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Hermione 100

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Harry, Ron, AND, Hermione [18 Jan 2005|02:41am]

Title: Harry, Ron, AND, Hermione.
Word Count: 100
Challenge: The Trio from Hermione’s Perspective.

I love them both. But I cannot take being hidden behind them any longer. I deserve to be recognized, and, not the person who follows the ‘and’ in every introduction. I need to find a way to separate myself from the group. I don’t want to be one of the blokes! Just because I spend most of my time hidden behind books does not mean I want to spend my entire life hiding. My name is Hermione Granger and I am here, too. Not an afterthought. It would be nice to hear someone say, “Hermione, Harry and Ron,” for once.
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ADMIN post [17 Jan 2005|10:02am]

Due to LJ unexpected downtime, I'm extending the challenge until Wednesday. Then I'll change it until 30th.
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[12 Jan 2005|06:42pm]

Title: truth lies beneath hooded eyes
challenge: Trio from Hermione's perspective
word count: 100

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[12 Jan 2005|05:21am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | radio ]

Title: Two
Rating: G
Characters: Hermione, Harry, Ron, implied H/Hr
Words: 100
Challenge: The Trio from Hermione's Perspective

Once upon a time, they were three and happy in their blissful ignorance. They promised to fight together until the very end.

Then like every boy and girl their age, they grew up. The brewing war and the pile of losses stood testament to that. The day she fell in love with Harry, she began to feel the chains that held them together start to rust and begin to break.

Once upon a time, they were three and filled with hopes and dreams. But on that day, when she fell in love, she had to choose. And then there were two.

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[08 Jan 2005|12:28am]

[ mood | enthralled ]
[ music | Anytime - Kelly Clarkson ]

Title: Dressing Up
Rating: G
Characters: Hermione, Ron, Harry
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Trio from her Perspective

Hermione had never had many friends. Most of them hung around until she said something stupid and left quickly. She had thought they would be like that, but they had come back for her. They were different.

“Ron, shut your mouth. Harry, stop laughing.”

Sometimes she would have liked to have more girlfriends because girls never had to be reminded she was a girl. She adjusted her sleeves and made sure her hem was falling just right.

“Are you both coming or should I walk in alone?” She didn’t mind being the bossy one and the attention wasn’t bad, either.

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New Challenge [06 Jan 2005|01:52pm]

I haven't updated a lot lately because I felt like more people should writing, but that's my personal issue not y'alls. So, sorry  about that.

January 5th  - January 16th
Challenge: Trio from her perspective
We all know that Harry and Ron are her best mates. But how does she see them? Or the strange friendship? What does she  think of other people's weird musing on their friendship?

Also, check out [info]weasley100, a 100 for all nine Weasleys. Manda runs it and is a sweetie pie. You get great feedback there, and the community is just generally happy place to b. Go forth and play.

Oh, and [info]skoosiepants has January as the month of Ron (and every month will be a new character), so I'm pimping it  here. If you know of any Ron stories that you would rec, let her know. All information can be found here.
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Holiday Time Once Again [04 Jan 2005|07:52pm]

[ mood | 100ish ]
[ music | Remember When it Rained - Josh Groban ]

Title: Deep Snow
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Character: Hermione (an implied Ron)
Challenge: Jingle Bells

The snow was deep, but not so deep that he had been unable to make a path to her front door with the brightly wrapped package. He must have known that she was inside when he knocked but had left without making a racket. For that, she was grateful.

Tiny bells jingled as she picked up the present. The soft yarn of the sweater, a brash Weasley maroon, made her pause but it was the bells that continued to hold her attention. They brought back memories of past holidays – times she didn’t let herself think of anymore. Memories of him.

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December 21st - January 2nd [21 Dec 2004|07:08pm]

Sorry this is late but I've been working on getting my resume and outfits together for job interviews. I was also sick last week as well. This cold is vicious, isn't it?

December 21st - January 2nd
Challenge: Jingle Bells

So long as it relates to Hermione, then anything goes.
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New Challenge [09 Dec 2004|11:10pm]

So, I'm late but this week has been hectic. My grandfather died (don't be sorry, I'm not) today, but has been sick for the past two weeks. So, I decided to do something different. This will run until the 19th.

December 9th - Decemeber 19th:
Psellismophobia (the fear of stuttering).

Anything goes. Have fun with it.
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I Remember [05 Dec 2004|05:53pm]

Title:  I Remember
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Music
Characters: Hermione
Notes: The lyrics come from a Britney Spears (Autumn Goodbye) song. I had planned on it being something light, but it didn’t turn out that way.

“In the sweet summertime…” Hermione kept singing along to her radio. At home for summer hols from Uni, she was busy cleaning her room. “So sad but true (so true, so true)” came out warbled and horribly off-key, but she didn’t care much.

A deep voice called out “Hermione,” trying to find her.

“In here, Ron.” Tucking the sheet perfectly in, she hoped he hadn’t heard her. Arms encircled her, holding her close. Quietly, he finished the lyrics with “we must leave it behind, in our hearts, in our minds.” He missed Harry too, but they had to move on.
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Anything to do with Music [23 Nov 2004|07:32am]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Pleasant Valley Sunday~ The Monkees ]

Title: Karaoke
Word Count: 98...
Rating: uhm pg?

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Not even Thanksgiving yet, and I'm thinking about Christmas. [22 Nov 2004|08:04pm]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | Someday - Nickelback ]

I know Christmas is still a month away, but I couldn't resist. ^_^

Title: Jingle Bells
Length: 109 words
Pairing: Hermione/Harry
Rating: PG

Hermione sighed irritably as the relative silence of the common room was broken none too gently... )

P.S. This is my first post, so please let me know what you think.

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[22 Nov 2004|07:46pm]

title: Hermione vs. JC chasez
word count: 100
challenge: anything with music

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November 21 - December 5th [21 Nov 2004|08:08pm]

I wanted something fluffy to be used with Thanksgiving coming up for those of us Americans and thus the holiday season begins. The challenges will all be fluffy.

November 21 -December 5
Challenge: Music. Anything with Hermione and music. She can play it, watch a video, listen...whatever.
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Challenge: Nov 7th - Nov 21 [07 Nov 2004|06:52pm]

Ah, so new challenge.

Challenge: Nov 7th - Nov 21

Any and everything to do with.
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[26 Oct 2004|09:53pm]

Title: REAL hero?
Author: Dia
word count:100
Challenge: Hermione meets a fictional character.

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[25 Oct 2004|08:14pm]


Come and Check Out My Journal
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Challenge: October 24 - November 7th [24 Oct 2004|07:55pm]

Okay, sorry about the lack of updates. Life has been hectic, and honestly, the communities I run were last on the list. I've always been feeling like death warmed over and still pretty bad, but I thought I would put a new challenge. Tomorrow, I'll go back and edit the challenge number.

Challenge: October 24 - November 7th
Hermione meets a fictonal character. (IE, Hermione meets Tom Sawyer)
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[08 Oct 2004|08:48pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Dance Of The Fay-by Tjaikofsky ]

Title: Sneaking Out
Rating: PG (PG-13 for innuendo?)
Word Count: 111, sorry.:"(
Pairing: Hermione/Harry
A/N: A rather pointless drabble thingie, if y'ask me.:)

Sneaking Out )

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[28 Sep 2004|06:47pm]

title: anothers eyes
words: 100
author: Dia
challenge: evil hermione

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