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User:atarikat (5824) atarikat
I like to put my evil inside of stuff
Location:Boca Raton, Florida, United States
AOL IM:AIM status atarikat (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:"Simplicity of character is the natural result of profound thought."

I just saw that on a fortune cookie and it sounded good to me. So I ate the fortune cookie.

Brush your teeth twice daily for best results.
Memories:2 entries
Interests:83: angelina jolie, ash, asses, atari 2600, beer, big fat joints, bruce campbell, butts, cannibus, cannibus sativa, clubs, coke, crack, crank, crystal, crystal meth, darkstep, dieselboy, dj's, drugs, e, eating, ecstasy, evil dead, freebase, freebsd, fruit rollups, funny people, futurestep, glass, graffiti, high-drama situations, house music, jackass, jeff corwin, jeff corwin experience, jem, johnny knoxville, jungle, kittens, lsd, mean people, mescaline, methamphetamines, mushroom jazz, mushrooms, my cat master shredder, partying, penises, peyote, philosophy, pills, poland, poo, popping pills, porn, pot, pretty people, prozac, ravers, raves, reefer, rocks, shrooms, sierra nevada pale ale, sluts, speed, speedballs, star wars, strange brew, synergy, tech-house, techstep, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the state, turntablism, unix, vaginas, velcro, web design, weed, wonderbread, x. [Modify yours]
People112:_chandra, amenlover, anewarrangement, angelfsh, angelicdestiny, angiewriter, annalytical, ardis, atarisgod, bardiva, billiam, black_jesus, blue_bell, brockslate, browneye, bumpthekoala, cerrenes, chardosha, cityrah, clayman, clea, courtney3454, coypixie, daniellabella, dankitti, devilgirl, dhyanis, divine_right, dizfactor, diztraktcid, dougdougdoug, edanya, ee, el_pato, ephrius, feh, freakneedle, galador42, genericgirl, gigglecam, guppygrrl, haioken, hcl, hellothere, hiddenglitter, icebluprncess, insomnimaniac, internet_lawyer, ironhead1957, jaceh, jadedheart, jaime, jessicah, jessinthejungle, jsjackso, lauralatham, lawnrrd, lc, leener28, lj_serialadder, loudly, lynnayamoon, magicwoman, mastershredder, michelle4979, mikemtl, mopedronin, munche, naomi, nassau, odic, ojdorson, papercutgurl, pixievomit, projectjason, pussygalore, r0ck3tm4n, rain_down_on_me, rehab69, rokku, salvation_jane, samsynn, savage_male, sebastian, secretagentman, shithappens, shogunmoon, silentjealousy, sitaangel, snowed72, softface, solitaryfairy, sophiegoodchild, spooky, spriitely, starko, sunshinepointe, suppafly, t1, terrilyn, tgpeanut, tragicallykel, trinity, turtlehead, vindiesel, vivaldia, vurcease, watership, wendy_w, witchyflickchic, wmsdadspacecade, x6d696168
Communities4:florida_dnb, flraves, internetcourt, lfd
Friend of:109: _chandra, alsotheklown, amenlover, anewarrangement, angelfsh, angelicdestiny, annalytical, annoying_adder, ardis, atarisgod, bardiva, billiam, black_jesus, blue_bell, brockslate, browneye, bumpthekoala, celticgod73, cerrenes, chardosha, cityrah, clayman, clea, courtney3454, coypixie, daniellabella, dankitti, devilgirl, dhyanis, diahreah_drinka, divine_right, dizfactor, diztraktcid, dougdougdoug, edanya, el_pato, ephrius, feh, freakneedle, galador42, genericgirl, guppygrrl, haioken, hcl, hellothere, hiddenglitter, icebluprncess, ironhead1957, jadedheart, jessicah, jessinthejungle, jsjackso, lauralatham, lawnrrd, leener28, linus_torvalds, loudly, lynnayamoon, magicwoman, mastershredder, michelle4979, mikemtl, mom_of_annoying, mopedronin, munche, naomi, nassau, nickblinko, odic, ojdorson, otherworldlyone, projectjason, pussygalore, r0ck3tm4n, rain_down_on_me, rehab69, rokku, salvation_jane, samsynn, savage_male, sebastian, secretagentman, shithappens, shogunmoon, silentjealousy, sitaangel, snowed72, softface, solitaryfairy, sophiegoodchild, spriitely, stacy, sunshinepointe, suppafly, sweetheart21416, terrilyn, tgpeanut, tragicallykel, trinity, turtlehead, undotheklown, vindiesel, vivaldia, vurcease, watership, wendy_w, witchyflickchic, wmsdadspacecade, x6d696168
Member of:10: angiejoliefans, anxietypanic, bad_monkeys, billiamproject, dooty, florida_dnb, flraves, internetcourt, wang, who_what_why
Account type:Early Adopter

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