Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "elves".
404 matches:
- _thefaeries - faerieshimmerdust
- ac_lotr_crew - The Lord of the Rings Crew
- adrianwelch - Adrian Welch Fantasy Art
- adventurers - Waiting for Gandalf: Adventurers
- aft_tolkien - AFT Tolkien
- age_of_mortals - Dragonlance - The Age Of Mortals
- alternative_ana - The Odd Ones
- amaranthinewake - Bloom of Amaranthine
- andrealives - Andrea Is The Bestest
- angelicrealm - The Realm of Angels
- angels_demise - Demise of Angels RPG
- ant_refugees - refugees of ANTAGONIST, INC.
- anti_arwen - for those who have actually read the books
- antisagian - The Antisagian Alliance
- apartment412 - Apartment 412
- aragornfans - Strider Fans
- archery - The Archery Community
- ariablaire - Autumn -:- Sparkles
- artattack - Art Attack
- arwen_evenstar - Arwen Evenstar Fans
- ashleighwoodelf - Into the Woods - Wood elves and lovers
- asylumrunners - Asylum Shadowrun game
- athelingas - Lord of the Rings Slash
- atwoodoriana - The Guild Of Atwood Oriana
- autumn_fate - Aki no Unmei
- avaene_tela - Avaene Tela
- bahonpointyears - Tired of SF elves
- beingsoflegend - beingsoflegend
- betweenrealms - Between Realms
- bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
- bitter_ones - Embrace the Bitterness
- blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
- bloodphoenix - BloodPhoenix Icons
- bloomilicious - Bloomilicious
- bonnie_mad_boys - Bonnie Mad Boys
- book_reviews - Book_Reviews
- bordertown - Bordertown
- boromirlovers - Boromir Fans
- box_n_tarp - Jen's Box 'n Tarp
- bret_mckenzie - Bret "Figwit" McKenzie community
- broken_glasses - Books lovers of all Types
- cadesca - The Realm of Cadesca
- celebaelin - The City of Celebaelin
- chaos_inc - Chaos, Incorporated
- chaosmajik - Magick for all paths to share working magicks
- chaoticmux - Chaotic MUX
- cheese_n_anvil - The Cheese and Anvil Inn
- child_within - Imhên
- christmaslovers - Christmas Lovers
- chromeskull - chrome.skull.militia
- clan_invincible - Clan Invincible
- comebackwalter - Stocktonites
- councilofelrond - Council-of-Elrond
- crazyclaims - Crazy Claims
- creativebrain - Creative Brain -- Dual Cosplay
- darkelves - The Drow
- darkoubliette - The Dark Oubliette
- deleterius - Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings Mary Sues
- desert_storm - Coresti's brood
- deverry - Deverry
- dnd3e - D&D 3E
- do_me_boromir - Do Me, Boromir
- do_me_eomer - Do Me, Eomer
- do_me_frodo - Do Me, Frodo
- do_me_gimli - Do me, Gimli
- do_me_haldir - Do Me Haldir
- do_me_legolas - Do Me, Legolas
- dorks_n_doofs - you just don't like us cuz we're better than you
- dragonblood - Dragonblood : The Series
- dragonlancefans - The World of Krynn
- dragonrealms - LiveJournal's DragonRealms Community
- dragonseptgames - Dragonsept Games
- dreaming_nights - Dreaming Nights
- dress_up - Dress Up
- drow - Drow
- drunkards - Drunken Simian Miscreants
- dungeonporn - D&D porn
- eat_at_elronds - Fan Council of Elrond
- eeriehappenings - Eerie Happenings
- elegant_cate - Cate Blanchett
- elementalstory - Elementals
- elf_ears - Talula_belle
- elf_friends - Elf_Friends
- elf_haven - This is a Sanctuary For Elves
- elfgasms - Pervy Elf Fanciers
- elrohir_halfelf - Elrohir
- elven_fetish - Elven Fetish
- elven_journal - The Traveling Elf
- elvenpaths - Elven Paths
- elves - Edhel
- elves_n_amazons - Elves and Amazons and such
- elves_n_things - Elves_n_Things
- elvesandmuses - Elves & Muses
- elvesoncampus - Elves On Campus ; An online comic
- enchanted_elms - ...Enchanted Elms, Community for Romanticists...
- eowynsrealm - Fans of Éowyn
- epicfantasy - The Fantasy Genre
- eq_holts - ElfQuest Fan Holts
- ewfnsisters - The LOTR (lads)-holics united.
