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Russ Kick

Edited and published by Russ Kick
author of 50 Things You're Not Supposed to Know, Vol. 2 [here]

updated 05 May 2005

updated: Air Force Arms Lab Reports (Front Matter)
Now includes a second batch of title pages and tables of contents from 1960s technical reports on chemical, biological, psychological and other weapons then in the US arsenal

The Memory Hole Needs Your Help
If you find this site useful, important, or entertaining, please consider a donation of any amount

"The US Army Radioactive Waste Disposal Program in the United States"
A 1966 "Official Use Only" report released earlier this month

Disease Vector Risk Assessment Profiles From the Navy
Previously unavailable reports on disease risks in 147 countries

Previously Unreleased Economic and Labor Briefings from the Dept of Labor
51 issues of the weekly "Briefing on Economic and Labor Market Conditions"

"Overview of the Army's Chemical and Biological Materiel Program"
A 1973 briefing declassified days ago and exclusively presented here. Due to an error, one page that should've been censored in its entirety is completely visible

Sealed Testimony From Justice Dept's Case Against the Tobacco Industry
Testimony from former tobacco insider sealed and removed from Web because it quotes sensitive internal memo

Conscientious Objection Applicants in the Navy, 2003-2004
The US Navy reveals the number of officers and enlisted personnel who applied for - and received - conscientious objector status in the last two calendar years

updated: Reports Purged From the Website of the Civil Rights Commission
We've recovered and posted 19 of the 20 politically-inconvenient reports that were deleted from the Commission's site

Voice of America's Prepared Obituaries for Castro and Yeltsin
In a decision it now calls a mistake, the US government's news organization has released audio of two advance obituaries for still-living leaders. Hear them online

Email exchanges and almost 200 photos from the real Naval Criminal Investigative Service to a writer-producer of the show "NCIS"

Restricted Documents From the Department of Homeland Security
Guidelines, advisory, and conference presentation marked "For Official Use Only"

repost: photos: Senior US Officials Cozy up to Dictator Who Boils People Alive
He may be a brutal, fingernail-ripping, electric-shocking despot, but he's our brutal, fingernail-ripping, electric-shocking despot

Military Ceremony for Louisiana National Guardsmen Killed in Iraq
Soldiers' families and National Guard defy Pentagon, allow media to film and photograph remains coming home in flag-draped coffins

Military Contract for Pulsed Energy Projectile (PEP) Pain Study
University of Florida to figure out how to get maximum pain out of "non-lethal" directed-energy weapon

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