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A real update/ish. [08 Sep 2005|10:33pm]
[ music | "Was It A Dream?" ~30STM ]

I'm just going to jot down a couple of things that happened today/yesterday and whatnot. I'm sorry if this post bores you. Trust me, it bored me typing it out too. ;)

- Mother and I got into an argument. She came into my room later and apologized so it's all good. ♥
- I didn't go to school because.. I looked into the mirror. Stupid, I know. But, I need to go on yet another diet.
- I've been exhausted all day today. I slept for the longest time this morning, it was such a huge relief to be able to rest like that.
- Turns out that Austin didn't move. He was going to, but he said he just moved houses in the city. Unfff. I have mixed feelings about him.
- I love finding the MySpaces of people in school. You get to know the REAL them. There's this one guy (MySpace) in my class. He's got a fucking agent and shit. He auditions for movies and whatnot. It was really interesting to find that out, but we don't talk at all. I think he's a model..?
- It's interesting to listen to a girl (MySpace) in my English class talk about calories and stuff. I've been to her Xanga and ~*TyPeZ lYk DiZ*~ which kinda bothered me. I really honestly don't mind those that do, it's just sometimes hard to read. Anyway, she has an eating disorder. Go figure, y/n. She's always complaining about eating a lot at school. It makes me sick, really. All the time, last year after lunch, she'd ask the teacher if she could go to the bathroom. EVERYDAY. I know what she's done. She's vomited her food. It's not just a guess, it's just so common for people to do that. I really wish she didn't, but that's her body, not mine.
- I cut so many fuckers off of my Friends List. So many that it doesn't even look like I cut anyone off of it. If that makes sense.
- I've called Lonnie ([info]drownmeinnocent), Stefanie ([info]bruinshorty), and up next is Hillary ([info]hillaryous). Jealous? Maaaaybe! I need to call more people.
- Today, I deleted my MySpace. Or at least I hope I did. I was getting tired of its pointlessness so whatevz.

Can I plz have Ian Somerhalder? Please deliver him to :)
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Hmmm [05 Sep 2005|07:25am]
New layout, lol. =/


I'm debating on whether I like it or not.
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[04 Sep 2005|02:14am]
I'm really bored & I'm addicted to [info]tehkewlkidz. LOL If any of y'all try to join, it'd be cute/lol-able if I declined your membership. :)

I'm so bored, srsly.

OH. And I got the new 30 Seconds To Mars album AHHH do I love it. My favorite tracks:

- The Kill
- R-Evolve
- The Fantasy
- A Beautiful Lie
- Attack

AHHH This is one of the times I really really love [info]___ljradio, srsly. :)
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[02 Sep 2005|10:48pm]
Okay, so I was searching through my LJ for one comment and I came across this one! WTF! Who are you!? lololol. It must be one of my "good" friends because they "know" me well. Sorry for the bad quality of the comment!

If you ever hate me or anything (lolol), please don't be a pussy and do it anonymously. And don't capitalize the first letter of every other word. And PLEASE learn the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE.
50 comments|post comment

[ mood | chipper ]

I'm pretty sure some of you are pretty sick of reading ramblings from your friends list relating to the Hurricane Katrina. Though, I cannot ignore this issue. It's a horrible event and it's mind-blowing what a hurricane can do to a whole city. My mother told me that an 18-wheeler was picked up to the air and was thrown against a hotel. It fell to the ground, and laid on other cars. And, a casino in New Orleans was picked up (the whole thing), and was thrown on the parking lot. That's insane. And someone at ONTD mentioned that now people are raping dead bodies!? Are you fucking kidding me. That's seriously disgusting. It's such an inhumane thing to do. And the fact that women & children are being raped in the Superdome. It's disturbing and ahh. I feel terrible for what happened to those in New Orleans. Seriously. I don't know how else to put it. My mother and sister are going down to the Red Cross to donate clothes, and toys for the children. That's going to do something, no?

