extra pictures with a full account when you could actually just alternate pics when you want to for your screen icons.

When your friends ask what's new, you get mad at them because you already wrote it in your LJ and they didn't check it yet.

You have put more time into LJ than all your assignments for the semester.

You have more friends on LJ than in real life.

You've met at laest 50% of your LJ friends.

You can't seem to call your friends by their real names - only LJ names will do.

You've fallen in love with someone you met on LJ.

You have posted about a party or get together on your LJ... and random strangers showed up.

You are guilty of traveling more than an hour to meet someone with LiveJournal. (Extra points for traveling five hours or more)

You've written a protected entry about one of your LiveJournal friends. (Extra points if they eventually found out about it)

You have written posts to notify people you're going to sleep.

You talk about your LJ friends to your real life friends all the time... like they're a part of your group.

You've created a LJ community, and people actually post in it.

You've been recognized in real live by a fellow LJ'er.

You have friended someone because of their LiveJournal icon.

You have "pity friends" on your list, who you would defriend if you could.

You've pimped one of your friends on journal, trying to get people to friend him / her.

Instead of doing research, you post difficult questions on your LiveJournal.

Your pets all have their own LiveJournals.

You know, right now, how many people have friended you (without peeking).

You've stopped being friends with someone in real life because of something they've said on LJ.

You're guilty of posting sexy or nude pictures to get more people to friend you.

You have consoled yourself after a horrible day thinking "At least this will make a great LJ post"

You're jealous of people who have more friends and / or comments than you.

You have written a really great, solid post - only to be disappointed by the lack of good comments.

You're guilty of commenting excessively to get more traffic to your journal.

You've deleted a post a few minutes (or hours) after you've written it, because it seemed lame in retro spect.

You give shout outs to all your LJ friends on their birthdays.

You have an additional, secret journal that hardly anyone knows about.

You've broken up with someone - or ended a friendship - soley via LiveJournal.

You have gotten mean anonymous comments (bonus points for figuring out who it was via their IP)

You've been reported (or reported someone) to LJ Abuse.

You've been featured on LJ Drama.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are LJ addicts.

LJ is love an addiction.

» (No Subject)

incredible! if you like the deftones, tool or the smashing pumpkins, check out this band



listen to the lyrics, their something else.


tell em what you think at


» (No Subject)
I'm bored to hell. And Myspace is starting to get bigger than LJ for most people.
We're losing the LJ goodness to "commenting!"


btw IM me I'm bored. :(

gnomef0cker = aim
» its been a long time
first off...
Date created: 2003-05-22 13:54:21
Date updated: 2004-09-20 13:02:44, 1 hour ago
Journal entries: 1,363
Comments: Posted: 3,475 - Received: 3,516

ok anyways i lost my internet for about 2 months. totally sucked. but ive been back since thursday. since ive been back online ive made about 19 posts in my OWN LJ. that doesnt even count my communites. i missed LJ. im glad im back!!!

pics )
» (No Subject)
virus being emailed to lj users

Dear LiveJournal user,
We have recently noticed that you haven't updated your LiveJournal in
awhile. If you would like to keep your LiveJournal account, you must sign in
within the next 24 hours.
You may sign in at: {link removed}
Failure to sign in within the next 24 hours will result in account termination.

Please, post this in your personal journal and in your communities, even if it's off-topic for the community. This is very important.
» (No Subject)
Live Journal Whore? APSOLUTLY! i check this thing alllllllll the time! and i write in it like up to 7 times a day. this Journal is like my passion!
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