May 7th, 2005
(no subject) @ 11:06 am
So you want to be a fantasy writer? Or a SF writer or a book reviewer. Choice quotes: Fantasy comes in trilogies or more. Stephen Donaldson once completed a Fantasy in two parts and look what happened to him.*loves Stephen Donaldson, but bwah!* SF is all about ideas. If you haven’t got any ideas, make it really hard to understand so the reader will think that you have ideas but he or she is just too stupid to understand them.and, of course, Really? Are you sure? Does your mother know about this? May 5th, 2005
(no subject) @ 06:44 pmEeeee, CDs from rainbowjehan and ersatzcoffee! *loveson* Thank you! Now I just need a working sound system. *jabs at computer*
Also, Nanni wins at life. April 30th, 2005
of sockpuppets, mostly @ 10:03 pmHave just set up a webpage for all my socks, as the Westmark one is too much like work for tonight.
Am so amused by Shenshen, the complete and utter ditz. Also amused that I picked her specifically because she was a nonentity, rather than Pfannee who's really rather mean, and Elphaba!sock immediately hates her anyway. XD
SOMEBODY stood me up this morning. *ahem*
I wonder where the mom is. Hmmm. April 24th, 2005
(no subject) @ 07:43 pm
I'm having Soujin-withdrawal. T__T Am also working on a Westmark fansite. I forget which of you lot have actually read Westmark, but at least I'm not alone. Suggestions? I made biscuits for dinner last night! And this afternoon I made cupcakes. Out of a box, but STILL. April 20th, 2005
hee. @ 11:42 pmCurrent Mood: still awake, darnit Current Music: dance of being a dork, w/accompaniment
So I'm lying there in bed trying to fall asleep and mulling over figments, and it occurs to me. Here you have a character who, canonically: * is passionately interested in a few subjects * has a tendency to go on and on about these subjects and completely fail to notice that his audience is bored to tears * has limited social skills * is sometimes acutely sensitive to sensory input (like loud echoey noises in the morning omgwtfRAR) and sometimes supremely indifferent to it (like being wet through because dude, tidepools!) * has a child who is clearly autistic to some degree conclusion: stephen maturin = HFA, if not Aspie. --yes, I'm sure this has been brought up before. That's the fun of being new to a fandom; you get to come up with the crackpot theories all by your onesies. And no, I'm not actually convinced of this; it just beat counting sheep. feel free to comment with "Manon, you're a dork". now back to bed for me. tomorrow I will be home. yay or something. April 15th, 2005
euroshipping? @ 01:14 pm
Ahem. Westmark/Orsinia OTP! theirloveissovaguelywesterneuropean! April 12th, 2005
April 11th, 2005
Meeeeeeeeeeeeme @ 02:31 pmApril 10th, 2005
(no subject) @ 09:04 pm
Mmkay. I am not quite done having panic attacks about things I cannot possibly control, but I think I'm done being incapacitated by same. Anybody read these Kushiel books? Would I like them? Bearing in mind that I have a relatively high tolerance for purple prose and a relatively low tolerance for modern!fantasy? Apparently all the cool kids on desperatefans have MASSIVE ANGSTZORS OMG. Perhaps I should give Feuilly a crush on, oh, Princess Leia or something. I raked some yard today. Go me. I miss comite. ;__; And I totally pooed out on fic tag this time around. Blah. I should've been a plumber. April 9th, 2005
I knew I was meant to be a nun. @ 12:59 pmApril 8th, 2005
(no subject) @ 07:19 pm
So there appear to be two well-respected scripts available to create public fanfic archives. What there does not seem to be is a freely available script for a single-user fic archive, i.e. one which has the search functions, ease of uploading etc. but allows of only one site maintainer. Or if there is, it is described so arcanely that I can't find it, and if I did find it would likely be hopelessly confused if I tried to set it up. This looks to me like a gaping niche waiting to be filled. I like the script that my dad wrote, but it doesn't do me a whole lot of good if I can't actually install it on a new server. April 3rd, 2005
