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the silicone warrior

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UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH [13 Nov 2002|07:18pm]
It looks as though i don't have my job in LA.

This means I may have to move back to Akron for a bit.

Needless to day i'm a little bummed :/

Such is life.

In other news I did star a new demo.

its not nearly finished, but i kinda like where its going
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[17 Oct 2002|08:22am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Bola "Magnasushi" ]

just re-did the Jahya Design page. Its a work in progress, but I do dig on the way its coming.

Hopefully I can start on the skeleton for a new version of the circuitNOIR page later today (after I get this appliance makeup done.)

If anybody notices any glaring errors on the page(s) please let me know. Some of my windows are being cranky and don't seem to want to do play nice with the other kids.

I guess thats about all. Thanks again to everybody that has been checking in. I'm doing considerably better now... I've just not really had ANYTHING exciting to post about.

Until later remember to eat your cereal with a fork, and do your homework in the dark.

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[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | the sound of osX2 booting like a champ ]

if you have ever sent me your info in an email, or believe that I would be dumb enough to store said important info in an email PLEASE send it to me again. Mulberry just upchucked on me, and I lost everything. That being the case send it along to:

thanks in advance

PS if you sent an email recently and wonder why I haven't responded... Its not because I'm a big huge jerk... well ok. I am. BUT my computer was prcatically spitting split pea soup recently so, erm... sorry bout that :/ There are lots of you that I want to catch up with now that things have gone less insanelike, so PLEASE drop me a line....

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becuse so many people liked it... [31 Aug 2002|06:28am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I did a bit more work on that weird embryo thingEEE. anywho.. here it is!

enjoy, and lemme know whatcha think :)

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in case you were wondering... [26 Aug 2002|03:45pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Proyecto Mirage - 19 Horas ]

I posted some pics of the last 2 sculpts I did. You can find them here

The first one is the weird embryo thinger that I did for the jahyadesigndotcom splash page.

The second is the ill fated makeup from ohio that just wan't meant to be. Too bad, because I REALLY liked the sculpt. :/

oh well..

lemme know what j00 think!

8 comments|post comment

maybe I should go back to school [20 Aug 2002|10:53pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | nuthin! ]

ASPEN, Colo. (AP) - A leading theater chain has agreed to run before movies public service announcements that warn against copyright infringement, the president of News Corp. said Tuesday, describing an effort to take the entertainment industry's war against the online swapping of movies to theaters.

The spots, which also would appear on network television and video releases, say downloading movies instead of buying a ticket or a video would hurt the film industry's behind-the-scenes, yet crucial workers, including makeup artists, custodians and others, said Peter Chernin, Fox Group chief executive.

So I guess I'm on the same level as a janitor now. Rawk on. Erm..yeah....

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Lifcating adventure [11 Aug 2002|02:30pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Skinny Puppy "Spasmolytic" ]

I took a lifecast last night. It was one of the best that I have taken in years. No MAJOR imperfections, just small airbubles under the eyes..which can be fixed quite easily. I did discover however that I DO NOT like working with fiberglass as a positive casting material.Goddamn. It sucks. (most of that has to do with not REALLY knowing how to use the material so I got cranky with it and hurried a bit more then i should have.) I'd actually really like to learn a bit more about Aqua Resin. Since its safe, doesn't require fiberglass for the slurry layer, and its got a neat name !! I'm actually kinda tired of having to use plaster for everything so ANY new positive or negative molding material would be a welcome addition to my arsenal.

I would like to add as a closing thought... I really don't have a clue HOW i got any work done in High School. Everything I need is not here. (including my cupcake)

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SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS!!!!! [28 Jul 2002|12:53am]
Skinny Puppy!

I am god as far as many people are concerned. I am someone who always has something to say but goes about it the right way so that they actually are listened to. I will more than likely have many projects on the go at once, but I can handle it. I'm someone who handles stress very well and knows exactly what they are doing at all times. I am a very influential person to those around me, they all pick up my phrases and mannerisms but I don't mind, I know that what I do is original. I am a great leader, too!
Which 80s band are you?
Test created by Sambam of
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People kill me somedays :) [21 Jul 2002|09:46pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | nuthin, but the sound of my studio STILL NOT UP AND RUNNING! ]

So I was in the V irgin Megastore in Union Square, buying some dvds, and a book on avate garde photography in the 20th century. I walk up to the clerk, and hand her everything. She starts scanning, flips my book over and asks "did you get this HERE?" "Well, yes, " I say . "How else could you be charging me for it right now?" She pauses, and replies "True dat"

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programs.