I'm really excited that Hilary Duff is donating $250,000 to help. Some people are being such assholes and wondering why she won't pay anymore. Oh God. Could people's idiocy increase? Idiots. $100 alone will feed a family of 4 for 2 days, and provide blankets. Now, take that 250K and you do the math. See how many families/people Hilary can save.

Onto personal problems. I was extremely tired today in school because I had only gotten 4 hours of sleep last night. Today was supposedly Austin's last day here. He didn't show up at all during lunch. It kinda got me worried about him. I seriously don't know what to feel about him anymore. This happened last year. I would talk to him and get to know him much more but then he sort of, pushed me away. Last year, he didn't talk to me anymore. Then came the last day of school. We were like, fucking BFFs!! It was all very confusing and I really don't want it to repeat. That is, if he stays.

But to make the world a better, happier, loving place for [info]avrilsmaleslut, there's this guy in my English II class. Oh man. I swear he should be an Abercrombie model. He talks to meeeee. Giggle, giggle. Or as [info]hillaryous would say: hehehehehhehehehe *schoolgirl giggle* heheheh! lololol. YOU CRACK ME UP, GRRRRRL.

No, but srsly. And I found two girls that like FFTL. That's hot. And this one guy, his name is James. But his reaaaal name is Chong (lololololollololol), and he told me that since he saw the sticker on my binder (It's of FFTL), he looked them up and he ended up liking the band. :)

This James kid always stares at me during U.S. History. He's always playfully punching me, and I punch him back. But anyways, I wave at him in U.S. History and he has this huge-ass smile on his face.

Dear teachers of Klein High,


With all kinds of love & shit,
Braulio. :)

There's this other pretty boy named James. He has the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. Someone whispered in English that James (not the Chong kid, obviously) has a MySpace, and that James is in fact, a model. I was like, "lakjds;fljal;jasf NO SHIT LOOK AT HIM" But I didn't really say that. I mean, James sits in the desk right next to me.

I'll just end this post & lol @ everyone because I didn't LJ-cut this. :)

Also. I forgot to mention this one chick, she's one of those African-Americans that are like, omg rockerz. Anyway, she always makes mean faces on the bus. Srsly, what the hell is her problem?! When she walks past by, she gives everybody bitchy stares and looks. I'm like WTF Bitch go to your seat or I'll smack you. lolololol.

I updated [info]glambomb, k.

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I CANT FORGET WHAT YOU SAID [31 Aug 2005|07:08am]
Oops.. I did it again. No, seriously. I missed the damn bus once again. Way to go! I was fixing my hurr because today is picture day so I'm going to ask my sister for a ride to school. She goes in like 40 minutes to drop her daughter off, so yeah. Arghh it's going to be so embarrassing arriving late to class. That's when everyone stares at you when you walk in. I'm not very fond of that!

So last night, I had this big post typed up (Even if some of you don't read it!) but Mozilla, my keyboard, and Jesus decided to use evil powers against me and my mouse was funky so my post disappeared. =( And I'm dead serious! I really don't want to go to school. I'm going to fall asleep in like, all of my classes once again.

PS-- Austin said he's moving this weekend. That is really not cool. I asked for his number but he told me to give him mine. Everytime I give somebody my phone number, they never ever call. So whatevz. Who knows how we'll keep in touch. He's moving back to Colorado, by the way. He best not move!

Lots of funny things are happening at school lately, I'll tell you guys about that later. I got bored in class so I decided to write down subjects I should write about in my LJ. lololol Yeah, I'm a little pathetic. =P

Plz wake up, I am not finished yet. Okay, I'm done! Byeeeee.
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Old shit! [27 Aug 2005|04:02pm]

I highly doubt I have anyone who is really interested to see some of my work that is WAAAAY old. I thought I'd share because these were done when I only had PSP8. And I hadn't used Adobe Photoshop before evar. So, have fun lookin'!

Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was HOT like me? )

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[25 Aug 2005|09:04pm]
I can't re-install Adobe Photoshop CS anymore and it's pissing me offfffff. I need PSP9 back badly. I can't make any of the graphics that people submitted pictures for so I'm stumped. Or stumpt. Well you know what I mean.


