June 11, 2005

Snazzy new feature

This is for the knitters. I've added a new thingie on my sidebar (that thing to the right, where I telling what I'm doing with my vast free time) that will feature my current knitting project. I don't write much about my knitting, because in most cases it would just be line after miserable line of obscenities. So instead I'll just post G-rated photographic evidence of what I'm stitching.

Posted by Robin at 01:24 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

June 10, 2005

Sweet vacation destination

After lunch at Fitz's with Kara, Clara "Greyhound" Jane and I attempted to pay a visit to my boyfriend Trader Joe.

Note that I said attempted. When we pulled into the always-crowded parking lot I said, "Say Trader Joe, what's that big bus doing in front of you? Please tell me it's not in front of you, that it's actually in front of Petsmart or Beauty First. Please?"

But no. There was a tour bus parked practically on the sidwalk in front of Trader Joe's, and old people were coming out of it like clowns out of a Volkswagen, only slower. We sat there in traffic, watching as one after another they streamed off the bus and into the store.

Continue reading "Sweet vacation destination"

Posted by Robin at 05:35 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

This is our new American Idol?

I just read this, because I am a glutton for punishment and love the feeling of my eyes burning in their sockets:

"I'm from Oklahoma and grew up listening to country music. I think it's the most cheerful music," said (Carrie Underwood)the 22-year-old singer.



Let's make a list of some cheerful country songs, shall we?

Continue reading "This is our new American Idol? "

Posted by Robin at 09:49 AM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)

Friday Shuffle - The Seedy Edition

Here's the junk...

1. The Mercy Seat - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
2. Muhammad My Friend - Tori Amos
3. Apple Blossom - the White Stripes
4. Women's Prison - Loretta Lynn
5. Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan
6. Seed 2.0 - the Roots f/ Cody Chestnutt
7. Higher Ground - Red Hot Chili Peppers
8. Warm Beer & Women - Tom Waits
9. Frontin' - Jamie Cullum (which I still haven't listened to)
10. I Never Picked Cotton - Johnny Cash

Posted by Robin at 08:14 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

June 09, 2005

And they all lived happily ever after

The article that has been giving me fits all week? Completed.

Dinner? Cooked by me, not Sonic. And delicious.

Dinner dishes? Being washed.

Trash? Going outside as I type.

Non-sleeping child? Currently sleeping like a baby. A good baby.

Tongue burn wound? Healing nicely.

Bottle of Cock™ spotted on the shelves at Global Foods? Photographed, but wisely not purchased.

Lunch tomorrow? With Kara.

Life is, dare I say it? Returning to normal.

Posted by Robin at 09:28 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


What is it that makes me think it's a good idea to take a piece of food that's burning my fingers and pop it into my mouth? Since when is my tongue flame-retardant?

Posted by Robin at 06:46 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

What's that flushing sound?

Things are a bit better today, in that Clara "Shriekmaster 4000" slept through the night and is currently napping.

The night before last, though, it was bad. I know, it's not the end of the world to have a sleepless night because of an upset child. What made it bad was my reaction. I just couldn't handle it. I didn't want to handle it. And so often - at least for me - having an inconsolable child is a big, huge physical reminder of my inadequacies.

Continue reading "What's that flushing sound? "

Posted by Robin at 10:22 AM | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)

June 08, 2005

Who needs sleep?

So, apparently Clara "Insomniac" Jane no longer requires sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night and screaming for an hour? That's A-ok in her book. Shrieking through any attempt at a nap? Fun! That business about toddlers needing 11 hours of sleep a night and 1-3 hours of naps a day? Totally doesn't apply to her.

If I have to live through one more day of this, I'm going to rip my hair out and shove it into my goddamn ears.

And my poor husband, having to deal with her crying through the night last night, and then having to listen to me sobbing into the daylight hours because I CAN'T FUCKING STAND THIS AND IT'S DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY!!!! If you're the praying type, say one for him because he's living in a war zone and the enemy is sleep. And the enemy is kicking our sorry asses, my friends.

You know those people who consider their pets to be their children? Yeah, well, cats and dogs sleep 18 hours a day without all the shrieking and screaming, so they can just suck on it.

