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May. 7th, 2005 @ 09:27 am (no subject)
Current Mood: dorky

Your distinct personality type is:

You have a tendency to become lost in your own thoughts. You are constantly day-dreaming. People wonder how you survive. You tend to be ostracized. People make fun of you. You rarely know what is going on around you. Nobody cares about you. You will always be misunderstood. When you die, no one will care. You will accomplish nothing in life beyond your own survival. You aren't really part of the human race. You have no significance. Sometimes you will create little things that you think are beautiful, no one else will agree with you. You don't belong.

Common complaints about this type:

get yours
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May. 6th, 2005 @ 11:15 pm Public service announcement...
Current Mood: busy

I'm fixin' to go through ye olde friends list again.  If you are deleted and want to be re-added, comment and I'll think about it. 

Presently I'm trying to wrap my head around a final, and on a break I'm writing this and then axing my friends list.  Why?  Cuz it's mine, and I can.
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May. 2nd, 2005 @ 10:02 pm Hey [info]klwalton and other yummy cooks...
Current Mood: hungry

...yummy cooks or people who cook yummy things.  Either will work.  :o)

I would like a tried and true recipe for beef stroganoff and one for beef and noodles.  I would *prefer* that neither involve wine, as I'm just a wuss who doesn't like the taste of wine in foods very much.  If it's *really* good and only involves a little wine, that's fine.  It's not a moral objection or anything, just about flavor.  I do eat things cooked with wine when eating out, so it's not a total moratorium.

I'm having a craving for noodly things something fierce. 
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Apr. 30th, 2005 @ 10:52 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: tired

Today Chris and I went to see Aliza in her competitive play at her school.  All of the plays were *cute*...none to really rave about.  Aliza didn't win anything, and I think she was really quite disappointed...not to mention this is their last play of the year, and that always gets her down.  Poor kiddo.

[info]nachtengelus is here for a short visit this weekend, and it's been nice and angst-less since he got rid of some really-bad-for-him people. Yanno, it's funny and crazy and sad how we subject ourselves to BULLSHIT sometimes.

All it's done here is rain. I'm sooooooooooo sick of precipitation.

Stocked up on Method stuff at Target today. I love that stuff.

We went for breakfast and to the used bookstore here in town today...lovely way to start the day.

At the moment I am tired, and just got done watching a movie called _Instinct_ which was really quite intense, made me cry, and I really, REALLY liked it lots. I got half of a "no sugar added" apple pie tonight and had a bitty piece of it...ooooooooooh...heaven on a plate! YUM-MEEEEEEEE!

And with that, I think I'll fly.
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Apr. 29th, 2005 @ 01:18 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: contemplative

I no longer have a paid account.  It expired today, and I think I'm just gonna leave it free for awhile to see if there's much difference in service.  I like LJ and everything, and I use it a lot...but right now it's just not a priority.  I don't want anyone to buy me time, either.

My knees feel like somebody sledgehammered them today.  :o(  I don't know why, though.  No gym for Kelly...guess I could have gone and lifted, eh?  I shall do my crunches on my balance ball later and maybe drag the bike out or take a walk.

Also I am terribly sleepy.  Perhaps a nap is in order.
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Apr. 28th, 2005 @ 04:04 pm yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum
Current Mood: bored

PATTY LOVELESS IS COMING TO INDIAN RANCH ON AUGUST 7TH. Wow, I was all excited there for a minute until I realized that I'm supposed to go on my whirlwind roadtrip for the month of August. Ooh, Trace Adkins is supposed to be there September 4th. Hey [info]caltrask55, wanna make a plan to go see 'im? He's dead sexy.

I just got back from the dentist where I had a post and whatnot placed for a crown that I gotta get next month. Actually next month I gotta get TWO crowns...OH JOY. I hope that my insurance is feeling benevolent.

Not much going on around here. I got to watch a duck (mr. duck) take a bath in our pond today, which was fun.

Long live diet Sunkist orange soda.

My chocolate stack protein powder arrived...long live vitalady.

Chris games tonight...long live peace and tranquility.

No gym for me today...hadda get to the dentist...so tonight I'll do my crunches on my balance ball...man, them fuckers HURT, but if I ever want my belly to get gone, I'm gonna have to suffer for it, I think.

