Fanfiction Axis

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Friday, December 16th, 2005
01:32 am - Backstreet Boys quizzes.
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current mood: amused

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12:38 am - Which Hogwarts student are you?
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current mood: amused

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12:12 am - I'm one who is not that good at math.
But is this the right number?
12 X $15 = $180 or $1,800.
If the first one is right then I have enough money in my account to make a year's worth of sponsorship to a site that I like but if the second one is correct then I will have to wait till I put more money into my checking account.

current mood: annoyed

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12:00 am - What does your handwriting say about you.
Handwriting Analysis

What does your handwriting say about YOU?
The results of your analysis say:

You like to be surrounded by four solid walls.
You are a social person who likes to talk and meet others.
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

current mood: amused

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Thursday, December 15th, 2005
07:39 pm - Stolen from Vesta.

What The Hell Happened Last Night?
LJ Username
What did you drink?
You wake up in the morning next to: muskeeterrowan
...who is wearing: an air stewardess uniform
...and rolls over to you to say: Wanna do that thing with the broccolli again?
...and then: zaps you with an electric cattle prod
This QuickKwiz by joneccleston - Taken 219133 Times.
New - Help with love and dating!

Very funny!

current mood: amused

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07:20 pm - Laughing and crying for the first time in awhile.
I have had the blues for the longest time since two weeks before Halloween. They are slowly going away but not fast enough for me. And I realized what was causing it too.
This year happened to be the sixth year that we had lost my younger brother David and we think that was the reason for me feeling so blue.
He was my favorite brother and losing him at age 27, was hard and now it just hit me very very hard and made me blue.
I really hadn't really cried really hard for him. My mom and I talked about him and she said if you need to cry do so and so I cried on her shoulder for a good ten to twenty minutes and I'm starting to feel better. Not much but it is a start and hopefully, I will get out of this mood within another few days or longer.
Mom and I ended up making cookies tonight, chocolate chip pecan cookies. You could barely taste the pecans in them. I like peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips in them. I might make a batch later on tonight if they thaw in time. If not, I'll make some tomorrow.
But at least, I am feeling a little better now that I know that what I have is the blues and it mainly dealt with my younger brother's untimely death.

current mood: hopeful

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Tuesday, December 13th, 2005
08:37 am - Just so everyone knows.
For the last two months or less. (Time really goes slow when I am not in the mood to do much.) I have been feeling down and I just realized that it is the blues that I have.
Since Halloween I have been very tired, sweaty in the mornings and just plain not interested in doing a lot a things, even talking on the phone with friends is not interesting anymore. I have just started to work on fanfiction stories that I haven't attended to in a few weeks or months.
I just don't feel like talking on the phone much and when I am on the phone I just feel like falling asleep. And yes, I do get enough sleep at night if I go to bed before 12am, but I am awakened at 6am by me sweating and the feeling of me being hot. I even have the fan blowing on me and that doesn't do much beyond cool the sweat that is on my skin down.
I am taking pills that help my sem-paralyzed stomach down, well one of the side effects is sleepiness or sleeplessness. I think that is one of the reasons I am sleepy during the day but I am not sure about why I feel so blue. I should be happy and joyful as I was last year at this time.
Christmas is supposed to be full of joy and happiness but this year I am just not feeling like that. It used to make me feel happy but now I just perfer not celebrating it this year and I can't do that because we are hosting the entire family this year again. I want to vanish off into my room and not associate with anyone during that time, but I can't because my grandmother noticed that I was very silent at dinner one night and asked me what's wrong. I told her nothing's wrong, just listening to everyone talk. When in fact, I just wanted to be out of the house and I didn't care where I went just that I was out of the house doing something other than trying to stay awake for more than three hours and being near a fish tank that is going doesn't help with staying awake very much. Running water makes me sleepy maybe that's why I love the rain so much, it helps me sleep at night.
My mom later told me that grandma was worried about me and that I need to interact more when we go out with them. So the last time we were out with them, I smiled even not much but I did and interacted with them a little more than I did.
I just wish we could skip it this year but no one else has a house that is big enough to hold the entire family of 22 people in it. Not till next year when we decide who will be hosting what next year and I hope we get out of hosting the holiday celebrations.

current mood: groggy

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Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
10:31 pm - Several quizzes.
Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

This year I've been busy!

Last month I ruled Canada as a cruel and heartless dictator (-700 points). Last Friday I bought porn for [info]minywish (-10 points). In September I gave [info]fierceluv a wet willie, then I took it back (-5 points). Last Saturday I gave [info]avianity a life-saving blood transfusion (50 points). In October I had a shoot-out with rival gang lords on the 5 near LA (-76 points).

Overall, I've been naughty (-741 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!


Write your letter to Santa! Enter your LJ username:

What Will fanfictionaxis Get ?
Xmas pressie predictor
Big wooly jumper knitted by lady_lanet
Pair of Socks from muskeeterrowan
Bottle of Whiskey from sunflowers271
Cd from hellborne
Something Cuddly from jeankteer
Something Intoxicating from kerrichu
Something Silly from fierceluv
Something Funny from martonsmistress
Lump of coal from lilambernic
Something Pretty from mpgoddess
Something Shiny from leila_darkstone
Something Naughty from minywish
Something Smelly from avianity
Something Breakable from lefunkymonkey
Something Useful from crystalryoko
Something not useful from symistress
The Black and Decker Tool Kit from falseface
Livejournal account from may_neuma
The Make-up Bag from medee6040
Stack of DVDs from krazykatave
Something Geeky from 24snape24


Made by _imran_ and beyond_bananas.
Hosted at Memeland


Your...a fighter

What dark emotion are you??? (anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: amused

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03:38 pm - I am . . .
Elphaba, the wicked witch of the west.

I am Elphaba, the wicked witch of the West. I am just a misunderstood witch who loves her sister Nessarose and loves Fiyero. You are beautiful but very much hated by others for how your skin looks. You kept your loving nature till someone you cared about is hurt and now you don't care about anyone but the one who is hurt. Watch out to those who cross your path for you are wicked through and through.

Which Witch from the Musical Wicked are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sorceror/Sorceress - you have master all elemental spells. Few stand up to you and you tend to be a little selfish

What type of magic user are u?
brought to you by Quizilla

current mood: accomplished

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Saturday, December 3rd, 2005
06:20 pm - new quizzes
Image hosted by
you are the god of earth. the creater of

What kind of goddess do the heavens see you as?

brought to you by Quizilla


You are Beth. You are sweet and kind, almost an angel. You are shy, but always willing to lend a hand. Your friends and family love you!

Which Little Women Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I knew that I would get her.

current mood: amused

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