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I have RENT memorized [Feb. 24th, 2005|11:55 pm]
[I'm feeling: | hyper]
[Jammin' to: |"Sante Fe" RENT]

Mom treated Brooklyn and me to On The Border, which was a squee fest for several reasons: 1. Mexican food 2. Heavenly Waiter of yes-ness 3. Guacamole Live

I guess I get way too excited about food, but Guacamole Live is seriously- ah! I can't even articulate the joy it brings me. They make the guac in front of you and it tastes so .... *seductive voice* SO good...

Brooklyn and I got in a mini-fight over classic music. She likes the originals, and I like them on speed. I started singing the Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies version of "Uptown Girl" to her and she started singing the original. We were both trying to drown each other out right there in the middle of the restaurant.

We cut it out for a few minutes, seeing as we had attracted a lot of attention, but soon it began again and turned into a showtunes-war. The song I had in my head was "What you Own" from RENT, and I began to sing the whole play in its entirety. Brooklyn shut me up and suggested that we go watch her favorite musical, Newsies. I agreed and found myself wishing that RENT was on DVD. (Sarah told me it was closing and I almost cried.)

My favorite character is Mark. I am female Mark.

I went back to the book store and bought some art books on clearance. *has a book buying problem* Then I headed over to Brooklyn's apartment and watched Newsies, which had many many songs of yes-ness.

The main character started singing a song about wanting to move from New York to Santa fe, and I immediately began to quote Angel and Collins (RENT characters) from their song "Santa Fe" which had the same concept.


New icon from This Pic )


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I carpe'd the snot out of this diem! [Feb. 24th, 2005|04:14 pm]
[I'm feeling: | artistic]
[Jammin' to: |"Ohio (Come back to Texas)" Bowling for Soup]

Wow. Let me just say that the weather is beautiful! It's a sunny warm day of yes-ness.(you can quote me on that)

I took oral com test of doom, that I probably didn't do well on. I hadn't read the text, but I think I did okay on the test because I used my impressive language skills to deduce the correct answer:

Example: "The process of..." means that the correct answer will be a verb. You can eliminate the three answers that are not verbs and make your chances 50-50.

Also, the margins of my test I included a few anime versions of me like:

Which will probably be cool since this professor is laid back.

The last question was "share a joke" and I wrote my American Revolution joke that I made up at work the other day.

I ditched math and went to Barnes and Noble with Brooklyn, where I proceeded to spend 90 dollars on a few history books, a political book, a biography, and ... a romance novel that I picked up impulsively because it was set in Scotland.

On the way home, Brooklyn and I came up with a LOTR parody of "Ohio (Come back to Texas)" which was... really...really cheesy. But- HOORAY for Cheese!

I must remember to get the homework assignment! *crosses fingers*

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Uncle Sam in a spacesuit? [Feb. 24th, 2005|10:19 am]
[I'm feeling: | curious]
[Jammin' to: |"Touchdown Turnaround" HelloGoodbye]

You Belong in the USA


People either love you or hate you

And you really don't care what anyone thinks

Big and bold, you do things your way

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Cartoon me! [Feb. 23rd, 2005|11:50 pm]
[I'm feeling: | accomplished]
[Jammin' to: |"That thing you do" ... some punk cover]

Cross-posted to [info]heavenly_dorks.

Cartoon me! )

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*Is Dancing Like that Guy in Hitch* [Feb. 23rd, 2005|09:15 pm]
[I'm feeling: | good]
[Jammin' to: |"Yeah!" Usher]

Today was a good day. I made up my Spanish test and I think I did... okay... on it. *is a crappy student this semester* ((It's like that Hippos song, "Lost it" I'm lacking inspiration, where's my inspiration? I had it- I lost it... now you gotta help me get it back again!))

Then I came home and IMed a bunch of people while writing my world civ report. Woot for multitasking! World Civ was fun as usual- Prof. Crazy was being his usual ultra-Republican self, but I've learned to not be offended and just let it go, because it's much more interesting to watch him run around the lecture hall and bang his chest like an ape when he's talking than it is to be offended.

I got off work early to be able to go to a book signing for extra credit. The book was about the Middle east, and I completely fell in love with the author, he was so intelligent and level-headed and knowledgeable. That's how I want to be as a history teacher. He had a son who was born as the twin towers were falling.

I can't go into a book store without buying a ton of books, it's like, physically impossible for me. I came out with the lecturer's book about the Mid East, The History of Art in Pictures (really good renaissance stuff featured), and Aesop's Fables.