Posted by Robin at 05:21 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)

Photo meme

I have absolutely nothing good to say today. At least, nothing I feel like sharing with the class, because I'm pretty sure you don't want to read my whining.

I am, however, having fun with this little meme I found at Stacey's.


Go to Google and click on the “Images” link. Type in the following and post the first (or your favorite) picture the search engine finds.

- The name of the town where you grew up
- The name of the town where you live now
- Your name
- Your Grandmother’s name (yeah, I know you probably had 2 (or more); just pick one)
- Your favorite food
- Your favorite drink
- Your favorite song
- Your favorite smell

Continue reading "Photo meme"

Posted by Robin at 01:30 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (2)

June 07, 2005

Just in case I get quiet...

...it's because I'm having Hell Week. I've got a super-short deadline for the magazine. Reader's Poll edition is no fun. I'll be spending the next three days chasing interviews and trying to write a coherant column if I get lucky and manage to get decent interviews.

Catering today. Always makes for stress.

My child is starting to do scary toddler things. Today I stepped out of the room to brush my teeth, leaving her to in the care of "Teletubbies". They're like crack cocaine in this house. That's why we went to the coffeehouse yesterday; I was sick of Clara "Tubbyhead" Jane bringing me the remote and shrieking, "Tubbies! Tubbies!"

Anyway, I'd left her to get a fix. No sooner was I out of the room, I heard what sounded like someone pounding on the window. Not possible, since our house is built into a hill and our main living area is technically the second story. Our windows can't be reached from the outside without a ladder.

They can, however, be reached from the inside by a toddler - who still can't walk and can't quite figure out the sippy cup, mind you - who has pushed her rocking chair to the window and is pounding on it with two fistfuls of Legos.

Turns out, television really is a crappy babysitter.

There's some other crap going on. Not as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but ... stressful. I haven't had a panic attack since January, but I've had a few little ones this week. Not good. So if I don't write much, it's because I'm busy grinding my teeth down to dust.

Or my anxiety might just lead me to getting all manic and prolific on your asses. Who knows?

Posted by Robin at 01:27 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

June 06, 2005

Classy Ladies

When one has a garage sale and is selling purses, one should be careful to remove all old items from the purses. Like the reciepts from a "marital aid" party attended two years prior. Lest one should come home to a phone message from Jane, the purse's new owner, saying, "Um, do you want the reciept for your sex gadgets back?"

Okay, she was much more discreet and polite than that. I'm just glad the purse went to someone I know who was willing to make that call. And destroy the evidence.

My daughter, it seems, is taking after me.

Continue reading "Classy Ladies"

Posted by Robin at 06:10 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)

June 05, 2005

If you're not watching this, you're an idiot

Normally I try to leave my latest pop culture obsessions to the sidebar, but this one ... this one needs to be sung from the rooftops.

You have to watch "Dan Finnerty & the Dan Band: I Am Woman". If you don't watch it, or if you watch it and don't like it, there's no way I can be friends with you. You'll be dead to me. Dead!

It's a one-hour concert. Three guys - rather manly men at that - giving their renditions of girly songs like "Total Eclipse of the Heart", "Shoop", etc. There are Wilson Phillips covers. There are profanities. There are pelvic thrusts. There are sweat rags. There are wet pants from the hysterical laughter at my house.

Posted by Robin at 11:18 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Why I should not not allowed to tinker with html at 10 a.m. on Sunday

...because I'm completely incompetant.

I was doing a bit of rearranging on the sidebar, as I often do, and somehow managed to accidentally delete something important. I have no idea what.


[edited to add] Crisis fixed. Whew. I can go back to being braindead.

Posted by Robin at 10:43 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 04, 2005

Embarrassing Purchases

I had to make a late-evening run to Wal-Mart. Why Wal-Mart instead of Target? Because I felt the need to go someplace where they have those snazzy little self check-out lanes.

I had to buy yeast infection medication.

But that's not embarrassing. The occasional itching and burning is a perfectly natural occurance and the female genitals are not to be shamed. Oh no.

What's embarrassing: I was purchasing the yeast infection medication for my dog.

Continue reading "Embarrassing Purchases"

Posted by Robin at 09:51 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)