- faeid - faeid
- faenaturelle - Fae Naturelle
- faerie_art_club - Faerie Art Club
- faerie_gurls - FaEriE GuRLs
- faerie_icons - Faerie Icons!
- faerie_wicca - Faerie Wicca
- faeriecharm - Ethereal Poets & Dreamers
- faeriefashion - Faerie Fashion! Wearable Faery Art!
- faeriefreedom - Faerie Freedom Fighters
- faery_hill - Faery_Hill
- fain_taur - The White Forest
- fan_fiction - We love FAN FIC!!
- fantasy_realm - Day Dreamers
- fantasy_ride - Former FR members
- fantasyart - Fantasy Art
- fantasywriters - fantasywriters
- faraway_land - Folklore & Fairy Tale Fans
- felinefaconelf - Fashion_Elves_Felines
- fellow_shippers - Fellowshippers: LOTR RPS
- fellowship_nine - Fellowship Nine
- fellowshippers - Slashobbit
- find_you_a_box - Concerning Hobbits
- fragileunicorns - Fragile Unicorns
- francesca_lia - Francesca Lia Block Community
- freak_show_icp - The Great Milenko
- gamedog00 - gamedog00
- gayboi - GayBoi's
- geekculture - geek culture
- girls_for_craig - The Craig Parker Love
- glamourbombs - Glamour Bombs
- glitter_agents - No More Mister Nice Faery
- glitterbombers - Winged Creatures
- goldenhall - the Golden Hall
- grdragnbackroom - The Green Dragon Back Room
- greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
- green_dragon - LotR Artists' Community
- greenhousethree - Mod Communication: The Brothel of Greenhouse Three
- growed_up - Life After Hogwarts
- guttercourt - The Royal Court of the Gutter
- haldir_horde - The Haldirs of Livejournal
- hartsfaraway - Harts Far Away
- hidden_realms - Otherworldly realms
- high_elven - Quenya
- hoaxes - hoaxes
- hobbitcrossing - Hobbit Crossing
- hobbiton - Lovers of Middle-Earth
- hobbitsync - Hobbits 'n Sync
- hoom_hoom - Shameful LotR Spam
- howlerspeak - Howler's Peak
- hrielith - Hrielith
- i_guild - Implausibility Guild
- icicle_forest - Icicle Forest
- iconimate - Animate Your Life
- imloth - Thamas o Imloth
- imnotmyself - I'm not myself at The Rainbows End Inn
- indar - The World of Indar
- infierno - Freud's Inferno
- intershards - InterShards
- istariandreams - Istarian Dreams
- justbeyond - Just Beyond Normal
- kings_of_chaos - Kings of Chaos
- kiriss - Kiriss Melindos
- kissme_imelvish - The Elvish Ones
- kzim - DJ Gir
- landofn0d - Dream Walkers
- larpaddicts - Medieval LARPing
- larpers - LARPers
- laughlorien - Mirkwood's Open Mic
- learn_tolkien - Learn the Languages of Tolkien
- legolas_lovers - Legolas Lovers
- legolasofmrkwd - Legolas Greenleaf
- lilywater - Lilywater
- lindonco - Lindon Co.
- ljlovelysuite - the Lovely Suite, lj-style
- lordofthebetas - Lord of the Rings Beta Readers
- lordoftherants - LotR Rants, Gripes, and Just General Unhappiness
- lordoftherings - Lord of the Rings
- lordotrings - Lord of the Rings
- lotr_art - LotR ART
- lotr_cult - Lord of the rings audience participation
- lotr_dreams - The Dreaming Theatre
- lotr_fiction - Lord of the Rings Fan Fiction
- lotr_icontest - LotR_Icontest
- lotr_msting - Lord of the Rings MSTings
- lotr_news - lotr news
- lotr_playground - LOTR Playground
- lotr_poetry - Lord Of The Rings Poetry
- lotr_recs - Lord of the Rings Fanfic Recs
- lotr_refugees - LOTR Refugees
- lotr_rp - [Lord Of The Rings] -- Online Role Play
- lotr_spokane - LotR Trilogy 12/16 in Spokane
- lotr_the_book - Lord of the Rings-The Book!
