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HI!  My name is Purple Gyakui!  I stayed UP REAL LATE last night and I can't seem to GET TO SLEEP!  I can tell that RAIN is coming, I can FEEL IT IN my PEG LEG!  I have many STORIES to TELL you...  I hope you ENJOY your STAY!!!
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Do it yourself, with shredded foam!


I still don't know what I'm doing this weekend. I want to go camping, but I'm torn between camping in Colorado, Arkansas, or Wisconsin. I have relatives in Wisconsin that it would be nice to visit. Arkansas is close, but I haven't seen the Rockies since I was old enough to appreciate it. I think I'm going to regret not going if I don't go to Colorado since it will probably be too cold to camp the next time I have time to head to Colorado, but I think I'm going to do Wisconsin. Too bad the Packers aren't playing at home this weekend...


Whenever I'm writing, I never want to use the word "gotten". It just sounds kind of crude to me (not that I'm a stickler for grammar or anything). As a matter of fact, I wasn't even entirely sure that it was in fact a real word. So I checked my favorite resource for all things grammatical, Gotten is in fact a real work, and in the process, it was brought to my attention how very versatile the verb "get" is.


The current issue (actually, the last issue now...) of The New Yorker has a good, long article about Radiohead. In this article, Beavis and Butthead are quoted. I didn't ever think I'd see Beavis and Butthead quoted in The New Yorker. But now I have, and I actually don't feel too different. Time to go to sleep.


Apparently George W. Bush is a dick...


I heard that Space Ghost Coast To Coast aired a "previously unaired" episode a month or two ago. I think it was one that was recorded earlier, but never aired. Well, Space Ghost's website claims (in a somewhat obscure way) that they're airing a new episode in their upcoming episode guide. I'm not sure if it's another new one, or the one they showed a while ago.

But it sounds like the new episode features Thom Yorke of Radiohead and Bjork. Oh happy day. Unfortunately, I think I'm going to be in Wisconsin this sunday at a place with no cable. Oh sad day. I must tape this episode, and get someone else to tape me a backup in case mine fails. It has been damn near two years since I've seen a new episode of Space Ghost.




Just got back from that little Rave deal... Nobody was dancing. It was the damnedest thing. The music was good, and they had a guy trying to whip up the crowd, but about 75% of the crowd was just standing there. I am baffled. It was fun, nonetheless. Now I really need to get to sleep.


Cool... I just went into my storage area out on my patio and took out all my old pants. I was able to bring all of the pants except four pairs out of retirement. A few of them are still a bit tight, but they all fit now, several of which were just gifts that I have never worn. So sweet... Free new clothes...


My life seems somewhat empty now that my unhealthy obsession with Jeff Goldblum seems to have faded.

I feel like I should have a good obsession, but I can't seem to come up with anybody worthy. I'm having trouble even putting a short list together. Candidates could include This American Life commentator and author Sarah Vowell, ex-MTV VJ Kennedy, and it's really sad, but I can't even come up with a third. Sarah Vowell would be an easier candidate... She lives near my parents, and her career seems to be a bit more active these days. On the other hand, Kennedy would be fun... I'd really have to go out of my way to find out what she's up to. Oh well... Decisions, decisions...


You really should be checking out Robot Wisdom on a daily basis...


A rather nice guide to Unix C programming.


A new article on the article intelligence project Cyc. Let the robotic apocalypse begin...


Hunter S. Thompson to write new Babylon 5 telemovie. (humor)


Geekporn. Not suitable for work.


I just got back from seeing Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I've seen worse movies, I've seen better movies. It was rather slow in parts, but I enjoyed it. I probably enjoyed it as much as any other movie I've seen this year. Memento was good, and I enjoyed AI, but other than that, I've seen a lot of stinkers this year. I need to go see Curse of the Jade Scorpion now. I should have just stayed at the theater and snuck into that one.

But now it's time to just hang back and get rested up for biking and raving tomorrow. Miller High Life... Eases the pain...


