Tue, Jun. 15th, 2004, 01:38 pm
Highlights (Update)

Not a lot has happened since my last update. Been kind of a homebody. Working on domestic things and projects I had been neglecting. Very much behind on writing e-mails, yet again.

???: Carnival in Prospect with Dayna, Gina, and Mark. The carnival wasn't that interesting, but the company and conversation was fun.

???: Taco Bell with Karen in the middle of the night. (At least twice.)

???: Recovered Karen's dead betta fish from under her dresser at 3 AM. It jumped out of its bowl because she didn't put a lid on it like I told her she should.

???: Shopping at Stop & Shop with Karen. Bought Mechwarrior 2 for $1. It's an old game, but it's pretty good.

Saturday (12 JUN 2004): Gina's birthday party. I had fun. Got drunk on Irish Mist. Good stuff. Haven't had that much to drink in years. (And don't plan to do it again for a few more.) I've been told I was obnoxious by some and entertaining by others. Meh. Good times.

Sunday: Karen and I visited my grandmother and then went to Chili's for dinner.

Monday: Hiked/explored with Mark on some dirt roads in Northfield. Fixed Mark's computer, again. Even got the sound to work. We watched the GI Joe movie.

Fri, Jun. 11th, 2004, 02:01 am

Happy Birthday, Gina!

Thu, Jun. 3rd, 2004, 03:07 pm

Horoscope for Virgo
03 Jun 2004
Try not to let relatives or friends cause any friction with your mate. Your lack of attention may have been a factor. You are best to tuck your money away where no one will be able to touch it, including yourself.

Kwiz.Biz Daily Horoscopes for your Blog

Mon, May. 31st, 2004, 12:30 pm

Tuesday (25 May 2004): Mark and I took a ride to White Memorial. Walked the boardwalk around Little Pond. It's really nice, but the boardwalk freaks me out in spots because of my fear of heights. The water level was lower than last time I was there, so that didn't help. At least no parts were submerged like last time. Walked around the pond by the museum. Many of the trees around there have signs that beavers had been gnawing on them. As we were leaving we drove by a body of water and saw a beaver swimming around in it. We named him "Ambitious." :-) Very cool day.

Wednesday: In the evening Karen and I went over and hung out with Brooke. Mostly just hung out, talked, and laughed a bunch. Gina, Nate, and Sean were around, too. Brooke and I decided to make our very own roleplaying game. LOL. :-)

Thursday: Picked up Karen and then Brooke and went to the Brass Mill Center Mall. While they were in Victoria's Secret I checked out EB and Waldenbooks. They went in H&M; for a while, so I sat on a bench and Widget kept me company. Dropped them off at the 'ghetto store' while I ran over to Taco Bell to get a couple seven layer burritos. Dropped them off at their respective homes. In the evening I hung out with Gina. Helped her run a few errands and go grocery shopping at Stop & Shop. She got so much stuff, and I packed the carriage so well, that after the stuff was bagged it took two carriages to get it all out of the store and to the car. :-) Later, back at the apartment, hung out a bit with Gina, Nate, and Sean. Bought a bokken from Sean. Good day.

Friday: Nothing exciting. Did some domestic stuff. Watched some TV.

Saturday: Much like Friday. Nothing exciting. Updated the Magestry web site.

Sunday: Took Karen to Toys R Us to get her a graduation present, a 'Tech Ring' (Frisbee-like throwing ring not unlike Xena's chakram, but made of plastic and bright orange rubber) and a stuffed frog. The Tech Ring came with a boomerang (really cheep yellow plastic), but Karen told me I could keep it. Hit Barns and Nobel and McDonald's for some dollar menu sandwiches then off to Veterans Memorial Park to toss the Tech Ring around. Later stopped at K-mart, Stop & Shop, and Happy Garden for egg rolls. Fun.

