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Terry Moran vs. Scott McClellan on 'Last Throes' of Insurgency in Iraq
via AmericaBlog via E&P Read the transcripts. Terry Moran takes Dick Cheney's idiotic words and throws them in Scotty's face. This is almost a Poor Man, TBogg or Jesus General moment.
via TBogg: John Hinderaker equates members of the Bush administration with Augusto Pinochet as if that was a good thing: I think I saw a reference to this some days ago but didn't follow it up. Today Captain Ed picked up the story, and Glenn Reynolds linked, so there should be a fair amount of buzz about Amnesty International's call for the arrest of President Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales, and pretty much any other Republican whom foreign governments can get their hands on
Bush's job approval dropped significantly since last month among people aged 30 to 44, from 52% to 40% now.
Approval among those in middle-income households (incomes between $30,000 and $50,000) also dropped, from 46% in May to 40% now.Bush also lost ground among white Catholics.
Right thing45%47%45%53%
Should have stayed out51484942
By 60% to 40%, Americans think things are going badly for the U.S. in Iraq rather than well.
Campaign against terrorism52%40%
The economy39%56%
Foreign policy39%51%
War in Iraq37%59%
Handling Social Security25%62%
The President fares worst when it comes to opinion of his handling of Social Security.Despite Bush's months-long promotion of his plan for Social Security, only one in four Americans approves of the way he is handling the issue.
In addition, two in three Americans are uneasy about Bush's approach to Social Security; only 27% have confidence in his ability to deal with it.Even some (but not most) Republicans are skeptical.32% of Republicans disapprove of Bush's handling of the issue, and 35% are uneasy about his approach.
ABC Bosses Tell ABC News Kill The Interviews With Robert Kennedy Jr. …
via Huffington Post: ABC corporate executives at the network's highest levels ordered three interviews with Robert Kennedy Jr. pulled from ABC News programming. The interviews all centered around Mr. Kennedy's investigation of thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, used in vaccines given to children and believed to be responsible for increasing cases of neurological diseases including autism.
Mr. Kennedy's interviews were slated for prime shows ABC World News Tonight, 20/20, and Good Morning America. and Rolling Stone Magazine have exclusive rights to Mr. Kennedy’s article and they embargoed his story on other networks because of his arrangement with on
Do you think big money was behind this? Yes...Do you think it was because Bill Frist is involved after receiving $873,000 from pharmaceutical companies? Yes.
I was wondering how Frist would handle the news about Terri's autopsy.
Think Progress gave me the heads up: Majority Leader Bill Frist this morning on the Today Show: LAUER: But when you stood on the floor and you said, She does respond, are you at all worried that you led some senators…
FRIST: I never said, She responded. I said I reviewed the court videotapes – the same ones the other doctors reviewed – and I questioned, Is her diagnosis correct?
Frist on Senate Floor, 3/17/05: I have looked at the video footage. Based on the footage provided to me, which was part of the facts of the case, she does respond.
More from Frist, 3/17/05: She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli…
Washington Journal: John Conyers on DSM forum and Patriot Act
This morning, John Conyers appeared as a guest on C-SPAN's Washington Journal.
Conyers answered questions about the Patriot Act as well as Rep. Sensenbrenner's abrupt closing of last Friday's hearing.
Conyers focused on this afternoon's hearing that is centered around the leaked "Downing Street Minutes". He answered questions about the latest leaked British documents and much more.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Monday ordered a Nov. 8 special election that could trim the power of California's Legislature and dampen the influence of the public employee unions that help finance its Democratic majority.
Keith goes through the various cast of characters and interviews some as he gets JAY WOLFSON, TERRI SCHIAVO‘S FORMER GUARDIAN as well as former Schiavo family attorney David Gibbs on to do an analysis. Gibbs tries to spin the results as best as he can. Also there is a greatest hits collection of some of the wingnuts who had some rather bizzare statements.
