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Unrepentant Geek

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SF Day 1 [31 Mar 2005|10:12pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

I had a pretty good day today. It started off with me waking up at 3:30am and catching a shuttle at about 4:30. Got to the airport way early and ran the security gauntlet pretty easily. That left me with over an hour before the flight. I sat back and listened to my iPod for a while and wandered around looking through the news stand. I picked up a motorcycle magazine for the flight, which was good since I ended up just reading that instead of tinkering with my laptop. The flight was pretty quick right off the plane I got myself to the BART and figured out how that all worked. About 45 minutes later I was walking down the street to the six apart offices. Made it there ok and finally got to meet all of these people that I'm working with. I even got some fairly productive work done. I went out to lunch with a good chunk of the LJ crew and had a huge burrito. I can't believe that I ate it all. Worked kinda late and started to get kinda punchy at around 5pm, so I tried to take it easy. I had dinner with [info]xb95 at a place called Dino's. I had a meatball sandwich. He had a 'small' calzone. It was enormous. [info]xb95 dropped me off near my hotel and I checked in. They have free wifi here, but I had to go down to the desk to get login info. I stepped out of the room with my key and tried to pull the door to but it wouldn't latch so I tugged on the door handle a bit.. no good... so a bit more... the door handle came off! I took it down to the front desk and the lady there giggled that told me that it was perfectly ok (It seems that this is not an infrequent occurrence) and gave me a new room. This one is a bit bigger which is nice. I'm pretty tired so I think that I'll go to bed real soon. Tomorrow will be a day of meetings culminating in drink. It could be worse ;)


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[31 Mar 2005|04:30am]
I am about to catch a shuttle to the airport to fly down to San Francisco. I don't know what made me think that starting this early was a good idea, but hey it's an adventure or something :)

I'll be working down there for two days, meeting all the new SixApart people and going to lots of meetings I'm sure. There is also supposed to be drinking, I figure that this is a good thing. ;)

I'll be flying back Saturday evening, so there's some time in there for me to have some fun. Not sure what I'll be doing, but I'm sure that my coworkers will have some ideas.
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[27 Mar 2005|09:17pm]
I just noticed that BMW updated the 2004 R1150RT to the 2005 R1200RT. I totally have bike lust now. So... anybody got a spare $18k to buy me a bike? no? dammit.

Hey [info]gordonmessmer, you can still get yourself a 2004 R1200C Classic if you hurry. ;)
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[23 Mar 2005|10:19pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I'm looking at a $425 soldering station and thinking that it would be pretty nice to have...

Why is it so expensive? Because it uses hot air instead of a metal tip to do the work. Yes, it can put out a thin stream of air at over 1000 degrees F. I used one once while an undergrad at the U and I have to say that it was a great for reworking electronics.

I wonder if I can find one used...

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WRUC AAUB PFLM WEVJ [15 Mar 2005|12:20am]
I spent the weekend reading The Code Book by Simon Singh. I found it incredibly interesting. It's a great overview of cryptography in general. But it also goes into enough detail that you can actually do the cryptography that he describes. Everything from the caesar shift to RSA and Diffie-Hellman-Merkle key exchange. I think that I might sit down one night here and code up a simple program that does RSA. At it's heart it's actually quite simple. Frighteningly so in fact.

So, I need another book to read. I'd like to keep on the track of crypto but another subject wouldn't be bad if it kept my brain working.

Any suggestions?
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yum [08 Mar 2005|09:46pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I had a black current italian soda today, it tasted just like a black jelly baby. yum!

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vroom vroom [22 Feb 2005|11:40am]
While I didn't get a chance to ride my bike this weekend, I did give it a wash. [info]gordonmessmer rode over on Sunday and we washed our bikes. Mine hadn't had a wash since I bought it. Yesterday I went out and finally ordered the parts for the bike that I've been needing for some time. The tires are worn out and probably unsafe, and the chain is a bit stretched. So I picked up brand new tires, chain and sprockets. Motorcycle tires are really expensive too. It was $145 for the rear alone, and that was down from $185. I got a nice sticky pair that are good in the rain and cold. They should be here on Friday.

