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Below is user information for please keep arms and legs inside car at all times. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:rahaeli (218581) Paid User rahaeli
Name:please keep arms and legs inside car at all times
Send rahaeli a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Location:New Jersey, United States
Bio:I work here. Yes, for LiveJournal. The work journal is [info]denisep. I don't post in it much -- okay, I don't post here much, either. But I'm a lot more likely to post here than there. I'm currently living the geek stereotype: late twenties, living in parents' basement, working for a dot-com and vaguely applying herself towards a college degree.

I'm a geek and a writer who spends way too much time in front of her computer -- but don't we all? I'm an undergrad at The Little State University That Could, working towards a degree in Linguistics English Religion, dammit, I give up, You win. I take myself far too seriously at times, and rant at the drop of a hat. I have been accused of being an elitist more times than I can count, and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm nocturnal both by nature and nurture. I haven't watched TV on a regular basis since 1993, except for new episodes of Star Trek. I play a lot of video games, when I have the time for it. I don't really do much but work on LJ, write, and go to school. I'm working on a book. I'm really bad at writing bios.

To email me, send to (my username) Please do not contact me with LiveJournal-related questions unless I've specifically given you permission to do so. My work is my work, and my personal time is my personal time. (Even though anyone who knows me knows that I'm always at least partially "on duty"...)

I am not a member of the Illuminati. I have never gone mountain climbing. I sleep with the window open even in the dead of winter. I have given up sleeping until summer break graduation. I cannot sum up my religious beliefs in under 500 words. I resent the fact that I have to do homework. I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, and you can tell how badly work is going at any time by seeing how full my ashtray is. I can see the fnord. I will probably not touch this bio for another six months.

THIS JOURNAL IS A DRAMA FREE ZONE. Temporarily Friends Only to enforce this.

down in the mouth and not half right
but i can feel a change is coming on
bloom like a flower in bluest night
bloom like the sunlight in my song

all of the words you can't say right
burn my ass with anger to no end
and i love my country so much, man
like an exasperating friend

yeah, i believe the war is wrong
i don't believe that nations can be steered
lead the world with smarts and compassion
by example, not coercion, force and fear

ads for the army on cable
between ads for soda and skin cream
what about the kids that you signed up
do you really love them as you claim?

down in the mouth and not half right
but i can feel a change is coming on
bloom like a flower in endless night
bloom like the sunlight in my song

dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dudum dum
move on, move on

     -- Mike Doughty

In the event of emergency, my information can be found here.
Memories:66 entries
Interests:150: $2.27 1/17/1956, /admin/console/ , 1337 l1v3j0urn4l h4xx0r1ng, 24 hour diner cheesecake, 80s-influenced electronica, aggressive atemporality, arturo's  apartment, barukh atah ha'shem, baskets of cheerful daisies, being 1337er than thou, being an abuse nazi, being obsessed with time magazine, being painfully meta, being the paf, being very crafty, being outnumbered by books, being perpetually overworked, being the rain king, big gay angel cloak, bit the boolean bot, blue haired radiomen, bubba′s bbq, chasing sidewalk pigeons, cheating like a motherfucker, cheesing in video games, chilly toes, chlorine in the genepool, completely breaking findsim algorithms, cursing the weather gods, delegating unpleasant shitwork, department of administrative research, diet lime coke-can towers, embarrassing slash, emulating diocletian towards whiny prats, ending knee-deep in danes, ergonomic video game controllers, extended hibernation, famous gay poet, feeding abusers to frank, filling up the bookshelves, flower for a gil, frank's green count, fresh side tea rolls, fucking junon, genderfucking productions of hamlet, getting away with academic murder, gratuitous existential drama, guerilla religion, hating that which you profess, having 8000 browser tabs, heavy abuse whomping, hiding from the parents, hissing at the sun, holy or broken halleleujahs, i love bob frost, icecream from the container, ignoring my cellphone, imaginary lj rights, it's your own damn fault, kamikaze rocket pigs, lament for brendan behan, lapzilla , laughing at stupid troll tactics, litanies in your name, long-dead irishmen, making threatening noises, malerin's shower, many-layered conlangs, memeing out evil slash, miller vs california, mocking teenie drama, mocking idiotic professors, mommying all of you, my mother the war, necessary asskicking, never quitting smoking, never cleaning my desk, not dolls action figures, obscure imported video games, obsessing over video games, obsessively refreshing zilla, offending the unobservant, one more unlinked interest, outworld political intrigue, over-analyzing absurdist cake songs, pandering to incessant whiners, paralyzing fear of stupidity, perpetual sleep deficits, persecuting tos violations, pinecone waltzes, pink haired librarians, plotting hostile takeovers, poor human prose, praising the mighty hunter, pursuing fortune and glory, quality video game translations, radical theism, reclaiming sacred scripture, reconstructing pangaea, recovering the satellites, revisionist theology, revolutionary theism, rocky's road trip, rufus's sweatpants, ruka/mikage (mikage/ruka?), semi-random road trips, sharing polygon space, shinra electric power company, sitting on girlfriend's toes, six-hour writing binges, sleeping without sheets, sleepwalking in seattle, sneaking in five word interests, snuggling with the girl, special things in sodomy, spinning pwps into epics, spitting on your stupid drama, spitting on dialup, staining the pillowcases purple, staying inside for days, stupid romance novels, subservient bastards, subtle sword-wounds to dignity, sunrise over barnegat bay, supportclose:abuse , tcotk , that chirping cat noise, the circle of theft, the nisan lake, the whorehopper, three-man slingshot and rice, throwing ice at backup-singers, thwarting deveiant's interest-stealing, tiny little tank tops, trained lawn gnome sysadmins, tree for president, turning my keyboard purple, unbridled hostility, unexpected power-idling, unhelpful away messages, unpublished novenae, vagina motherfuckers, validating your email address, waiting for compliance, watching buffy dvd commentary, watching roses bloom, whacking the evil dummy, worshipping alexander o smith, xenogears timeline manipulation, zero abuse green. [Modify yours]
People183:26giraffes, aajwind, abiku, acerbic, adric, alexanderwait, almostforty, alsatia, anais_nun, andrewanker, andrewducker, angrychicken, animeg, archane, arie, asciident, azarias, beginning, bleything, bobbi_wic, bookofsecrets, brad, brett, brettagne, burr86, ceciliaregent, chrisg, cjsherwood, coffeechica, cymraes, daleydale, damnitnicole, darthneko, daveman692, deoridhe, desh, deslea, deveiant, dragonchylde, dubhain, dusk_and_dawn, ellenp, emmavescence, erinn, escapist_xbq, euclara, evan, ferrell, folk, fuzzyfruit, fweebles, fyredancer, geekerypokery, geeksheep, giogio, girlmecha, gooner, hederahelix, hyounpark, infiniverse, isabeau, iseebi, jamisononfire, janinedog, jayallen, jayo, jchalo, jenett, jnala, jpallan, jproulx, judebennett, kamara, kensey, kilkainnan, knagl, koress, kyrielle, ladysisyphus, larathia, learan, legomymalfoy, leora, lettingitgo, liliaceous, lisa, lizliz, llamajoy, maeincarnate, mahlon, malerin, manhattan, marblespire, margoeve, markf, markpasc, marksmith, menatrott, mendel, mickeym, milo_bloom, miome, mistersleepless, miz_ginevra, mlion, momentofpeace, mortaine, mullenkamp, naissa, nezchan, niftykitten, nilesta, niqaeli, nonchop, nyxie, onthecontrary, ozarque, parityanimal, pen_and_ink, peznin, pleonastic, predominant, prim, pthalogreen, pumpy, purrfectmess, quikslvr, randompenguin, ratkrycek, raventhon, reccea, revvoice, rho, rhyssj, roy, rustnroses, sanderella_, sarah_mascara, sarahq, sathinks, scsi, seraphimsigrist, shamanix, sherm, shingan, sjdr, solcita, spacebrat, spiralhollow, spratt, ssecca01, starvingnerd, summerbride, sunray, superflow, supersat, susanasus, swerved, tenshisama, thebubba, thefamilyband, theninjakitten, thewayin, tibirius, tiercel, tikva, tima_tic, tokyoq, topaz119, tpod, trelana, ursamajor, uschickens, vanbeast, wearemany, whitaker, without_me, wrenlet, xb95, xevinx, yymmat, zachere, zarchanalin
Communities67:6a, ab00se, abusefest, atannounce, atmanager, atrfc, attrainers, bdsm, breathe_poetry, candystore, changelog, dailyrant, davadhvam, downnotacross, emerald_curtain, eviloverlords, fst, gunkmentoring, gunkreviews, helpscreening, house_of_syn, howto_userdoc, howtosupport, icorinthians, irctownhall, lj_abuse, lj_admins, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_clients, lj_dev, lj_docadmin, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_research, lj_support, lj_supportadmin, lj_syndication, lj_test, lj_userdoc, mikedoughty, news, privchange, rockysroadtrip, rosenovel, shpxurnq, submergence, suggestions, support_bugs, support_clients, support_comms, support_dip, support_embed, support_general, support_interim, support_sharks, support_slash, support_ssystem, support_syn, support_upi, support_web, supportideas, supportlounge, supportrpg, thenecropolis, webreviews, webweavers
Feeds6:bboxvoting_rss, bofh_feed, electoralvote, mikedoughtyblog, savagelove, wilwheaton2
Account type:Permanent Account

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