I played Racquetball again today. My last partner didn't show up for the last game we had set up, and I haven't seen him since. But I'm playing with a guy from work now, and I think we have a regular thing set up now. That's pretty cool. He's better than me, but the games are still pretty competitive.

I guess the racquetball today and the skipping dinner to play Age of Empires contributed to my new low today. 246 is still nothing to be proud of, but I think I was over 250 when I moved to Arkansas two and a half years ago. I can probably count the number of times I exercised in Arkansas on one hand. At least when I was taking classes I walked around on campus, but once I was done with school, the only physical activity I had was walking from my car to my office and from my car to my apartment. I guess I'm doing better now. I think I was around 225 when I started at UH. My tattoo weight is 227. Still have plenty to go, but I think I'll get on my bike again tomorrow if it isn't raining.

I finished reading How Real Is Real. It was a kind of interesting read... It's a book sort of on communications theory from 1976. It had chapters on communication in a military intelligence setting, counterintelligence, cryptography, etc. They talked about a cool mission during World War II where the allies had to leak fake intelligence to the Germans about the southern invasion. They had to leak the information in a plausible way, so they faked a plane crash of a high ranking officer carrying papers. They had to dump a body on the beach, and fake the crash to convince the Germans that they had just lucked onto the location of the southern invasion. The Germans read the papers, and returned them to the body seemingly untouched, because they believed that if the allies knew they knew where the invasion was coming, the plans would change. Round and round... I think I remember reading about that incident in Neal Stephenson's book Cryptonomicon. That was a damn good book, and if anybody wants to borrow it from me, let me know and I'll send you my copy.

But this How Real Is Real book also had some interesting stuff on communication with Dolphins, game theory as it applies to negotiation, communication with extraterrestrial life, and just some cool stuff. It skimmed a lot of topics, but didn't go too in depth into anything. But it was a good read. Definitely worth the $1.50 I picked it up for. I need to find a little used book store around here and grab some more. I finished up that one, and realized that I now have to start reading The Tienanmen Papers again. It's been a while since I've done this, but I think I'm going to write that one off. It's very dry and quite difficult to read. I think it's about time to go book shopping again.

But it is way past my bedtime. Time to sleep now.


Goodbye Jesse Helms... You will be missed. I mean, not by me of course, but I'm sure there are plenty of racist, homophobic fuckfaces out there that are going to miss you.


I've been finding less and less interesting stuff to read on Salon lately. They did have two good articles today, one on Sex and the City, and one on Microsoft's security problems.


California congressman has opening for interns. Apply here.


Here is a partial transcript of an interview of Marilyn Manson by Bill O'Reilly of The Oreilly Factor.


It's your favorite search engine, but did you know you can clothe yourself in Google?


One of my favorite websites these days is Plastic. Anyone can sign up as a user to submit story ideas (I've even had one accepted myself...) A new user has shown up lately named "wwjd". He never seems to post anything other than his answer to "What Would Jesus Do?" regarding whatever the story is. He's fairly consistently modded down, I think mostly as a knee-jerk negative reaction to all things Christian at the website, but sometimes his comments are pointless and sometimes a bit inflammatory. Sometimes they're just a bit wacky...


Via Gurney Halleck: Do you lack the time, energy, or stamina to carry out your own political protest? That's OK, just outsource it...


Let's see... Tweekend has been out for about two weeks. I just heard the first song to be used off the album on TV. "Name of the Game" is currently running behind Monday Night Football halftime footage...


Next week, we get a new book from The Onion. I'm sure I've already read everything in it, but still... Must... Buy...


Well, I did go to see The Crystal Method last Saturday. Eh, I guess it was all right. I saw them twice before when I used to live in Houston, and those were a lot more fun. This show was crowded, expensive, and far too short. I think the opening act, UberZone, played longer than The Crystal Method. They didn't open the doors to the place unti 10:30, and it took a while to move equipment around on the stage before TCM went on. They didn't start playing until around 12:00, and only went until 1:30. It was so crowded in there, dancing was next to impossible.