Fic Tag: Round 4 @ 09:06 pm
Okay! For those of you just tuning in, previous rounds of fic tag can be found here. 1. You read my ficlet and leave me feedback. Pweeeese?. 2. You pick one of the challenges I've posted after the ficlet and write it, and post the results as a comment to this entry. You just take the character/s or pairing and the prompt and write till the time limit is up or the story is finished, whichever comes first. You can go over, but only a tiny bit to finish the sentence or whatever. Quality is not a big concern here. :) 3. You go here and generate a bunch of prompts, pick one that you want to read, and post it at the end of your comment for someone else to write. 3a. New rule: You only get to post one challenge for every ficlet you do. Yes, I know clicking the ickle button is more fun than writing. Tough ;) Otherwise we wind up with way too many orphaned challenges and that's just sad. 4. Someone takes that challenge and writes it and posts it as a reply to your comment, and generates their own challenge for the next person. 5. Rinse and repeat. (yes you can do crossovers, yes you can do weird implausible shit, yes you can write about your RP character, yes you can do gen or slash or het or femslash or genderfuck or whatever occurs to you to do. You just have to use the characters and the prompt given, and not go too far over your time. Quality, did I mention? is not the main issue here. The issue is lots and lots of fic for everybody.) Here is mine: ( Feuilly/Cosette, G )And here are the prompts (yes, there are three. Hush. It's my game, I get to cheat ;)): Pairing: Bahorel/Favourite Words: brass, bow-legged, exotic Time: 15 minutes Character: Jean Prouvaire Word: detest Setting: Paris Time: 30 minutes Characters: Combeferre, Bossuet Word: cleaner Time: 10 minutes April 1st, 2005
Why I <3 rainbowjehan, #658 @ 10:57 pm
Regarding desperatefans: MamselleManon: I can tell [Feuilly] and Draco are going to get on like... a house afire. Yes. that's tolerably descriptive. XD RainbowSoujin: Mmmboy. MamselleManon: he's English /and/ he's a spoiled brat! What's not to hate? :D RainbowSoujin: Of course, anybody and Draco are going to get on about that way, I imagine. *g* // Exactly! MamselleManon: well, yes. RainbowSoujin: Do you know, Nemo feels exactly the same way? MamselleManon: *chortles* RainbowSoujin: And they're both Polish! Not. Pollity poll poll @ 07:08 pm
Poll #466396 This is not, actually, an April Fools' joke. Sorry.
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllTime for another fic tag? March 31st, 2005
memes @ 11:14 am( personality test thingy )
Jesus. When you put it that way, it's a wonder anyone associates with me.
And the book meme:
( ici )
And that's enough of that.
ETA: Okay, I lied:
( alignment ) March 29th, 2005
(no subject) @ 10:52 am
My Depressed French Consumptive Whore name is Antoinette Cunegonde. Take The Depressed French Consumptive Whore Name Generator today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator. Just, you know, so's you're all aware. ETA also, My Fairy Princess Name is Cobweb Starlight. Take Fairy Princess Naminator today! Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator. March 28th, 2005
(no subject) @ 06:51 pm
Okay, so to cheer myself up I'm making an Anti-Mary Sue Generator. Anyone want to suggest some wholly unromantic early-19th-century female occupations? ETA: Not entirely to the point, but this page! Courtesy of the Wayback Machine. This was one of my absolute favorite references back in my RPing days; it's GREAT for fantasy settings. *happy* SON OF ETA: Okay, here. Test drive? (no subject) @ 12:07 pm
Soujin asked for this awhile back, and as I have way too much nothing better to do, here it is. Noses are love.
March 26th, 2005
(no subject) @ 11:33 amCurrent Mood: giggling liek woah
*skips through her memories* Anyone who hasn't seen this yet? Really really should. March 22nd, 2005
*clutches head* @ 12:02 pmCurrent Mood: embarrassed other news, I woke up this morning contemplating Grant/AriJr. It WON'T GO AWAY. Verily, I am going to hell. |