- lotr_vamps - LOTR Vamps
- lotr_whorehouse - The Middle Earth Whore House
- lotranon - Lord of the Rings Anonymous...a Support Community
- lotrart - Lord of the Rings Fanart
- lotrcostumes - Lord of the Rings Costumes
- lotrdrabble - The LOTR Drabble Community
- lotrfangirls - Lord of the Rings Fangirls
- lotrhp_slash - LOTR/HP Slash Community
- lotrmoulin - lotr-moulin rouge fan alliance
- lotrnoncon - LOTR NonCon
- lotrparody - LOTR Parody
- lotrporn - One Stop Porn Shop
- lotrquotes - LOTR Quotes
- lotrroleplay - LotRRP
- lotrrp_muns - LotRRP
- lotrrpg - Lord of the Rings RPG
- lotrslash - Lord Of The Rings Slash
- lotrslashannals - Lord of The Rings Slash Annals (Archive)
- lotrunderground - LOTR Underground
- lovecraftianelf - Lovecraftian Elves
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- lowerhaven - Artemis Fowl discussion
- lunar_temple - Temple of Inner Witchcraft
- magickal - Phantasy Magick
- maiar - The Maiar
- malin_ambar - Malin Ambar [Golden World]
- marchwarden - MarchWarden: LJ's Haldir Community
- materiamagica - Materia Magica
- me_claims - Middle-earth Claims
- mepd - Middle-Earth Police Department
- mespt_daycare - Arda All-Species Daycare
- middle_earth - Middle-Earth Sock Puppet Theatre
- middle_earth_ - Lord of the Rings Character Analysis
- middle_rp_earth - The INACTIVE Middle Earth RP
- minas_ithil - NAZGUL!!!
- mirkwoods - Nienna
- misanthropickin - misanthropickin
- mordorks - Mordorks
- mrorlandobloom - orlando bloom fans
- ms_larp - Mississippi Larps
- mtgcustomcards - Custom Cards
- muses_of_fate - Muses Of Fate
- mysticthrill - Obsession Is For The Strong
- mythicalanimals - Mythical Animals
- mythicals - Mythical creatures
- nancingpony - The Nancing Pony
- nashiogai - Let the Wild Rumpus Start!
- negamii - Negamii Productions
- nekoden - NekoDen Comics
- nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
- nerdclub - Nerd Club
- newfrancesaga - Saga of New France
- newkin - New Kin
- night_stars - Night Stars
- nintendo_zelda - The Legend of Zelda
- noldorks - Noldorks
- norse_mythology - Norse Mythology
- nothing_void - Drenched in Black, They Weave...
- numenwriters - A place for writers to share their muses
- nutellalove - Nutellalove - where no lickable guy is safe
- nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
- ob_fans - OB Fans
- obsessandposses - Obsession and Possession
- of_the_shire - Live.Like.A.Hobbit
- oklapagans - Pagans and other non-christians in Oklahoma
- old_time_seance - Antiquarian Mediums, Spiritualists & Clairvoyants
- once_winged - Winged Eternal
- oom - OOM: EverQuest and Gaming fanart and humor
- orlando_humor - Orlando Bloom - The Funny Years
- orlandoluvsme - Orlando luvers
- orli_claims - Claimers of Orlando Bloom
- ost_in_edhil - ~*~Fortress of the Elves~*~
- otherkin - Otherkin LJ Community
- otherkin_realm - Otherkin Gathering
- otherkin_uk - Otherkin of the British Isles
- outwardbound - Outward Bound
- pagan_empires - Pagan Empires Campaign
- paganality - paganality
- paranormal_inc - Paranormal People
- park_city - Park City
- pastthehorizon - Past the Horizon
- pathoftheawoken - Awakening of The Senses and Memory; Otherkin
- pelennorfields - Pelennor Fields
- pelle_elves - The Pelle Elves
- perfectkismet - PerfectKismet
- peruseen - Parma Eruseen
- picturepeople - Nothing Clever Is Coming Out Right Now. Sorry.
- pippinfans - Peregrin Took
- poisonelves - Poison Elves
- pookaplayground - Phooka's Playground
- postfasasr - Post Fasa Shadowrunners
- prancingdragon - The Prancing Dragon
- princess_amber - Princess Amber of Agondria
- projectphoenix - I am Reborn, From the Ashes
- proudtoslash - proudtoslash
- pure_obsessions - Obsessions
- qsmgsfd - vanya
- quendi - The Grey Havens
- ratal - all-unseeing-slash haven
- realmslore - the forgotten realms
- resurrections - Resurrections
- rg_council - RPE
- rgbrsremembered - Frodo and Sam
- ring_rants - Rants of the Ring
- ringprov - Lord of the Rings Improv
- risoukyou_rpg - Kingdom of Risoukyou RPG
- rivendell - Lord Of The Rings Fan Community
- rpdreams - Lyra: Quest of the Fates
- rpg_widows - Role Playing Game Widows
- rpw_icons - The Ring, the Pirate, and the Wizard
- ru_elves - quendi
- santarchy - santacon!