But after the show, there was a little after party at Raoul's Velvet Room in Lawrence. They stayed open until around 4:00 with a DJ playing some nice house... I paid too much for water and Red Bull, but it was cool to find a place that was open late. I'm going to a real Rave type deal this weekend. Monk (of Rabbit In The Moon), among others is going to be there. Maybe I'm too old for the raving that all these kids are doing these days, but fuck it... I need to do something this weekend...


Comments from the victor of our Road to Springfield challenge... Now what the hell am I going to write about on here?


I thought this was a cool article... This newspaper had a contest where they asked readers to name Bill Clinton's new $10 million memoir. I think my favorite was "The Wonderful Wizard of Is".


Thank You, George W. Bush... Now I can afford to go to that rave this weekend...


I should go to sleep. But apparently, a lot of other people should too...


I just got back from Crystal Method, and a little after party. Danced my ass off, and I have a new low to show for it. I almost feel like I'm cheating since it's so early and I normally weigh myself just before I go to bed (10-11 most nights...) but I'll take what I can get. I need to sleep now...


Congratulations Neal Morgan... Burns was an unstoppable juggernaut, and you were on the right bandwagon from the beginning. Your valuable prizes are in the mail.


Well, I finally checked out that trail I found last week. I think I rode a total of 19 miles or so. The trail started at a marker saying 10.5 miles, and I rode up it until I got to mile 1.5. The trail system is so expansive that I got lost on my way back and think I did a loop that added somewhere between one and two miles to my overall trip. But now I'm tired and I have to clean up the apartment. Dammit...

And Ralph is still down 834-694. Dammit...


As of right now, Ralph trails 505-424. It doesn't look good.


N*Sync is my anti-drug.


I almost never get burgers any more, but I didn't feel like cooking anything tonight, so I went to Sonic. The whole trip there I was drooling over the double cheeseburger with everything I was about to enjoy. I got my stuff and came home, only to open my bag and find a plain single hamburger with nothing but mustard. I'm pissed, but too tired and lazy to drive back to Sonic. Such is my life. I'm going to read now.


It comes down to Ralph vs. Mr. Burns. I find myself compelled to point out that Ralph did defeat Barney by a bigger margin than Burns over Moe. And I dare say that Barney has to be a more popular character than Moe. Either Neal or I will take this one...

However, I will now lay off the smack talk lest I inspire even more anti-Ralph sentiment than is already surrounding this matchup. It seems to me that this is going to be a matchup of epic proportions.


Well, I guess we all misplace things every once in a while...


With today's Mr. Burns win, Neal has vaulted himself into a tie for third place. Ralph is currently in a commanding lead, but if Mr. Ross can spearhead a get out the vote effort, he can still win the tournament with an overall Barney Gumble win. An overall Mr. Burns win gives it to Mr. Morgan. I win with Ralph. Let it end now.

And somebody beat me to hosting the Kansas City party. I'll be heading out there, at least. It'll at least give me an excuse to go somplace new around here.


Years ago, I used to go to a site called Rogue Market. It's still around, but not really maintained any more. Basically what it was was a fake stock exchange where you bought and sold stock in movie stars, trying to maximize the value of your portfolio. Hollywood Stock Exchange is a similar deal, but more well done. I just joined... God knows how much spam they'll send my way, but I think it'll be fun to mess around with. My stake in Jeff Goldblum made me some major bank on Rogue Market.


Happy Birthday, Steve Martin.


And things begin to draw to a close. Road To Springfield has entered the final four, and the overall championship in our Road To Springfield Challenge is down to three possible winners. Today's matchup is between Mr. Burns and Moe. Burns is winning by a wide margin currently. However, if Moe manages to pull an upset and Barney somehow sobers up enough to take out the Unstoppable Ralph Wiggum, Michael Ross will win the tourney with an overall score of 11 points.