Fri, May. 28th, 2004, 01:26 pm

You're a Spirograph!! You're pretty tripped out,
even though you've been known to be a bit
boring at times. You manage to serve your
purpose in life while expending hardly any
effort (and are probably stoned to the gills
all the while)

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I had one of these when I was a kid. Errr...Is this really an 80's toy or a 70's toy? It's been around for something like 30 years. If you like them, check this out: http://accessarts.org/ArtKids/spirograph/

Mon, May. 24th, 2004, 11:45 pm
Highlights (Update)

Wednesday (19 May 2004): Watched three episodes of the anime Bubble Gum Crisis that were on the same tape as the Macross movie I borrowed from Sean. Aside from that don't remember anything interesting happening Wednesday. (If I remember anything I'll edit this entry later.)

Thursday: In the early afternoon drove to CCSU to pick up Karen's computer and then dropped it off at her house in Oakville. Picked up Mark and went exploring with Ginger, instead of on foot, for a change. We followed some dirt and gravel roads as far as we could. Some ended and others just weren't passable in Ginger. One road that we followed up a hill eventually became too rough and impassable. It actually turned into a stream. We followed the stream on foot and discovered the 'road' ended at a beaver dam and a swamp! Very cool discovery! On the expedition we also saw a very large and cool looking bird. I'm not sure exactly what it was. I received a call from Paul saying his brother Brian's computer wasn't working. I went over and attempted to fix it. The best I could do is get it to boot in Safe Mode. It really needs to be reformatted and have everything reinstalled. I pulled the hard drive out of Hal (Brian's computer) and put it in Zeus (my computer that has resided at Paul's house for the past 3 years because it's the only one my flatbed scanner works with) as a slave drive (to the horror and amazement of Scott) and managed to transfer and save the computer files to Zeus that Paul and his family wanted saved. With that accomplished I went with Paul, Scott, and Tal to Friendly's (where they attempted a Magestry GM meeting). I had grilled cheese and fries. :-) Very good day!

Friday: Bonfire for Mark's birthday in Goshen. Avery and I kinda threw it together. Avery handled invitations, directions, cups, table, lanterns, and the brownie-cake. I provided ideas (the bonfire was my idea), a few bottles of soda, and a couple bags of chips. I also brought my blanket for people to sit on. In addition to the guest of honor, the following people attended: Aaron, Art, Avery, Brooke, Bryan, Chris S., Clocky, Hunter, Tal, Myk, Maurice, Nate, Nick, Noin, Paul, Rae, Richard, Scotch, and Shana. (I think that's everyone.) Paul brought his backpacker's guitar and sung a couple silly birthday songs for Mark. It think someone else brought a guitar, too. My knee was no longer hurting so I tool a nice walk along Rt. 63 in the dark. I figured that if anyone was lost on Rt. 63 looking for the party they could ask me. I actually did manage to find some people. There was some drama, but for the most part I think everyone had a good time.

Saturday: My cell phone was acting really weird and somehow water seemed to have gotten into the keypad. It got so bad it wouldn't turn on. At that point I figured I didn't have anything to loose by opening it up and taking it apart. After cleaning the insides I put it back together and now it seems to work fine. :-) In the evening I hung out over Paul's house for a couple of hours with Mark, Paul, and Scott. Around 10 PM I picked up Karen and we went to a party in Northfield. Karen and I didn't stay that long. We talked to Brooke and Nate a little, I met Becky's brother, and I introduced Karen to Becky and Scotch. We left, hung out for a bit, then I dropped Karen off at home. By the time I returned to the party almost everyone I knew was somewhere else or asleep. Gina and Sean were still there, but Gina fell asleep on a blanket so Sean took her back to the apartment. I talked with Becky a little. Met Shelly and wished her "Happy Birthday." (I didn't know the party was for her until I got there. Everyone always referred to it as 'Becky's Party.') Hung out around the fire with some entertaining people I didn't know. (The only names I caught/remember are Brian, Christian, Eric, John, Kelly, Ryan. There were other people, too.) In the morning as I headed to my car I ran into Bryan and we talked for a bit about his Vamp LARP and stuff before I went home to bed. Kind of an unusual day, but mostly OK.