I stayed home from school today, lolol. I'm going back tomorrow though. :/ Anyways, I'm going to sleep now. BYEEEEEEEZ!
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[24 Aug 2005|08:13pm]
WHAT THE FUCK. Jarrod's account has been suspended and now I don't know what's up with my website. Like, it's suspended. Now, I have to look through my graphics folders and re-upload everything to shitty little ol' Photobucket. UGH. And the layout for [info]ohnotheydidnt is probably fucked. :/

Oh, and I had a ridiculously good day, of course. Nothing really happened. But, I did go to Cici's Pizza.
37 comments|post comment

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [21 Aug 2005|06:54pm]
[ music | "I'm A Slave 4 U" ~Britney Spears ]

I miss that video, lolololol. =/ Nothing much is going on today, either. I have homework but I kinda forgot my textbooks at school. I guess I can't do my homework, now can I !!! It's all okay, because it's nothing so much worthy of OMG CRYING over. :) How are my lovely friends today? I added like, 2498 prettyful people, kthx. Also, I have like, 80 icons uploaded, lolololol. I want to go all the way to 100. I'll do that sooner or later anyway. Oh, anybody wanna help me fix my stupid-ass AIM? It never lets me log on anymore.

lol @ no lj-cut.
82 comments|post comment

[20 Aug 2005|01:58pm]
The internets is really really really boring today. =(
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I have nothing else to dooooooooooooooooooo! [19 Aug 2005|08:58pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | FFTL BITCHES! ]

So, first day of school was anyone's typical first day. It was completely boring but I think that maybe the funniest part was when I would get confused with what classes I'd have next and I'd walk in and sit down in a classroom. I'd look around and find different lookin' students. Then I realized I was in the wrong classroom! I'm such a dumbass! lololo.

I failed 10th grade for the time being. Once I get through this semester, I'll be considered a junior. Thank the Lawd Jesus for that. I forgot what else we-- I remember now. Okay, so I was looking for my first class so I went to this office and asked this big lady for directions. Sure, she helped me and pointed in which direction my classroom was but wait. Wait a minute! After she told me that she said, "..and you need to shave!" I gave her an odd look and turned away laughing. I was going to say, "And you need to shed a couple pounds, piggie bank!" But I didn't. I'm a pussy, I know. ='(

Today wasn't so bad, I mean, well sort of. ReneƩ which is my brother's ex-girlfriend, gave me a ride to school. Her stupid friend Raquel smokes so that was bad. I'm permanently asthmatic so second-hand smoke doesn't sound like so much fun. Actually, it isn't so much fun for anyone.

I got locked out of my house today! Woo-hoo for cooking up outside for at least 50 minutes! Damn, I could never survive in those urban countries. NEVER. Maaaaaaaan.

About the concert. Butch Walker, at first was lame & boring. I was like, "Ughhh hurry up and get off the damn stage." But, then he quickly grew on me. He's actually pretty neat! Might I add, he sweats like a damn pig. Gavin DeGraw. Man, this man. He made me orgasm like fangirls all over Good Charlotte. Poor fangirls. :)

Gavin DeGraw was amazing. I mean, he was outstanding. Like, he went into the crowd. I was going to fangirl on his ass but my little brother was there, and you know how awkward that would be, no? Okie dokie! I have 20334% more respect for that man. Bless his tiny little ass. Loved it.

Avril Lavigne. Hmm, I wasn't so impressed like I was at Jingle Jam '04. I mean, at Jingle Jam, she was hyper, her voice was well, and she had no problems. For this concert, she wasn't like, really REALLY singing at first, but then she began to give it a try, you know? I loved her performance. Loved it, especially when the curtains came down, and when she came out, I mean, the damn seats were shaking from all the twerps screaming their tits off. I loved that concert. Still, no autograph from the damn skank. That's the 3rd chance I've had!