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Webcam! [Feb. 22nd, 2005|08:55 pm]
[I'm feeling: | accomplished]
[Jammin' to: |"Cheeseburger in Paradise" Jimmy Buffet]

Behold! The Webcam!!!!
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You know you're addicted to Live Journal when: [Feb. 22nd, 2005|05:12 pm]
[I'm feeling: | dorky]
[Jammin' to: |"Cheeseburger in Paradise" Jimmy Buffet]

I'm guilty of: )

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Soda Pop Detox [Feb. 22nd, 2005|02:17 pm]
[I'm feeling: | chipper]
[Jammin' to: |"Life after haircuts" Riley Armstrong]

I'm restricted to only one can of soda per day, due to the two dormant kidney stones the CAT scan found. I'm currently savoring that diet coke now.

Today was awesome. We did this "self concept" evaluation thing in Oral Com, you drew a picture of yourself and listed the positive and negative things about you. (we were given two minutes to list things)

Here's what I came up with:
Positive: funny, cool outfits, nice face, happy, smart, friendly, easy-going, passionate, critical thinker, in love with life, loves people, strong and loyal friend, compassionate, accountable, responsible (total positive = 15)

Negative: hips of doom, bags under eyes, tendency to obsess, comes across as annoying, always has to be right, sore loser, "C-3PO/Bruce Nolan" personality dilemma, sometimes a bit of a pushover, lets others take advantage of her sometimes (total negative = 9)

After that you shared your drawing with someone else in the class and they could add anything to it, (Ex: "Your thighs aren't that thick!" *erases the edges of legs*)

My drawing and what was added )
I think I have a pretty accurate self concept.

Math lasted a total of 8 minutes. The prof passed back our tests, explained that they were the worst results that he'd ever had in his career and that we were a disgrace to God, and then let us out early.

There was one A, one B, a few C's, and the rest were F's. I was one of the few C's, a 78%. Which was unusual because I was almost certain I was going to get an F. But- I do know how to manipulate the grading system, so I came out with a high C. (the rest of my quiz scores are A's, though, so that makes my average a B.)

If you just show a lot of work, but get the wrong answer you get 9/10 points. The only thing I've learned in that class is how to cheat the system. observe )


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Survey-tastic! [Feb. 22nd, 2005|10:55 am]
[I'm feeling: | silly]
[Jammin' to: |"Cheating" Jettingham]

Survey, yoiked from [info]houndofcullin

If I'm leaving with a broken heart you're leavin' with a bleedin' nose... )

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Picspam: brothers, tot parties, and art. [Feb. 21st, 2005|09:18 pm]
[I'm feeling: | rejuvenated]
[Jammin' to: |Pirates playing in the background]

Alan and me )

The tot party )

Me trying to be artistic and failing )

Frump Girl )

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Hospital Adventures!! [Feb. 21st, 2005|04:30 pm]
[I'm feeling: | sick]
[Jammin' to: |"Touchdown Turnaround" HelloGoodbye]

I woke up this morning and began to suspect that something was wrong. All the symptoms of a kidney stone began to make themselves present. I'd had one when I was 14 and knew what they were.

A kidney stone is a small calcium (I think, if not then some other element) deposit that forms in your kidney and passes out of your system through the urethra. Ouch factor=10. (probably more like 11 or 12 for guys, seeing as they have about 3-5 extra inches of tube to pass it through.)

Mom drove me to the emergency room because stones make you extremely receptive to motion sickness, so I was puking every five road signs. Well not really puking, since there was nothing in my stomach, just... shooting out bile.

I finally got into a room (after the hour wait in the emergency room with screaming kids who had managed to lodge popcorn in their ears). I was screaming from the unbearable pain and found myself thinking about the forbidden curse, "crucio" in the Harry Potter books.

according to the nurses I was the palest they'd ever seen a human be before.

After about three stabs with the needle I finally got an IV that shot pain killers into my bloodstream. I was out within a few minutes. I floated in and out of conciousness and the next thing I knew, I was getting a CAT scan.

My first CAT scan!

There is an automated voice that instructs you to hold your breath, but I didn't hear it because I had fallen back asleep and was breathing regularly. I was scolded awake by the technician and we had to re-scan.

The scan found two other stones in my kidney and I was told that I had to cut down on my soda intake. Apparently 4 diet cokes a day is bad for you. They showed me this cool new drink, called Water, that is supposed to make you healthy. It was actually very enjoyable when served at a chilled temperature.

So then I got a prescription for Vicodin and was set loose. I did miss both of my classes today though. :-( I have to go in and re-do the Spanish test. I'm just plian bummed about missing prof. crazy though. His class is so fun.


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School on President's day!? [Feb. 21st, 2005|12:36 am]
[I'm feeling: | angry]
[Jammin' to: |"The Lees of Old Virginia" 1776]

We have school today when everyone else gets it off. It's President's day. *is disgruntled*

I saw a commercial for a President's day sale that stated, "You can keep your presidents in your wallet!"

How tricky they are... You see, they can still price everything as either 100$ or 10$, seeing as those bills both have non-presidents on them (Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton.)

