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User:xmmff (1043011) xmmff
X-Men Movieverse Fan Fiction
Website:X-Men Movieverse Fan Fiction
About:LiveJournal for the X-Men Movieverse Fan Fiction archive.

Members are free to post fan fiction, links, recs, questions, discussion topics, fanart, etc. Feedback and comments are encouraged. All types of fic are welcome--'shipper, slash, gen, action/adventure.

If you post a story here, or a link to one of your own stories on your website or in your own journal, I will assume that I can have it for the XMMFF archive, unless you clearly state otherwise in your post.

If you would like your story in the archive, but prefer to email me a final version at a later date, please mention that in your post.

Please list your author name and email address in your story header.

No RPF or RPS.

Please use LJ-cuts and spoiler tags where necessary.

Trolls will be shown my mean streak and the door, in that order.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me via my LiveJournal [info]devildoll or at

Memories:240 entries
Interests:38: artie, bobby drake, charles xavier, colossus, cyclops, deathstrike, erik lensherr, iceman, jean grey, john allerdyce, jubilation lee, jubilee, kitty pryde, kurt wagner, logan, magneto, marie, mutant 143, mystique, nightcrawler, ororo munroe, piotr rasputin, professor xavier, pyro, raven darkholme, rogue, scott summers, senator kelly, siryn, stryker, theresa cassidy, wolverine, x-men, x-men fan fiction, x-men movieverse, x2, xmm, yuriko oyama. [Modify yours]
Members:215: _fallfromgrace_, _meridian_, _nefarius, _obsidiandream, acangie, aeoluswriting, alanna_smithee, alfirin_kirinki, alhazred, aliaspiral, alligatorsoup, alternatefallen, angel_gidget, anglepoiselamp, angry_peony, anneline, apathocles, apple, aquariusfire, aragorns_queen, argentine_fic, artaxastra, ashe_frost, ashkaryowinter, astolat, avariel_wings, ayzil, azinza, azurine, bassezslasher, bastardized, batmite, beckyhoadley, bingette, birkentree, bitchfight, bloodyraine, brandybuck, brianna_aisling, brokedownrage, c_elisa, caitlen, cherrysher, chuthulu, cilly, claritylit, cmdr_gabe_e, corbeau, corfi, corialis, crimsonobsessor, cruel_illusion, cschoolgirl, dawnie_faith, delylah, demonapendragon, devildoll, dirty_diana, diva_stardust, draco17, dragonsinger, drtristessa, eleanorjane, emeraldblue, endless_fever, eternalenigma, everminder, evil_man, evilshelly, faemovana, fangirl_lizzie, foreverimmortal, frito_kal, fuschia, gray_eyes, greatbriton, harriet_spy, heartofcalliope, hibernate, hockeyiris, hokuto, hollywoodbaby, holographis, hyne, inner_squee, innle, issuegirls, ivy03, jellyfishkiss, jen1703, jen_ella, jocelyncs, jubilee124, julietlaw, kalimando, kassrachel, kattahj, katuah, kaydeefalls, kenovay, khakigrrl, khirsah, kibosh, kinderfresser, kirana_44, kokochan, kuriadalmatia, kynical, kysen_ramses, l_incandescent, ladymalen, lassiterfics, laytoncolt, lesel, lilbluebear, lilmissrrhood, lisea, llscorpiusll, lorriejharris, lucidscreamer, luminaux, lunarknightz, lux__aeterna, madame_manga, malacite, marlakerry, mattspsychojess, maveness, mazzaredd, medie, memorycharm, mercury318, meret, minisinoo, mitchpell, mofic, mogigraphia, mugita, nakki, nevacaruso, nietzschean, niftykitten, ninamonkey, nirvyone, notassuch, npkedit, obeythebunny, oneko_briar, oonak, orolin, oryon, pearl_o, penknife, phiremangston, phoenix_shadow, piyaneeiyan, princesstwilite, queenofstars, rachel_martin64, rebeccashf, redfenix, redninjawinz, rellielake, rene113, rogue_982, seemag, serialkarma, sethoz, shadowphynyxx, shirasade, sincerely_kurt, siri_eerin, sizequeen, slackeruk, slyprentice, smirnoffmule, softheartsteel, soleta, somuch4daangel, spiderflower, stineypoo, stir_of_echoes, stormfreak, storydivagirl, stretch_slider, suyari, swaydante, sylvanstargazer, tanzy, thawrecka, the_smooth_one, theoria850, therosewilde, thewayout, titti, tnl, tori_m, tornado_ali, touch_me_not, trismegistus, troyswann, tryogeru, ugly_blue, undertree33, vagabond_sal, venus_ice, vish, vocationalskank, voland4, wabbitseason, wearemany, welshwitch, xenokattz, xxtheroguexx, yahtzee63
Watched by:186: _fallfromgrace_, _obsidiandream, acangie, aeoluswriting, alanna_smithee, alfirin_kirinki, alhazred, aliaspiral, alternatefallen, angel_gidget, anglepoiselamp, angry_peony, anneline, anniemaclean, apathocles, apple, aquariusfire, arabella_o, aragorns_queen, argentine_fic, artaxastra, ashe_frost, avariel_wings, ayzil, azurine, bassezslasher, beerandcigars, bitchfight, bloodyraine, brandybuck, brianna_aisling, brokedownrage, caitlen, carleton97, chicklet25, chuthulu, cilly, cmdr_gabe_e, corbeau, corfi, crimsonobsessor, cruel_illusion, cschoolgirl, delylah, demonapendragon, devildoll, dick_grayson, dirty_diana, diva_stardust, divine_evil, donnadevane, draco17, dragonduerme, dragonsinger, drtristessa, ebonlock, eleanorjane, emeraldblue, endless_fever, esmerelda_t, eternalenigma, everminder, evilshelly, excoriate, faemovana, fangirl_lizzie, foreverimmortal, girly_vamp, gray_eyes, harriet_spy, haunted_attics, hibernate, hockeyiris, hokuto, hollywoodbaby, inner_squee, innle, issuegirls, ivy03, jadziahp, jen_ella, julietlaw, just_like_rogue, kalimando, kattahj, katuah, khakigrrl, khirsah, kinderfresser, kirana_44, kokochan, koritsi, kuriadalmatia, kynical, kysen_ramses, l_incandescent, ladymalen, lassiterfics, laytoncolt, lesel, lilmissrrhood, lisea, llwyden, lorriejharris, luminaux, lunarknightz, lux__aeterna, madame_manga, madeline_elster, malacite, marag, mattspsychojess, maveness, medie, mercury318, meret, minisinoo, mitchpell, mmgreen, mofic, mogigraphia, mugita, mysteri, nakki, nevacaruso, nietzschean, niftykitten, ninamonkey, nirvyone, notassuch, npkedit, obeythebunny, obieggfromhell, oryon, penknife, punka, punkrawkpyro, queenofstars, rachel_martin64, rebeccashf, redfenix, redninjawinz, rellielake, rene113, rhyana, seemag, serryce, sethoz, shadowphynyxx, sincerely_kurt, ...
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Free Account

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