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01:27 am
Sunday, November 21st, 2010

Feeling: working

My weekly (or more, because it's convenient) schedule post, ripping the idea from [info]akatonbo. Shall be dated to be at the top of the journal.

Sunday Apr. 24: day off
Monday Apr. 25: work from 3pm-11pm day off
Tuesday Apr. 26: Drop off Zipper for tooth trim 8-9am, work from 3pm-11pm
Wednesday Apr. 27: work from 3pm-11pm
Friday Apr. 29: Anime Boston
Saturday Apr. 30: Anime Boston
Sunday May 1: Anime Boston
Monday May 2: hanging around being a dork
Tuesday May 3: more hanging around being a dork
Wednesday May 4: driving back to Michigan... not fun.
Thursday May 5: work from 2:30pm-11pm
Friday May 6: work from 4:30pm-1am
Saturday May 7: work from 4:30pm-1am

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12:40 am
Thursday, May 5th, 2005
Phone Post:

292K 1:21
“So I'm on I-69 south and actually just a couple of miles before getting on I-94 which is the last thing I need to do to get home, and I'm just calling to basically check in because I know someone should probably be slightly concerned because they haven't heard from me before I got into Canada. Canada went a lot smoother this time, no getting turned around or confused or anything, and it's going pretty well tonight too. Starting to get a little groggy but there's like nobody on the road so uh. It's also nice that MI has a 70 mile an hour speed limit because well at 70 miles an hour I don't really feel the need to speed so I don't need to worry about police officers or anything like that, oh, in fact, there's one pulling up behind me right now, probably just to check everything out I guess. Uh, let's see, oh over by Lansing I saw a shooting star on my way and yes I made a wish, it's funny, with shooting stars, I mean I don't believe in that stuff, but why the heck not, right? So I should probably be home in half an hour and I'll see people online then. Bye.”

Transcribed by: [info]speaky10k

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11:14 am
Wednesday, May 4th, 2005

Feeling: resigned

Off to the highway now... or to the bookstore, then to the highway, more probably. Not looking forward to the 12-14 hour drive home, but maybe I can get into town before 1 am... and my bunny is waiting for me. Must remember that.

Will try to post stuff when I get home - I've been having far too much fun here to bother. ;)

pet the puppy
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02:10 am
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005
Another brilliant revelation caused by sleep deprivation.

Feeling: giggly

[info]akatonbo: I should really start to pay more attention to who I have locked up in the kenderbox*.
[info]mullenkamp: Bad influences?
[info]akatonbo: I have the PHS** locked up in there most of the time.
[info]mullenkamp: ...Bad influence.
[info]akatonbo: I don't even know how many kender I have in there...
[info]mullenkamp: You have a lot more now!
*giddy, sleep-deprived laughter*
[info]akatonbo: They're multiplying like... plotbunnies! Or - oh no *laugh* plotkender!
[info]mullenkamp: Yes! That would explain so much!
[info]akatonbo: They steal everything that's not nailed down...
[info]mullenkamp: And they have absolutely no fear, so they will do any stupid thing that occurs to them without hesitation!

* kenderbox: a box in museworld with no way out, secure enough to keep a kender in. (They might keep themselves amused trying to figure out how to get out.)
** PHS: Pretty Hentai Soldier


[info]akatonbo: ...And now I'm imagining plotkenders stealing the meat in Viktor's pants.

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01:06 am
Monday, May 2nd, 2005

Feeling: silly

So we spent the evening finishing Suikoden (the first one). And I think perhaps we're lacking a little in the sleep department...

[info]akatonbo: Man, everyone likes to whomp on Viktor. I suppose it's because of his place in the party...
[info]mullenkamp: Or it's because he has meat in his pockets.
*both of us crack up laughing*
[info]mullenkamp: "I was saving it for later!"
*we crack up harder*
[info]akatonbo: He's been playing too much kingdom of loathing.
*we cease to be able to breathe*


Viktor: *misses twice with the Double-beat Rune*
[info]akatonbo: Viktorrrrr...
[info]mullenkamp: Bet he's drunk again.
[info]mullenkamp: ...Which is why he put meat in his pockets.
*dying laughing again*


Viktor: *hit again, falls to knees*
[info]mullenkamp: Told you he was drunk.
*more unable to breathe*
[info]mullenkamp: Or all the meat in his pockets was weighing him down.