I am bored. Let us fill my inbox with good tidings.
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Apr. 27th, 2005 @ 06:39 pm merrrrrrrrrrr.
Current Mood: restless

I wish that today was like yesterday. 

Today I'm bored out of my mind, and it's raining and gray.  I know that there are some people who prefer rainy days, but I gotta say, I'm not one of 'em.

I did go to the gym, but mostly just dicked around while i was there.  10 minutes of the elliptical, 15 of the treadmill, and a couple of machines.  I need to remember to take my cd player or something.  Dunno.

Yeah, so it's laundry city. 

Don't mind me, I'll just be over there trying to figure out what's what and why.
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Apr. 27th, 2005 @ 05:07 pm it's meme time
Current Mood: sad

1) My uncle: is a preacher in the Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints cult.

2) Never in my life: will I ever love like that again.

3) When I was five: i was already overweight.

4) High School was: okay. 

5) I will never forget: the lessons I am learning right now.

6) I once met: Garth Brooks.

7) There’s this girl I know who: lives with her head in her ass...how uncomfortable!

8) Once, at a bar: i got kicked out for being in the men's room.

9) By noon I’m usually: wishing I could hide under the bed.

10) Last night: I didn't sleep well.

11) If I only had: not had a weight problem.

12) Next time I go to church, I: will probably be buried by falling debris (aka "the ceiling").

13) Terry Schiavo: is dead.

14) What worries me most: not being able to reign in my temper one of these days and getting myself homeless-ized.

15) When I turn my head left, I see: a bunch of Chris' books.

16) When I turn my head right, I see: a bunch of Chris' books.

17) You know I’m lying when: I say, "No really, I'm okay."

18) What I miss most about the eighties: my naive nature.

19) If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: uhhhhhhhhh...

20) By this time next year: I should be close to graduation.

21) A better name for me would be: Dumbass McDummypants.

22) I have a hard time understanding: my relationship.

23) If I ever go back to school I’ll: kick myself right square in the head.

24) You know I like you if: pick on you and give you silly nicknames.

25) If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: mydamnedself.

26) Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: A scientist, a composer, an actor, and a vice-presidential candidate? Sounds good to me.

27) Take my advice, never: lie to me and expect to come out smelling like a rose.

28) My ideal breakfast is: nonexistant.  I'm not a morning eater.

29) A song I love, but do not have is: uh?  I think I'm well stocked for the moment.

30) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: DON'T DO IT  it's a smarmy, backstabby little shithole.

31) Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: Ummm, ok?   What the fuck?

32) Why won’t anyone: talk to me?

33) If you spend the night at my house, don’t: even think about coming in my bedroom.

34) I’d stop my wedding for: about five cents.

35) The world could do without: answering machines.

36) I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: sit in a roomfull of spiders .

37) My favorite blonde is: this butch little number in my drama class.

38) Paper clips are more useful than: clothespins.

39) If I do anything well, it’s: putting myself in a bad mood.

40) And by the way: i need some real life friends.

41) The last time I was drunk, I: told Chris' sister that Chris paid for her ex's boob job (or part of it...can't recall exactly what I said...I was just tipped enough to have my tongue loosened).
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Apr. 27th, 2005 @ 10:06 am i is very mundane.
Current Mood: productive

Yesterday I had quite a day...not exciting, but busy.

I went off to school and got my Applied Acting class added so that I'll get credit for being in the play.  I also got a test back for Correctional Theory that I got an A on.  Then I was off to class.  After class I went to the gym for sort of a halfhearted workout.  Halfhearted is better than none, so yay me.

Then I had to get gas.  ::woe::  Another $50.00 tank of gas for the truck.  Have I mentioned lately that I'm not fond of our government...

Then I was off to get horse feed.  Tried my usual place, which didn't have any feed that I needed, so ran up to Milford, NH and got feed, shavings and fly spray, then came home to feast on a slice of deli roast beef and some baked Ruffles potato chips.  I thought I was starvin...LOL...

Then it was out to the barn, where I cleaned both stalls and hauled poo.  Then filled the water trough and buckets, then hauled all of the stuff out from the truck (see, the drive to the barn is flooded, so it's the wheelbarrow and 100 pounds of feed at a time or 2 bales of shavings.  Makes for quite a trek when you factor in the hill between the barn and the driveway to the house...not a big hill at all, but a small little steepish thing.  Emptied all the feed, stacked the shavings.  Looked at feed bags and said, "hmmm..."