Palast for Conyers: The OTHER ' Memos' from Downing Street and Pennsylvania Avenue
via BlondeSense: Greg Palast, unable to attend hearings in Washington Thursday, has submitted the following testimony: Chairman Conyers,
It's official: The Downing Street memos, a snooty New York Times "News Analysis" informs us, "are not the Dead Sea Scrolls." You are warned, Congressman, to ignore the clear evidence of official mendacity and bald-faced fibbing by our two nations' leaders because the cry for investigation came from the dark and dangerous world of "blogs" and "opponents" of Mr. Blair and Mr. on
Arthur Silber writes:Of course, Editor & Publisher is correct to point out these serious questions about how major national newspapers will cover today’s events. I think they will certainly cover the Conyers’ hearing, but it probably will not be given the prominence or detail that it merits. By the way, Conyers appeared briefly on Stephanie Miller’s radio show this morning—and said that his letter demanding answers from Mr. Bush has now been signed by more than….wait for it…
He has lost his mind. What I find interesting about their dispute is that Al Franken uses facts, video and audio clips to prove O'Reilly's deceptions. Bill on the other hand just resorts to name calling. No proof of inaccuracies, just kindergarten rhetoric. The kind I heard in the schoolyards growing up as a kid. The kind used by little boys who knew they were going to get beat up again.
Newshounds has the transcripts. They also have the real deal on Franken's speech, including O'Reilly attacking Howard Kurtz as well.
He often cries foul when people will not appear on his show, yet refuses to let anyone from Media Matters or Air America defend themselves against his blather. He's so interested in where Jolie and the Tsunami donations are going, but refuses to try and find out what happened to the almost 9 billion dollars that was lost in Iraq. Oh and he called FNC a pro-American network.
via Talk left: Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) is being attacked by right-wing talk radio and the White House for making this floor statement on Guantanamo yesterday (pdf). Kudos to Durbin for calling it like it is. What Durbin said they find on
Atrios has more: Things the Right Wing Believes: That, apparently, is the American ideal they believe in. Glad they're finally being honest about their true intentions for this country.
AmericaBlog says: Right-wing smear and lie campaign in full swing against Sen. Durbin.
C&L says: The truth! You Drudge wingers can't handle the truth.
Apparently Bill kept mispronouncing the Senator's name, but what insued was very funny. I wonder if the call had anything to do with Crapo's finally co-sponsoring the bill?
emailer Mary: I hardly ever watch Bill O'Reilly (he makes me crazy) but man did he go postal on NYTimes, Al Franken and Air America in the first few minutes of the program during the "Talking Points" this evening. He alleges that the NYTimes is "outsourcing slander" by propping up Franken and Air America. Here is the article in the NYTimes he is apparently so worked up about......a pretty unoffensive article if I may say so!
I'll have the video a little later. O'Reilly is a desperate man, and a coward. He often cries foul when people will not appear on his show, yet refuses to let anyone from Media Matters or Air America defend themselves against his blather.
As John says: Help spread the word about the Downing Street Memo and help AMERICAblog at the same time. You too can be a t-shirt activist! We've got 15 varieties to choose from, men's and women's, yellow, white, pink, tank tops, etc. Let's face it folks, you wear this t-shirt and people are gonna ask :-)
In a slap at President Bush,lawmakers voted Wednesday to block the Justice Department and the FBI from using the Patriot Act to peek at library records and bookstore sales slips... "This is a tremendous victory that restores important constitutional rights to the American people," said Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., the sponsor of the measure. He said the vote would help "rein in an administration intent on chipping away at the very civil liberties that define us as a nation." on
IRAN-TV reports on closing Gitmo debate and the Chicken Dinners
Here is a view of the Republicans and Guantanamo Bay from, Iran, a member of the "Axis of Evil." How do the media reports of this "evil regime" compare to the US "free" media?
Osama bin Laden is alive and in good health, as is fugitive Taliban chief Mullah Mohammed Omar, a purported senior commander of the ousted Afghan religious militia said in a TV interview broadcast on
I don't know if that's true or not, but since President Bush hardly ever thinks of Osama anyway does it really matter to him? I'm sure Bin Ladin will be turning himself over to Gitmo anytime now so he can get in on the excellent cuisine they serve.
Last night word came down that a Tsunami might hit Cailfornia. I've been through two earthquakes and a hurricane already, so when I heard the news last night it was like " here we go again." Thankfully nothing happened. When I heard via phone call, I was watching the season finale of The Shield. Of course I had to wait until it was over to turn on the news. Glen Close was excellent.
