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The Missouri Budget Project

Welcome to the Missouri Budget Project's website.
The Missouri Budget Project is a statewide nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that analyzes and informs the public about Missouri budgetary and fiscal policy options. The Project provides timely, accurate analysis of complex policy issues and their impact on low-income Missourians. The agency informs public debate and ensures that advocates, policy makers and the public have the information they need to create sound fiscal policies that protect the state's most vulnerable citizens.

What's New: The MBP Board of Directors is currently undertaking a strategic planning process for the organization. More information on the development of the MBP Plan will be available in the fall.

New Releases and Testimony

Elementary & Secondary Education Funding: Increases DO NOT Require Decreases in Other Vital Services April 4, 2005

Analysis of Missouri Governor’s Additional $239 Million Budget Reductions & Revenue Increases, Announced March 25, 2005 April 4, 2005

House Joint Resolution 12: Hancock Revisited March 28, 2005

Citizens Say No to Medicaid Cuts March 28, 2005

Missouri’s Budget Crisis: The Impact on Access to Health Care Cuts, Consequences and Policy Options to Restore Health March 28, 2005

Senate Bill 539: Chipping Away at Access to Health Care March 3, 2005

Show Me the Money: Real Fixes for the Fiscal Crisis February 25, 2005

Summary of Missouri Governor's Budget Proposal February 2005

Medicaid: A Healthy Investment for Missouri February 15, 2005

Overview of Reinvestigations for Medicaid December 2004

Who is Medicaid? December 2004

Learn more about Amendment 3 September 16, 2004

Federal Policies are Worsening Missouri's Budget Problems September 15, 2004

St. Louis on the Air, KWMU - A discussion with representatives of the Missouri Budget Project about the state's budgetary and tax policies. August 25, 2004

Missouri’s Revenue Situation: Is the Fiscal Crisis Really Over? August 12, 2004

Further Expenditure Lid Will Harm State Services
Editorial, By Amy Blouin, April 14, 2004

House Bill 1011 and Medicaid March 22, 2004

Revenue Bills Summary – By Mid-Legislative Session March 2004

Proposal Jeopardizes funding for Health Care and Education March 10, 2004

For all MBP Reports, link to the Reports Section of the webpage.

Guest Analyses

The County Level Economic Impact of Proposed Cuts in Medicaid Spending in Missouri February 25, 2005

Comments on the Oversight Division's Report December 20, 2004

Medicaid is Still Good Medicine for Missouri December 14, 2004

A Profile of Medicaid in Missouri: Report on Survey Findings, Missouri Foundation for Health April 2004

Economic and Health Benefits of Missouri Medicaid, Missouri Foundation for Health April 2004

Analysis of Key Medicaid Provisions in House-
Passed HB 1011: Reviewing the Impact of Proposed
Medicaid Cuts
April 12, 2004

The Impact of House Bill 1011’s Proposals to
Reduce Medicaid Eligibility and Services
March 29, 2004

Implications of House Bill 1566 March 2004

Contact Us

4130 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108

Phone: 314-652-1400
Fax: 314-652-1404

Amy Blouin, Executive Director

Jennifer Hill, Director of Health Policy

Genie Davis, Administration