Because I can't!!!
Today I'll write about random things that really don't flow together very well at all but because it's what's zippin' around in my brain. Zippin' might be a bit over zealous. (I used 2 ' z ' words in 1 sentence...are you kidding me? brilliance.) It's been a lovely morning. It's bad because I'm closest to the alarm clock and in the morning, he goes to work first, so in my brain.. I can bitch-slap that snooze button a few more times 'cause I got time. He, however, has made the poor decision of entrusting me with arm's reach of the alarm clock and is therefore jolted a bit when I finally mumble his name and he realizes I've given him approximately 13 minutes to be shooting out the door to work. Oops?
See, I used to keep the alarm clock across the room on my dresser. It happened that I was also great at pushing the snooze then as well. I got really good at being half asleep and throwing the covers back, jumping outta bed, hoppin' over to the dresser, bitch-slappin' the snooze button, then promptly hoppin' back in bed, all without reaching any sort of coherent thought. The morning as gone off without a hitch though. He left on time with fresh coffee in hand and scowled at me knowing I'd curl up in this chair in my pj bottoms and hoodie reading blogs and writin' on one whilst he was cruising through the Grandview triangle in REALLY COLD ASS WEATHER with all the other rush hour crazies. (Not that he's a rush hour crazy)
We have been looking for a new home in North Kansas City, Clouds and Poop's neighborhood. It's a quaint little place. See, I got irritated with our landlords and now I want to be out NOW. I really shouldn't react that way but WE'VE made up our minds. (yeah, weird, huh? we're married yet still keep each of our own minds and we use 'em. neat, eh?) And sooooooo, when I start to think maybe I'm making a stupid decision and acting in haste I say, "But it IS 15 miles closer to work. Rent isn't much more. We could probably have a dog there they say!! They're fine with our cat that we already have!! IT HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS!!" Thus, we keep searching. We looked at a great house last night but it's major downfall is that in the very back of the house there's a little one bedroom apartment. Bleh! We don't want an apartment. We don't want a duplex and that is because we do not want to live right next to someone. I don't want to be paranoid about our music being too loud (as it often is) or us playfully screaming and laughing too loud or even us consummating our marriage (again) too loud. We'll find a place and move at some point, hopefully very soon and then we'll invite you to come help us move in the snow. Which is worse, moving the last week of August or in the winter? hmm..
Over here is a really great story about how this really great couple took this really great trip to Paris in December and celebrated their really great love. Here, you'll find really great pictures to accompany.
If you'll excuse me.. I almost just caught the house on fire just now and I've opened the doors and turned on the attic fan to rid the house of that burning smell and will now spritz a bit of "Citrus and Light" Febreze, that new kind, that's in a can and you mist it. It smells lovely but at work, my boss also bought some for the bathroom and it's called "Blossoms and Grandma's and Baby Ass" or somethin' and smells like Cabbage Patch Dolls.