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Below is information about the "Advertise WITHOUT joining!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:community_ads (2706323)  
Community Advertising
Name:Advertise WITHOUT joining!
Location:United States


Community Ads
Advertise your communities without joining!
You MUST read the rules and follow them even if you do not join.

What are the rules for Community Ads?

Please do not post more than 2 large images. PLEASE put them behind a cut or don't post them at all!
Please don't post the same large image more than one time in the same entry!
This really slows down other peoples computers and it's not the best way to get their attention!

Thanks so much!

You may post 1 entry everyday.
If you want to advertise more than one community, post one entry with links to all of them, do not post several entries.
If you post more than 1 entry for a community in 24 hours, I will delete it without warning.
Cross-posting your advertisement is allowed.

Respect the other members.
Try to be respectful and decent when responding to other users or advertisements.
No chatspeak. Example - "lyke do u wana go out 2nite n get c a movie??? lets get 2gether 2nite ye!" It's messy and hard to read.

Do not post an image without linking to your communities info.
Don't post the name of your community over and over and over again. This is just annoying and looks messy.

If you're advertising a community that has pornographic pictures, nudity, or erotic writing, please post a warning when you advertise the community here.

My Other Communities:


Who is the moderator of Community Ads?

Your moderator is [info]daybeforelast

Interests:22: ad, ad placement, ads, advertisement, advertising, challenges, communities, community, community ads, community promo, contests, daybeforelast comms, graphics, help, icons, ideas, listing, livejournal, meeting people, no spam, promos, promotions. [Modify yours]
Members:367: 0_0promoting0_0, ________typical, ______hsmember, ______magazines, _____oh_so_good, ____dandelion_, ___chapstick1, __benny__, __coziseeyou, __paperflowers, __revea, _beautifulstar_, _blondebabix3, _dr_phil, _ducati, _fuel_, _incandere, _iron_and_wine, _isilya, _jerryreid, _lindz, _lostdesire, _petronia_, _profx__, _red_hot_gin, _shakeitup, _shesgonnabreak, _themockturtle_, _tiara, _tragicbeauty, a_nothing, ad_van, ad_whores, addictedtofuel, ads_r_us, afterlifekid, aiobhan, all_the_letters, aloxic, angelhalo11, angelsrose, anti_shiney, anythinacoustic, apaintedsmile, ashbdash, asraei, at_mods, avr_creampuff, badhaircut, baggsofdoom, bedimmed, bellababee, biotek, blindedbytearsx, blondeyathart14, bluecarrots, bonnnie, br0kenheart03, brainache, breakingxhearts, breathexonxmexx, brighteyes_love, browneyesdocry, bsmjpromo, bungyflower, butchette, caitniltiac, campbell_crazy, cane_envy, captainmcsuck, caraaleypromo, carrie_alden, catch_her, caydence, celicagirl06, charmed1k, chaseme_, cheetofish, chemical_maniac, cherchezlamoi, chestxtoxwheel, chicdrummer101, chicxfade, chlamydia_kills, classiccaddygrl, clever_mione, cleverxnapkns, cobain27, colormegrey, contravened, cosacosmica, couldntbhappier, crankupthewhit, crazy_2themax, critic_goes_god, crystalprincess, cumplacentone, dannypotter, daybeforelast, deathbysunlight, december_stars, demonahhh, derelict_pariah, dinokill, dirtyxsecrets, diu_tien, dj_dieraver, djanabel, doylescordy, drawaheartpromo, drops_jupiter, dtrnews, dubious_thought, dustbunnybaby, edadvert, electric_slut, eljayhottestxx, emchriquirpa, emmzies, emptywineglass, enchantedremix, ep1phany_radio, extrememoderate, fadedrainbows, fahisha, fantasy_fae, fashionmess, fatherxtime, ferrarireign, fiestyjo, filipinoz_rule, fillyourheart, free___, fuckbeautiful, fucksticks, fuct_up_fairy, girlskickbutt, gjprovidence, gloryosity, go_ask_alice_, graymichael, hah_mods, harrylistens, haunted_lady, heartbreak_lies, heather1509, hellbelle, her_longing, hhmods, hidehereforever, hiyoureugly, hmdumbles, hoodwink, hooze_the_girl, horsepills, hosoi__, i_b1te, icebluestare, igocrazy4sugar, iloverock_promo, iluveminem34, imxaxprincess, imyourmod, indicted, inlovingmemory_, inoraffets, insane_whispers, internal_scars, intoxicate_brit, invisibledragon, invites, irate_spleen, jack_meihoff, jdmx, jedi_funk, jemfans_mod, jenepher, jennalynmonroe, jentopia, jessiexmarie, jmoney13, joel_is_dope, judyisarunt32, junegirl11, ki11er_ke11um, kibbles, kingston__, kiramalfoy, kissthedead, koijewel, kreath, laina_182, lalindsey, lauramander, legilimensmod, likeadream, lil_ms_drama, lisa_thomas, look_happy, lost_blonde87, lost_xo_babii, luckystaro4, lydz_martie, m0nk3ylove, madamevonshlong, madexmanxbenj, mahoutsukaichan, makei3elieve, maleficentdiety, manda_rocks, matoaka23, membershipstuff, methody, mirawhisperwind, mirdrak, misfit_queen, missmarypotter, mizz0ufan, mods_suck, movie_queen, murdermystery, murderoflawyers, musicandmisery, nascargirl8_24, neochan, neon_promote, neptunelust, nixxon, no851208518, noellechristine, nonefaker, norcalikewtie, novelfate, obviouskristina, october_starz, oldfoundnew, one_glimpse, otipromos, oversensitive, paperbomb, pasta_sauce_, paul_bearer, perfectsquare, phsyco_tany, piepants, princess2k19, princesswannabe, promo_slut, promomycomm, promotejournal, promotrix, pullthe_trigger, pushthex, qtjust4you24, quitaslaropa4me, r0ttenpixie, r0xy1, rabidpixie, rabitcher, radderthanyou2, rainbowqueer, rawrimatiger, razor_, retrodee, roommates4eva, rotateme_, royden, ruskie_hitler, s0_breathtaking, s0heavenly, sailorweed, salemfaculty, saphira_drag, saphirrisse, saturdayxnight, seaglass, sensualistic, serials, sexy_n_sassy, sh0eboxmemories, shakeit_baby, sharonly, she_bop_8, shednoblood, shibby_rockshow, shineedizkoball, silent_ki11er, silfyk, sillylizzie, silver311ffdef, skittlehead, sluaghchild, so_dark_inside, songofglory____, spacenutpromo, sparkledust_, spinklesofsun, stardust122181, stargzn_nemesis, starlightv, stephstellarzz, stuckup_members, su_zlastbreath, sugarhippie7, suicidalhamster, sweet324, sweet_girlygirl, sweetday, sweetsouthern85, sycoblackmage, t_to_the_lovato, taintdblush, tanelorn_bound, teh_lioness, the_last_high, the_number_zero, the_scene_queen, thebestmarkever, thechemistmusic, theelder, themoviebrain, thereclusive, thescottboi, thesewordspromo, this_is_fucked, ths_floop, timthy, twistedenvy, u_know_u_luv_us, ufoundme, vaquera, venus_049, viet_dr4gon, vtecme, wallflowerxx, waytoowierd, weeba, whxrebag_xo, wiah_stuff, wickedsway, wildsslova05, willow003, wish_babe, world_of_glass, x____rad, x___lollipop, x__rockon, x_smirnoff, xb0mbshell, xcaliente, xcanyouhearmex, xecstacyx, xfallout_girlx, xjet_blackx, xmestgrlx, xo_von_dutch_ox, xshades_of_grey, xtheoverlookedx, xtripx, xxtequilaxx, xzillahsginx, your__false, youwerewrongx, zanadoo, zanity, zebra_purse, zerozander
Watched by:129: 0_0promoting0_0, ________typical, ____dandelion_, ___chapstick1, __paperflowers, _dr_phil, _ducati, _incandere, _isilya, _lindz, _profx__, ad_van, ads_r_us, afterlifekid, all_the_letters, anti_shiney, anythinacoustic, apaintedsmile, baggsofdoom, bellababee, blondeyathart14, br0kenheart03, brighteyes_love, bsmjpromo, caraaleypromo, caydence, chestxtoxwheel, chicxfade, classiccaddygrl, clever_mione, cleverxnapkns, colormegrey, contravened, cosacosmica, crazy_2themax, critic_goes_god, demonahhh, dj_dieraver, dtrnews, eljayhottestxx, enchantedremix, ep1phany_radio, fadedrainbows, fantasy_fae, fashionmess, fillyourheart, free___, fuckbeautiful, fuct_up_fairy, gjprovidence, hah_mods, harrylistens, haunted_lady, her_longing, hooze_the_girl, horsepills, icebluestare, insane_whispers, invites, irate_spleen, jack_meihoff, jemfans_mod, judyisarunt32, kingston__, kiramalfoy, kissthedead, kreath, laina_182, legilimensmod, lost_xo_babii, love2haterating, luckystaro4, madamevonshlong, membershipstuff, mirawhisperwind, mizz0ufan, movie_queen, musicandmisery, nascargirl8_24, neptunelust, one_glimpse, otipromos, pasta_sauce_, perfectsquare, phsyco_tany, plaid_rain, promomycomm, promotrix, pushthex, qtjust4you24, quitaslaropa4me, rabitcher, radderthanyou2, rainbowqueer, rawrimatiger, retrodee, rotateme_, royden, s0_breathtaking, sailorweed, saphira_drag, seaglass, sensualistic, sh0eboxmemories, shakeit_baby, sharonly, she_bop_8, shibby_rockshow, sluaghchild, songofglory____, spacenutpromo, starlightv, sweetday, the_last_high, theelder, thescottboi, twistedenvy, ufoundme, viet_dr4gon, vtecme, wildsslova05, wish_babe, world_of_glass, x___lollipop, xb0mbshell, xcanyouhearmex, xo_von_dutch_ox, xtripx, zebra_purse
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