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User:dollrock (5069068)  
Name:all your seasick sailors
AOL IM:AIM status oh vendetta (Add Buddy, Send Message)

her heart's like crazy paving
upside down and back to front
she says oh, it's so hard to love
when love was your great disappointment

aphoniaacross the universeicons in a boxheartstorm

feel free to add me, just leave a comment so i know who you are.
Memories:167 entries
Interests:27: amélie moments, calleigh/eric, flowers, foreign languages, gilmore girls, harbours, joan baez, joss stone ♥, lighthouses, lolita, london underground, pearls, photography, pink ipod mini, prozac nation, richie sambora, rosenstolz, sea shells, sunsets, the beatles, the ocean, the virgin suicides, the x-files, the-god-of-small-things, tori amos, winter to spring, writing. [Modify yours]
People30:__flipse, __rubyslippers, _inabox, alpacasforlunch, carrie_suza, carte, cemetary_partie, cloudjuice, csibrandon, dollrock, henmar, janetmaca, jmomonique, likerain, liliths_nymph, meowmix1066, milkpetal, misera, ohpaintbrush, reyesphile, roseinyrteeth, screamwhite, slowdear, sombras_azules, tenebrous, this_raingirl, torm, undiscover, vegginess, wensday___
Communities23:ariba, aureola, avoidants, calleighanderic, endings, enrapturement, gilmore_quotes, hazeofstars, joss_stone, jr__nal, literaryquotes, lyneslo, mkaolsen, mw_daily, ontuesdays, seashores, sky_light, sky_scapes, skyrockette, sunsetpictures, toriamos, virgin_suicides, xfiles
Feeds3:calnhobbes, codegrrlupdates, officialgaiman
Account type:Free Account

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