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This is mostly for Dereks benefit... [18 Jul 2002|08:58pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | nuthin :) ]

I got spunky and did a page for Morpheus Laughing we look like a real band or somethin now. Heh. I realize the navigation is a bit wanky right now, but I did it in about 2 hours (including the time i spent taking the pic for the front page) anywho.. lemme know if it r00lZ or sucks ass :)

13 comments|post comment

Oh yeah... about that work visa thinger [01 Jul 2002|02:42am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Download "Manmade" ]

Does anybody know how a freak like me goes about applyin for one of these things? I kinda need it to you know.. work on movies and stuff . :-)

ANY info would be mucho appreciated.

Thanx in advance!

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why my girlfriend r00lZ [02 Jun 2002|01:49am]
For some reason it was realized that I should have been an Invader Zim character. So A drawing was made, which lead to some photoshop tomfoolery. which lead to some dreamwaever debauchery, which led to this

I love my cupcake :)
5 comments|post comment

... roatates forever unresolved. [21 May 2002|12:33am]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | nothing. for once I'm not in the mood to hear ANYTHING ]

Because of my increasing hatred for people in general I've decided to make my journal friends only from now on. If there is some wacky reason that you want to be added to my friends list then drop me an email. Otherwise, bugger off.

11 comments|post comment

long time no speak... [18 May 2002|06:52pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Static "Sometimes I'm Sad for a few Seconds" ]

Yep. I've not had much time to update thins thinger in a while. I got back rom ohi0 a couple of daze ago. The mock accident went pretty well. I should have pix up tomorrow, I think.

Not much else to speak of, I'm gearing up for the "Hot Lunch" re-shoots, and I'll have pics of the finished makeup after the 29th.

Guess thats all for now.

One word to the wise... If you are reading this and are thinking of being a twit and posting some random insipid spiteful comment because your own self esteem is lower then dirt, please don't. It only aggravates me, and it chalks up MORE things that the karma police will come after you for.

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[07 May 2002|10:27pm]

Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor.
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Why I love living in NYC somedays [01 May 2002|06:15pm]
I was walking around the village after I payed my rent, and I passed a girl that had a table set up, she was taking photos with a profesional polaroid cam, and then printing the pix onto what appeared to be nice card stock (well sorta between card stock and resume paper..but that is neither here nor there) anyhow after seein the picsI realized HOW cool it would be to have a series of those pics taken with people in makeup for the jahya design site. So we talked briefly about it (it would seem she has been in NYC for anout 3 years now, and was from denmark originally..) and she took this pic of me. I CANOT wait to do some really cool sandman esque layouts for the site, building around those pics. It should look really cool, and it will make me have to work a bit harder to get the studio piX looking cooler.
12 comments|post comment

AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! [01 May 2002|03:12am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | nuthin ]

You're Pinhead!
Leader to the group known as
The Cenobites.
You Feed off the pain of others,
and you don't give a fuck what god thinks
of your actions.
"Do i look like someone who cares what god thinks?"
No, but you have a killer sense of style!
You're here simply to bring souls back to hell with you. to torture!

 What Horror Movie Villian am I?
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yet another one that none of us saw coming [30 Apr 2002|02:16am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Nothin...I'm thinking about the end of the world ]

Am I REALLY this easy to read?

Which British Band Are You?
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its been so long ya probably don't recognize me [28 Apr 2002|04:31pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Kraftwerk "Computerlove" ]

fuck. I HATE verizon. Not only did they kindly kill my dsl for about 5 days, but the phone was knocked out as well :/


Its back on, and I am back in netland, so all is swell in mah life. For those of you keeping score..

since the last exciting adventure I went to PGH to DJ @ ceremony which was the club night i helped to put together years ago. It was pretty fun, and while it wasn't my most amazing play list to date... I had fun. :) While in Pgh I was also able to record with my old Morpheus Laughing co-conspirator Pegritz we got about 1/2 0f a song done... though its only 1/4 of the way finished... hard to explain but in my world it makes sense.

This next week finds me preparing for a mock car accident for the high school I graduated from in beautiful, scenic, and painfully boring Copley, Ohio. I did lifecasts a few weeks ago, and I'm finishing up the positive molds from that today. I'll do the sculpts over the next few days and I SHOULD have pix up of the whole process after the 15th of may. It will be really exciting. No..., really.

I guess thats all fer now. I'll maybe update in a few days or so.

Until then...

Thats the news and I am out of here.

8 comments|post comment

Layne Staley dead at 34? [20 Apr 2002|04:15am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Alice In Chains "Right Turn" ]

Its UNCOMFIRMED as of right now...

Its really sad thatsomething like this HAD to happen. Where were his friends...? I dunno... People in muzak need to lear from past
mistakes and realize that they are NOT vunerable, the music you make will LAST but you won't... Sad ending to a really great career.

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