Today was alright. I LOLed in Biology though. My teacher, Ms. Fitzgerald (funny name. THE BITCH HAS A FUCKING MAN FACE. UGH IT KILLS ME.) was like, "Soooo.. have y'all seen those boys that wear the chick pants?" I pretty much loled uncontrollably there. I was like, "Those are the stupid scenesters!" And this one old ass lady who's like, supposed to be an assistant teacher in the class was asking me what that was. I now know how stupid old people are. No, I'm not generalizing, but this woman is stupid! She's like, "Is it like the gothic group?" I was like, "..." but then I was like, "...sure why not." lolololol. Oh, and this one girl was like, "OMG lol those are those emo boys."

Giiiiiiiiirl. Oh, and all the damn classrooms are cold as fuck. My first period is LITERALLY under 50 degrees. Whatever that means, all I know is that it's too damn cold! Oh, snap. I wrote like, 834 paragraphs, sheesh. Tell me if you make it this far, mmkay? Good!

OH MY GOD THE BEST PART IN THE ENTRY GOES TO AUSTIN. I love this kid. He's like, so gay but he won't come right out and say it. I mean, he's not flamboyant (hate those guys), but it sets my gaydar off like no other! I've made posts here in my LJ about him. Good luck finding those though. They're really old and in the way back, lololol. I'll probably edit this post with the links to the posts. But, I had the BIGGEST DAMN CRUSH ON HIM. I always blushed when he talked to me. I have minor problems looking at him when I talk to him because I blushhhh. Fuck, I'm such a little girl. lolololol. He is really such a nice guy. So many of my other friends suspect that he's gay as well, so I mean, come on. I remember when he asked me if I had a girlfriend. I was going to tell him that I wasn't into girls, but I only told him that I was single, lolol. I'm going to try to ask him for his phone number on Monday or something so, you know, we can talk. ;D

Shit!! I haven't updated [info]glambomb in like 5 days! I need to update that place stat. Whatever stat means, all I know is that it probably means the same thing ASAP means or something, lololol.

This is my schedule:

Geometry B
Reading (lol I failed the English TAKS) (TAKS = Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills)
English II B
French III (Fuck yeah! I love this teacher.)
U.S. History
Art II

Okay, I totally forgot to tell y'all about my french teacher. Oh my God, she's fucking adorable. She's like, 9843 years old but still! And this is totally contradictorial to what I said about old people. She like, everytime she talks, she's like, "blah blah blah, huh?" And her voice goes all high and I can't help but laugh!

I need to really get to know Austin. Seriously.


63 comments|post comment

[17 Aug 2005|03:52pm]
[info]tehkewlkidz [info]tehkewlkidz [info]tehkewlkidz
[info]tehkewlkidz [info]tehkewlkidz [info]tehkewlkidz
[info]tehkewlkidz [info]tehkewlkidz [info]tehkewlkidz

Hay guyzzz. Join that shit! No, seriously. Anyway, I went to the concert. Had a fucktastic day! I'll write this long-ass entry on it later, I promise kthx. No pictures. ='( AGAIN. Goddamnit my mother forgot to buy the camera. AGAIN! :)

Supposedly I'm supposed to do the layout for [info]tehkewlkidz. ='( DAMN YOU BRENDA DAMN YOU. I'll make it ASAP.
52 comments|post comment

[16 Aug 2005|04:09pm]
I leave for the damn concert in an hour and 30 minutes. I'm not dressed, lolololol. Maybe I should get dressed right about now. I'm really sleepy though. Good luck to me that is if I don't fall asleep! :) When I come home, I'll sleep, go to school, come home from school, and write this big-ass update on my first day of school. As well as how the concert went. When I come home from the concert, I just know I'm going to fall on my bed. Like, I haven't slept since 8 pm or so. Right now, it's 4;11 pm. So does that make it, 22 hours? Who knows, I can't count that much, lololol. Don't be a h8er, kthx. When I come home though, can I pretty please come to this post with like, 84353982 wonderful compliments comments? I know, I'm desssperate, lololl. But I need something to entertain me, kthx. :)

Oh, and I'm totally using [info]kittymilkshake's icon because, I mean, come ON! Look at it. Totally makes you wanna go straight, kthx4urtymebye.
88 comments|post comment

