If the rings I run were lines...
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The Black Lotus' LiveJournal:
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Saturday, April 9th, 2005 | 8:36 am |
| Friday, April 8th, 2005 | 6:35 pm |
So, what do you guys think? Is this icon totally dumb? Be honest. Current Mood: hungryCurrent Music: "Mother," Pink Floyd | 12:04 pm |
Friendster insanity So the other day I decided to go onto Friendster, mainly 'cause I haven't been on it in at least 6 months, and got an email from them saying that some friends on mine had put up new pics. So I figured, what the hell.
Well, I go on there, and browse through some new pics that a friend of mine from high school put up. Claire. (Marla, you know Claire B. Hippie Claire!) Well, Apparently, Claire now affilitates herself with NAMBLA. (for anyone who doesn't know, NAMBLA=an association who thinks that "consensual" sex between grown men and young boys should be made legal. In other words, they're trying to make pedofilia acceptable. ...
I was utterly floored and disturbed. How the hell could someone I've known for so long, and who I always thought was at least a quasi-ethical person join a group like this? I was so angry I almost took her off my friends' list, but figured I'm never on Friendster anyway so it didn't really matter either way. But...jesus.
And apparently, there's a huge number of young people, both male and female, that are pro-NAMBLA.
South Park sums it up best:
"Dude, we believe in equal rights and all that gay stuff, but...dude. YOU HAVE SEX...WITH CHILDREN. Fuck you."
End rant. | 9:41 am |
So, I must have hit the "off" button instead of the "snooze" button this morning, and I woke up with sunlight streaming through my window (which is always an ominous sign on a workday..it means I've overslept). So, I glance at my clock, and lo, it is 7:35..I normally get up around 6. Yikes. So, I literally throw on an outfit, grab my bag, and go. I had to leave this retarded message on my boss's machine, stating that my alarm didn't go off this morning and that I'd be 40 minutes late to work. Dammit. I also seem to have developed a cold overnight...yesterday I felt a little more tired than usual, but didn't think much of it. This morning, I am definitely getting this sick feeling. My throat hurts, my eyes are sensitive to light, and I'm coughing. Noooooo. Oh, and can someone bring me a platter of food? K, thx. Hey, it's friday! Current Mood: tired | Thursday, April 7th, 2005 | 5:45 pm |
Interesting how my most random and pointless posts seem to get the most comments responses. | 3:35 pm |
omfg, even better. Sorry, but I'm obsessed. ( Read more... )You know you want it, biznach...confess!!!!11 Current Mood: weird | 3:11 pm |
"I'm going to win you over soon, Lauren!!! Mew!" Current Mood: mischievous | Wednesday, April 6th, 2005 | 11:14 pm |
So odd, I had to post: Current Mood: tired | 9:04 pm |
Heheheheheheheh. | 7:50 pm |
Ganked from Lauren Ask me five questions in the comments section and I will answer them as a comment. Simple. No back and forths. If you want five questions of your own, i'll ask them there too. All in one little neat compact URL. Get to it. Be creative and investigative! Current Mood: awake | Tuesday, April 5th, 2005 | 8:54 pm |
So, one of my good friends who lives in MD just informed me that Dream Theater might be touring with Nevermore and Fear Factory this summer. Oh. My God. I think I would pass out from the pure majesty of sound. Aaaaaaugh... Current Mood: enthralled | 10:28 am |
Current Mood: amused | Friday, April 1st, 2005 | 3:04 pm |
heehee Ganked from Uglychunk (how do I make the username a link anyway)? Current Mood: bored | 1:06 pm |
So, what is it about cake that makes me so happy? Words fail me. Someone brought in this huge moist lemon creamy cake yesterday, and...omfg. I can't get enough of it. I'm going to slink back to the kitchen later on and gank some more. Ice cream doesn't affect me this way. Hm. And what's with the weird guy on the homepage of LJ? Did some weird guy hack the site as an April Fool's joke? hehe. Current Mood: hungry | 9:33 am |
Ahhh..since I busted my ass to work 10 hours straight yesterday, today I get to leave by 4. Thank God! I wish I could've just stayed home today and enjoyed the weather (it's supposed to be 65 outside) but ah well. I hope to interact with as few people as possible at work today..haha. This lady at this office lunch yesterday kind of said in a sneery way: "Oh, look, Parthena's only having one piece of cake because she's trying to watch her figure" (wtf?) so I responded, "uh, yeah, but I just had two platefuls of food." Geez. Not sure what her deal is. Oh, and, this dream last night...I was walking on some weird street in DC, and all of a sudden I saw these thugs whip out these guns and I was caught right in the middle of a gang fight!! So I dropped to the ground and covered my head with my hands, hoping I didn't get shot. Eventually, the guys all ran off, and the entirety of the dream after that was me dealing with a lawsuit about these guys shooting me. The weird thing was, in the dream I hurt my back, and I actually felt PAIN throughout the dream, which has never happened before.. Anyway, I'm about to dork out, so beware: ( Read more... ) Current Mood: okay | 8:56 am |
Bah, they didn't even factor in my love of Star Trek and the PS2!!! Current Mood: awake | Wednesday, March 30th, 2005 | 7:56 pm |
| 10:48 am |
| Tuesday, March 29th, 2005 | 11:33 am |
Work stuff. So, I just found out my mentor for this job resigned on friday and that this thursday is her last day. This came as a surprise, even though I have an inkling of why she resigned. She's kind of insinuated to me that they hired me to take over her job and kind of shove her into the woodwork to do more menial stuff. So, anyway, 3 people have come up to me today and said: "You better be sure you know what you're doing before she leaves, because none of us in the office knows all the software she does and all the knowledge she has about this procedure or that," etc. If one person had said to me, I'd understand. I mean, it's a good point: ask any final questions I have before she leaves, right? But 3 people told me this in the span of 10 minutes. "Girl, you better write that down. No one could remember all that stuff in their head." or, "You're going to be the only one in charge. You better make sure you know what you're doing." (the one who said this to me I always got the feeling didn't like me much, even though I've always been nice to her) So, is it me, or does it almost seem like they're trying to put pressure on me or make me nervous? Maybe it's possible they're upset that my mentor is leaving 'cause she's been here for almost 2 years and they all seem to get along. In addition, I can barely handle the amount of work they pile onto me as it is, with her helping me out sometimes...I have no idea how I will get everything done in an 8 hour day. I guess I'm just feeling kind of unwanted here, or something. People always go out to lunch in groups and I haven't gotten invited once, even though I interact with most of them on a daily basis. Eh.... Current Mood: worried | 10:45 am |
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