... *is a history nerd*

Survey, stolen from [info]athena2693

You, doing those things you do... )


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It must be insecurity week [Feb. 20th, 2005|12:24 am]
This isn't a post with ulterior motives, seeking reassurance and validation. This is just how I'm feeling at the moment.

It's not meant to be treasonous or disloyal either, just what's going through my head.

I like to be in America! Okay by me in America! Everything's free in America- For a small fee in America )
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Snow Bunnies [Feb. 19th, 2005|03:47 pm]
[I'm feeling: | content]
[Jammin' to: |"Rainbow Connection" Me First & the Gimmie Gimmies]

Skiing was fun, and it was just like riding a bike. I remembered how to do it, although I wasn't nearly as good as I was in 6th grade. I made it through the entire day without falling, but my turns were pretty sloppy.

It took a while for Sarah and I to re-adjust to the skis, and when we were getting in the lift line we accidentally cut off this old German Ski instructor, who said, "Vell den, ve'll let them go first- Vhat, do you have like, a hot date with der slope?"

Sarah looked back and said, "no... I just can't stop!"

It was funny. Later on in the lodge this middle-aged guy said, "You're wearing the wrong kind of boots!" And started raggin' on us about being skiers. I was thinking: "Dude- you're like, 49! Stop trying to be cool."

He just sat there, giving whoever sat at his table the same lecture that Sarah and I quoted throughout the day. "Skiing is easy to learn, but hard to master- Snowboarding is hard to learn, but easy to master. The first day you snowboard you're going to do nothing but fall, but once you get the hang of it- you'll never go back to skis!"

I was tempted to turn around and tell him that after 7 years of boarding I decided to go back to skis, but that would have meant interacting with him again. By the end of the day, Sarah had decided that she liked snowboarding better than skiing, and I had decided that I like them both either way, each has its own special technique and feeling.

I wouldn't mind trying those little short ski things though. What are those called? The ones that look like two mini snowboards that you strap on each foot... Anyway, it was a fun day.

[info]ccs1989 reminded me that I have webcomics... and I think I will work on getting those up and running again.


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Ligers, and tigers, and bears, oh my! [Feb. 19th, 2005|01:23 am]
[I'm feeling: | hyper]
[Jammin' to: |"Touchdown Turnaround" HelloGoodbye]

Ski Rentals:
Sarah and I decided that we wanted to return to our roots and go skiing tomorrow instead of boarding. Our reasons include: 1. The only reason we started boarding seven years ago was just to be 'cool' which is a lame reason. 2. both of us think that skiing is more fun (sub-reasons: a. boarding is way too much work on my calves. Either that or I just board wrong and work my calves too hard... But at the end of the day I'm ready to saw off my legs because of how strained my muscles are. b. you get to face forward instead of sideways. Hooray for peripheral vision.) and 3. I hate getting lapped by the little kids in ski school who carve right in front of you and grab some fin off a jump before disappearing into a secluded "tree-ski path," and re-emerge slightly downhill to screech to a perfect halt in front of the lift and unstrap like it was nothing. I've never felt like more of a chump.

We went to Christy's Sports to rent some gear, since all we had were boards at home. The rental guy looked and sounded like Riley from National Treasure, (Squee!) except for the fact that he was blond.

The form asked for weight, and I leaned over to Sarah and whispered, "I don't like the weight question." She replied with, "me neither, I lied..." I scribbled down a number that was ten pounds less than I weigh, and then glanced over to Sarah's paper and saw that she'd put her weight down as thirty pounds lighter.

It's weird though, because when I got my driver's license I didn't lie about my weight. But whatever. I'm really excited about skiing tomorrow, but I'm afraid of driving in the mountains, especially since Sarah's mom told me that there is supposed to be a snow storm rolling in tomorrow.

Also I'm a little nervous because I haven't been on skis since halfway through 6th grade. Hopefully it's like riding a bike.

Finding Neverland:
After lugging my skis home I studied Spanish with Sally and met up with Brooklyn. We went to see Finding Neverland, which was excellent. Jhonny Depp had a Scottish (I'm guessing- he sounded like Billy Boyd) accent and I kept elbowing Brooklyn every time he spoke. I think I accidentally gave her a bruise. The kids with their accents were adorable and I just wanted to pick them up and hug them. The end of the movie had both of us in tears, but it was still very good.

Liger Flyers:
After the movie ended we went back to campus and hung up the Liger Flyers for our Napoleon Dynamite "Tot party" on Sunday. It was around midnight and it was freezing outside. I was dressed in pretty dark clothes with a black jacket and a beanie, so I might have- at a glance- looked like some kind of cartoon burglar or something.

I don't know how much noise you can possibly make by taping a flyer on a door, but at least five people swung their doors open and gasped, "Oh! You scared me so much!" after I had explained that I was just passing out flyers.

