delusions shared realities imposed order personal construct My Website into the past into the past
a blessed unrest
divine dissatisfaction
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An actual photo post from me!


And another!

I feel like I've redeemed myself a tiny bit. ;)

it's all in my head : : amused

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The Rapture Index
The Prophetic Speedometer of End Time Activity!

*laughs until hurts self*

Thanks [info]warsop.

it's all in my head : : amused

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sigur rós in america / canada

Sept 6th Atlanta Symphony Hall

That. Kicks. SO MUCH. Ass!

*is delighted*

it's all in my head : : delighted!

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I'm waffling heavily on the perm account. Mostly for money reasons. I mean yeah, I know it may save me money in the long run, but it's a bird-in-hand vs -bush type of thing.

Saw Star Wars last night. Eh. May be spoilery, read at your own risk. )

Also saw Sin City on Friday, that was much better. While I thought the article that Neil linked the other day about women in comics was a bit over the top, there were some points to be considered there as well. But, it's not just comics, it's everything these days, so I'm not going to pin it all on Sin City.

But yeah. Even in my own circles I see it. Too much male-female interaction is predicated on sexual undertones. If I had cleavage that I flashed at every opportunity there would be some people who would suddenly become more interested in interacting with me. But that's a whole 'nother rant of things that I don't have the energy or inclination for at this moment. Let's just say that I know a *real* guy friend when I see one, and I appreciate the hell out of those who interact with my brain and personality, rather than my physical attributes or lack thereof. I'll let you be the judge of whether or not comics have had anything to do with that.

In other news, it's HOT. HOT AS FUCK! And I hate it.

I guess Happy Procrastination Hour is over now. Back to work!
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Mike Patton was kickin' yo momma's ass back when you were still takin' a whiz in yer undies
Tonight I had the revelation that the music that falls into the newly-hatched genre of "krunk" is really just extremely bad rip-offs of Faith No More, done more than a decade after the fact.


it's all in my head : : amused
auditory hallucinations : : FNM | Live @ Sheffield Arena 1992

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If you're on a Mac, and you like Boggle, you will never come up for air.

I think I've been playing for over an hour now. ;)

It especially rocks because at the end of the game it tells you what words were there that you didn't find.

it's all in my head : : geeky

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and that is all I have to say about that!

it's all in my head : : somewhat tipsy, but not drunk,

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Homeless Puppies!
Awwww, lookit teh cute!

Those three little guys are looking for new homes. They were dumped in the woods on my mom's rural dirt road, and she brought them up to her house to take care of them. She already has three dogs [two of which came from the exact same circumstances] and 2 cats, so she really needs to find people to take them, because otherwise she'll keep them herself and she just can't afford more animals.

She's located south of Atlanta, between here and Macon, and she works in Macon, so anywhere between Atlanta and Macon we can work something out for pick-up.

PLEASE if you or anyone you know is looking for a puppy, pass this on, feel free to link this entry, I'm leaving it public. You will be doing a good deed for both a puppy, and a human! ;)
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Note to Self:

Do not kiss your cat on the top of the head in the spring, after you have just applied lip gloss.

it's all in my head : : furry

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I am having a total wtf moment right now.

I was just outside sweeping giant gobs of tree spooge off the deck. There were clumps hanging over the eave, so I was using my broom to knock them off. Something about the top of the gutter just felt odd tho, so I got a ladder and climbed up to have a look.

Yep. There are no covers on the gutters for the addition. The rest of the house has them. We paid for them on the addition. The gutter company even discussed with us how these would be different because they no longer use the same kind they did when they guttered the rest of the house a couple of years earlier. But there are no covers up there.

I've left Contractor Guy a voice mail. I bet he'll be thrilled. ;)

it's all in my head : : wtf?

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watch for cuteness
Click if you're having a bad day:

This is freaking adorable.
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Sony is a bunch of fucking idiots.

Whoever didn't think Better Version of Me could be a single should never be allowed to listen to music again, because they obviously don't know jack shit about it.

Fuck you Sony! I want a Fiona tour!

I hope she gets new label.

it's all in my head : : irate
auditory hallucinations : : fiona apple | extraordinary machine

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No Foolin'
Today some friends of mine did something that I did almost 10 years ago. Something that has sustained me every day since, that has been the rock that I cling to in every storm, and the soft sweet grass I lay in on every sunny day.

