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update on babies [Nov. 13th, 2004|10:53 am]
there's some updates and newish photos here http://groups.msn.com/RyanJames/
and I've just updated their wish list for xmas http://groups.msn.com/RyanJames/xmaswishlist2003.msnw

it's a horrible cold windy day here today, was raining earlier, so not sure what we'll do. can't believe the day is half over as we've done nothing but shower and have breakie so far *lol*

can you beleive the LJ spell checked doesn't recognise lol??? who programmed the thing??! ;o)
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KAJA [Nov. 9th, 2004|08:30 pm]
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meme, from caity [Nov. 8th, 2004|09:00 am]
Meme guidelines and reasoning:
1. Stop talking about politics for a moment or two.
2. Post a reasonably-sized picture in your LJ, NOT under a cut tag, of something pleasant, such as an adorable kitten, or a fluffy white cloud, or a bottle of booze. Something that has NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS.
3. Include these instructions, and share the love.
So here's my gorgeous smiley girl:
Emelia's first smiles
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oh dear [Nov. 4th, 2004|07:43 am]
what bad news to wake up to... not only john howard but now george bush too.

interesting spread across the usa of which states voted for kerry though.....
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oh dear [Nov. 3rd, 2004|09:08 am]
i have a very bad feeling that not only are we going to have to suffer with john howard again but that george bush will be back in power too. i pity the world.
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kaja! [Oct. 31st, 2004|07:53 pm]
have you ever heard of / tried using bicarb soda as a shampoo and vinegar as a conditioner?
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[Oct. 27th, 2004|04:18 pm]

because my hair's so dry since having emelia (i only have to wash ever 3-4 or so days now!) i figure i'd like to try some nice new and more expensive shampoo LOL
or http://www.lush.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=9482

oh yum.
i must try to save some money!
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my wish list *drool* [Oct. 27th, 2004|04:10 pm]
i wish i had smellovisiion!

http://www.lush.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=9616&PHPSESSID;=8b6c1fd3df982001a5d8221a62c09e6e (check the name!)
http://www.lush.com.au/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=2280 I ADORE this stuff!
OMG, they don't sell my favourite banana moon soap on the website~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(in between feeding sultanas like a little bird i will keep surfing....)
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thx kaja [Oct. 27th, 2004|08:01 am]
You are .swf You are flashy, but lack substance.  You like playing, but often you are annoying. Grow up.
Which File Extension are You?
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to do this week [Oct. 26th, 2004|09:39 am]
not likely to get much done this week as we all have colds, and ryan is home all week....

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Happy birthday Ruth!! [Oct. 10th, 2004|11:30 am]
for tomorrow!
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no to do list today - yay! [Oct. 9th, 2004|06:51 am]
[mood | hopeful]

though i do have a few things to do such as vote...
but emelia and i are going scrapping today! well i am going to scrap if i can convince her to sleep in the pram while i do so. given she's not very settled while out and about i could be pushing my luck.... but we'll see.

i do need to hang washing despite the lack of a to do list so i'd better go!

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friday's list [Oct. 8th, 2004|12:54 pm]
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thursday's to do list [Oct. 7th, 2004|09:10 am]
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today's to do list [Oct. 6th, 2004|03:34 pm]
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aaagh - this election! [Oct. 5th, 2004|01:29 pm]
[mood | distressed]

they just played the john howard ad where he says immediately after being re elected he will buy a whole heap of new defence destroyers and do a heap of defence type things and he doesn't care if this makes him unpopular etc etc
if it's that' bloody important and you don't care what people think then why don't you DO IT NOW??! ugh he makes me sick. like he really cares if he's only going to do it if he gets back in power. (and does it make me feel safer? umm NO)

for the first time ever this election i'm not voting for my little party - i want my vote to make a difference to get john howard out of power. but sadly i think that he will scrape in yet again.

i'm actulaly finding this election very stressful because i am so passionate about getting rid of him.

unlike the ACT election which is on the weekend after! in fact i admitted to geoff last night that not only do i not know who i can vote for, or who's in which party but that i don't even know which party is in power in the ACT right now *lol*

in case you didn't know i HATE politics and usually avoid it with a passion...

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to do today (which is half over already!) [Oct. 5th, 2004|12:40 pm]
wash towels, kitchen towels, and sheets
put away our clothes
put dinner in slow cooker
research torticollis
take babes to clinic - ryan's already awake!! ack! means i can do this one but won't get much else done today, AND he will be a nightmare by tonight...
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new photos of my babes! [Sep. 29th, 2004|08:57 pm]
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well [Sep. 29th, 2004|01:30 pm]
the best laid plans

emelia didn't sleep more than about 15 minutes in a row all morning so id idn't get to shower til midday. i entertained my friend in my pyjamas! thank goodness i have decent pyjamas *lol*

i was going to hang out the washing but the basket's too heavy and i hurt myself around my scar trying to carry it so it will have to wait...
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to do [Sep. 29th, 2004|09:16 am]
got a friend coming over today so need to do a few things...

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