A Burns win today will leave myself, Neal Morgan, and Mr. Ross tied for first with 7 points. When Ralph wins the day after tomorrow, I will vault into the lead with 9 points, securing at least second place.

In my analysis, this comes down to a final showdown between myself and Neal Morgan. I still think that Ralph can pull out a win, but I think that the Burns-Wiggum matchup is going to be a squeaker, whoever manages to pull it off... But we shall see Friday night. Should I host the Kansas City RTS party?


Big Smith played two excellent shows Friday and Saturday night. Looks like I'll be missing them for a while, but in mid-October they're playing three shows in their home town of Springfield, MO. All three of those shows will be recorded for a possible live album, and some friends of mine and I are putting together a trip out there to catch those shows. If anybody's interested, let me know.

In other news, The Sopranos started re-runs again last night. They're showing the entire first three seasons again sequentially. Last night was the first episode. Unfortunately, it's up against The Simpsons. I guess it's not that big a deal since you can go to Blockbuster and rent all of season one and season two, and I would think that you'll probably be able to get season three by the time they start showing it next spring. But I'm watching since I have seen very little of the first season, and missed a lot of the second.

Speaking of TV shows on DVD, I heard a rumor that the first season of Twin Peaks will be released on DVD around Christmas time. I'll have to get that, and I hope it sells enough that they release the rest. I have the series on tape, but those degrade and it would be nice to get the series in something that isn't going to go away, and I hear that David Lynch is going to do a commentary track. That could be cool.

Ah, but the weekend is over. About time to head back to work. Have a good day all...


Well, off to Fayetteville. See you all there...


Morning Edition ran a review of American Pie 2 today... As of right now, the audio for the show isn't up on their site, but it'll be up by noon today and I suggest you check it out. I love smarmy negative reviews...


Joe Rogan, the wacky electrician from News Radio, and current host of Fear Factor, has his own website... (Don't go there from work). Lots of porn and commentary on porn. Plus, it has a list of his upcoming stand-up dates. He's going to be in Omaha October 5th and 6th. I'm definitely heading up there.


If you haven't grabbed them yet, you can view two internet only trailers for Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back here and here. I'm looking forward to the movie, but this guy apparently isn't. The site almost looks a little hoax-ish to me, though...


Today's episode of News Radio is probably my favorite... They're in space for some reason, and there are lots of cool sci-fi references. If you're going to be home 30 minutes from now (5:30 Central) I would suggest you watch it. I'm not sure if the West Coast gets a different feed and it's actually on at 5:30 local over there or what...

And here, read an interview with Dave Foley if you're bored. It looks like Dave's keeping busy, and there's a documentary out there somewhere about the KITH reunion tour from a couple years back. He's going to be in Run Ronnie Run whenever that comes out.

Wow, also in Run Ronnie Run: Jeff Goldblum, Maynard James Keenan (Tool's lead singer), Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Andy Richter, Scott Thompson, Ben Stiller... Damn, that movie needs to be released.


About to go give racquetball another shot. Last time I played, my arm was sore all night and most of the next day. If I get the same response today, I'll lay off for a week or so.

In better news, I got an email from the guy who's running Road To Springfield. His server is down because @Home is blocking incoming port 80, which means their customers can no longer run web servers behind cable modems. They did this in response to the Code Red worm, which is apparently kicking the ass of many cable modem providers. If RoadRunner ever decided to do this, Gimpysoft would be dead as well, and I might have to actually pay for web hosting, and no longer have complete control over the server. That would suck, but RoadRunner is being cool so far...

I offerred up this server for Road To Springfield, but he thinks he has another plan that will have them back up tomorrow. But if you come here tomorrow and get Road To Springfield, don't say I didn't warn you. Just vote. And be sure to check RTS tomorrow to get your vote in...


