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[17 Nov 2003|11:03pm]

Hey! I guess there hasn't been much going on here... since I'm like two posts down... sniperv... I have a new journal now though! Yipee!
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LJ COMMUNITY INVITE-- Seeking His Face [17 Oct 2003|11:05pm]


I have created this community primarily for those who wish to seek God with all their heart, mind, and soul together in one accord. The exact aim of this community varies with the vast array of unique children of God that will be brought here. Prayer requests shared. Godly insight passed. A poem of exhortation lifted up-- devoid of pride and selfishness.

We come here to jointly commit to giving God our all and decide to strive to do so together by whatever means He calls us to.

Thinking outside the box of the temporal led by the direction of He who knows the eternal.
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::newbie:: [09 Sep 2003|03:28pm]

[ mood | working ]

*waves* hi, i'm new obviously and thought this community looked pretty interesting.

i'd like -2- ask though what does it mean to "cry or laugh or even rest in the spirit" specifically. like if anyone can give me specific examples to distinguish crying in the spirit from simply being overly emotional i'd appreacite it thank you.

and finally, i'm just curious if anyone else has ever seen a vision of jesus or the virgin mary? i.e. they've appeared on your tree or something.

God bless


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LIGHTBULB [30 Jul 2003|05:50pm]

I signed up for RCIA today and while I was talking to the coordinator after answering these questions on a sheet, she said to me, "Ok, there will be some people who say they're Catholic, but they don't act Catholic. We're not going to make their problems, our problems." She said it very slowly and I understood what she was saying because I've had someone try to "fix" me before, and I didn't appreciate it, because I was Christian already and fine with my faith. And she said, "You know what I'm saying?" and I was like, "Yeah, I got it," and kind of laughed while I said it. But I thought, "Why's she saying this to me? I don't need to hear it. But when I got back in the car with my mom it occured to me that she would've gotten that impression from the answers I gave. Then I thought, "You know what? I did need to hear it."
because.... )

if you're protestant, tell me if this is offends you, I'm not sure if I worded some things poorly, or just said something hurtful
x-posted to some other places, sorry if you see this a billion times!
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ooo? [22 Jul 2003|10:26pm]

So a Charismatic is someone who has one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit or has experienced one? Or doesn't everyone get a gift from the Holy Spirit when they're baptized? I think I read that in one of my books.
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[20 Jul 2003|06:02pm]

How do all of you feel about groups praying in a restaurant? I remember one time I was at a Fuddruckers (whew spelled it right, that could've been disastrous, hehe) and I'm assuming this was a youth group because a bunch of people my age were standing around the table, holding hands, bowing their heads and we could hear them praying. I think it's great to bless your food and give God thanks for it, but I see this as a little too demonstrous, even if it is genuine. It makes me think of the Pharisees. What do you all think?

x-posted in Catholicism, Caths_and_Prots, Charismatics and CollegeCatholic
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hi there! [17 Jul 2003|06:45pm]

[ mood | excited ]

hey what's up? i'm bridget, and i'm so happy this community was formed. i attend a Charismatic group called Lion of Judah in Blackwood, NJ as regularly as I can (if i'm not scheduled to work)... you may recognize the name if any of you have been to a Steubenville conference (they all wear blue!) or to the Camden Diocese Charismatic Conference in Wildwood. (or a FOP) :)

anyway, i just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself, and let you all know that my prayers are with you!


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[13 Jul 2003|12:05pm]

Hi, I just joined. *waves*

What is a Charismatic Catholic?
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[18 May 2003|01:05am]

[ mood | happy ]

Hey everyone......

I'm not sure how many are in this community, but I'll say this- I don't think I'm a great moderator.... I'm trying to get more people, but I don't really know what all you want to do with this community. Honestly, I started it on the chance I'm not completly crazy..... I'm the only one in my church that has ever cried because of the Holy Spirit, and/or rested in the Spirit. Or, at least, no one in the youth group. I thought I was crazy, until this June when at Steubenville South (a Catholic faith conference) other people around me did the same things. Until one of my friends saw a vision of Jesus while in prayer, and that spured me to create this community.

So, I guess that I want your suggestions on what to do.


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all right [15 May 2003|02:06am]

i am signing on board here cause i joined the other catholic group on LJ and it seems kinda self-righteous. you know, catholics who have the fullness of the faith and like to tell everyone what to do in the form of "loving advice." Let's make this group happen. Word dawg. Ok, don't hesitate now. the more we post,, the more people will come along.
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[08 Mar 2003|10:14pm]

[ mood | ecstatic ]

Hello, everyone! I am the moderator of this community, and I created it today after a friend of mine had her first experience in a charismaitc way today at my diocese's 30 hour Famine. I have had my own experiences as well, which I may talk about later... I just wanted to jot a quick note before I ran out the door to go somewhere. Buh-bye!

~the Moderator

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