Today [info]copycatjsh and [info]thevault got married.

Marriage doesn't make love happen. It doesn't ensure it will last, or cause it to be any sweeter. True marriage happens whether you ever say it out loud, or whether you don't. You know if you're married, and no amount of seals and stamps and signatures of witnesses make it any more than what it is.

But even in my cynical old age, there's something about marriage that I think is very worthwhile. Perhaps it's because, in our modern culture of drive-thru everything, including relationships, marriage is an act of faith. It's a defiant act in a world where "the center does not hold." It's saying, this is my center, and I believe it can stand against all.

Marriage isn't something you do because you think that's what's done. It shouldn't appear on a timeline list with a little box waiting to be checked off. You can have a relationship without it, you can have a better relationship than the couple next door who is married. Love doesn't need marriage. And the current tax structure in our country doesn't even reward it.

To many of us, there's no real, practical, tangible reason that we think we should get married. I certainly never saw myself married, it wasn't part of a future I planned for. But the love happened anyway, that's something you can't plan for... try it and it will elude you, ignore it and you often find it wallops you upside the back of the head.

Walloping is a beautiful thing.

But why get married?

Perhaps that, in itself, is why. Because there is no reason. Because it defies reason. Because believing in marriage is like believing in Santa Claus, or the Tooth Fairy. Because it's believing in magic, and magic doesn't respond well to practicality. Too much practicality can ensure that you never have a whiff of magic.

Because it's like jumping out of an airplane without the parachute. And believing there's no ground below to hit.

It's kinda scary. You haven't necessarily thrown away the key, but you've made it an awful lot harder to turn in the locks. You've assumed you won't need to turn it. And we are nothing if not a safety-hatch, backup plan bunch of folks. We're looking for the back door as soon as we walk in the front. We get nervous if there isn't one. And marriage is moving into a house with only one door, and one that squeaks really loud so you can't very well sneak out when no one is looking.

But you know....

If you're worrying about going in the front door because there might not be a back door, you should probably stay outside anyway. Magic doesn't coexist real well with people who keep pulling back the curtain to see what might be behind it. If you're afraid you're going to need an escape hatch, chances are probably pretty good that one day you will. There's a lot to be said for self-fulfilling prophecy, I tend to think, that shit works on its own behind the scenes. And hey, sometimes you need an escape hatch even if you never thought you would. There are no guarantees, and you can never truly know the mind and soul of another.

That's what makes it fun. That's what makes the magic happen. You won't get very much out of life if you only do things that are safe, with guaranteed outcomes. Sometimes you have to have faith in your ability to make magic happen. Sometimes you have to believe that the step you can't see beyond goes somewhere better than the one you can clearly see the path of.

Here's to magic.

Here's to faith.

Here's to love.

Here's to that leap into the abyss you can't see the bottom of. Keep believing there isn't one.

Here's to you guys, Jon and Meredith, and the faith you have in each other's magic. May it sustain you through light and dark, and may it always be something that defies reason.

it's all in my head : : love!

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Has anyone else noticed that when you click the "Update Journal" button it then says "Processing Whining"?

Those crazy lj guys!

it's all in my head : : amused

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In the "oh crap, I suck" department.....
HBDeaarrrr [info]warsop!!!!!!!


Here's to the coming year bringing all you desire. The lateness of my wishes in no way reflects on the sincerity of them! ;)
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August 7, 1947 - March 4, 1988
Be at peace, and know that I still think of you.

Some of you may feel this is related to my previous entry. It's not.

Some of you may not know what this is about. Feel free to look at my archives on or near this date in previous years to find out.

The irony is, I took my book [some of you know what I mean] in to pass around the class and use as an example of my work, for my presentation yesterday. I didn't plan it that way, it just happened. Call it a memorial service, if you like.
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Independent thinking: yet another vanishing natural resource.
Goddammit people.

Just grow the fuck up and lose the middle school mentality, why doncha?

I can't respect you when you only exhibit as much capacity for reason and ability to judge character as a thirteen year old girl.

Yes, you're better than every one else, is that what you need to hear?

Now take your lunch tray and go sit somewhere else.

it's all in my head : : disgusted

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kitty activism!
Hey guys...