Took empty feedbags up to house and commenced breaking sticks (dead tree sheddings, yanno) and putting them in the bags.  Filled six 50 pound feed bags. 

During all of this, I kept running into the house to flip loads of laundry, so when all was said and done, I had laundry to fold, too.  Then I did 50 crunches on my balance ball, then chatted online for a lil bit.

I think that I got myself all hyped up or something, because I didn't sleep worth shit last night.  Had one of those nights where you look at the clock at 2:30 a.m. and think, "I haven't slept at *all*!"  I was awake still (again?) at 4:30 and laid in the bed and read until 6, whereupon I fell asleep HARD until 9:30.  So this morning I'm feeling slightly under-rested, but generally okay.  It's very gray outside and somewhat dribbly, so the girls are inside pooing up their nice, clean stalls.  *rawr*

Tomorrow I have both a dentist appointment and the vet is coming out.  They are at the same time.  Guess who wins?  Need to call dentist and reschedule.  I hates the dentist.
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Apr. 24th, 2005 @ 09:55 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: peaceful

So...no gym today.

I did ride a mile (yes, I know that's not much, but still) on my bicycle.  I felt like I was basically learning how to ride a bike all over again...quakey!  I guess 15 years or more of not being on a bike will do that to ya.  Tonight I blew up my balance ball and did 50 crunches on it...interesting phenomenon, doing crunches on something that moves! 

I wonder if shovelling horseshit and hauling it and dumping it would make up for a day in the gym?  I know that it can be some strenuous work!  I feel like as long as I'm moving my body and breaking a sweat and getting the thumpy-heart, I'm doing myself some good.  Usually we scoop pooooo on the weekend, but it was rainy this weekend, so scoopage didn't happen.  Maybe I'll do that tomorrow instead of gyming.  Maybe I'll do both...it's hard to tell at this juncture.

We went to the store and I didn't buy any chips or candies or cookies...but there were Splenda Skinny Cows procured, and Weight Watchers Peanut Butter Fudge ice cream cone snacks.  I have one a day, if I have one at all, so shoot me.

I did NOT find the EAS coffee drinks at the local Hate*Mart, and I'm distressed.  I can buy them online, but not cheaply at all.  Perhaps I need to talk to the good customer service people at the store, because they still have the very mundane chocolate, vanilla and strawberry drinks, which I just can't bring myself to try...GIMME MY COFFEE DRINKS, DAMMIT!!  I did however find some more little shakey cups that I like for making my other protein shakes in.  I did not find new tee shirts because there was an annoying woman who wouldn't move her ass so I could look, too.  *rawr*  Pissed me off.

I was watching the History Channel tonight.  If one could procure the History Channel and the National Geographic Channel and the Animal Planet Channel without the investment of cable television, I'd be so happy.  Stupid consumerist America.

Other than those things, same shit, different day.  At least the rain went away and we had a pretty afternoon to do our errands in.  Tomorrow the girls even get to go out.  After two days of being cooped up, I'm sure they'll have a good time.

If I don't go to the gym before class tomorrow, I won't go at all, because it's my horrendously long day of classes.  Gawd, I hate Mondays with a passion.  Next semester I can hate Monday through Thursday equally, because with six classes, I'll be there for long periods every day...but I'll have Fridays off...which is WONDERFUL. 

So, yeah.  ;)
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Apr. 24th, 2005 @ 11:31 am ...it's WET out there!
Current Mood: blank

Rain, rain go away, come again some other day.

The best thing about rain right now is that my pasture is greening.  The horses are staying in so they don't trample all of the tender, new green shoots.  I'm sure that the girls wouldn't mind being out in the rain, but I would like to grow some grass back there for them.

Woke up this morning with a headache...I think that one of the machines at the gym tightens up my neck and upper back muscles, which I have enough trouble with on my own.  Perhaps I'll stay away from that one for awhile.  I have these incredibly tight shoulders and neck and upper back, anyway, and I hate the headaches that the tightness causes.

We need to go to the store, but I don't know if we're gonna or not...it's not imperative, so I have a sneaking suspicion that Chris won't want to...she'd rather sit and play that goddamned computer game all day long like she did yesterday.  I'm so glad we got that laptop (not).  Now there are two girlfriends that she'd rather spend time with...the laptop and her desktop.  Oh well, I should be used to it by now.

