Rock Out
Rock Out [entries|friends|calendar]

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[27 Mar 2005|07:53pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | stretcharmstrong ]

vacation was good...gave me a lil taste of what summer is gonna be like...and things are looking tasty

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[20 Mar 2005|01:26pm]
i wanna go to someone elses town
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[14 Mar 2005|03:02pm]
[ music | American Nightmare ]

why the fuck did they play sptember nights over the school loud speaker today?!!!!

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[03 Mar 2005|06:47am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | gorilla biscuits ]

i just ate frosted cinnamoin(spelling?) rolls.....they are fucking amazing

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[24 Feb 2005|03:20pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | first blood ]

It was such a good Idea !!! )

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[17 Feb 2005|05:54pm]
[ music | bfb ]

I cant wait for the fucking vacation...tomorrow in chem we are making boucy balls! how fucking sick is that.
i think that this vacation is going to be one not forgotten. everyone needs to chill

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[ music | mpb ]

? I died from natural causes:
? I said I liked you:
? I kissed you:
? I lived next door to you:
? I started smoking:
? I stole something:
? I was hospitalized:
? I ran away from home:
? I got into a fight and you weren't there:
? Personality:
? Eyes:
? Face:
? Hair:
? Family:
? Be my friend?:
? Keep a secret if I told you one?:
? Hold my hand?:
? Take a bullet for me?:
? Keep in touch?:
? Try and solve my problems?:
? Love me?:
? Date me?:
? Lied to make me feel better?:
? Wanted to kiss me?:
? Wanted to kill me?:
? Broke my heart?:
? Kept something important from me?:
? Thought I was unbearably annoying?:
~*::And More::*~
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you gonna put this on your blog to see what I say about you?
AM I...
1. Quiet or Loud?:
2. Short or Tall?:
3. Weird or Original?:
4. Nice or Mean?:
5. Friendly or Selfish?:
6. Normal or "Special"?:
7. Smart or Stupid?:
8. Boring or Fun?:
9. Attractive or Unattractive?
1. A psycho?:
2. Athletic?:
3. A nerd?:
4. A slut?:
5. Ghetto?:
6. A bitch?:
7. Two-faced?:
8. Obnoxious?:
9. Immature?:
10. Mature?:
1. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?
: 2. (a) Do you think I'll get married?
: (b) If you do... who do you think I'll marry?
: 3. When is my birthday?:
4. Who is my best friend?:
5. What song (if any) reminds you of me?:
6. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?:
7. If you could rename me...what would my name be?:
8. Have you ever had a dream about me?:
9. Do you think I'm a virgin?:
10. If you could give me anything...what would it be?:
11. If you could promise me anything... what would it be?: PERSONAL/Attractiveness
1. Am I physically ugly, average, decent good-looking, beautiful, hot?:
2. Would you ever kiss me?:
3. Would you ever consider being my boy/girl friend?:
4. Do you ever think about me off-line?:
5. Do you wish we were closer?:
6. State here your completely honest opinion about me:

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COUNTDOWN BEGINS [06 Feb 2005|10:38pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | comeback kid ]


try and figure it out

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[30 Jan 2005|12:41am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | saves the day ]

only half a school year until summer is back motha fucka

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[24 Jan 2005|10:55pm]
Im willing to go anywhere this weekend to hang out

call me 6528097
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SNOW [23 Jan 2005|10:08am]
yesterday was carazzzyyyyyyyyy....
lets make it short and simple

evansarmyand navy.....quad ridin....snowball war....picked up everyone on my quad and hung here then did some more quadin
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Hate has become a part of us [19 Jan 2005|09:07pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | rematch ]

WEll.....things havie been going pretty good around herr... me and steubs are making big plans to go to the Full Blown Chaos,Sworn Enemy and gfy show coming up. Its gonna be a good time getting our asses kicked.

Mrs. Pembroke" a very neatrual and wonderful thing........I highly recommend it, but dont forget your protection."

