Apr. 16th, 2005 @ 11:46 pm Saturday In the Park... |
Current Mood: tired Living in a state that recognizes Patriot's Day rocks my socks. 3 day weekend this weekend! Rah!
Today Chris and I rolled up to Milford, NH to the Blue Seal store (It's a regional, I think, brand of feed, and they have whole farmstores that rock) and picked up a water tank for the girls to have outside, and some shavings. My poor favorite feed man had a mini-stroke (TIA) a month or so ago, and just hasn't been feeling good at all...they can't get his blood pressure under control. He's been so good to me, and I would really appreciate any thoughts that you might send his way.
So yeah, we got feed and shavings and a 54 gallon water tank, which looks like a big farking dogbowl (hehe). On the way home, we stopped for my current incarnation of The Precious. See, there is this little restaurant called Constantino's...and they make the BEST chicken salad subs in the entire free world...
This morning I woke up at 6:40. There is something inherently wrong with that! I never wake up and stay up, but the puppies heard me, so they came and camped out and snored til it was impossible for me to get back to sleep...shitheads. So, since I was up anyway, I went out to visit with the girls while they ate, then got started cleaning up this huge mess that's been in front of the barn since last fall. Chris came out and helped, and Aliza sat over on the old dead swimming pool and read a book for school.
Later on, after the feed store and The Precious, there was stall cleaning and floor repair. Chris did most of the floor repair, but I was a good audience. :) In my own defense, I did help, but I just don't do power tools...honestly, they scare me...that's cuz I'm a weiner. I know I could do it, but Chris does it, so that's just the way it goes. Together we managed to remove part of a broken board and get new boards cut to fit. Chris put the new boards in...well, screwed them in...neither one of us can hit a nail to save our lives. Felicity now has a much more stable floor in her stall, which makes me ridiculously happy.
Tonight...cheese ravioli with meat and veggie vodka cream sauce. Not the healthiest of eating days, but sometimes ya just gotta feed the beast. The beast demands it. Tomorrow will probably be a whole different story.
In general, it's best that I've been away from LJ today, because some days, people just piss me off. Heh. Roll Tide (and not in that Alabama way, either).
And now, I'm off to bed...cuz I can. Neener. |