...Yeah, I don't think I'm ever going to see Viktor take a hit again without cracking up. Because he has meat in his pants.

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07:04 pm
Sunday, May 1st, 2005
A totally true story!

Feeling: cheerful

Read more... )

Note from Andrea - I'll write about the rest of the con some other time. Today's sequence of events was just too funny not to do this to. ;)

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06:44 pm
Saturday, April 30th, 2005
Phone Post

750K 3:23
(Help)(no transcription available)

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03:42 am
Thursday, April 28th, 2005
Last minute stuff.

Feeling: busy

I think trimming Sydney's wig is the most stressful thing I've done in quite some time. I don't know how many times I looked at what I'd just cut and went "AAAGGGHHHH I RUINED IIIIIIIIIT", but... I think it turned out okay in the end. Or at least good enough.

And the hair tie I made for Emishi in the absence of my usual scrunchie... is awesome. It actually holds the ponytail up sturdier and higher than the scrunchie did, which means it looks more like Emishi's does in the manga. Woohoo!

Yeah, I need to sleep big time.

So, uh, American Idol. Ahaahhahahahahhahaha. On the more depressing side, a certain someone who should have gone home several weeks ago is still there. On the bright side, the one who really annoyed me is gone! ...And on the depressing side again, we had to suffer through that song again. And they didn't even cut him off halfway like they usually do. Crap. Also, I betcha Paula was sleeping with him too. XD

Pack up hygenic type stuff after using it
Pack up phone/charger/camera/batteries/CDs
Get ice in little cooler thingy
Stop by thrift store to find tan belt since one of Masaki's went missing
Stop by bank

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03:46 am
Wednesday, April 27th, 2005

Feeling: busy

Learned how to mix paint tonight at work. Crash course, really, because apparently about the time I came in, someone came in who wanted like 15 gallons of paint or something, which Yolanda went to do... except that they were using almost entirely old color samples, so the codes weren't in the machines, and Yolanda was having a ton of trouble trying to go through the process for using alternate color sources - after 40 minutes, she still had about ten gallons left to do.

So I went over and took a look, and managed to do it simply because... well, I know how computers are, and how you need to follow instructions exactly. Then she called me back a little later because she couldn't duplicate it. ...Well, not a little later. Like 4:00, when she was on overtime already trying to do this, and getting very frustrated because she still had seven gallons left. I was incredibly busy over in the sporting goods department with several people who needed various things, and there was no one else in hard goods tonight - in fact, she was supposed to be gone and I was supposed to be working alone. So she called Chris (who's not even our department - he runs the photo lab, and is one of the GM team leaders who is therefore a fallback if there's a problem in another part of GM and their team leader isn't there), who managed to get there about the same time I finally got away from the many people who wanted fishing licenses and pellet guns - and between the three of us, we figured out how to get the thing to do what we wanted it to do. Yolanda took off, Chris helped for awhile, and then I took the last gallon or so to do by myself and finally got done around 5. Definitely an interesting experience... and the customers didn't even mind that it took so long, because apparently they'd gone to the West Main store before coming to ours, and the people over there just plain refused to even try. So basically, we were heroes. ;)

Thank goodness we were busy, so I wasn't constantly stressing out about the trip preparations. Well, that, and I got a lot done today despite 8 hours of work.

For my own reference...

Progress )

Packing list )

math )

Keep thinking I must stay up a little longer, so that I can get more done. But... pretty much everything is done, aside from packing, and I can't do that until tomorrow. (The suitcase is in the attic, and although I can pull the stairs down to get up there and get it, I can't get them back up because I'm too short. And standing on a chair doesn't give me enough room to step back as I pull it forward and up...) Hence the above lists, so I won't have to waste time thinking about it tomorrow when I begin.

