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[16 Jun 2005|07:39am]
[ mood | ouch ]

As a sci-fi fan, I accept that I'm part of a minority of Australian viewers. And, as a long-time viewer of Stargate and of Channel Seven, I expect to be screwed over at least once a month. I expect the late-night screenings, I expect to see episodes skipped and played out-of-order, I expect the half year-long delays mid-season and then the rush of double episode screenings in the non-ratings season in order to catch up.

But opening the Green Guide to find The Simple Life 3 in place of Stargate Atlantis?

That burns.

9 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

Got bit by the icon bug. [13 Apr 2005|01:01am]
[ mood | artistic ]

Comment and credit if taking, the usual. :) Uses caps up to The Siege, but there's nothing really spoilery.

Atlantis, comic book style )

Never give up! Never surrender! (Galaxy Quest quotes) )

Miscellaneous Atlantis )

8 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

resource list [09 Dec 2004|12:01pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

In which I very belatedly credit people and probably forget half of them. )

5 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

Grubb! Lennie's last name is Grubb! [02 Dec 2004|10:22am]
[ mood | dorky ]

omg! They're doing a Hating Alison Ashley movie? Why was I not informed?! That was, like, my favourite book ever as a kid!

More importantly, what the hell is Delta Goodrem doing there and how is she supposed to pass off as a twelve year old?!

8 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

FREEEEEEE...ish. [17 Nov 2004|04:01pm]
[ mood | happy ]

Woo! Methods exam is over. And, surprisingly, it's been the best of the lot.

Or maybe not so surprisingly, as I had John Sheppard on my side.

See, I was headed up to school for the exam and, naturally, my thoughts ended up drifting to Atlantis. And, as I was contemplating the Major's vaguely geekish mathematical knowledge, it occurred to me that I didn't have my calculator with me. I was able to rush back home and get it and it was ALL BECAUSE OF SHEP.

Well, it was.

But yes, exam went well, despite the Maths department's attempts to throw us with the ewwness of the exponentially growing number of bacteria in Raff's sweaty armpits and their jeering of our intelligence as we were forced to graph Chris's fluctuating mental performance. And don't think for a minute that Farmer Brown's choice in livestock was an accident! Cows and sheep, indeed.

However, in spite of all that, all went according to plan. Not that there was a plan, but had there been one, it would have been highly similar to the way events panned out. All in all, I do believe it was the most fun thing I've done in Maths all year. Actually, it was the only fun thing I've done in Maths all year.

It was also the last thing I had to do for Maths for the whole year, and that is certainly cause for celebration.

Except, I have to study for my final exam (Physics) tomorrow instead.

One more day!

Excluding the half-day next Tuesday and the snoozefest otherwise known as Presentation Night the Monday after that...

I think it's better if I leave it at "one more day".

Oh, and it wasn't a possum in the roof, it was a family of rats. There was probably a possum, too, but [info]rainblows took care of that. In any case, the roof has been baited and it looks as though the rodents have taken it and have proceeded to their death... inside the kitchen wall. Huh.

I suppose at least my room is now secure from marsupial/rodent invasion?

3 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

Quick! Call Peter the Possum Man! [14 Nov 2004|09:16pm]
[ mood | scared ]

I have a new neighbour, of the fuzzy annoying marsupial variety. It's taken residence in my roof, and I swear it must be moving furniture or something because it can't seem to go five minutes without scuffling around up there.

It's also making the dog crazy; he's taken to sitting by the walls and crying when he realises he can't reach the damn thing.

*shakes fist at ceiling* You made my dog cry, bitch!

Stupid possums.

Oh, and then there's the thing where I have exams for the next four days and, wow, I'm so gonna die. And then the possum is gonna take my newly vacated bedroom for its own and sleep in my bed and wear my clothes and eat my West Wing DVDs and...


No more sound from the ceiling.

I bet it's still up there, though, plotting its evil plots, chewing on insulation, biding its time...

I'm scared now.

3 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

I have recently come to the realisation that I am INSANE. [13 Nov 2004|06:43pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

See, this is the kind of thing I tend to do when I have a million more important things that need doing.


dial my 'gate!

[11 Nov 2004|06:15pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

In honour of The Eye, I have a new (non-spoilery) layout! Heeee.

2 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

excuse me while i fall asleep on my keyboard. [05 Nov 2004|06:54pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | She's gotta run out of breath sometime, right? ]

What with Cup week and studying for exams, I've only been to classes one day this week. So there's really no reason for me to be this tired.

