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Sunday, March 13th, 2005
1:25 pm
{sarcasm} I do so love it when someone on my friends page posts something or a quiz and it royally fucks up the whole friends page! {/sarcasm}

current mood: annoyed

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Friday, March 11th, 2005
7:44 pm
What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Say what??"I wasn't sleeping. There was a fly in my eye and I was trying to smother it."
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Thursday, March 10th, 2005
10:11 pm
Jaws in 30 seconds (re-enacted by bunnies)

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10:06 pm - "It's just like Chuck E Cheese. . . "
"Spatter up."

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6:08 pm
happy birthday [info]kysrinaria

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Friday, March 4th, 2005
5:51 pm - Well, stick a bat up my ass and call me Sally . . . .
From what i can see the movie theater at the Capital City Mall no longer exists. There goes another theater . . . I just hope the two that will be opening up around here get moving and hurry up their construction!

current mood: annoyed

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Thursday, March 3rd, 2005
7:49 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY [info]fubarpa!!!!

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Friday, February 25th, 2005
5:02 pm
Some other rejected crayon colors . . .  )

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3:27 pm - borrowed from [info]angelitica
Too funny not to post:

You are

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9:07 am
I belong where????? )

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9:03 am
YAY!!!!! The tube is out. It still feels like it might be there, but now i can eat and drink whenever and whatever I want!!!!!!!!

current mood: relieved

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Thursday, February 24th, 2005
5:55 pm
This is my recording machine . . .

This is me and the tube . . . cut for those who don't really want to see. . .  )

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3:14 pm
I was told today by the nurse's aide who helped with my procedure that i do not look 27. That i look much younger, like 16. Which i think is a little far fetched, but hey, she said i look younger!!!!

current mood: amused

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11:44 am
So, here i sit with a tube up my nose and down my throat. Let me just say this, the experience is not fun. First they had to put a bigger tube down my throat so they could figure out exactly how far down to go with the one that measures the acid. Well that one went down with no problem. It was the smaller one that they had problems with. I guess since it is so flexible it can bunch up. Well it did bunch up on me. Twice. They had to have me stand, rather than sit to get it down ok. Now i have to record EVERYTHING. If i burp, hiccup, cough, clear my throat, eat, drink. All of it. So not fun. There is even a switch I have to move if i am sitting up or laying down. I am not enjoying this. And it is really disturbing to look in a mirror and open my mouth and see the tub at the back of my throat. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!

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Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005
7:53 pm - Skunk Alert!
So i get to work at about 6:50 am this morning. As i am walking up to the building i very faintly smell skunk. I think nothing of it and go inside. Well as soon as i walk in the main door into the lobby I get slammed with skunk odor. I go upstairs to my department and even that reeks of skunk. The story floating around is that a skunk got in the building in the air vents. Which seems likely since every time to air kicked on it got worse. Well after enduring it for a couple hours the source was found. Apparently some dumb fuck got sprayed this morning and still came into work as is. I guess when she went out to her car at home there were like 4 skunks near it. What does she do? She walks up to the car, turns her back on the skunks and gets in. She notices that they sprayed, but thought they got they got the car. Ok, fine i can understand that. But then she gets to work and as she walks inside she doesn't think anything of the fact that SHE reeks of skunk? Apparently she went upstairs and got to work. She hung her coat up on a coat rack on my end of the floor (which is in the middle of the building) and then went down to her cube at the far end. Now i don't know if she hung her coat there right at the beginning or at some later point. But needless to say the coat, and her, was drenched with skunk. After the coat was found, she claimed it and then calmly went back to her desk. My Team Leader actually had to go over and tell her to leave because she stunk sooooooo bad. I mean how stupid can one person be? If I saw 4 skunks near my car, I would not be going near it. And to just keep on going to work, even when she is in the building and HAD to know she reeked? Come one, get a fucking brain!!!!!! All the maintenance people did was go around spraying fucking air freshener, that stunk and didn't help. That place is going to reek for god knows how long and thank god i won't be there tomorrow since everyone will be bringing spray in to cover the smell. That will be even worse.

current mood: pissed off

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Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005
6:03 pm
Can you say "heartburn"?

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Sunday, February 20th, 2005
10:13 pm - Me and my Crackwhore

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6:53 pm
YAY! for unexpected house guests!!!!!

current mood: excited

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Saturday, February 19th, 2005
8:08 pm
If LJ Were a High School by Karen_Walker
Your Status
Lunch Ladyindigogold
Head Cheerleaderleiandra
Prom Queenumbralcorax
Gang Membertorena
Band Geekcloudwarrior
Theatre Geekkurvykittenkris
Chess Club Captaincosmicpuma
Loner Goth Kidtheladyskye
Class Clownmorlith
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Thursday, February 17th, 2005
7:12 pm
This is sooooo wrong that I HAVE to post it!!!

Your Erotic LJ dream by cozzette
you went to bed feeling
You began to dream aboutkurvykittenkris
who wasbegging for mercy ( in the good way)
inat thier office/workplace
withan animal
which made youcum
but was interupted byresilient_stacy
who began tocall in everyone else to watch
You awokeafter awhile, this is good stuff after all
and you hopethat dreams do come true
chance of that happening:: 23%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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