Sunday: Paul graduated WestConn and had a few people over his house afterward. Had dinner with him, his parents, Digger, Mark, Jeff, Lauren, and Scott. Avery showed up later. I was feeling rather nonsocial so I worked on Brian's computer for a good deal of the time I was there. I managed to get it to boot without going into Safe Mode and even connect to the Internet through the cable modem. It still only displays only 16 colors and has other major problems. It really needs to have Windows 98 reinstalled. When I left Mark, Paul and Scott were still playing cards. I had an OK time considering my mood.

Mon, May. 24th, 2004, 11:15 am

He's got plenty of time.
You are: R'AS AL GHUL!

Which Batman Villain Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sat, May. 22nd, 2004, 11:47 am

I adopted a cute lil' Viking fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Fri, May. 21st, 2004, 08:46 am

Happy Birthday, Mark 1!

Tue, May. 18th, 2004, 09:10 pm
Highlights (Update)

Wednesday (12 May 2004): Hiked with Mark on the Mattatuck Trail near camp Mattatuck. Took a slight detour off the established trail (because I know the area fairly well) and made a quick visit to Lost Lake. There was a lot of uphill climbing that made my calf muscles hurt for a few days. Back at Mark's I played a really cool game on his PS2. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, I believe is the name. Mark helped in a couple spots I couldn't get past. I completed about 1/3 of the game.

Thursday: Played Shadowrun/d20 Modern with Avery, Bryan, Dave S., Mark 1, and Mark 5 at Avery's. It was fun. Bryan was in an overly friendly mood.

Friday: Shopping at Target with Karen, and then I took her to Red Lobster as an early graduation present. (She did, however, pay the tip.) On my way home I called over to Gina's and talked to Brooke. She told me the she, Avery, Mark, and Scotch were going to HoJo's and if I wanted I could meet them there, so I did. I got a chance to talk with Scotch a little, which was good because I hadn't seen her in months. Some of the other customers were very loud and that was bothering Mark. Despite the noise and crowd, I had a good time hanging out with them.

Saturday: Shana's party. Dayna, Gina, and Mark rode up with me. (Gina and Mark kicked in a few bucks for gas, which helped. It took $27 to fill my tank. I'm hating these gas prices.) Had a good time at the party. Met some more of Shana's friends. Dayna, Gina, Shana, and I made a run to Stop & Shop to pick up buns and stuff. People played with Shana's Eye Toy for her PS2 and other games and game systems that were about the apartment. Mark took over as chef on the BBQ. Some strange kid named Mike (AKA Gandalf the Blue) was doing horribly inaccurate Tarot readings and generally taking crazy and annoying people. Quite a few people piled into Hunter and Shana's room and played Truth or Dare. I elected not to play, but thanks to a dare by Mark I still managed to get groped by Bojbb. Dayna, Gina, and I didn't leave until about 4 AM. Mark went back with Paul.

Monday: Mark and I went to Buttermilk Falls on the Mattatuck Trail. This time with the intent to explore the trail around the falls. Bryan and Craig followed us there and in-game they were a rather strange old couple from "Canadia." Even thought I haven't been playing lately, I went along with it. After a while they disappeared. I assume one of them had work or something. I thought they were going to do some in-game stuff with Mark. Later, Mark and I stopped by my house for food and I got my Shadowrun and d20 Modern book. Headed over to Gina's. Nate was home so we hung with him. Them Brooke came home and the four of us hung out for a while. Eventually, Gina and Sean got back. Sean let me borrow his Macross movie. No one ended up working on their Shadowrun characters. Later, Nate and Brooke went to bed so Mark and I chatted with Sean for a bit then left.