*is now listening to Brat in the next room, in tears because omg she doesn't have a bag she can bring to the races! Except, of course, the four others she owns which are omg daddy not like the ones you wear to the races! HELP IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!*

... yeah, my mistake.

Oh, and I got attacked by an old lady at work. This particular resident has never really gotten the hang of waiting her turn. She usually just squawks and wails until somebody's able to get to her, but today I had inadvertantly provided her with ammunition. Tonight's fruit at dinner was oranges -- And you have to understand, I'm not talking regular oranges. These are, like, mutant oranges, each one the size of a small cannon ball. You look at them and you think it'd take at least three residents to polish one off. Yeah, so that's what came sailing through the air to hit me in the foot.

Well, I'm over it.

One of these days, Brat is going to break my bedroom door from slamming it too much. See, I've ruined her whole life 'cuz I'm not lending her a bag. Let's forget that I let her wear my clothes basically whenever she asks (in other words, every goddamned weekend), but I'm not letting her take the new bag that I bought with my own money and now her entire day is in shatters.

But you gotta love her persistence. I mean, anybody else might think that after the first dozen "no"s I'd more or less made up her mind, but she just keeps coming back with the tears and the door-slamming... egh.

It's times like this I'm glad I have a room to myself.

1 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

*dead* [04 Nov 2004|05:45pm]
[ mood | drained ]

Lit is over! *collapses* The exam was today. I, typically, struggled with Richard II - which had some great passages with a heap of links - and rambled on forever about the Closed for Winter passages which had basically no content. Bah, it's over. Richard and Bullingbrook can go screw themselves.

And with that, I am going to watch TWW. And eat cake.

1 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

bah. stupid daylight saving. [31 Oct 2004|10:39pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I <3 20 Hours in America.

1. 2. 3.
+5 )

5 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

[29 Oct 2004|10:58pm]
[ mood | sick ]

Dear computer,

Let's make an agreement - only one of us gets sick at a time, okay?

And let's have it be me for the first round, 'cuz I don't have time for your "BUT OMG!!!1 I ONLY HAVE 2MB LEFT, OMG I CAN'T WORK LIKE THIS!!!!1!!one10!!1010!101010101010111010101010"




2 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

Aussies... [29 Oct 2004|09:49am]
[ mood | mischievous ]

Does this fellow look familiar to you? )

10 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

The West Wing, comic book style. [26 Oct 2004|02:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I do enjoy this technique.

1. 2. 3.
+5 )

12 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

I have way too much time on my hands. [24 Oct 2004|08:05pm]
[ mood | silly ]

7 West Wing icons. Comment, credit and suchlike if you're taking any. :)

1. 2. 3.
+4 )

6 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. [24 Oct 2004|03:09pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

*kicks her computer* Fucking piece of shit. As if the freezing wasn't enough, now every second time I restart the bloody thing I'm informed that I'm "running low on disk space", because SUDDENLY my 700 MB (yeah, I really need to burn those 23 Sports Night episodes onto CDs) has magically turned into 200MB! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MACHINE?!

5 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

Cappity cap. [23 Oct 2004|11:03pm]
[ mood | tired ]

More caps! 92 from The Leadership Breakfast.

Preview )

Go here!

3 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

CSI icons! Credit if taking, please. :) [21 Oct 2004|09:04pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

1. 2. 3.
100% authentic lj-cut )

7 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

squeeeeee! [21 Oct 2004|05:28pm]
[ mood | hyper ]


76 Evidence of Things Not Seen caps for your pleasure. ^_^ Get 'em right over here.

the sample cut of DOOM )

15 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

[20 Oct 2004|08:56pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

Got my exam timetable today. It's actually not that bad. Apart from being, like, two weeks away. *freaks out* Four exams last thing in the afternoon, two in the mornings, two one the same day as another and all in the one week. So, basically, provided I can finish all the coursework beforehand, I may not be all that dead after all.

DVDs tomorrow! *dances*

It's also muck up day, which means fun to be had for all except anybody who isn't in year 12. But at least I get to go to school later and miss out on first period. Which, of course, is a free anyway.

I think I'll just focus on the DVD thing. *goes to happy place*

*gets chased out of happy place by feral possums*

*goes to alpha site for happy place*

Damn possums.

2 dialled in | dial my 'gate!

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