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Cascading Shimmering Anti Reality
Tenchi ga oriru michi wa watashi no
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For the record, most of my updating now is over at my Irreality BioLog.

That's where anything interesting will probably be from now on.

I'm still reading my livejournal friends list, though, and commenting.

Current Mood: quiet

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Anyone else have days like this more often than not?

Current Mood: 2x2 shinobuden

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"I'm a little perplexed by the vivid blueness of this sky"
-Nana Kitade - Kesenai Tsumi

Current Mood: wired

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Играем в колбасу! У кого длиннее?
{Участников:33}-{[info]nightway}-{[info]mr_false}-{[info]cherita}-{[info]goldy_kin}-{[info]besyonya}-{[info]alexej}-{[info]ivand}-{[info]ta_tochka}-{[info]gosha}-{[info]candelabra}-{[info]nikon_nlg}-{[info]dziro}-{[info]ven_ture}-{[info]xnrrn}-{[info]allegroconmolto}-{[info]soulscode}-{[info]glassapples}-{[info]_cee}-{[info]shaenie}-{[info]notemily}-{[info]mizg}-{[info]qahawthorne}-{[info]dmp} - {[info]prettygirlrr} - {[info]sporkmistress} - {[info]hanacandi} - {[info]muffinbutt} - {[info]jlh} - {[info]argentus} - {[info]toopizza} - {[info]silentreality} - {[info]nullcherri} - {[info]silentreality}
Чтобы присоединиться, введите свой ник и нажмите кнопку - колбаса сама запостится* в ваш ЖЖ.
* - вы должны быть залогинены и у вас должны быть разрешены java-скрипты.
created by [info]nightway
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my canelloni look like mini sombreros XD
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Crystal clarity
Nobody knows when the world will end. It may end tommorow, next week or never. Everything is in a state of flux. This is nothing new, it has always been so. Just because the world, or specifically this planet is currently dominated by humans, there is nothing to say it won't soon be dominated by spiders. For you and me this would be uncomfortable and would definitely screw up our marketing plans. For the spiders, however, it would be business as usual.

- Barefoot Doctors Handbook for the Urban Warrior - A spiritual survival guide

Current Mood: contemplative

Silent Reality;
Name: Silent Reality;
Website: irreality
Back February 2005