- savehaldir - The Haldir Protection Society
- scifi_smut - Fan fiction inspired by Sci-Fi/Fantasy works
- scorchcakers - Short Attention Span Flirters
- searchtheabyss - Adventures in the Deamonrealm
- second_age - The Second Age S.R.
- sh_art - The (Primarily Fanart) Art Community
- shadesofgrayrpg - Shades of Gray
- shadow_realm - Dark meets Light
- shadowrun - Shadowrun
- shardsofarda - Shards Of Arda
- shardsofnarsil - Shards of Narsil
- shinyshinyelves - ShinyShinyElves
- shroomylembas - Mushrooms and Lembas
- sidhe_blooded - Not Of This Realm
- silmarillion - The Silmarillion
- silver_unicorn - The Silver Unicorn
- silverquills - Silver Quills
- simplygeeky - geeks unite!
- sindarin - voice of beleriand
- skeptic_kin - skeptic_kin
- skinny_hobbits - Good Eating Hobbits
- slashwraiths - The 'Lord of The Rings' Slash Community
- slashydreams - slash dreams
- slashygaysticks - Institution for the Clinically Slashygayed
- snowhaven_2dot0 - Snowhaven Holt Pre-Staging
- so_fla_gay_boys - Southern Florida Gay Boys
- socalkin - Southern California Otherkin
- solarpcs - SOLAR Player Characters
- spellweavers - Spellweavers
- spookyfaeries - Spooky Faeries
- squicky - Mmm...Squicky!
- squirrelnutkin - Cute Things
- stealthisbook - read me
- sticklebats - Sticklebats: A LOTR Community
- storm_chaser - Tarnished images
- story_realm - Story Realm
- suikoden_yaoi - Suikoden Yaoi
- synthetic_socks - Synthetic Socks
- tales_of_arda - Tales of Arda
- tazlure - Tazlure's LJ Community
- the_abyss - The Abyss
- the_fellowship - The_Fellowship
- the_garbery - The Garbery
- the_geeklings - the geeklings
- the_giants_wife - in the tower
- the_grey_havens - Namárië
- the_hot_geeks - the hot geeks
- the_hsu_crew - The HSU Crew
- the_realms - The Realms
- the_tooks - The Took Family
- the_trip_thing - The Trip Girls Rock!
- the_unaccepted - evil masterminds annonymous
- thebois - Blurry
- thecampaign - The Felurian Campaign
- thefantastic - The Fantastic
- thelufflies - The LUFFLIES
- thequotebooknow - Your Own Memories...On ICE
- thereadingroom - What are you reading?
- therianthropy - Therianthropists and OtherKin Community
- thetenthkingdom - The Tenth Kingdom - A Fan Community
- thinking_well - The Thinking Well
- thornhold - Thornhold
- tildemask - Tilde and the Mask of :P - Design Journal
- tinf - TINF
- tir_tairngiri - Fabulous Faeries
- tolkien_books - tolkien literary purists
- tolkien_elves - Tolkien's Elves
- tolkien_fans - Fans of J.R.R Tolkien's books
- tolkienart - Art Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien
- tolkiengen - Tolkien Genfic
- tookute - A Pippin Community
- toying - Toying At Our Leisure
- twinniecorp - Twinnie Corporation
- tynkrbelltrades - Tynkrbell Trades Online Community
- underpower - Underpower comic!
- undrentide - Bardic Tales
- violentboylove - We <3 Boys With Bruises
- virtuous_sprite - Virtuous Sprites
- wargs - W.A.R.G.S.
- wc3 - Warcraft III Community
- wcatyclique - The WCATY Clique
- we_are_fae - We Believe
- we_love_cj - The Cocoajava Fan Club
- we_love_elves - We're Crazy 'Bout Elves!
- wee_tolkien - The best of each day's Tolkien news
- wesitonelves - We sit on elves!
- what_if_society - Curious Curio
- whitecity - WhiteCity
- whitecityooc - WhiteCity OOC
- winged_balrogs - the Great Debate
- wishingonadream - The Tenth Kingdom RPG
- wonderlandash - Wonderland's Ashes
- woodlandechoes - Songs From The Wood
- wylddreamers - dreamer
- wytchwood - WytchWood - Home of the Empath
- wyvernaddicts - ....
- x_galadriel_x - The Lady of Lorien
- xanth_ - Xanth
- yogaclass4catz - * T * K * C *
- youtheternal - youtheternal
Interested users
The following users are interested in elves. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
469 matches: