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Woo! Methods exam is over. And, surprisingly, it's been the best of the lot.
Or maybe not so surprisingly, as I had John Sheppard on my side.
See, I was headed up to school for the exam and, naturally, my thoughts ended up drifting to Atlantis. And, as I was contemplating the Major's vaguely geekish mathematical knowledge, it occurred to me that I didn't have my calculator with me. I was able to rush back home and get it and it was ALL BECAUSE OF SHEP.
Well, it was.
But yes, exam went well, despite the Maths department's attempts to throw us with the ewwness of the exponentially growing number of bacteria in Raff's sweaty armpits and their jeering of our intelligence as we were forced to graph Chris's fluctuating mental performance. And don't think for a minute that Farmer Brown's choice in livestock was an accident! Cows and sheep, indeed.
However, in spite of all that, all went according to plan. Not that there was a plan, but had there been one, it would have been highly similar to the way events panned out. All in all, I do believe it was the most fun thing I've done in Maths all year. Actually, it was the only fun thing I've done in Maths all year.
It was also the last thing I had to do for Maths for the whole year, and that is certainly cause for celebration.
Except, I have to study for my final exam (Physics) tomorrow instead.
One more day!
Excluding the half-day next Tuesday and the snoozefest otherwise known as Presentation Night the Monday after that...
I think it's better if I leave it at "one more day".
Oh, and it wasn't a possum in the roof, it was a family of rats. There was probably a possum, too, but rainblows took care of that. In any case, the roof has been baited and it looks as though the rodents have taken it and have proceeded to their death... inside the kitchen wall. Huh.
I suppose at least my room is now secure from marsupial/rodent invasion?