Tuesday: Did some reading and watched the Macross movie I borrowed from Sean. It's not the best copy, but it is viewable. The similarities and differences between the Macross movie and Robotech's Macross Saga are quite interesting. Particularly the meaning and use of the term Protoculture. My left knee has been bothering me on and off since hiking around Buttermilk Falls on Monday. This sucks because I was hoping to do some more hiking this week. The past few days I've been feeling kinda distant from people. Not totally disconnected, just a bit distant. Not sure why. I don't think it's a completely bad thing unless it persists or gets worse. I'm also a bit behind, again, on some e-mails I've been planning to write. On a weird note, just yesterday I was telling Mark about an episode of Star Trek where Kirk and Spock follow McCoy back in time and Spock uses vacuum tubes and other 1930 technology to create a memory circut for his tricorder. Well, I turn on the SciFi channel today and that episode is on. Strange.

Wed, May. 12th, 2004, 12:01 pm
Egyptian Diety Quiz


You seem older than your years, like a wise sage. Your head always either buried in a book, or discussing what you have learned with others, you are Thoth. The creator of writting, and language, you are full of wisdom. When you talk, people listen, knowing they will learn something new.

Which Ancient Egyptian Diety are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Mon, May. 10th, 2004, 11:43 am
My Inner Hero - Paladin!

I'm a Paladin!

I strive to help others, and to bring truth and harmony to the world however I can. Whether times are good or bad, you can always count on me. I'm a shoulder to cry on, a champion for the helpless, and an all around nice person.

How about you? Click here to find your own inner hero.

Read more... )

Wed, May. 5th, 2004, 11:41 pm
Highlights (Update)

Sunday (2 May 2004): Out of the blue my old friend Chuck called my house. Haven't seen or talked to him in a few years. When we were younger he was one of my friends who would 'sword fight' with me using wooden 'swords.' (Nothing too bloody, don't worry. Still, I'm very glad someone invented boffers.) We talked for a bit, which was cool. We plan to hang out at some point, but we haven't figured out when exactly, yet. He works nights and his daughter visits on weekends.

Later, I drove to Roxbury to hang out, talk, and watch some movie on TV with Joe L. He made dinner; rice with potatoes and asparagus. It was good. I also tried herring in some kind of sauce. That was good, too.

Monday: Hung out with Gina. While her stuff was being washed and dried at the Laundromat we ran a couple errands. Then we picked up a pizza (Gina bought) and brought it back to her apartment. Hung out there for a while with Brooke, Gina, Nate, and Sean; silliness (with a curling iron) and picture taking ensued. :-)

Tuesday: Mark and I went hiking on the Mattatuck Trail on a part I haven't been to before. It was interesting, but there are better (more scenic) parts. Later we went over to Gina's to hang out. Nate and Sean made d20 Modern characters for Mark's Shadowrun 'campaign.' Brooke and Gina are planing on making characters, too. (Go Bubba. Keep on trucking!) There was only one d20 Modern Rulebook (mine) so everyone couldn't make characters at once. Eventually, Becky came over to hang out, too. She's really cool, and I'm glad she hangs out there from time to time when I'm around.

Wednesday: Had dinner with Michele at Jordan's in Southbury. I had a pepper and egg grinder with onions. We caught up on things and I showed her some pics. I want her to come over to Gina's (or somewhere) to hang out and meet my other friends sometime.

Well, those are the highlights for the past few days. More stuff happens, of course, but I probably bore you enough with just the highlights. :-) Michele or Chuck or anyone else I know (especially relatives), or don't know, who reads my LJ, post a signed 'anonymous' comment (if you don't a have LJ) and say hi to me and all the other nice people who read my LJ. :-)

Wed, May. 5th, 2004, 11:39 pm
Which Goddess Owns You? Survey

Life )

Mon, May. 3rd, 2004, 01:38 pm
If you are reading this, fill it out! :-)

I know some of you have done a shorter version of this survey before. If so, do it again! That was a while ago. If you haven't, do it now! :-) Fill it out and post it as a comment. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I lovable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
33. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
34. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?

Sat, May. 1st, 2004, 10:49 pm

I'm over Jill and Ken's. No one here but me and the dogs, and it doesn't seem anyone is home on the second floor. Came over to feed Sam and Dee a few hours ago. Hung out with Kristen a little bit. She had made Macaroni and Cheese, so I had some. Jill and Ken came home briefly from camping to shower and get stuff. Kristen went with them because her original plans to hang with a friend fell through. They brought a Cotton Candy machine home with them, so I was making Cotton Candy earlier. Yummy. It got clogged so I cleaned it and I may try again later.

Called Joe tonight and made plans to hang out with him tomorrow afternoon. Earlier this week I made dinner plans with Michele for Wednesday. It's good to catch up with old friends. :-)

Sat, May. 1st, 2004, 03:58 am

Happy Birthday, Dayna!

Fri, Apr. 30th, 2004, 10:48 am

Post a memory of me in the comments.
It can be anything you want.
Then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.

Fri, Apr. 30th, 2004, 05:25 am

Do you bite your nails? No.
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yes.
Can you blow smoke rings? No.
Can you blow spit bubbles? Yes.
Can you flare your nostrils? Yes.
Can you cross your eyes? Yes.
Tattoos? 0
Piercing? 1
Do you make your bed daily? Not usually.

What goes on first, underwear or socks? Depends.
Which shoe goes on first? My right.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7? Earring.
What's sexiest on a guy? Meh.
What's sexiest on a girl? Lingerie or Swimsuit.
Favorite Piece of Clothing: Meh.
Pajamas: T-shirt and Sweat Pants.

Have you ever eaten Spam? Sure.
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookie Dough, French Vanilla, or Mint Chocolate Chip.
How many cereals in your cabinet? One to Three.
What utensils do you use to eat pizza? Usually just my hands. Fork if it's hot or too droopy.

How often do you brush your teeth? One or Two times daily.
How often do you shower/bathe? Every day, usually.
How long does your shower last? 10 to 15 minutes.
Hair drying method? Air dry.
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Just once for a costume party I dyed it black.
Would you rather have genital herpes or be 50 lbs. Overweight.
Do you swear? Yeah, but try not to too often.
Do you ever spit? I have.

Animal: Wolf
Food: Chocolate (with or without Peanut butter)
Month: September
Day: Friday or Saturday
Cartoon: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Robotech, and (Generation 1) Transformers.
Flower: Roses
Shoe Brand: Meh.
Subject in school: In high school...Auto Shop, Electronics, Food Prep., and Psychology.
Color: Purple, various Greens, plus others.
TV show: Stargate SG-1, Angel
Movie: Matrix, Boondock Saints
Holiday: Meh.
Vacationing Spot: I don't really go anywhere for vacation.
TV Station: Sci-Fi Channel

The CD Player: Billy Joel, Melissa Etheridge, U2, an Oldies Mix, plus others.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? No.
What color is your bedroom? Green.
Do you use an alarm clock? No, I have Eva and Widget to wake me, if I need.
Name one thing you are obsessed with: Currently nothing. In the past, people.
Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex? No.
Ever sunbathed nude? No.
Window seat or aisle? Window. (Unless someone special wants it, they can have it.)

What's your sleeping position? Side.
What kind of bed do you like? Futon mattress on floor works great for me.
Do you snore? Sometimes.
Do you sleepwalk? Not since I was a kid.
Do you talk in your sleep? I have, but not normally/lately.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? No.

Apples or Oranges? Apples.
One pillow or two? 5
Deaf or blind? Deaf.
Pools or hot tubs? Pool.
Blondes or brunettes? Both can be hot.
TV or radio? TV.
Snooze button or jump out of bed? Jump.
Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset.
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? Cheeseburger.
Morning or night? Night.
Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors (sans biting insects).
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Meh.
Cake or ice cream? Ice-cream Cake.
Spicy or Mild? Mildly Spicy.
Spearmint or Peppermint? I like them both.
Call or Write? Depends on who.
Green or Red apples? Red.
Rain or Snow? Snow.

20 most recent