Sachmet's Journal
Mar 4 '05
7:57 am
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Another Ticketmaster Targeting Flop

I get emails from Ticketmaster every now and again, telling me about the latest acts they'd like to gouge my wallet with.

This was the second listing in my email this morning:
Backstreet Boys
House of Blues Chicago, Chicago IL
Mon, 03/28/05         On Sale: Sat, 03/05/05
Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but what the hell are the Backstreet Boys doing at the House of Blues? What are they even doing touring?

I can understand Three Dog Night, KC & The Sunshine Band, and even someone like Sevendust there, but...

Anything for attention, I guess. Wait, that's the motto of these guys.
Mar 3 '05
7:04 pm
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Current mood:
Today's Blast From The Past

Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Feb 24 '05
10:06 am
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Spam/Virus fun

I submitted a post to RISKS last week, about how eBay is being clueless and redirecting people directly to scammers. Today, I get a warning from the FBI in my inbox:
cut for length )

This is the reality of having your email address "public" today: the email address I put in there is a one-off; that is, I used that address just to post to RISKS. And lo and behold, less than a week later, here comes the spam.

Of course, it's no worse then when I made a post to BugTRAQ about a flaw in HotMail, which led to multiple requests to help "hack hotmail".
Feb 19 '05
9:04 pm
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Yeah, yeah, that's it...

As seen on my local weather page...
While radar displays depicted widespread precipitation across the area early this evening...there actually was no precipitation occurring at ground level. Precipitation forming aloft was evaporating as it falls into drier air in the lower levels of the atmosphere. This drier air close to the ground will eventually moisten with time during this evening.
Feb 19 '05
12:48 pm
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BE, a new beer with caffeine, guarana, and ginseng, from Budweiser.

I don't get it.
Feb 16 '05
8:51 am
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Current mood:
It's that time of year again!

February 25th, Cubs tickets go on sale.

[info]strikemyfancy and/or [info]cellino and/or anyone else in the area around then: would you be willing to be my proxy since I'm betting the best tickets will be gone by 10 AM? All you'd need to do is pick up a wristband Wednesday or Thursday, and if you're one of the first band numbers, go pick up some tickets at the box office. (More info in the link above)

Update: Also, the Sounds of Spring start March 3rd. We'll probably also wind up DVR-ing the game on Pulaski Day (which will be on ESPN) since both Rachel and I need to work that day.
Feb 11 '05
8:17 am
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Personals will never be the same

On Monday, Comcast will introduce Dating on Demand. Now, if you're looking for a date, you will be able to watch 3-5 minute video personals any time you wish. They'll even make the video for you!

On Monday, Comcast will introduce Dating On Demand nationally, based on videos from several cities. It also will have a local service for Chicago. By year's end, it expects to have local service in a dozen cities including Baltimore, Washington and Portland, Ore.

People age 18 or older who want to broadcast their availability to either the opposite or the same sex can do so by preparing a three-to-five minute video. ...

Once edited, Comcast puts the videos on its VOD server for free viewing at any time. VOD is only available, however, to subscribers paying an additional $10 a month or so for digital cable service.

Since the videos don't show the person's full name — and may use aliases — viewers who want to reach someone must send a message through an online service, Subscriptions go for about $15 a month, or $55 for six months. People who make a video get the service free for six months.
Jan 28 '05
3:47 pm
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Current mood:
Do you have MGM DVDs?

If you have MGM DVDs, you may be entitled to new DVDs or $7.10 per title you have!

Apparently, if you own any DVD on this list, and you bought it sometime between 1998 and September of 2003, MGM has settled a lawsuit that their "theatrical presentation" of a movie was chopped from the fullscreen version of the title; that is, your widescreen version is the fullscreen version with black bars added. has a better explanation of what went wrong.

The 7 I have from the list are City Slickers, Princess Bride, Rain Man, Return to Me, Spaceballs, UHF, and WarGames. I also have Fargo and Hackers, but they aren't on the list.

More info at Unfortunately, you have to call a toll-free number and leave information to get the claim form.
Jan 26 '05
10:53 am
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Current mood:
Japanese Spam

Japanese Spam musings )

But what I find neat about all of that is that the Japanese version just looks more... concise. I guess that's what happens when pretty much every word can be represented in just a couple characters.
Jan 7 '05
2:53 pm
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MMM, Scam.

Let's say someone had some money they wanted to donate to tsunami relief.

Would they donate it directly to the Red Cross or through another reputable company?

Or would they donate it to a spam scammer?

I bet a lot of well-intentioned people will fall for this crap.

As an aside, everything I wanted to learn about Islam I learned from spam. I'm so glad they send me this stuff! I would never learn anything on my own!
Dec 23 '04
2:05 pm
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Current mood:

Eric Zorn of the Chicago tribune writes today of the "Christmas Backlash" (bypass registration), whereby people who are Christian are increasingly shying away from saying "Happy Holidays" and instead saying "Merry Christmas" to anyone and everyone.