Ed Klein Rapes the National Discourse: God knows I’ve had plenty of disagreements with Hillary -- especially on Iraq. But what Klein is doing is disgusting. It has nothing to do with Hillary’s politics -- and everything to do with feeding the right-wing sleaze machine. This bears no relation to legitimate political reporting -- and should not be treated as such. In fact, if there’s a rape involved in this book, it’s Ed Klein’s attempted rape of the public on
Arianna digs up the dirt on the moneychangers in this project. They are the ususal suspects and we expect no less from them. Kevin Drum had a great post describing these plebeians. Drudge's headlines about this book even turned off some of the most right wing loony bin bloggers out there.
Schiavo Autopsy Shows No Sign of Trauma/Will the Right apologize to Michael?
Terri Shciavo did not suffer any trauma prior to her 1990 collapse and her brain was about half of normal size when she died, according to results released Wednesday of an autopsy conducted on the severely brain-damaged woman. Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin concluded that there was no evidence of strangulation or other trauma leading to her collapse."The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain. ... This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons."
Well the evidence is in. Poor Terri was in PVS and had no hope of recovery. Violence by her husband Michael Schiavo was also ruled out as the cause for her injury. I hope this closes the book on this case, except of course for Mark Furman's, but how will all those who called Michael a murderer feel? Will Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough go on the air today and concede they were wrong while embarrassing themselves in the process? Bill Frist's ability to diagose patients by video now has got to be called into question.<snark> Tom Delay's actions to have a bill passed for political gain becomes an even greater humiliation for him. Will the extreme religious right come out in full force and admit Terri's fate should have been left up to the courts? Will the Church that excommunicated Judge Greer allow him to return? ( although if I was he, I wouldn't go back there.) Will the sycophants return all the money they made off of Terri, including the infamous donation list? And remember all those ballon video tapes? That wasn't happening either. This also proves how screwed our media is. ( like we didn't already) All the isane people that braved their way across our TV screens for thirteen days, proclaiming the "truth" and never having their credentials questioned. Randle Terry and others were presented as normal, rational people.
Americablog says: Gee What a surprise.. Remember, her father actually said that if she only had the right therapy she'd be a productive member of society. Then there was Dr. Frist and Dr. DeLay's diagnoses. Oops.
Atrios says: Fristed Again: "I question it based on a review of the video footage which I spent an hour or so looking at last night in my office,” he said in a lengthy speech in which he quoted medical texts and standards. “She certainly seems to respond to visual stimuli.” Schiavo, it turns out, was completely blind.'
John Cole says: The usual supects will try to spin this that the results are inconclusive, but they should be ignored. And keep in mind, when they try to spin their nonsense- these are the same folks that want to take over the science curriculum and infuse it with 'divine design' and other ascientific garbge. But hey- Tony Perkins and Randall Terry got some camera time and jammed a lot of money in their pockets, didn't they? So it wasn't a total loss.
Daily Kos says: Frist is a terrible doctor: Not that wingers have any respect to "science" and "reality", but Michael Schiavo has more ammunition to use against the hordes of idiots who viciously slandered him during the emotional battle. I still hope he sues all their asses.
Think Progress says:Frist’s Fraudulent Diagnosis: Which makes Dr. Frist’s expert “diagnosis” all the more outrageous.
All Spin Zone: No word yet on whether James Dobson is pressuring Frist to introduce the Corpse Reanimation Act of 2005
BlondeSense says: Vultures Do It Too: I couldn’t help but think of the vultures as the press moved in. Once the press had spotted the report and the facts, and the physicians had left, they felt safe to drag the report away.
Fablog says: An Even MORE Persistent Vegetative State: But as we now learn, Frist, Didion, the Schindlers (Terri's parents and brother), Randall Terry, Jesse Jackson the Bush Administration, both houses of Congress and the Catholic Church were, uh. . . mistaken Not that mere truth has ever stood in the way of anyone who refused to dealwith it:
Talk Left says: Schiavo Autopsy: The autopsy results on Terri Schiavo are in: No abuse was shown. She was blind. No evidence of an eating disorder was shown.
