May 5, 2005

New Site! New Server!

Hi folks, yes it’s me Patrick who has just recently returned from the sunny Caribbean just to make sure this new site becomes alive and get’s all settled into it’s new home on my very own server.

I realize that I broke a post by transfering today and I have little to no chance of getting it back. Please drop me an email if your an author that was added recently and can’t login anymore, or if you find anything else wrong.

Also there have been whispers in the wind about a get together soon, so keep your eyes open, so far I’ve heard Harry’s at the end of the month and I would love to start this summer correctly with a few beverages on thier patio!

Filed under: General, Meetup, KCBloggers Update — Administrator @ 4:19 pm

March 14, 2005

Korma Sutra EatUp

I’m putting in a reservation for 8 people at 7pm Saturday, March 26th, at the Korma Sutra in Westport. If we end up having more we can always pull up chairs and order another round of samosas. :-) I’m looking forward to seeing everybody!

(The address is 4113 Pennsylvania Ave. Click here for a map.)

Filed under: General, Meetup, Food — @ 10:52 am

March 1, 2005

March \’EatUp\’ at Korma Sutra

m.toast: We dragged my old college buddy to Korma Sutra this weekend. They said the new one in Westport opened last Tuesday! FYI…
DangerBoy: oh happy day!
m.toast: Hee hee. Yeah. Gotta make this March KCBloggers “EatUp” happen soon.
DangerBoy: hell yeah
m.toast: People keep IMing me. “When’s the next one? When’s the next one?”
m.toast: Bob freakin harrasses me every week.
DangerBoy: “Hi, I’m M.Toast and I’ll be your cruise director”
m.toast: I just need to master the Love Boat hair feather and flip.

How about it folks? A succulent Indian dinner in Westport at some point in March?

The original Korma Sutra opened in Overland Park last summer, with a Westport opening promised in March. And So It Has Come to Pass. Korma is Northern Indian, and you can order it hellfire spicy or very, very mild (for heat pansies like myself). Also, there are plenty of vegematarian options on the menu. For more on Korma Sutra, click here for the Charles Ferruzza rundown.

Step right up and name some dates. I’m going to throw out Saturday, March 19. Holler if this night is good. Holler if this night is bad. “Soooon we’ll be making anoooother run…!”

Filed under: General, Meetup, Food — @ 10:46 am

January 20, 2005

And a good time was had by all…

Thanks to everyone who made it to meetups! It was great to see and hobnob with everybody.

There was a good crowd last night at Harry’s Country Club. Sheri shows off the evidence here, with a nice rundown of everyone present. Mmmm. Harry’s… Besides yard beers, many tasty crab corn fritters and chicken fried steaks were ordered.

Also, there was much face stuffing at the Peachtree Buffet last Saturday. For y’all who missed it, coll’d greens, catfish, mac n cheese, co’nbread, and various other offerings made for some very full and happy tummies. (And I think Patrick’s officially in luv with the place. Heh.)

There’s been some discussion of hitting a casino buffet for dinner next time around. Harrah’s crab leg night in February, anyone?

Filed under: General, Meetup, KCBloggers Update — @ 10:18 am

December 16, 2004

When booze and blogs collide

What a loverly time! Thanks to everyone who showed up at Jilly’s last night. And big thanks to Tony O. for buying the first round. It was great to see old blogger friends and meet some new blogger friends and Pitch folks.

As JDoubleP’s photos show, it was a heckuva good time. Tony O. was in the corner rappin with Greg and Rusty. Reecie and WildScorpy were crushin on Eric and Patrick (OK, yeah. They are both cute. I admit it.) The Fazed boys were trading booze tips with the Night Ranger. Joe and Jay were milling around, soaking up the scene. Jen and Eric Sigler were chatting with Ryan from GimpySoft. Gregg from SirVinegar and I were trading job horror stories, and JdoubleP’s SO Sa Rah was busy recruiting for the KC Roller Warriors.

Now maybe y’all will believe the rest of us when we tell you what a hella good time the usual meetups are. Bring on a double header in January, I say! There’s been talk of a dinner expedition to the Peachtree Buffet for some Southern style flava, in addition to a regular boozy meetup. After the holidays, let us commence to setting dates.

Filed under: General, Meetup, KCBloggers Update — @ 4:07 pm

December 2, 2004

the Pitch Invites Us All!

I just got this in the mail from our friend at the Pitch, Tony Ortega;

Because this city’s bloggers have been so good to us this year, we want to give something back.

This town’s scribblers have inspired us with the thought that there really is some intelligent life way out here in the prairie.

Please join me and other Pitch staffers for a holiday happy hour on Wednesday, December 15 from 6 to 8 pm at Jilly’s on Broadway, 1744 Broadway in KCMO. I’ll buy your first drink, and if I’m feeling good, maybe a few more as well.


Tony Ortega
Managing Editor
The Pitch

A free drink and a good time? I’m sooooo there! Hope to see you there as well!

Filed under: General, Meetup — Administrator @ 9:00 am

November 12, 2004

Notes from the KCBloggers meetup

Food Night ideas:

“My pills in one hand and overturning a cop car with the other.” -m. toast

A KCBlogger casino night?

Chez Charlie’s (esigler note: I have no idea what this was in reference to.)

Chickenf**kers and moral masturbators unite! -Potential KCBloggers t-shirt slogan

Filed under: General, Meetup — @ 11:55 am

November 10, 2004

Meetup Tommorrow Night!

When? Thursday November 11th 2004 @ 8pm (7 or 7:30 for food!)
Where? Harrys Country Club 112 East Missouri Street [map]

Come one, come all, bring friends that blog, that read blogs, or don’t know anything about blogs at all! Join us in seeing some familiar faces, and some not so familiar!

Filed under: General, Meetup — Administrator @ 12:08 pm

September 13, 2004

Thursday Meetup!

Harry’s Country Club in RiverMarket, September 16th 2004 8pm

(Some of us show up earlier to eat, Yay for Blue Crab Corn Fritters!)

Saturday night was nice at JackStack, I think a good time was had by all!

Hope to see you this Thursday!

Filed under: General, Meetup — Administrator @ 11:17 am

September 7, 2004

Meetup This Saturday!

Food Meetup
JackStack BBQ @ the Freighthouse, September 11th 2004 7pm.

I do realize that this is also the anniversary of September 11th and I know that there are some events going on around the area for this day. But I would like to offer the suggestion that what better way to commemorate that day than to be eating great food, and having good conversation with friends?

See you there!

Filed under: General, Meetup, Food — Administrator @ 9:08 am
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