Personally, hearing someone force a "Merry Christmas" upon someone who is (knowingly) not of the Christian faith is beyond rude. (One specific example is given in the above article.) I'm not criticizing people at the store who say "Merry Christmas" to me on my way out the door, although I might have a different view of that if I were obviously of another faith.

In that respect, then: what's crossing the line from well wishing to total rudeness? (Poll redacted due to understandability issues)

Of course, tolerance works one way apparently, you know: those damn homos are ruining Christmas for everyone.

Edit: [info]indigoskynet just said the same thing.
Dec 20 '04
5:20 pm
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Harry Potter fans: listen up!

Big news!

Go to

Get into the flash page (you may need to disable any popup blockers)

Click on the hair piece in the middle.

Solve the puzzle, and read the news.

Puzzle Spoiler )

Or, if you're too lazy for that, read it from [info]misalady, who was the one that broke the news first.
Dec 16 '04
5:49 pm
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Blog Search: Who Loves Ya, Baby?

There's apparently services called Technorati and blogdex that aggregate blogs.

I have found out that via this service, I can see who's linking to me here, and what people are talking about in general on blogs.

To me, this smacks of self-important posturing. Which should make it a fairly popular thing on LiveJournal, then.

So put your username after the URL below, and see how self-important you are! Keep in mind this can only look at public posts.

Also works with blogdex. Add a "/" after your name, though, for the right results.

Dec 14 '04
2:22 pm
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Current mood:
pissed off
UPS sucks

I was supposed to participate in a project for Sony. They sent me, via 2nd day air UPS, some materials I needed.

Today, I found out that UPS "delivered" the materials to someone else (not the office, either) and got a signature bearing the name "spanish". I was home at this time and amazingly enough, no one I know of rang my buzzer or otherwise knocked. In fact, I had taken the day off to surprise [info]rachelk121 with a clean house and dinner.

I call them to find out that they will do nothing for me and that Sony has to jump through hoops to get any information at all.

This is not the first time they've done this to me. In addition, if I order something from Amazon or the like, they'll take the box and leave it in the hallway outside my door in plain sight of anyone walking by.

I hate UPS.
Dec 14 '04
12:53 pm
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Psychic Update

You may remember that I speculated a while ago about a new scam spam. It only took a month.

Edit: "...and more so, if you are hornet, ..." -- So that's what the buzz is about!
Dec 14 '04
11:39 am
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News Flash!

Blockbuster is eliminating late fees

New policy: If you don't return something to Blockbuster within a week of its due date, you now own it, and need to pay them either MSRP, or a "restocking fee" of some sort.
Nov 29 '04
2:09 pm
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Spam Of The Day: If you rebuild it, they will come

I'm the newest Halliburton employee! )

Maybe they need some p-p-p-powerbooks...
Nov 9 '04
10:50 am
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This story and this story about Arafat got me thinking about some spam we could be seeing soon...

Could you soon get one of these? )
Nov 4 '04
1:09 pm
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This is why it's good to have a camera phone

Nov 1 '04
1:58 pm
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Some voting tips for tomorrow:

You might think it's funny, but it's disrespectful to submit write-in candidates like "Don Knotts," "Mickey Mouse," or "Michael Badnarik."

Seriously, folks, get out and vote tomorrow! It's both your civic right and civic duty. It doesn't even matter to me whom you vote for, as long as you vote. Please make your voice count!
Oct 28 '04
8:38 am
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The Lester of two evils

[info]brevity has simplified this presidential race for moviegoers: Which Matrix was better, Reloaded or Revolutions?
Oct 24 '04
7:44 pm
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Current mood:
What's Wrong with this picture?

A bag of Friskies cat treats
Oct 23 '04
4:06 pm
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We found him...

... we just can't go get him: bin Laden in Pakistan

Thanks to [info]substitute for the news.
Oct 21 '04
3:19 pm
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Current mood:
Current music:
The Youngbloods - Let's Get Together
iTunes Conversational

The following is a randomly playing subset of my iTunes titles right now. Line by line, you could almost read it as a conversation:

Him: Let's Get Together
Her: We Can Work It Out
Him: What I Like About You
Her: Bad Case of Loving You
Him: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Her: He Didn't Have To Be
Him: Walkin' On The Sun
Her: If It Makes You Happy
Him: Two Of A Kind, Working On A Full House
Her: Don't Be Stupid (You Know I Love You)
Him: Respect
Her: 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
Him: Mrs. Robinson
Her: Nights I Can't Remember
Him: If I Fall You're Going Down With Me
Her: Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?
Him: Because You Love Me
Her: You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
Him: Forever And For Always
Her: Out Go The Lights
Him: Hell Yeah
Her: Circle Of Life
Him: Whoop! There It Is

I swear, that's unedited, and completely random.
Oct 2 '04
9:43 pm
6 replies
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Thank you to everyone that wished me happy birthday today!
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