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User:college_4n6 (642736)  
College Forensics
Speech and Debate
Name:college forensics
About:Are you on a college forensics team? Want to rant or rave about a round? Brag about that 1-25 or complain about that 5-10 you got? This community is for anyone who is interested, involved, or curious about forensics. It is a place for discussion on interprative events, public adress events, along with all forms of debate. We're open to coaches, collegiate members, high school students who want to know more about what speech is all about after graduation, and anyone else who is interested.

So far, there haven't been any rules, but as of recently, some lj users have been advertising things unrelated to this community's focus, so please, please, keep content related to forensics. Thanks!
Interests:50: 4n6, acting, ads, afa, answers, big vans, ca, classic literature, coaching, competition, competitive speech, debate, drama, duo, extemporaneous speaking, farce, final round, forensics, friends, good restaurants, high scores, humor, impromptu speaking, incessant practicing, informative, lincoln-douglas debate, natinal forensic league, nationals, news, nfa, nfl, nice hotels, niet, oratory, parliamentary debate, persuasion, plays, poetry, poets, poi, prose, questions, quotations, satire, self expression, speaking, speech, speech teams, theater, writers. [Modify yours]
Members:35: 4n6princess, acid_burn_007, ajolly, angeloncrack21, anthonyxoxo, badgerisms, bdmconfessions, bigguy54, caityross, classichero, cremepuffdaddy, debator, falseaidoru, gifted_boi, i_love_pink_, jkerr, katorishiro, lamburger, littlefootlll, misslariss, ms_rumpelteazer, podolinec, radiojedi, senatr7, shades_of_gray, smartehgp, theactor_17, thepoisonfaerie, tristan17, vbgihs, vehelestat, visionturtle64, wacky_jackie_jr, xavierlives, yourteamcollect
Watched by:26: acid_burn_007, ajolly, badgerisms, bdmconfessions, caityross, chicagal01, classichero, cremepuffdaddy, debator, gifted_boi, i_love_pink_, jkerr, lamburger, littlefootlll, ms_rumpelteazer, podolinec, radiojedi, sharpstick5, smartehgp, smyley, theactor_17, thepoisonfaerie, tristan17, vehelestat, visionturtle64, wacky_jackie_jr
Account type:Free Account

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