[15 Aug 2005|11:10am]
Obviously, I am Braulio. Allie is Allie & Morgan is Big Morgangzta!. Inside joke. ;D

allie: woah look at that girls face
Braulio: thats a guy
Braulio: his name is Jeffree Star.
allie: wtf
Big Morgangzta!: CLICK
allie: that's a boy
Braulio: he's such a retard
Braulio: no shit! lmfoa
Braulio: click on "world famous asshole"
allie: omg
Braulio: and listen to his song
allie: that's freaky
Big Morgangzta!: lmfao
Braulio: i only like the beat to the song
allie: I can't believe it's a boy
Braulio: but i HATE how he talks
Braulio: and how he raps
allie: It blows my mind
Braulio: lol
Braulio: hes in the community called mac_cosmetics
Braulio: and he worked for MAC?
allie: why would a guy do that
Braulio: because he likes to do make-up?
allie: I mean gosh, stay in your own GENDER
Braulio: ...
allie: I'm done
Big Morgangzta!: whoa
Braulio: that's pretty fucked up.
Braulio: SO fucked up, allie.
allie: what is
allie: what
Braulio: thats going in my lj
allie: oh gosh
allie: lol
Big Morgangzta!: whoa.. allie
Big Morgangzta!: just.. whoa
allie: what!
allie: I'm telling the truth!
allie: goddness I'm always fucked up about something
Big Morgangzta!: YOUR OPINION
Big Morgangzta!: NOT TRUTH
allie: but gosh!
allie: he looks like a girl!
allie: whatever nevermidn

allie has left the conference.
Big Morgangzta!: she should really keep her own opinions to herself sometimes
Braulio: i like make-up and that was a very big "fuck you faggot" to me

What. A. Bitch. I am very highly offended by what she said. The worst thing she said? "I mean gosh, stay in your own GENDER" ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SHITTING ME.
Sorry I updated again. I just felt like doing so. =P Also, I'm not a very big fan of Jeffree Star. In fact, I don't like him at all. :)

Personally, I think that ANY guy can do whatever the hell he wants with his life. Be it make-up, hair, whatever. You just DON'T stereotype all guys into 'manly' things. You just don't.

84 comments|post comment

Shit, I forgot!!! [15 Aug 2005|07:48am]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | FFTL ]

Hmm, so in May or so, I was like, "OMG AVRILS COMING I MUST GO KTHX" And I begged my mother for tickets, so she got me them. Now, since today (08/15/2005) is the day before the concert, I fucking forgot! I'm really un-prepared. Not only is the concert tomorrow, but it's also the first day of school. GREAT! lololololool.

I, oh man. I need a camera, wash my clothes (which is what I'm doing right now), what else!? My contacts. Ughh, those are a bitch to put on! But, whatevz! I'll go through with it! I was so close to selling the tickets instead of going because I wasn't up for going to another Avril concert. (Gonna be my third time going, yes, I know. Laugh!) But, now I gotta go since it's the day before. SHIT! I suck at remembering things.

I don't know when the concert starts, but maybe in the afternoon? Most likely. I'm going with my little brother. WORST THING EVAAAAR! =(

Wish me luck, guys, kthx.

53 comments|post comment

[15 Aug 2005|01:42am]
I think that maybe I'm going to have fun in school. But, only maybe of course. lgjkjsfdlghsdfjklhkjh !!!!!!! ;kljd;lgjsl. Oh, and [info]a9iceman and [info]bruinshorty got together and made crazy babies without me. Or so the rumor goes. Can you confirm this rumor? pls kthx.

And, hmm. I watched that thing of Pamela Anderson. Can you say HILARIOUS? That shit had me laughing on the floor, it was crazy.

How are you?

That's hot. I love post-a-comment parties.

I guess we can discuss the previous post? =)
106 comments|post comment

It's time for a serious post. [14 Aug 2005|06:07am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Recently, new people are getting to know me. There's a bad thing. People NOW take me as a fucking joke. I'm not a fucking joke. This is a real LiveJournal. I just know that my friends on LiveJournal love to comment whore with me and that is 110% fine. All of us are fucking bored & we have nothing else to do. And, I am disabling comments because I don't feel like arguing with anyone.

