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Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "scifi".
231 matches:
100x100movies - 100x100movies
1337kidsclub - 1337 Kids Club
60wordfiction - ...
__scifibeauty - Sci Fi Beauty
_ark_hive_ - translations from the natural world
_artemisfowl - ARTEM!S LOVE
_blueberrybagel - _blueberrybagel
_dual - Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures
_identitycrises - Transformation and identity in fiction
_machines - The source for science fiction news.
_ofperfection - Beings of perfection
_spaceelevator_ - The Space Elevator
_the_forgotten_ - The Community for the 2004 movie: The Forgotten
a_village - Non-Standard Family Life
adastra_con - Ad Astra Convention
adin_jen - Adin & Jen B
alantudyk - Alan Tudyk Fans!
alphaproject - AlphaBABE
altered__states - Altered States
amalgams - amalgams
andorbooks - Andor Book Reviews
ani_mag - Animal Magnetism
annfic - Ann V's Fiction
anotherdaygame - Another Day - IC Journals or online communications
archiv_obscurum - archiv_obscurum
arinlog - The adventures of Arin Ruskin
arthousers - Arthouser
artists_studio - Artists Studio a place for artists
atlantis - Stargate Atlantis
auroracity - Aurora City
badartwar - Bad Art War
bibliophiles - Book Freaks
bibliophily - readers and writers
boekenwurm - boekenwurm
book_worm - Book Worm
bookswapping - LJ Bookswapping Community
bookworming - Addicted to Books
bprs4e - ♥; Rate That Book
bravo_fleet - Bravo Fleet LJ Community
britneyicontest - Britney I-contest
bruadairsaoghal - Bruadair_Saoghal
brumscifisoc - Scifi Soc
bswg - Bootstrap Writers' Group
bttf - GREAT SCOTT! A Back to the Future community!
changelingsu - The CSU project
chaos_inc - Chaos, Incorporated
chocolateoscuro - Like Dark Chocolate, this expands your arteries!
christian_geek - Christian Geeks
cibola - A place for artists, writers, musicians, etc.
clockworking - Clockwork In Progress
clonejanet - clonejanet
conzilla - Westercon 59 -- Conzilla
creaturefx - Creature FX and Props
crossroads_mall - Crossroads Mall
daily_chronicle - The Daily Chronicle
dapurplellama - **({The Purple Llama})**
dasien - Dasien - Superhero Webcomic
deep_space_nine - deep_space_nine
dfwmoviewhores - Dallas/Ft. Worth Movie Fans
digitabulum - Digitabulum :: Witchblade LJ Icons
doors_of_huxley - Dys-topia
dragonblood - Dragonblood : The Series
dragonconyalit - Dragoncon Young Adult Literature Track
dramallamas - Drama Llamas
earthsea_series - Community for the Scifi series
eastcoastfurs - East Coast Furries
egyptrpg - Egypt with scifi twist rpg
eotmh - Espers of the Midnight Hour
epu - Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
eurocon - Eurocon and ESFS
exisle_expats - ExIsle Expatriates
f3_i - Fan Fic Fill-Ins
fandom_casting - Fandom Casting Agency
fantasy_books - fantasy_books
fantasy_scifi - Fantasy and Sci Fi Art
fictionfelons - The Jail Warden
film_icons_4_u - Film Icons 4 You!
find_a_book - Find a book by plot
fursex - Fursuit Sexy!
fursuit - Fursuiting
fursuitauctions - Fursuit Auctions
gather_fandom - Gather Fandom
gaycomicgeeks - Gay Geeks
geek_pride - geeks, unite!
geekmart - GeekMart
geekparents - GeekParents
geeksrhot - Geeks Are Hot!
geniiclub - Geniiclub
gettaken - Get Taken-Spielberg's Taken
got_the_blues - Got the Blues
goth_asheville - Gothic Asheville Community
gothic_reviews - Reviews of all things Goth related
great_scotsmen - Nessy McCraken
greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
guideslash - guideslash
hali_game - hali_game
hello_navi - Serial Experiments Lain
hope_station - The Official Hope Station LiveJournal Community
iupuac - IUP Underground Anime Club
jack_slash_paul - Jack/Paul
jackslashdaniel - JackslashDaniel
jhonen - mr. vasquez's fans
karl_daily - Karl Every Day
ladies_bookclub - The Girls' Book Club
lain_fans - experience the wired.
lawrence_sf - Lawrence, Kansas Science Fiction
lc_playground - The Lunatic Cafe Playground
leguin - Fans of Ursula K. Le Guin
life_drawing - Life Drawing
literoddity - Literoddity - A Reading Club
logorrhoea - Logorrhoea
lunatic_cafe - The Lunatic Cafe
majel_fanz - La Maje: Majel Barrett Fan LJ
manticlight - Mantic Light
mecon_news - Northern Irelands Science Fiction Convention
media_hive - Movie Reviews ..etc..