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03:14 am
Tuesday, April 26th, 2005
Talking to myself, basically.

Feeling: stressed

Progress for the day: Emishi's shoes, Hardin's shoes, little comfort/fit details on bodysuit, and as much as I could get done on puppy-Tsuzuki's tail and Hardin's hair without getting more supplies. Tsuzuki's tail is kinda thin and scraggly with only one ball of FunFur, and I don't have glue to secure Hardin's hair... so when I go to pick up Zipper's prescription tomorrow, I'll stop at Jo-Ann's on the way back. Or maybe on the way back from dropping him off at the vet. ...Nah, on the way back from the pharmacy makes more sense.

Must remember that everything I don't have "done" at this point is completely optional - most people won't care that Sydney's hair is a little too long, or if he doesn't have Hardin with him, and puppy-Tsuzuki is only a bonus thing; I can still be regular Tsuzuki.

Keep freaking out about how much money I'm going to be taking out from the bank for this trip, and how I'd just gotten to a point where I felt comfortable ($1000 is where I like my bank account to be, in case of emergency). Keep reminding myself that with a 12.5 hour trip, I almost certainly won't need to pay for a hotel room if I can't make the trip in one day, since I will, so there's $200 that I was going to take that I won't be spending. Keep reminding myself that the day I leave, $200 more will be deposited in my bank account from this last week's work, and the day after I get back I should have something like $80 more deposited for the two days I work this week. Keep reminding myself that ACen is much less expensive (especially considering the parts I already paid for), and since I'm rooming with [info]nekoneko, I'm not really paying that much for lodging, so I'll still be able to make it no matter what. Keep reminding myself that I will make this money back, because I have a steady job now, and soon will have my GED officially, so I might be able to land a higher-paying steady job.

I am so not used to having money coming in at all. At all. I keep thinking that once it's used up, that's it... but it's not. Just have to keep telling myself that.

So busy. Sorry if I've been neglecting anything or anyone lately (including comments). So busy. So dead.

And how the heck did the unfinished Sydney pic get over 400 hits in one day on cosplay.com, which is more hits than I've gotten on any other picture, even the ones that have been up there for years? I wonder if I got linked somewhere.

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01:15 pm
Monday, April 25th, 2005
Fleeing to Canada

Feeling: excited

Thursday, I will be fleeing the country! ...Sorta. It appears the most direct route to MA is through Canada. It definitely seems to save on the toll roads... though I guess I'm going to go over a big bridge near Niagara Falls to get back into the country, and that I'll have to pay for. ...I really hope it's not windy. Bridges don't make me nervous except when it's really windy.

Uhm, and I forget, because I haven't been there since I was about ten years old, and it's not like it's come up in conversation... In Canada, do people drive on the right or the left side of the road? I know the US is rare in the right-side-driving, but I forget just how rare. ;)

Estimated time, however, is 12.5 hours. Should be able to swing that in one day quite easily, since it's maybe an hour more than the trip to NY in 2002. And well, I got lost for an hour during that one due to being not so sure about a "keep right" instruction, so if I actually trust the directions this time, it should take me about the same amount of time. ;)

Ah, and now off I go to purchase travelling supplies, such as crackers and peanut butter and chocolate and caffeine. And also a birthday card/present for Mom, if I can find one; I've been kind of distracted lately.

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02:20 am
Monday, April 25th, 2005
Workaholism even at play.

Feeling: busy

So in the last 24 hours, I finished all that needed to be done with both Sydney's boots except for gluing one piece onto the knee of the left one. Added straps to both legs of his pants (making them even hotter - in both the "sexy" and "I'm going to overheat in this thing" senses). All that's left to do for Sydney's outfit is glue that one piece on the boot, trim the wig, and perhaps add a bit of velcro to the bodysuit to ensure the fit stays tight as I walk around in it.

I also gave Hardin gloves, and nearly finished the armor. All that's left to do for him is cut out a slightly altered pattern for part of the armor and stitch that on, make shoes, and give him hair.

And yet my frantic workaholic side says that I wasted too much time reading LJ posts and chatting on IRC, and if I don't have it all done by now, I'll never have it done. Never mind that I'm not actually even going to bed yet, so could have the wig trimmed or Hardin's shoes made before the night is through. Never mind that I've been working on this stuff practically every waking minute for the last couple weeks. ME = LAZY.


Also, my keyboard is freaking out in more bizarre ways. I can now type greater-than with the left shift key just fine... but I can't type a capital L with the left shift key. It doesn't even just come out as a lower-case l - it acts as if I haven't made a keystroke at all. How weird.

At any rate, all the hard work will have been worth it when I'm recognized for the first time at the con. Well, if. Seeing as VS is such a little fandom, I'm really hoping anyone recognizes me at all. ...I really should add to the to-do list in my schedule post, "make 'NOT ED ELRIC' sign".

And maybe I should take a break from this intimidatingly intricate VS stuff and... see if making a puppy tail for the Tsuzuki outfit will be as simple as I thought it might. Or finally give Emishi some shoes.

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11:18 am
Sunday, April 24th, 2005

Feeling: tired of trying, of anger
Hearing: Vienna Teng - The Tower

I've always been the tower
but now I feel like I'm a flower
trying to bloom in snow

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02:26 pm
Saturday, April 23rd, 2005
Random assorted nonsense.

Feeling: confused

So, in a fit of dorkiness, I took half-finished plushie Hardin and put him in my bed last night while I slept. I wonder if this explains why I was dreaming about people from my church taking part in a siege of this huge dimly-lit complex full of strange corridors that had windows looking upon weird gothy scenes under spotlights. Of course, then the mood was abruptly ruined when someone flipped a switch and a bunch of flourescent lights on the ceilings came on, and I woke up.

It's snowing here. Snowing. And earlier this week it was like 85 degrees. Good thing I didn't plant Zipper's cilantro outside yet, tempted as I was.

Other weirdness - my computer does not want to let me type a greater-than sign using the left shift key, as of last night. Even after rebooting due to other odd errors. The really strange thing is that I can type a period just fine, and I can type a less-than sign and other shift-characters just fine, and I can type a greater-than using the right shift key - it's only if I'm holding the left shift at the time that it acts as if the period/greater-than key is broken, which is why I thought at first that it might not be the keyboard. I'm going to have to readjust, because I always use the left shift key for everything, and just keep my little finger hovering over it as I type.

Back to the grind, since I've got 8 hours before I have to be ready to go to work. Not looking forward to dealing with intricate details of craft foam or scratching up my hands trying to bend sheet metal, but I've come this far...

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03:39 am
Saturday, April 23rd, 2005

Feeling: accomplished
Hearing: Final Fantasy VII - One-Winged Angel

Chibi-Hardin progress. Though he's still missing hair, shoes, gloves, and half his armor, he's starting to look specifically like Hardin now. Eeeeeeee.

Also picked up everything I need to finish off Sydney's costume today, and cut out/hammered holes in all the sheet metal for his boot armor before I got tired of impaling myself on sharp shards of metal that I was trimming off and started cutting out the nice soft foam pieces with which to make the detailing. I keep getting frantic because I didn't finish it today, on my day off, and Anime Boston is in only a week, etc... then I remember that I have tomorrow off too, aside from a 2 hour shift at night, and then I have Sunday off, and Tuesday. Uh, I think I'll be able to finish that boot and add the straps to the pants in that time. Probably even finish up Hardin's armor and his hair.

...And it occurs to me that I never got around to making Emishi shoes. Uhm, I should be able to do that before I leave too, what with three more days off before then. Even if Tuesday is basically going to be spent packing because I have to work Wednesday.

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04:15 pm
Friday, April 22nd, 2005
Karaoke hopeful list! (...That sounds engrishy.)

Feeling: amused

So the time has come to plot karaoke madness for the year's cons... not that I haven't been doing it all along, but while driving around buying the last few things I needed to finish Sydney's outfit today, I was hit by various inspirations of varying brilliance.

Tsuzuki I can't really think of anything much for outside of Eden, which we've already done, but I wouldn't mind doing again. I don't think I'd wander around as Tsuzuki that much on my own (no fun without Hisoka), but a couple potential solo karaoke tracks for him... well, I'd love to be able to do the ending theme, just because it would be pretty impressive. And then there's Tender Sugar from Silent Hill 4, because the idea of Tsuzuki singing that makes me giggle. Also making me giggle is the idea of tracking down the song that he sang at karaoke in the manga, and purposely messing up the english lines. :D

I'm still thinking that with the Emishi outfit, it would be particularly hilarious to sing Sobakasu in a purposely squeaky voice. And involve props - I already have "usagi-chan" for the bridge, and could acquire "kaeru-chan" easily enough... It's just a matter of being able to master that first part that goes really fast. And I can always fall back on Bara wa Utsukushiku Chiru again, although I just did it at Otakon, and don't want to wind up doing the same thing over and over. ...And then there's the option of Suteki Da Ne, because really, that resfic idea cracked me the heck up. (Juubei gets to be Rikku!)

Still am highly amused by the idea of Masaki singing Hikari from Kingdom Hearts (thank you ever so much, [info]pokeytax), so I should track down my MP3 of the normal version (not the seven minute dancey remix that was used in the opening sequence) and see what my vocal remover thingy does to that, because I'm pretty sure that there's no karaoke version of that. Also still think it would be amusing and yet strangely fitting to have him sing Bokutachi wa Tenshi Datta from Dragonball Z.

Was going to sing Twins as Ban, except that now I have no Ginji, so I can't. Evil Eyes is a possibility, if a rather predictable and not terribly impressive one (since half of it is in engrish english already). Ban would be a pretty good choice to sing L'arc~en~Ciel, I think, if I could actually find a karaoke version of Honey - my conversion program doesn't seem to like that song so much, and it cuts out rather integral parts, leaves in the lead vocals on the bridge, etc.

Finally... well, I had this thought, and I couldn't stop laughing thinking about it. Which means it might be a bad idea, because I may not be able to do it with a straight face. But... okay. Sydney singing Gackt's Vanilla would just be so, so... well, I can't decide if it's "so very wrong" or "so very perfect". XD

So here I must make an appeal to the friends list - does anyone have (or have the ability to get) a karaoke version of Sobakasu, Honey, Vanilla, or Bokutachi wa Tenshi Datta that they could send me? (Googling for MP3s sure doesn't work, and my computer can't handle file-sharing programs besides BT.) ...Of course, that's if they even exist - I'm not sure they do, except that googling did turn up discographies that said there are karaoke versions of Vanilla and Sobakasu... and I know most anime cons would probably have a karaoke version of the latter at least, but it would be good to have something to practice with.

*sniffs air* ...Oooh. I think I smell chocolate. *wanders off*

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04:32 am
Friday, April 22nd, 2005
Somewhat delayed inspiration.

Feeling: thoughtful

Randomness before substance: I heard the new Foo Fighters track twice on the radio today, and went to google the lyrics, because what I heard sounded interesting. ...It's apparently so new that the lyrics aren't up anywhere yet, and it can't even be found on file-sharing stuff for another listen. Wow, that's... never happened to me before, since I never listen to modern radio these days.

Also, some IRC stupidity:

* Mullenkamp should probably go back to working on cute little Hardin-chan.
<Mullenkamp> ...and my nick makes that comment REALLY surreal.

Anyway. Yet another Sydney/Hardin ficbit that I wanted to type up last night due to Hardin really waking up (now that I'm sticking pins in him and stuff), but... well, I knew I'd have to go to the bank and also pick up my car before 3 pm, and it was already 5 am...

deserving )

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01:40 am
Thursday, April 21st, 2005
Today, mostly good stuff.

Feeling: bouncy

Well, tonight's work went better. Astonishingly, because it was only me and James. But we goofed around a lot while working, and the customers were all more or less happy, or at least not irritable, and we managed to pull off some pretty amazing stuff to please them, including the wrestling of a huge swingset box out of a pile of other swingset boxes before a customer arrived to pick it up, despite not having a cart large enough to put it on at our end of the store.

Also, did not forget to set the VCR. Okay, so I did forget... but I remembered and came home on lunch to set it! Whew. And about AI's results, two things.

2. Wow, everyone is screaming for Scott's blood now.

Zipper's vet trip this morning was quick and basically painless, though he's not doing as much better as we'd have hoped by this time. My car gets checked out tomorrow for the coming road trip, though this is complicated by the fact that my parents' car was being checked out today due to some issues they'd been having with it... and I woke up to find out that they had something fairly serious wrong with it, and needed $600 worth of repairs, which our trusted mechanic (a rare commodity) couldn't do himself, so they had to have it towed to a place he recommended. And they likely won't get it back until Monday. They have a loaner car in the meantime, at least, so it shouldn't be too much trouble to get my car back tomorrow afternoon, or so we're hoping, since our mechanic won't be at the shop Friday and I do have things to do this weekend.

...Especially since I have the entire weekend off - Friday through Sunday. They cut our department's hours, so with the three days off I requested next week, I'm working two days total for 15 hours. Sucky. I was thinking I'd probably be working all four days, possibly all eight hour shifts. Other people were more annoyed with their cuts, because they weren't requesting time off. Perhaps I should look into another job...

Oh oh. Finished Sydney's other arm before work, aside from gluing a bit of fake leather inside the elbow... and then, preparing for work, I took today's random silly digicam shot!

In which Hardin is ticked because he's stuck in a plastic bag.
And bald.

And now I have finished downloading last night's episode of AI that I missed... due to BT download speeds of up to 138k/sec. That more than quadruples my previous speed record on BT; usually I get about 7-12k/sec. Wow. I thought it was going to take until Friday.

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11:29 pm
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
Tonight's American Idol...

Feeling: disappointed

...I set up timer record, made sure that my tape was in the right spot...

...And then forgot to press the power button so that it would actually record. ;_;

I hear Bo did surprisingly awesome, too. Grar! *goes off in search of torrents or at least mp3s or something*

On the positive side, apparently I astonished a lady today when she asked where the little floor rocker chairs were, and I not only knew exactly where they were and got one down for her, but for half the price she'd seen them for online. Yay, I love it when customers are super-happy! :D

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02:53 pm
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
Random thoughts of the moment.

Feeling: annoyed
Hearing: this, haha

This song keeps being played at work, almost incessantly (but not as much so as various versions of "Big Yellow Taxi"), and it's come to really annoy me. Every time I hear it, I feel like inserting a lost verse after the chorus where the person who came up to him pointed out "Sir, apparently you care about what time it is, or you would not be wearing a watch, which is why I asked you what time it is." Of course, anyone who would actually respond with such an insipid statement as "Does anybody really know what time it is?" would probably say something about how they wore a watch just to make people ask what time it is, so that they could make that statement and enlighten people, and then smile in a very enlightened manner. And then the person who asked them what time it was would punch them in the very enlightened face for being a pretentious twit.

My fingernail that was torn appears to be growing really fast to make up for it. When it was torn, the tear was about halfway down the "attached" part of my fingernail. Last night it was about a quarter of the way down. Now it's maybe a fifth of the way down. I commented to my parents about this, and Mom pointed out that there's probably increased blood flow to the injured area as it tries to regenerate itself... and fingernails being dead cells, I suppose more living cells means more cells dying, thus fingernails growing at an accelerated speed. Still, this is freaky.

Funny that in a forum that you would think would be fairly open about people's various sexual urges (or the lack thereof, as it is [info]asexuality), I just got someone freaking out and flaming about how people into BDSM are all either sick or brainwashed because no person in their right mind would ever want to be submissive and only very twisted people could ever find pleasure from things that were used to hurt or torture people. Sigh. I get the feeling that most people really have no idea what BDSM is, and just think it's wannabe sex offenders conning the weak-willed into letting themselves be abused.

So tempted to point the patrons of [info]bdsm at the comment so that people who actually are involved in relationships with aspects of BDSM could set the individual straight (I think the subs would particularly like to correct this person's misconceptions), but I suppose that would be considered instigation. Heh.

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03:59 am
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005
Work work work...

Feeling: pleased

The less said about work tonight the better. It sucked. Except that I cracked up at the end of the night, when I went to look at the bulletin board where our schedules and notes about scheduling are posted. I had posted a little blue sticky note, as I mentioned here before, reading more or less the following:

The week I need off is Apr. 28 through May 4. Also, I will be out of town from May 12-15. Thanks!

Recently, Fay added a blue sticky note as well, reading more or less the following.

I need next Saturday off.

Chad added another, again paraphrased.

I can't work Fridays until further notice. It looks like I'll continue to need Mondays off.

So the place was covered with blue sticky notes informing Kiran of the various things we all needed... and then there was one last one.

I need snickerdoodles for my lunch tomorrow.

...I died. :D

Also, when I went up front at the end of the night to get returns, someone was like "Here comes the toy girl!" ...Yeah, guess they do know who I am. How weird. ;)

Was called "sweetie" by a guy probably younger than I am, too, but am not sure whether I should add that to the running tally of inappropriate terms of endearment. When he said it, my first thought was that it sounded rather sleazy, but then as they were walking away, the little kid with him (probably about six) was like "Don't call her that!" in this totally grossed out tone of voice, and I almost started laughing.

The annoyance at work was quickly forgotten after I got home, though. Finished stuffing Hardin and painted eyes on him, though he is still naked. Also sewed up the ripped seam on Sydney's bodysuit, and well... had to try on everything I'd made, now that I had the wig. Maybe I don't need to trim it after all, because it actually looks pretty good... but it's long enough that it covers the back of the Rood Inverse, on the other hand.

Those who want to give an opinion on this may refer to the following pictures: Sydney thinks you're dumb. - Tsk tsk! - smugness - glance over shoulder. This is the first time I've taken pics of the side of the bodysuit that has the zipper... sort of had to, because it was that arm that was finished. Fortunately, it's not too obvious even where it shows - perhaps because there's a clawed metal arm taking away attention from it.

Man, I am so ghetto. I made the most ghetto bandaid ever for the purposes of trying everything on. See, there would be no way I could get the glove off that one finger with the ripped nail without ripping it further if I didn't have a bandaid on, but I didn't want to waste one when I'm going to be washing my hands again soon... so I tore a little square off a piece of kleenex, stuck it to a piece of duct tape, and wrapped the duct tape around the injured finger. Amazingly, it was more comfortable than the bandaids I'd been using.

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02:11 pm
Monday, April 18th, 2005
Eeeee, Sydney!

Feeling: excited

Well, I got a much-needed boost of giddy happiness before work. My Sydney wig came! Slightly darker than I was thinking it was, I think, but that's probably a good thing, because my coloring is not at all right for blonde hair. And yet, this...

...Doesn't look so bad on me. I don't think I'd ever really want to go blonde, though. ;)

Anyway, after a little combing out (this brand of wig always seems to come pre-styled, with locks sort of glued together - which worked in Masaki's case, but not so much in Sydney's) and trimming? Yeah, this is going to work quite nicely. ;)

This is Sydney wearing a Christian rock band's t-shirt. [info]akatonbo, guess which AU that makes me think of? ;) I did say that Sydney would have to be a member of his band, didn't I?

Ah, so much for actual costume progress before work...

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02:39 am
Monday, April 18th, 2005

Feeling: aggravated

Tonight's lessons on product placement:

1. Packages of frozen shrimp, in the absence of a freezer, make the perfect backdrop for replica Nascar toys.

2. A bag of sugar, torn and leaking, looks lovely if you use it to make a pretty white trail across the staple guns and perch the bag itself atop the nearby sawhorse.

3. Fish are attracted to round, brightly colored objects - so a 16 inch diameter orange rubber bouncy ball may very well just be part of a bobber display, thus it is a brilliant idea to place it in a tray of them in the fishing aisle.

4. Everything with Spongebob or Dora on it is a toy, and thus can be found in the toy department. This includes clothing, soap dispensers, clocks, and toothbrushes. If fully automatic Spongebob machine guns are ever invented, they will be placed right next to the cap guns, because they have Spongebob on them and are therefore automatically a toy.

5. Baseball is a macho sport, and doesn't need any sissy things like organization and tidiness. True sportsmen know this. This is why when browsing the gloves, a true baseball fan will helpfully throw all of them that he or she does not buy onto the floor or the shelves at random, as opposed to hanging them up neatly again on the hooks where they were found.

6. The aisle around the rack of bikes is extra wide so that customers can take several of the bikes out of the rack, leave them there, and yet still have room to ride them around until the tires go flat or they knock other customers over.

Also, considering starting a running "hun" tally, counting the number of times I am called that in a belittling or sleazy context. (I don't mind it when it's like a nice senior citizen who probably thinks of everyone under 40 as a cute child, but sometimes...) I know it happened at least twice tonight.

Glad I finished that GED, because I think I'd really like to not spend much longer in retail. No idea what else I could do, but I want to get out of retail. Or at least supermarket retail. Still glad to have a job at all, but I could do better. Or so I hope. (And no, not leaving this job until such a time as I have another one. Or am moving out of state, of course, because I don't think commuting from that distance would be worth it.)

In less annoying news, I renewed mullenkamp.org today. I really should do something about nameservers or whatever so I can actually use it one of these days.

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11:11 am
Sunday, April 17th, 2005
My worst enemy.

Feeling: frustrated

Hate sleep. Hate sleep. I've got four and a half hours before work, and I could be spending that cutting out Sydney's left boot or giving Hardin a face or writing that really trippy plotbunny with him and Joshua and Callo during the game, or perhaps the James/Sirius/Remus fic that popped into my brain as I was driving to church, but nooooo. I have to sleep.

I don't understand how people can enjoy sleep. I mean, last night I happened to have an infomercial on as background noise, for some kind of bed, and at one point they said "You'll spend one third of your life in bed!" You wouldn't believe the overwhelming feeling of anger and despair I felt at hearing that stated out loud so plainly and knowing it was true.

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03:19 am
Sunday, April 17th, 2005
Sorry, but you'd be useless, really.

Feeling: accomplished

Okay, so tonight's FMA... uh...

*locks muse shack's doors and shoves furniture in front of them because she really does not need another, especially when he'd be essentially useless*

...On second thought... *unlocks doors because she can't stand the thought of poor Al knocking pitifully on the door or something and feeling alone and neglected* I think he was half here already anyway, because that is exactly how I thought he'd react.

Speaking of FMA, I sold a copy of the PS2 game to a guy today, and struck up a conversation about it with him. "Hey, new episode on Cartoon Network tonight! Right after I get out of work, too!" He didn't have cable, poor guy, but bought the first DVD apparently at the urging of a bunch of friends of his who downloaded the whole thing. I could relate to that. ;)

And my progress for the day...? One of Sydney's arms is complete, though may be remodeled a bit to allow for a bit more range of motion in the elbow (can't bend it all the way), and I gave in and started on Hardin - his body is now stitched together, but I have no stuffing for it. Ah well, I'll pick some up tomorrow after work... or before work, so I can take it upstairs to the break room and really weird people out. A couple weeks ago, a bunch of us were talking about ways in which our co-workers are weird... I wonder if any of them have any idea how many ways in which I am weird. ;)

Schedules were changed at work - due to straightening not getting done on time on weekends, thanks to customers being in the store later than usual, second shift has had their schedules changed to end at 1am on Fridays and Saturdays and midnight on Sundays, starting tomorrow. Everyone else is ticked off about this, but hey - the later in the day I can start working, the better, I think. Aside from the bit where I probably won't see [info]akatonbo on Fridays or Saturdays at all... except next Friday and Saturday, because I'm off those two days. Or the next Friday and Saturday, when I'll actually be in Boston with her. Okay, no complaints here just yet. ;)

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