Probably next post will be a post-a-comment party and we can comment all our asses off. =D
But, ever since this, people are hating on me. Someone said, "seriously, what is wrong with you? you are fucking immature."

Okay.. that was a little rude. No, I mean, really rude. What the hell, man. I did NOTHING wrong. All I ever did was use [info]sweet_tiffany82's user picture and picked on her a little bit because I think she's so adorable. SINCE WHEN IS THAT A BAD THING!?

Oh, and hey girlie, the one that called me fucking immature. SHE DOESNT CARE! SHE DOESNT FIND IT TO BE A BIG DEAL OR ANYTHING!

Also, I made a different icon as my default because the whole Tiffany icon attracts just WAY too much attention and my inbox gets successfully raped. But, how about this. Everytime I make a serious post about me, my life, whatever the hell I feel like typing about that day, I'll disable comments. It's a bitch, I know. But oh well. I still love my comment whores anyway. They are like, x 3285340 amazing.

I'm sorry I come off as bitchy or something in this post, it's just that I don't want people to get the wrong impression of me. And to think of me as an asshole when I make my post-a-comment parties. Like, I am a dead serious person at my graphics community: [info]glambomb. I don't play these games I do in my personal journal over there. Also at [info]__poptrash, I love to be a part of that community. I enjoy making graphics for people on the internet, that's pretty much the only reason why I post in those communities.

Also, if you're one like the one who called me fucking immature, don't ever judge me or disrespect me like that ever again. I know it's the damn internet, but seriously guys. Don't.

Oh yeah. And if you're one of the lurkers who are like, "OMG TIFFANY, THERES THIS KID AVRILSMALESLUT AND HES LIKE SOOOO MAKING FUN OF YOU IN HIS JOURNAL! LOLOL!" Uhh, I'm not really seriously making fun of her. Do you not fucking realize what "making fun of someone" means? As in, saying rude things about the other. Yeah, I'm not doing that. Nice try though.

Alright, and for the fucking trolls. I already deleted one from my community. I probably know you from your personal journal, but please do not making a fake one and join my community. It's a waste of your time and my time. And if you're a troll, DON'T ask me to add you because I WON'T add you. Except for the omg_(insert celebrity name here) people. =)

Now, about school. It starts in like, 2 days. I am not ready but who cares right? Also, after I woke up from sleeping (Yeah, I'm a little nocturnal) my mother offered me FOOD. Whoa, there buddy! She was YELLING at me earlier for eating breakfast. Now she stuffs food down my throat? She served me some mexican rice with chicken. I forced myself to eat it.

I would like to thank those who are a part of [info]ohnotheydidnt who thought it'd be pretty neat to be friends with me. That's hot. Well, I guess I'm done with this entry. Of course, I will continue my post-a-comment parties, ok?

If you're reading this post from your friends list, but prefer to see the actual post, just click here. :)

EDIT. I have re-fallen in love with the Ryan Cabrera CD, "Take It All Away."

Because Mallory is just too cool for words ([info]coal_winford) she let me use one of her pictures. Might I remind you, she is a wonderful photographer! Anyway, here is the original: CLICK ME PLS KTHX and here is my version: CLICK HERE TOO PLS KTHX

[13 Aug 2005|12:23pm]
lol @ My mom picking on me. No, seriously. She was complaining to me about eating. At first she's like, "OMG YOU DONT EVER EAT!!!!! EAT SOMETHING!!!!!" Like, in July, I went days without eating & she'd get all worried. And I tell her I'm not hungry. Today, I decided to eat breakfast. Now she's all like, "OMG YOURE GONNA GET FAT!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!"

Oy. Mom is so silly.

Thoughts? Discuss. (lololol When someone says, "Discuss." or "Thoughts?" it makes me laugh reaaaaally hard.)
Sup, [info]sweet_tiffany82?


255 comments|post comment

loolllloolololololoolooololol [13 Aug 2005|01:04am]
loolllloolololololoolooololol. :)

Also. )
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