midwestfurs - Midwest / Heartland Furries
misc_muse - the_miscellaneous_muse
mookiewookie - Mookiewookie Tavern
movies_games - Movie & Gaming Addicts
multi_genre_fan - Multi-Genre Fandom
mymuseicons - My Muse Icons
nc_furs - nc_furs
neopets_18up - neoanimegoddess
new_subculture - your place to belong
newenglandfurs - New England Furs
niente_perdere - Niente Perdere
nitebloomingpen - The Night Blooming Pen Writer's Cafe
norwescon - Norwescon
nouveauxmondes - Nouveaux Mondes
nullrpg - The Tiger Oaks Tavern (A Null RPG)
nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
odyssey5 - The Odyssey 5 Community
of_an_evolution - Natural Selection takes on a whole new meaning
oh_claire - Oh Claire
olihin_xe - Ex Nihilo Writers Consortium
onedeathtoomany - onedeathtoomany
ourworldrpg - Our World RPG
pcj - Pop Culture Junkie
pdx_geek - pdx_geek
perfectionnv - El Blanco
philcon - philcon
plattsburghfur - The Furs of Plattsburgh and it’s surrounding areas
pleasepublishme - Aspiring Writers' Support Group
pmx - Pacific Media Expo
pouroutyoursoul - People sharing the stories, poems, etc.
projectlodestar - Lodestar
prometheusrt - Prometheus Radio Theatre
purplewillow - witchcraft 24/7
r2dvd_bargains - r2dvd_bargains
ramath_lehi - Ramath-lehi
ravenloches_ent - Wycked Reviews
real_world_lc - The Lunatic Cafe's Real World
reddwarficons - Red Dwarf Icons
ri_scifi - Rhode Island Geek Book Club
rigelianculture - Rigelian Culture - A Space Cases LJ Community.
robertjsawyer - Robert J. Sawyer Fans!
robotofsteel - Robots, Pirates, and Dinosaurs
roswellgirls - The Women of Roswell
roswellquotes - Roswell Quotes
rotten_writing - rotten_writing
saasclub - San Antonio Animation Social Club
saganliveson - The Carl Sagan Community
sakotai - Sakotai | Arts Community
sanetv_reviews - saneTV DVD Reviews
sanity_cafe - The Sanity Cafe
save_earthsea - Kicking Columbus out of Earthsea
sbof - Secret Bellydancers of Fandom
scaper_quotes - Scaper Quotes
sci_femmes - Female Science Fiction Fans
scientistgamers - Scientist Gamers
scifi_dot_com - Princess Grace's Sci-fi Freaks
scifination - SciFi Nation
scifitaken - Scifi's Taken
sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
seatowndeviants - Seattle Deviants
serialain - Serial Experiments Lain
sg1 - Stargate SG-1
shadow_dwellers - La Famalia
shadow_titans - shadow_titans
silly_drama - The Story So Far...
sincere_yarning - sincere_yarning
skullfucking - skullfuckingly shocking!
slof - Secret Librarians of Fandom
soapvt - Society of Anthropomorphics at Virginia Tech
space_adv_cobra - The Space Adventure Cobra Community
space_biscuits - Space Biscuits: An Original Work-In-Progress
starfoxzero - starfoxzero
stargate - Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Infinity
steve_gonsalves - steve gonsalves fans
storyavenue - Story Avenue
stupid_tyrants - stupid_tyrants
summa_nulla - summa_nulla
sxe_geeks - Straight Edge Geeks
t_h_e_m - T.H.E.M.
teh_muses - Teh Muses
tekumel - The Fantasy World of Tekumel
tepper_fans - Fans of Sheri S. Tepper
the_athenaeum - The Library
the_literate - The Literate
the_timer - Sliders
thecircle - The Silver Circle of Rhydin
thedressupsbox - thedressupsbox
thespotlessmind - -=ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE S P O T L E S S MIND=-
tip_spooners_04 - The Tipsters Of Duke West Term 1 2004
tosaveoneknight - a ro fanfic of me and my friends
totaldistortion - Total Distortion
toughguy_slash - Tough Guy slash (or Burly Man Slash)
trekmuse_icons - trekmuse_icons
trojanwhoresdc - The Trojan Whores
twilightreality - Twilightreality
tyger_writing - Velvet_Tygers Writing, for class, and just fun.
tynkrbelltrades - Tynkrbell Trades Online Community
ueo_tavern - The UEO Tavern
uk_stargatesg1 - UK-SG1
uva_yww - UVA Young Writers
watched_me_die - All thing involved in AFI
westercon - DethCon
wheretitansstep - wheretitansstep
wonderlandash - Wonderland's Ashes
words_of_wonder - Words of Wonder
worldswithin - Worlds Within Us
writers_choice - Writer's Choice - where you pick the fandom
writestuffclub - Write Stuff Club
wyverns_library - Wyvern's Library
x_scar_x - S c A R: Sub-cultural Arkansas
xonly_foreverx - xonly_foreverx
yaandmgwriters - Young Adult and Middle Grade Writers
zoe_wash - He calls her his autumn flower...
zoela - An Imaginary Universe
zombie_diaries - zombie_diaries
Interested users
The following users are interested in scifi. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
470 matches: