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User:vt_komainu (522340) Paid User vt_komainu
Wild Dreams from the Wild Dreamer
Stray Thoughts and Musings of Tango the Mutt
Name:Tango, The Wild Dream
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Website:Within Every Dreamer's Soul Lies a Rebel's Heart
Bio:I am the dreamer, the wanderer, the guardian of hope. I am the lost puppy, the lone wolf, and ghost cat. SkyFlyer Roaming I have been called and also SkyFlyer One. I had become the Rebel Flyer and was Tooned Out no longer. Now I am returned to the great field of drills and am simply the guardian, Komainu. Or Tango, the Hokie Husky-Wolf Mutt
Memories:4 entries
Interests:56: angel moxie, anne mccaffrey, anthrocon, anthropomorphics, beast machines, beast wars, beast wars: transformers, cats, changeling: the dreaming, convention management, country music, d20 modern, dogs, dragons, elizabeth kerner, exiles, fantasy, final fantasy, furries, furry, furs, gargoyles, gloria estefan, gunbound, hospitality and tourism management, huskies, huskys, ironclaw, jadeclaw, mage: the ascension, magic punk, pern, pockethouse, realms of ishikaze, robert jordan, rpgs, sci-fi, science fiction, shannara, sluggy freelance, soccer, star trek, star trek: voyager, technicon, teen titans, terry brooks, the whiteboard, transformers, vg cats, werewolf: the apocalypse, wheel of time, wolves, writing, x-men, x-men: evolution, xtreme x-men. [Modify yours]
People145:acorvin, acy, agamotto, alaskanwolf, amaruk, amberinside, anterus, azijackal, bear_cat, bigtig, bikercheetah, bitbug, blackfeather, bramblewolf, brenderlin, calandra, camstone, cerisewolf, cnipur, colifox, colleenk, cxi162, darkwolph, deccadoggy, deccawolf, desfido, deutscher_kitsu, devilkitten1, doniago, dpawtows, dracono, dracoshen, duet, duncandahusky, electramyst, emeraldwotter, erf, evil_dwagon, fact_of_the_day, fangwolf, fenrix, film2edit, fourthebear, foxglovefur, foxinboots, foxxx_bunny, galen_keman, giza, goldenzoltan, golum, graihvixen, graysoul, hiromi_kitsune, hotmaewest, huskydoggeh, icecor, impink, jazzfish, jdunson, jess_k, jlfranklin, jouva, kallanshojan, kinematics, kipaji, kirigoemimarin, kittenchan, kittykatya, kj_roo, koakako, ladyalishan420, ladybearv, laughin, lil_red_foxie, linnaeus, markush, matthiasrat, meiran, mephox, mikailborg, mrs_pholph, mrstickman, mudo, murrday, narquelion, ndkid, nius, nixve, nviiibrown, pandaguy, perro, phildafeline, pholph, pistolpup, platypusgirl, pocket_entropy, preyfar, ragarth, rainbowsaber, raininva, ranchonmars, rattrap, rcksnhead, revetwolf, rigelkitty, robert_fox1, robertliguori, rubinpdf, russ_da_roo, ryvex, sabacocoyote, sanguinenews, shutterwind, shy_matsi, sk_1, slitherrr, snow_kitty, stevedogg, street22, takaza, tempesta, tervicz, tigergaiason, tigerofthewind, tigertael, tjcoyote, toob, twitchwolf, uilos, unclekage, ursajmajor, vesuvius, volkl, vond, vt_andros, wolffit, wyldekyttin, wyrdone, xydexx, yips_for_fun, ypawtows, yubbie, zenwolph, zerblinitzky, zestykitsune
Communities23:angel_moxie, anthrocon, blacksburgva, branedrane, dead_dog, eastcoastfurs, featureannounce, fm_status, fragilegravity, guardianproject, ifpl, ishikaze, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, nc_furs, news, novafur, paidmembers, soapvt, spielgames, tango_the_mutt, technicon, vtsffc
Feeds12:calnhobbes, dorktowerfeed, foxtrot_feed, furfest, garfield_comic, irregular_comic, kittenbreak, markshapiro, nonsquitor_feed, qotdrss, vgcats_comic, vinci_n_arty
Mutual Friends:118: agamotto, alaskanwolf, amaruk, amberinside, anterus, azijackal, bear_cat, bikercheetah, blackfeather, bramblewolf, brenderlin, calandra, camstone, cerisewolf, colifox, colleenk, cxi162, darkwolph, desfido, deutscher_kitsu, devilkitten1, doniago, dracono, dracoshen, duet, duncandahusky, emeraldwotter, evil_dwagon, fangwolf, fenrix, fourthebear, foxglovefur, foxxx_bunny, galen_keman, giza, goldenzoltan, golum, graihvixen, graysoul, hiromi_kitsune, hotmaewest, huskydoggeh, icecor, jazzfish, jdunson, jess_k, jlfranklin, jouva, kinematics, kirigoemimarin, kittenchan, kittykatya, kj_roo, koakako, ladybearv, laughin, lil_red_foxie, linnaeus, matthiasrat, meiran, mephox, mikailborg, mudo, murrday, narquelion, nius, nixve, nviiibrown, pandaguy, perro, phildafeline, pholph, pistolpup, platypusgirl, pocket_entropy, preyfar, ragarth, rainbowsaber, raininva, ranchonmars, rattrap, rcksnhead, revetwolf, rigelkitty, robert_fox1, robertliguori, rubinpdf, russ_da_roo, ryvex, shy_matsi, slitherrr, snow_kitty, stevedogg, street22, takaza, tempesta, tervicz, tigergaiason, tigerofthewind, tigertael, tjcoyote, twitchwolf, uilos, ursajmajor, vesuvius, volkl, vond, vt_andros, wolffit, wyldekyttin, wyrdone, xydexx, yips_for_fun, ypawtows, yubbie, zenwolph, zerblinitzky, zestykitsune
Also Friend of:1: custer_dot_org
Member of:15: angel_moxie, blacksburgva, branedrane, dead_dog, eastcoastfurs, fragilegravity, ifpl, ishikaze, nc_furs, paidmembers, soapvt, spielgames, tango_the_mutt, technicon, vtsffc
Account type:Paid Account

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