Other than that I played a lot of Metroid Prime 2. Such an exciting weekend I know.
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weekend wrapup [14 Feb 2005|09:28am]
Friday night [info]gordonmessmer came over and we broke in the barbecue. Steak, chicken, sausage, portobello mushrooms and corn on the cob. Corn didn't work out so well but the rest was awesome.

Saturday I finally got the curtains up in the living room and did some more cleaning up and fixing things.

Sunday was a nice lazy day, dinner at Julie's parent's house. Oh, and I picked up a 250G hard disk for $70 after rebate. It's going to be my backup drive :)
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building flattening update [09 Feb 2005|10:00am]
There was a hideous green couch left propped against a tree across the alley and the guy running the cat made it climb up a concrete barrier to grab the couch which he then flung onto the pile. It was totally sweet! Then when the abandoned car in the apt's parking lot was in the way, he just slid it sideways 8 feet with the bucket! No need for TV with entertainment like this just out the window. :)

The part that I'm not looking forward to is the bit where they smash up the concrete slab that the building was on. That's going to be noisy :(
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[09 Feb 2005|08:51am]
Wow. The building is gone now, just a pile of rubble.
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crash boom bang! [09 Feb 2005|08:25am]
I was sitting in the living room getting started on the day when I heard some loud noises. Garbage truck? no... it's a caterpillar eating the old apartment across the alley. It's kind of disturbing how fast that thing is eating into the building. Hmm, maybe I should go move the car (it's parked on this side of the alley)

In other news we have a new entertainment center. I spent the weekend putting it together. We couldn't find anything that we liked so I started with an Ivar cabinet unit from Ikea and added wheels and a turn table. I did some wire management magic to the back of it and I think that it came together quite nicely. Then Julie bought me Metroid Prime 2, so I have something to do with it.

Ok, going to go move the car now... that just makes me too nervous.
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must post.... [24 Jan 2005|10:23pm]
I'm still alive. I had a nice quiet weekend, lots of rest and recuperation. Watched movies, played video games on my DS and didn't really do a whole lot.

We've been getting the house a lot cleaner, moved a lot of boxes up into the office and into the garage. The living room is starting to come together. Oh, and we had to call pest control. We had some little visitors in the form of ants. Little tiny black ones. They're gone now, we laid bait around the outside of the house and where they were coming out in the kitchen, and hopefully this will be the last that we see of them.

Julie had the day off, and since it was so nice I was perfectly happy to ride my bike to work. It wasn't perfect weather, but very nice to be riding none the less.
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and we're back... mostly... [15 Jan 2005|07:40pm]
I plan on sleeping a lot tonight, please nobody break anything. kthx.
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[08 Jan 2005|09:54pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

More unpacking. w00t. I feel accomplished for the day :)

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in case you were wondering... [06 Jan 2005|02:25pm]
yes, I'm quite happy with all this. :)
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[05 Jan 2005|07:37am]
sleep is for the wea... *thud* *snore*

late night upgrades are fun
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brrrr..... [04 Jan 2005|08:20am]
[ music | Go - Andy Hunter ]

It's really cold out there this morning. And yet, no snow.... :/

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[02 Jan 2005|11:02pm]
we locked the roomba in the bathroom and let it do it's thing. It's happily thumping into the walls now :)
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happy new years peoples [01 Jan 2005|01:22am]
Happy New Year everyone. I hope that you all had fun and stayed safe. The roads are not the best out there right now.

Julie and I get 3 days off in a row together for the first time in I can't remember how long. I think that we will spend it relaxing and unpacking.

Today we bought a Roomba. I know that it's pretty silly, but I think that as long as it works even reasonably well it will help to keep the kitchen and livingroom floors clean. And it's cute.

I also picked up bathroom furnishings and some bits to help finish the network wiring in the house. Hopefully I can get that done this weekend too.

Anyway, very tired. Here's to more fun in the new year.
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postpostpost [28 Dec 2004|10:37pm]
[ mood | content ]

The thumb is healing well. I have the bandages off and can type once more. I can even bend it a bit but still have to be kinda careful.

Unpacking continues slowly, but I did get us moved back into the bedroom (we had to occupy the office for a bit while the new wardrobe stopped smelling of glue.) I also installed a nice X10 light switch so we can dim the lights and control them from the bed.

Christmas was pretty good. We spent it all over the place visiting family. Next year will we do a lot less driving thankyouverymuch.

Anyway, should go do something productive :)

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