School has been laid back and also hard... chem and english is killing me..i love health class cause we learn but its fun cause we alays have great stories. Scotty, Me and Matty have big plans for tomorrow.

I feel Terror is one of the greatest bands around

I love myfriends and i want them to know that

My band has been very unproductive because of me and my grades but like me and matty know everytime its gets in its down times we pick back up and kcik ass.we have a show with Dead to Fall coming up on Feb 4 so i want ya niggsbees to be out dere

I feel like my phone has been like a total waste of money so i need people to call it so i can put it into some use. So call it *516-6528097*

Matty and Rutter tag team///motha fucka

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stole this from genna [13 Jan 2005|08:43pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | violent us ]

1. Your name:
2. What do you think about me:
3. Am I one of your friends?:
4. Am I nice to you?:
5.HONESTLY do you think I'm hot, pretty, cute, okay, ugly, or disgusting?:
6. Do you ever think about me offline?:
7. What do you like best about me?:
8. What annoys you most about me?:
9. Two words to describe me:
10. Do you notice a strange habit I have?:
11. What is the nicest thing I have done for you?:
12. When you hear my name what do you think of?:
13. What is my best feature?:
14. What famous person do you picture me with?:
15. Would you ever go out with me?
16. Would you ever kiss me?
17. Would you ever take a trip to a deserted island with me?
Put an 'X' or a remark for each one that refers to me:
18. Outgoing -
19. Shy -
20. Caring -
21. Nice -
22. Sweet -
23. Mean -
24. Weird -
25. Crazy -
26. Smart -
27. Stupid -
28. Dark -
29. Bright -
30. Funny -

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bull shit weekend [09 Jan 2005|09:28pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | kill your idols ]

you wanna hear how my weekend was? shitty as fuck because i got a possesion of alcohol ticket because i was in a car with open alcohol. now i have to go to court.bull motha fuckin shit.
i feel like i missed out on a whole weekend of fun. i feel like i havnt seen certain people in so long and that i have lost friends

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[04 Jan 2005|09:47pm]
[ music | rule of thumb ]


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you versus us [03 Jan 2005|09:07pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | the postal service ]

Why do many straight edge kids think that there better than everyone else?

i say fuck you and lets drink a beer

fuck that too lets drink till we get fucked up

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[29 Dec 2004|12:47am]
[ mood | confuckingfused ]
[ music | full blown chaos ]

i feel like chillen right now
i have blisters all over my hands
i have some weird lookin mark on my arm
i need someone to be with
i hate it when girls i have never met or talked to before tell me they love me
i punched a kid in the face fior my friend tonight
i elbow dropped a bunch of kids last night cause the 631 "hardcore" scene is fucking gay
who the hell would name their band mouth full of dead babies
who thought of the idea to actually stick it in the chaky?

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[22 Dec 2004|09:22pm]
[ music | sworn enemy ]

i have gotten over myself and cleansed myself realizing norma jean is so fucking bad

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This is an Intruder [20 Dec 2004|06:20pm]
Hello everyone.
My name is Danielle DeFina
I have a friend named Brian Rutter.
He is one of my best friends in the entire world
I wouldnt trade him for anything.
Lately my boy hasnt been as happy as usual and it gets me sad
I just want to say that he is one of the nicest funniest cutest kids out there.
Rutter or as i call him "balls" is one of the most genuine people i know
I would do anything for the little fuck and i know he would do the same for me.
No im not doing this to score him ladies
No im not doing this to brag about how good of friends we are.
Im doing this cause he simply deserves some recogniztion
We became friends around summertime but we kept our relationship at a constant rate.
We never seperated like alot of our friends have.
We miss alot of our friends and wish shit was like summer of 04
But what can ya do
change is neccessary sometimes.
I <3 my boys from Mccarthur
good times with them
tims ill never forget.
I love making rutter butter laugh
its one of my favorite things to do.
rutter... your too good for words.
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[19 Dec 2004|01:51pm]
friends only entry.
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