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Harry Drabbles

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[02 Nov 2004|12:21am]

[ mood | restless ]

Title: Catch
Characters: Harry, Hermione (H/Hr, to be exact)
Rating: G
Challenge: [info]harry100 #2, Quidditch

Catch )

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Challenge #2 [06 Sep 2004|07:05pm]

Sorry about this being a day late. I've been having some computer problems lately.

New Challenge

Anything goes with it. Have fun!
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Hey yall [03 Sep 2004|08:53am]
[ mood | bouncy ]



Disclaimer: I don't own these people. Although I tried but the people said nop.... 

Note: Click on my name to read the story. Oh yea no one's checked my grammar and stuff. The first three chapters suck so be gentle. It does get a little bettter in the fourth. Right now it's rated PG but it will be NC-17 in later chapters.

Summary/ Harry's wandering what everyone's looking at

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Whole [03 Sep 2004|05:23pm]

Title: Whole
Rating: PG
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Cho
Challenge #1: Argument

He hates it when she fills the aftermath with unspoken words, misleads him with wayward tears and brushes the edges with honeyed guilt. He wonders secretly if she has been learning things from Cho, playing with paper cuts in the right places with words and eyes and fingers. With Cho, he lets the tears cut him because it makes her happy to see him bruised and bleeding with the marks of his own desire. He tries the same with Hermione, but she wants him whole- scars, insecurities and pre-dawn tears.

Hermione doesn’t care for malformed sweetness or half ached pretenses.
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Rubbish! [26 Aug 2004|02:42pm]

Title: Rubbish!
Rating: PG
Characters: Harry, Colin
Warnings: Implied Slash.
Challenge #1: Argument
A/N: At least I tried....

Rubbish! )
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Lily [21 Aug 2004|06:16pm]

Title: Lily
Words: 100
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Rating: PG
Challenge: 1 Argument

Harry’s ears were ringing, how could she have possibly said that?!

He looked at her again, how could someone so innocent say something so insulting?!

Harry looked at his wife, “I can’t believe you said that! How could you possibly not agree with me?”

Ginny looked murderous, “We are NOT naming any child of mine a flower name!”

“She’s my child too!” Harry retorted, not believing they were fighting about a name.

“We BOTH have to agree on the name. I don’t like Rose!”

“What do YOU want to name her, dear?” Harry said with forced calm.

Ginny grinned, “Lily.”
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Challenge #1 [21 Aug 2004|08:17pm]

First off, welcome to the newly opened Harry100! The first challenge will run through the 28th. So, without further ado, onto the topic...

"Harry gets into an argument"
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Suggestion Box [21 Aug 2004|08:03pm]

Got an idea for a future drabble challenge? Just comment with it to this post. Add as many as you like.
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