Majikthise says: Schiavo autopsy vindicates husband, impugns Frist: No surprises here. Terri Schiavo was in a persistent vegetative state, Michael Schiavo didn't beat her, Nat Hentoff is a crackpot, and Bill Frist is a demagogic quack.
Republic of T.:Called it: In a post at LeanLeft, on the Schiavo autopsy, I gave the following comment in response to the question of how the Schindlers would “spin” the autopsy finding. Spin? It’s science. And we already know that ideology trumps science. They’ll wave it aside with “God can still work miracles,” and not miss a step. I’m saying here and now that I basically called it, upon reading reports on the Schindlers’ reaction.
There's not much from the right yet. Didn't mean to put John Cole with the left
Blogs for Terr says:Will Autopsy Report Make 'Outlandish' Claims? What I am most interested to see is whether or not, as Michael Schiavo and his attorney George Felos hope, the M.E. purports to draw any conclusions regarding whether Terri was in a PVS (Persistent Vegetative State).
I always thought of Guantanamo Bay as a place of disgrace. A hideous example of what the United States of America stands for. But after seeing your heartfelt press conference yesterday, I realized that the many reports disseminated by the liberal elite media were nothing more than an attempt to demoralize our fine troops and condemn that great detention on
US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has acknowledged that security in Iraq has not improved statistically since Saddam Hussein's fall in 2003. Mr Rumsfeld told the BBC insurgents crossed Iraq's "porous" borders from Iran, Syria and elsewhere. But he said Iraq's military forces were growing in numbers and he was confident the insurgency would be on
Tell us something we didn't already know! I heard MSNBC's military expert Jack Jacobs say after just coming back from Iraq that it was depressing and just as dangerous as it was a year ago.
He doesn't disappoint as the usual cast of characters that covered the trial offered up monsterous amounts of idiocy as they raced to cover the verdict. Name your cable news program. Go ahead just name one. Oh...and of course there was Geraldo.
Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church protests funerals of the war dead
via Booman: A Kansas preacher and gay rights foe whose congregation is protesting military funerals around the country said he's coming to Idaho tomorrow to picket the memorial for an Idaho National Guard soldier killed in Iraq.
A flier on the Web site of Pastor Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church claims God killed Cpl. Carrie French with an improvised explosive device in retaliation against the United States for a bombing at Phelps' church six years ago. "We're coming," Phelps said on
This is beyond sick. Don't let anyone say anything different. He represents what the extreme religious right is all about. They might put on a friendly face on 24/7, smile and giggle and seem harmless. Its all a ruse. I'll be posting video of the wingnut Roy Moore soon and you'll see what I mean.
Thanks for all the kind donations. I was able to pay off the 5000 gigs of downloads for the last 6 weeks, and have money left over for the upcoming few months. This month so far we have had almost 2500 gigs of downloads already in almost two weeks, so the amount will probably be doubled. This site costs a lot of money to run and many, many thanks to all who thought it was worth it to help out.
Working on Bittorrent and getting more servers ready. If its a little slow to download please be patient. If there is a problem downloading, always try holding down the "control" key and refresh. Sometimes that helps. Hopefully in the next few days the other servers will be ready and that will make the downloads faster. I was asked about snail mail donations. Soon I'll have a PO Box ready.
I settled on a new logo and in a week or so Cafe Press will have a new customer. Many have asked me to release a CD of my music to sell on the site as a way to support C&L. I have an injury right now which is making performing impossible at this time, but as soon as I can play again I will finish the CD.
Here's another small sample of an Alto Flute piece that I have permission to post. Its from a Japanese Anime I did last year.
Penn & Teller have a weekly show on Showtime called "BullShit". Every week they debunk some commonly held cultural myth. I haven't watched that show, but our friend David did and thought we should see it.
Penn: The lawmakers didn't even read the law before they passed it!
Penn & Teller cuts through the crap and tell America the truth behind the Patriot Act. It's is a funny but damning video. It last about 17 minutes and it's worth the time.
Warning: This video contains some nudity, sexuality and profanity.
Thanks for the video David. We are also experiencing a ton of downloads so we are working on getting more servers up to handle the load.