I'm debating the gym today.  I don't know how often I should be going as a beginner.  I should probably just suck it up and go.  I agree with [info]mathilde, it would be nice to have a personal trainer...someone to guide me through the machines and stuff, but being the school gym, that ain't gonna happen. I wanted to get into aqua aerobics, but they stop those for summer, and summer is only 3 weeks away, according to school schedule. It's nice to have the free gym and all, but you know, I always want more. I want aqua aerobics in the summer, too! Ain't gonna happen.

I guess I should go find some nutrition of some sort. I've had a morning protein drink (EAS AdvantEdge Cappuccino)...just couldn't face any of the other flavors this morning, and now I need to find food, I guess. Some days I'd just rather not.
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Apr. 23rd, 2005 @ 09:14 pm rain rain, go away...
Current Mood: bitchy

Ah yes, tick season.  Just found one on my damned neck.  Gah!  I hate ticks.  I guess that's what I get for brushing the girls tonight.  Creepy crawly little bastard...blood sucking fucker.  Yuck.

Not much going on around here.  went to the gym today and then came home and did nothing.  The rain sounds nice and all, but it sure does curtail my damned activities, and that makes me crabbier than hell.

We have no child this weekend, which is okay by me.  Sometimes a little child goes a long ways, and now that she's on the lying kick, I could probably do without her for the rest of my life.  I can stand just about anything, but I can't stand a liar. 

Just for the record, I did get the phone number for apartment rentals near campus.
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Apr. 20th, 2005 @ 05:00 pm random complaining...
Current Mood: amused

I swear, [info]hip_domestics is full of some of the snarkiest people! And while I'm at it, there's a person on [info]food_porn that makes me see red quite often.

Haha...I have nothing else to bitch about, so I've turned to my LJ communities. How sad is that? *snicker*
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Apr. 19th, 2005 @ 11:53 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: disappointed

Once there was a girl named Kelly who wanted to go on a lil short nature walk this weekend, but then Weatherbug told her that it was going to rain all weekend.  Upon finding this out, Kelly said, "Well, ain't that some shit!?" and went to bed.
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Apr. 19th, 2005 @ 10:20 pm play and whatnot
Current Mood: lonely

Okay, I sent off my acceptance email for the part that I was cast in for The Laramie Project. You know, it probably won't be bad, and I'll probably learn a lot and I'll probably get to hang out with cool people and stuff. I think that if I'm going to be a theater minor, I need to just *do* it and not be all bummed out because I didn't get any of the parts I wanted. I should be stoked that after this many years of being off the stage, my gnarly ass even got picked for a callback, much less a second callback...much less actually cast.

No, it's not the part that I wanted, but it *is* my first play at FSC and they don't know me from Adam, so I should just shuddup already and be happy, right? RIGHT? I can get credit for being in it (3 credits, I believe), so I need to look further into that.

Why did I even try out for this play? Because I need to make a life for myself. If I stay cooped up in this house with my dysfunctional relationship, I'm going to become old and bitter and terribly unhappy before my time. If I don't force myself to get out there and do things, that's exactly what's going to happen. That's why I'm starting the gym. That's why I bought these horses. That's why I'm in school. That's why I tried out for this play.

I'm sure I came off as a whiny bitch earlier today, but I'm not sorry. It's a part of how I operate...it's a part of me that I have to learn to cope with, but not a part that I'm especially enamored of. If you don't like it, leave. I'll be more than happy to unfriend you on your way out. Nope, I'm not feeling antagonistic, but I'm also not feeling the overpowering need to apologize for all of my actions or whatever. Yes, I'm rather crabby this evening...due to stuff that I ain't writin' about here. Just stuff.

ION...I brushed my girls tonight, and the hair was just a-rollin' off of both of them, but Felicity in particular. Bailey has some kind of weird spot on her belly that I'm gonna have the vet look at when she comes out to do spring shots. Other than that, my girls are beautiful and wonderful and I NEED A ROUND PEN! (round pens are for working the horses in, and I need one desperately.)

The puppies are fine...lazy, fat, drooly, farty rotties. :) Just like I like 'em.