I just got back from a nice walk. I found a park over here that I didn't know was there. If I didn't already have plans to head down to Fayetteville to catch Big Smith, I'd go on a bike ride out at that park. Maybe next weekend.

If I haven't already linked this, I will now. You can see about 30 minutes of video from Steve Kimock Band's show at Tipitina's in New Orleans here. There's some more video there as well, including some Leftover Salmon and others... Somebody get me a job doing their video production... Any clubs up here in KC want to hire me to put something like this together for you?

I'm not sure why, but I pulled out my copy of Beelzebubba by The Dead Milkmen recently and I've been listening to it quite a bit. "Stuart" is just a great song, and "Punk Rock Girl" is on this one too... I've been thinking that I need to get some more of their albums and luckily I can get them on the official site maintained by the band. Actually, I think I want to get the cool Cow T-Shirt too...


Fun with Microwaves... Or you can get a little more extreme with this sort of experimentation.


These folks are trying to collect 1,000,000 AOL CDs to personally return them to America Online's headquarters and request they stop sending them to us. Be sure to send yours in.


Mark your calendars, August 24 is Slacker Day.


My anti-drug is alcohol.


I think that Road To Springfield is dead. This makes me sad. Does anybody have any idea what happenned?


From Memepool, a scary video of Steve Ballmer of Microsoft.


Still no Road To Springfield... This would be a crappy way for this to end...


Football on TV tonight. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Also, I haven't been able to connect to the Road To Springfield website since yesterday at around noon. That's odd. Hopefully he'll fix it soon... We should finish up the contest this week.


Another one bites the dust. Apu goes down to Moe. Places don't change much, though...


Wow... Moe is beating Apu right now... I certainly didn't see that coming, but go Moe!


Timber industry propaganda in response to Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax". Starring Truax, the friendly lumberjack.


A sequel to Tron is in the works. I'm in favor, if only so they'll make a new Tron video game.


Well, the elite eight have been chosen, and the final outcome of our challenge is shaping up. Before I launch into my analysis, I'll have to take this opportunity to taunt Thomas Warren, who made not one successful pick.


Now, as for the rest of you: Ed Walsh remains in first place, but the first matchup in the final four is Burns-Willy, and Willy is down currently. Directly behind Ed is Michael Ross. He only chose 5 of the 8 correctly, but has more picks in the later rounds alive. I'm behind in third, and a Willy loss hurts me pretty badly as well.

Things drop off rapidly after that.

Raj successfully picked four, but only two of his final four picks are alive, and he has neither of them picked to advance from there. Only eight possible points. Greg only picked three, and has only one picked to advance. Only five points possible for Greg. Since Ed already has six points, you are done.

Now Neal's a bit more interesting. He only picked one of the elite eight correctly, but it's a strong candidate, Mr. Burns, and he has him picked to go all the way. A Burns win earns Neal 15 points. The most any of the rest of us could earn with a Burns win is 10 (Ross). So a Burns win overall would vault Neal to an overall victory.

Taking a closer look at the brackets, any of the contestants whose final picks are still alive would win the overall if their final pick is correct. Since Willy looks like he's going down here, Ed looks like he's out of the hunt. The only way Ed could win is with an overall win by a dark horse candidate, either Troy McClure, Grampa, Barney or Moe. I don't think it's going to happen, but I could be wrong. Well fought, good sir.

I like Apu, and I'm glad that he came on stronger than I had expected him to. I even hope he takes out Burns. But I don't think he has what it takes to go all the way.

Myself, I regret nothing. I stand by my pick of Ralph Wiggum for the overall victory.

Your comments?


I met a guy at my apartment complex that works in another department at my company. He and I played a couple games of Racquetball today. He's a much better match for me than my last Racquetball partner. I did lose both games, but 12-15 and 14-16, and made him fight for that last one. Maybe I'll get in shape one of these days.


Kevin Smith - "I've been knee-deep in gayness for the better part of my twenties and up..."