All Spin Zone: GOP - Grand Old Pornhounds: In an update to an earlier ASZ story, tonight's the night for Dubya - his date with a real life porn star at a gala GOP fundraising event! No word yet if Jimmy Jeff will be attending this soire, one that is sure to rank high on the family values meter, or whether Donald Wildmon's crew will be seeking on
I know some "social conservatives" have spoken out against her being there, but where are the Evangelicals like TVC who proclaim that: "Pornography is a progressive addiction that ruins the conscience of the person. Frequently, this person acts out his sexual fantasies by molesting children, raping girls, and committing other sexual crimes—including murder." I guess her throwing down a couple a grand gives the President and her a pass for the night.
Resolution Introduced to Rebuke Sensebrenner for Patriot Act Hearing Behavior!
via Brad Blog: Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) is introducing a resolution to rebuke the Chariman for his outrageous behavior. Included in Nadler's resolution, is condemnation of Sensenbrenner's gaveling of the hearings to an early close without hearing unanimous consent, debate or even a second; his refusal to allow witnesses to respond to questions; cutting questioning by minority Congressmen short; unprecedented convening of the hearings when Congress was not in session and other actions less-than-honorable for a United States Congressman. read on
via Orcinus: "White House press secretary Scott McClellan said President Bush talked about slavery and the travails of American democracy in a meeting Monday with five African leaders.
The Senate, McClellan said, "has taken a step that they feel they need to take, given their own past inaction on what were great injustices." Gosh, it almost makes your heart swell with civic pride to read such uplifting thoughts.
At least, until you realize that these same Republicans just last October managed to kill, yet again, the most recent iteration in the ongoing effort to pass a genuine federal hate-crime on"
The Republican Party is the Pro-Hate-Crime Party also. There's more press coverage over the "Pledge of Allegiance" case than this.
Sheehan ridiculed Bush for saying that it’s “hard work” comforting the widow of a soldier who’s been killed in Iraq. “Hard work is seeing your son’s murder on CNN one Sunday evening while you’re enjoying the last supper you’ll ever truly enjoy again.
Hard work is having three military officers come to your house a few hours later to confirm the aforementioned murder of your son, your first-born, your kind and gentle sweet baby. Hard work is burying your child 46 days before his 25th birthday.
Hard work is holding your other three children as they lower the body of their big (brother) into the ground. Hard work is not jumping in the grave with him and having the earth cover you both,” she said. “Beating a political stake in your black heart…” A memorable phrase, and an entirely deserved and just on
Former Bush Team member: WTC collapse likely and inside job
via Virtual Matter: A former chief economist in the Labor Department during President Bush's first term now believes the official story about the collapse of the WTC is 'bogus,' saying it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.
Lamar Alexander Robert Bennett Christopher Bond Jim Bunning Conrad Burns Saxby Chambliss Thad Cochran Kent Conrad-(Democrat) John Cornyn Michael Crapo Michael Enzi Chuck Grassley Judd Gregg Orrin Hatch Trent Lott Lisa Murkowski Richard Shelby John Sununu Craig Thomas George Voinovich
What should we call this group? Give me some names. One Democrat, the rest Republicans. That's not surprising. The Party of the _ _ _ _ I'm reminded of a certain Clint Eastwood movie.
AmericaBlog says: That would be 27% of the Republican Senators who refused to oppose lynching, vs. 2% of the Democrats. Enough said.
"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are (xxx)..a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
via AmericaBlog: I just heard this on ABC News. They're apparently holding the vote late tonight so they won't have to have a real roll-call vote (i.e., individual Senators won't have to vote up or down). The reason? So they can hide the 12 or so Senators who apparently think it's bad politics back home to sign onto a resolution that apologizes for not passing anti-lynching legislation sooner. Apparently, southern Senators fillibustered efforts to pass such legislation for years.
I don't care if they're Democrats or Republicans, I want to know who isn't supporting this legislation. We have a right to know, and to know why anybody in either party would permit the basically-secret vote to take place this evening in order to his who these bigots really are."
I couldn't agree more. These people are despicable.