Tomorrow Aliza gets to sit down here on the first floor and do homework all day because I'll be here to babysit her and make sure it gets done. Gah...teenagers. It's enough to make me wanna pull my hairs out one by one sometimes. She's a good kid...just not terribly motivated. I still hope they let her move here...she needs to get out of where she's currently living...even if it turns me gray before my time and gives me a nervous breakdown...she deserves more of a chance than she's getting there. Amen.

Tomorrow I am also going to the gym. I was supposed to go today, but let my mental state overrule my better judgement and just came home and sulked and napped instead. Ah, the recuperative powers of sleep. I felt better after my nap. Yay.

I guess I've said enough...I seem to have run the well dry.
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Apr. 19th, 2005 @ 01:32 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: pensive


I got a part in The Laramie Project, so I should be happy, right?

Here is the rub. The part that I got is the one part that I absolutely did NOT want. I got the part of Lucy Thompson, who is a teary-eyed grandmother begging the judge for her grandson's life at the tail-end of the play. I had to read for this part, and I hated it. I hate having to turn on the tears (mostly because they are so hard for me to turn off). I just really, really wanted NOT this part...so of course that's the part I got.

So...what do I do? Do I take the part and do my one little sobby/whiney monologue (it's short), or do I basically just shove it off? I'm just so underwhelmed with the part...

I'm probably just being whiney because I didn't get any of the three parts that I really wanted...but DAMN I didn't want this one. I was pissed that I even had to read for it to begin with. *headdesk*

I just found out, so my pissiness is directly proportional to not having time to think about it much yet....that's why I'm posting it here...for feedback.


feed back!
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Apr. 17th, 2005 @ 11:38 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: quixotic

I miss [info]red_frog.
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Apr. 17th, 2005 @ 05:48 pm (no subject)
Current Mood: pissed off

Do ya ever have one of those days where you wonder, "why do i ever open my mouth?  it's obvious that i'm not making any sound, because nobody ever hears a word i say."  That would be today. 

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Apr. 16th, 2005 @ 11:46 pm Saturday In the Park...
Current Mood: tired

Living in a state that recognizes Patriot's Day rocks my socks.  3 day weekend this weekend!  Rah!

Today Chris and I rolled up to Milford, NH to the Blue Seal store (It's a regional, I think, brand of feed, and they have whole farmstores that rock) and picked up a water tank for the girls to have outside, and some shavings.  My poor favorite feed man had a mini-stroke (TIA) a month or so ago, and just hasn't been feeling good at all...they can't get his blood pressure under control.  He's been so good to me, and I would really appreciate any thoughts that you might send his way.

So yeah, we got feed and shavings and a 54 gallon water tank, which looks like a big farking dogbowl (hehe).  On the way home, we stopped for my current incarnation of The Precious.  See, there is this little restaurant called Constantino's...and they make the BEST chicken salad subs in the entire free world...

This morning I woke up at 6:40.  There is something inherently wrong with that!  I never wake up and stay up, but the puppies heard me, so they came and camped out and snored til it was impossible for me to get back to sleep...shitheads.  So, since I was up anyway, I went out to visit with the girls while they ate, then got started cleaning up this huge mess that's been in front of the barn since last fall.  Chris came out and helped, and Aliza sat over on the old dead swimming pool and read a book for school.

Later on, after the feed store and The Precious, there was stall cleaning and floor repair.  Chris did most of the floor repair, but I was a good audience.  :)  In my own defense, I did help, but I just don't do power tools...honestly, they scare me...that's cuz I'm a weiner.  I know I could do it, but Chris does it, so that's just the way it goes.  Together we managed to remove part of a broken board and get new boards cut to fit.  Chris put the new boards in...well, screwed them in...neither one of us can hit a nail to save our lives.  Felicity now has a much more stable floor in her stall, which makes me ridiculously happy.

Tonight...cheese ravioli with meat and veggie vodka cream sauce.  Not the healthiest of eating days, but sometimes ya just gotta feed the beast.  The beast demands it.  Tomorrow will probably be a whole different story.

In general, it's best that I've been away from LJ today, because some days, people just piss me off.  Heh.  Roll Tide (and not in that Alabama way, either).

And now, I'm off to bed...cuz I can.  Neener.
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Apr. 15th, 2005 @ 07:18 pm Hey Jack, you'll get a chuckle out of this one
Current Mood: amused

my master is a master...if you know what I mean... )
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