While looking for a link to scare my mom with tonight, I came across something on a web site that made me have to write a letter. Now I'm telling you about it so maybe you'll write one too. Also, I wanted to know from [info]sensitive_one if it was okay if I posted this under cut to [info]kittypix. I wanted to ask first since this topic often leads to ridiculousness. ;)

At any rate, here is the letter, which will explain exactly what the hell I am on about:

To whom it may concern,

On this page of your website you state:

"Having your cat declawed helps lower your risk of getting the infection through a cat scratch."

It is highly irresponsible of your site to suggest that people declaw their cats. Declawing is a painful mutilation of a cat's toes, and there are other options that are equally as effective that you could, and should, suggest instead. Softpaws being the foremost one of these.

I urge you to please change the wording on this page of your site to suggest a humane solution such as SoftPaws. Even better would be to warn *against* declawing as a solution. Declawing is illegal and considered inhumane in the UK and much of Europe. It often leads to behavioral problems such as biting, which is just as bad infection-wise as receiving a scratch.

As medical professionals you should have the health and well-being of all living creatures at interest, and it is unconscionable to suggest harming one creature for the convenience of another. Since this may eventually backfire and lead to worse injuries from biting, it is detrimental to the health of humans as well as cats.

I hope your organization will be responsible enough to correct this misleading and harmful information.

thank you,
[my city]

I sent this to the site contact, and the WHOIS admin contact

There's NO excuse for suggesting declawing. ESPECIALLY with SoftPaws around.

On that note, I don't suppose any of you are aware of any groups working for legislation to make declawing illegal here too do you? I could get behind putting something like that on my giving list.

*edit: While you're at it, next time you take your pets for check-ups, ask your vet if they declaw. If they do, you might suggest they don't, and you might also reconsider exactly what kind of person you want handling your furbabies.

it's all in my head : : kitty powers activate!
auditory hallucinations : : ta | beekeeper

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pimping for a friend, because every little bit helps

Hello everyone-
I hope the new year is treating you well so far. It's definitely already flying by for me! But, so far so good...I've made a plan for myself for the next four months and am looking for some help to see it through. This past Saturday, I joined the HIKE for Discovery team, an endurance hiking team that raises funds to support the efforts of the Leukemia + Lymphoma Society (LLS). For the next 15 weeks, I'll be training with my coaches and working to reach my fundraising goal of $3500, so i can join my team in May to hike the Grand Canyon. I'm really excited about it-and for many reasons.

Over the past few years I have dedicated a large part of my time to helping out different non-profit organizations through fundraising and volunteering, but this one is especially close to me. As some of you know, my nephew, Benjamin was diagnosed in April with a rare form leukemia. Seeing what he's had to go through over the past few months has been really tough and honestly, it can make you feel really helpless. So, I couldn't think of a better way to try and help him and all the the others, than to support LLS, which not only works to find a cure for blood cancers, but helps to improve the lives of patients and their families along the way.

I would really love and appreciate your support in this! If you want to donate or just want to find out more, you can go to:

If you decide to make a donation, and you know someone who is a survivor, or someone who has lost their battle with cancer, please submit their name as well. I would love to hike in their honor or memory. For each name I receive, I'll make a bracelet that I'll wear on the day of the hike to keep me inspired every step of the way.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who may be interested. Thanks so much-I hope everyone has a great 2005!

Take Care


*Edit: According to my research, this charity checks out pretty good on percent of donations used for programs.

it's all in my head : : hopeful

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I have a friend who needs all your love and positive thoughts today. You don't need to know who, or why. Trust me when I say there's someone out there who is going up against her demons today, standing against her darkest night, and she needs all the strength that can be shared. I need hope, love, and more than anything I need positive thoughts for the working of our justice system today, and for the mind and heart of a judge sitting on his bench out in California, who holds this person's life in his hands.

If you even knew how inconceivable it is that this should hang in a balance, that there should be any question of this, you would be horrified and it would severely test your faith that the American justice system really does offer justice. I used to think it would protect the innocent against those who would do them harm. Since knowing this person that belief has fallen in shards around my feet. It will be destroyed completely if things do not come to pass as they should. The horrors she has endured will be excused, and a new horror enacted, by those who claim to protect us all. This cannot come to pass. Please lend your strength, and your prayers such as you make them.

it's all in my head : : hopeful and afraid

Name: myth
Website: My Website
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Back June 2005