"So the point is that the inmates in Guantánamo have never eaten better, they've never been treated better and they've never been more comfortable in their lives."
GRACE: You know, Debra Opri, I have been assigned several rape-murder cases, all right? You handle felony prosecutions, you`re going to get one of those, at least one. Normally, the guy that had sex with the woman just before her death is somehow involved in the death. It`s just common sense, OK? If that is in the defense file, from one of these three guys, this is a very, very unusual arrest of two other suspects. What do you think, Debra?
OPRI: I have to tell you, I just don't think this is a rape-murder case. I don't. My gut is telling me this is part of a transport, a prostitution business with the country of Colombia. I hear too many stories. I know too many people who have gone down to Aruba...
GRACE: Oh, good God, Debra, you heard a story? That is the basis of this theory?
OPRI: Nancy, Nancy, let me finish. There are many instances where women will go down there, that age, that type, blonde-haired, and they are drugged and transported to Colombia, period, bottom line. Those are what the investigation and the facts tell you, and those are the stories. Now, looking at a potential rape-murder, we don't have any evidence. We don`t have anything to give us that result. That`s just your opinion based upon your experience.
I believe, because there's no evidence at this point in time, no body, I`m going to pull away from a murder and go with kidnapping and transport to Colombia.
GRACE: Well, Debra, I don`t entirely disagree with you.
"The Senate seldom says it's sorry, although it is now ready to officially express its remorse over the failure to outlaw lynching in the United States. A resolution that the chamber was likely to take up Monday voices regret for the Senate's unwillingness for years to pass a law stopping a crime that cost the lives of over 4,700 people, mostly blacks, between 1882 and on"
I never realized that it was legal in the first place. How sick is that? The fact that it was then allowed to last until 1968 is unimaginable. Read this exchange if you want to have your stomach turned from History Matters In the following testimony to a House subcommittee, four Southern Congressmen discussed their reasons for opposing what they deemed federal interference in state judicial responsibilities and defend segregation and the “peaceful relations now existing between white man and Negro” in the South. Congressman Charles E. Bennett (Florida) also offered his historical explanation for lynching. read the full transcript.
Try to figure out what group of people are being targeted now. Also, some from the right will try to equate these types of filibusters to what is going on in the judiciary. I doubt they can see how contemptable that comparison is.
If you want to read a funny thread, go to this PW forum. Someone posted the video I have of Rosie and Hannity. They are debating the merits of the debate like good little warriors.
To look up a certain video clip of a person or show is very easy to do. Just go down on the right hand column and use the google search window for the site. The calendar is helpful if you know the date but many people and media outlets forget that the search engine is the best way to find what you are looking for. You can always email me at
via Light of Reason: I understand that even to broach the subject of withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq means that a person wants to cut and run, it deals a near-fatal blow to our mythic national will, and it provides aid and comfort to our enemies. It means that you are on the other side, that you want the terrorists to win, and that you wish with all your soul that Saddam were back in power. And, of course, that you are actually French.
I truly do understand all that. Unfortunately for those who smear everyone who actually tries to think about the impossible situation that Bush has placed us in, these judgments now include a majority of the American on
It's time for the U.S. to give the Iraq "gov't" a deadline. Get your act together or else. The idea that tipping off the insurgency to a deadline is the reason to stay the course is ridiculous. The fact is that they don't know when we are leaving now hasn't slowed them down one bit. They probably will continue to blow themselves up no matter if we are there or not. Why would you want to protect yourselves when you have somone else already there doing it for you?
I like Rachel. It's good news that an Air America personality will finally get on the tube regularly. Of course Severin will probably be the over the top panelist MSNBC is looking for. Tucker said that he is going to stay away from the "missing white girl" stories that dominate the rest of 24/7. The show premieres tonight at 9:00PM EST.
(Update)-I brought this up for two reasons. The first is: I didn't know that Rachel had been hired, and the second is: Imus just kicked Tucker off the air during a promo interview. I know how people feel about the Imus show, but Frank Rich and others do appear that I like and I'm usually up early. Tucker brought up the name Contessa Brewer who Imus fired off the show, and in an attempt at being witty got himself ejected off of the Imus interview. I'd say he's off to good start.