One of these people was Richie Foley look-alike. It was him who scared me, and I found myself rambling like an idiot: "J-just, uh... p-puting flyers on the door..." He said, "oh," and began to close his door, but I quickly added, "Napoleon Dynamite!" He opened his door slightly to catch what I said, and half-nodded, then shut his door...

I felt like an idiot. Cute boys make me act stupid.

I drove home and pulled into my driveway before I realized that I had forgotten my purse at Brooklyn's apartment. I doubled back to campus, but by the time I got there all of her lights were off and her door was locked. I had a mini panic attack, but ended up getting my purse back.

While driving home for the second time, I re-played the Richie Foley look-alike incident in my head and felt like a moron. But it made me smile.

I've decided that I like having crushes. I like it how my mind will wander and end up pausing at the thought of someone and make me feel warm and fuzzy. As Jenny puts it, "Having crushes is fun! It gives you something to look foreword to and makes your heart beat fast."

Plus, when you have a crush, you can feel like you love someone without all the complications of a relationship. Yes, crushes are good things indeed.

Except for the inescapable loneliness.

Anyway, I like having a crush, it makes me feel happy and giddy.... more so than usual


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Billy Billy Dom [Feb. 18th, 2005|03:53 pm]
Snagged from [info]absolute_lotr and [info]wagirl98. Inspired by the Llama song.

The Billy Boyd Song
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I can't believe I'm not asleep. [Feb. 18th, 2005|03:45 am]
Just because I want to monopolize everyone's friends page...

Actually I was just looking through my archive, laughing at how ridiculous some of my old posts were, and I found myself relating to some of them a lot. I know this is what the memories section is for, but I sorted them under such crazy topics that I can never find them. This way I can just add this post and then find them all from here.

Remember 2004? )
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Less than impressed. [Feb. 18th, 2005|12:21 am]
[I'm feeling: | irritated]
[Jammin' to: |"On My Mind" Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies]

Well, Sarah came over to carpool to the club and I asked her how much the cover was. She said I needed to spend a Hamilton, she had checked the website and the cover was supposed to be ten. I was a little surprised because I the lowest I've ever seen the cover was twenty, so I grabbed a twenty (just to be safe) and we headed out.

When we got there, the cover was twenty and Sarah was three dollars short, so we couldn't get in. We drove around the city and looked for somewhere else to go- we tried the gay club, but it was rented out for the all-star basketball game (which, apparently is in Denver this year). Then I remembered Aleena talking about an 80's club called Polly Esther's, so we boogied on over there.

We were lucky enough to be there on the 18 and up night, and we paid and went in. At first I was really impressed, it was a totally retro theme club. They had this VW coming out of the wall, a Return of the Jedi mural, the light up dance floor from Saturday Night Fever, and a life-size, light up Darth Vader. ... But they definitely wern't playing 80's.

It turns out that we had shown up on Rap Night and that the 80's floor is 21 and up. Sarah and I tried our hardest to not look like suburbian white girls, but I don't think we succeeded. We quoted the dancing scene from Hitch a lot.

The club allowed people to smoke inside, which got old fast.

I don't get how guys just grab you from behind, freak on you, and then walk away. I was like, "Hello! That's my personal space!"

I shot the "Dear God- please help me!" look to Sarah, but she didn't get it. After about two songs she 'needed to go to the bathroom' and freed me.

I think black guys like me a lot more than white guys. For further details, listen to "baby got back."

Anyway Sarah and I were so bored, and tired of random freakage on our virgin booh-tays, that we didn't even stay past midnight, and we vowed to go to The Chruch next week, no matter the cost.

Now I smell like smoke and I need to go de-smellify.


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The Church [Feb. 17th, 2005|08:46 pm]
[I'm feeling: | excited]
[Jammin' to: |"Cheeseburger in Paradise" Jimmy Buffet]

So Sarah and I are about to head out to The Church, and I decided that I'm proud of my look tonight. I bit counter culture. I've got a pink sparkly tube top with a mesh tank over it, and some black pinstripe capri pants. I also have a ton of hot pink and black jewelry.

The pic spammage )

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Webcam? [Feb. 17th, 2005|04:19 pm]
[I'm feeling: | contemplative]
[Jammin' to: |"Touchdown Turnaround" HelloGoodbye]

I've been contemplating getting a webcam lately.

Pros: 1. it's just cool. 2. people get to see my crazy facial expressions when I IM and Chat and possibly reduce the chances of being misinterpreted. 3. Chad can use it to talk to Kat when he's over

Cons: 1. Sometimes I look like crap. 2. I am afraid that I'll forget it is there and walk around naked or something. Or like pick my nose, or something that is undeniably mortifying. Which I usually seem to be able to accidentally work into my daily life on a regular basis.

Okay well. There it is. My thoughts on paper... or on a computer screen...


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