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sigh [05 Sep 2002|08:41pm]
[ mood | assish ]
[ music | don't feel deserving of music at the moment ]

i'm an ass. in more ways than one today. feeling assish allllll day.

2 hallelujahs| say your prayers

soc [04 Sep 2002|11:15pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | jeff buckley: mystery white man tour ]

tears in my eyes and i don't know for what just sitting there ready to fall. they came about when i decided to type what i was thinking. perhaps i'm scared of what i'm thinking...but what can there be to be afraid of?

no no...don't think this will be soc. don't think i can handle it today. don't know why i wouldn't be able to handle it but there's a reason for there isn't. there are a lot of things without reason.

i've decided to write a note and stick it in the pocket of the wal-mart smock i'm gonna dress the school phallus in. whomever retrieves that note is allowed to be my lover. can i help it if i hope certain people i've met pull the note out and fall instantaneously in love with me? it will be a love note to the phallus and to the discoverer of the note of course. and i'll play little games to keep that person from finding out it was me. until one day s/he walks up to me in the cafeteria or the pub or on the quad or in class and says to me a line from my letter. because it will be a thoroughly quotable letter. s/he and i will fall into a mad, passionate embrace and we'll be married two weeks later. nobody will know what to think. they'll say things like "that was awfully sudden!" and "do you two even KNOW each other?" but of course s/he will know me from the note and the games and i will now hir from hes reactions and all will be fine and dandy and we'll live happily ever after.

so that's the plan.

do you think it'll work?

if that doesn't work i'll just follow my impulses to lick the cheeks of people as they walk by me. not all people. just the ones that attract me and smell good at the same time. of course, in this city, i wouldn't know if they smelled good until i got close enough to lick them. so perhaps and sniff/lick or just a sniff...depending on whether or not i like their smell.

i'm tired. and i think i'll go to sleep soon. but first....

you ever been scared to call someone, then you finally did and all you got was their voicemail? that was me tonight. i was disappointed in myself for being scared (will i seem too clingy/desperate/sad/loserish if i call tonight?) and then i was just disappointed (note to you: if i'm gonna call you outta the blue, you'd best be home.).

okay...i'm not crying. tears did not fall. thank god. nothing more embarrassing than crying to a computer screen in the library. now a peak at my friends and i'm off. lovey doves.

say your prayers

love poem to a stranger [04 Sep 2002|01:48pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | if you're happy and you know it... ]

i know your name
i know who you're with
when you're with anyone at all
i have seen you
but not 'til my room did i notice you
the curve in your shoulder
grey cotton veneer over skin over blood and tissue over bones and marrow
avoiding temptation to touch
no not today...we would like to see her again would we not?
oh to touch the grey on you
to play with the cuff of your pant leg
to stroke your neck, your hair, your thigh
and i know i can resist

so i do

1 hallelujah| say your prayers

so ha! [30 Aug 2002|08:33am]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | greg brown: milk of the moon (ashamed of our love) ]

a man, a woman, and a mongoose walk into a
a man, a woman, and a wedge of cheese walk into a tanning
a woman, her brother, and a chicken-eating crocodile saunter around an amusement park....

interesting assignment. it's already done. i mean, i've already written the story. about a woman (a feminist lesbian in love with a man), a man (a rugby player without an internal thesaurus), and a bagel (well, two bagels...and there's really more to it than that). so now it's just constant revision until next thursday. i can do that. just gotta remember i'm not allowed to go to the writing center. and since i just wrote that down, i'll remember.

while writing last night, watched...well...listened to the VMA's...the end of the first showing, the post show, and the beginning of the second showing. it disturbed me. normally i want to have jimmy fallon's love child, but he wasn't all that funny last night, and he seemed to be ON something...much like pink and michelle branch apparently were. i only say michelle was because she SAID she was, but i don't think it was true. pink was just taking after linda perry perhaps.

and how the fuck is pink punk? she dresses a little punky, but she's definitely more mainstream than punk. doesn't have the right kind of edge. and avril? okay. avril is a guilty pleasure of mine. but saying she's punk is like saying i'm punk. simply not true. she dresses like a skater girl...which would make her style...alternative. alternative, unfortunately, has become a term only applied to grunge music lately.

anyway, guns and roses no longer looks like guns and roses (not only due to new membership) and they for fuck's sake don't sound like guns and roses. okay, so mr. rose sounded like the old axl, BUT...he didn't SOUND like himself. his voice was strained. he was out of breath. the whole performance made me wanna vomit for it. like if i vomitted it would somehow make it all better.

so maybe i won't catch this one again. i'm hoping. i WANTED to see the movie awards and they never reran at the right times for me. but since this is the video music awards and it's mtv and all, and they don't actually show videos but do show a lot of self-glorifyingly vain bullshit like the vmas over and over again, i'm sure i'll catch it again. unless i keep my tv on the cartoon network, which i may just do.

a man, a woman, and a ewe chewing on a carrot walk into a pawn shop. the man tries to sell the woman, the woman tries to sell the ewe, and the ewe tries to sell the carrot. the person behind the counter eyes them all carefully. and buys the man, the woman, and the ewe from the carrot, who goes merrily on its way to make films on the patriarchy.

say your prayers

[29 Aug 2002|04:13pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Radiohead: Amnesiac (dollars & cents) ]

must write monologue. splintered ideas. afraid to start for fear of missing next class.... AUGH!

1 hallelujah| say your prayers

eyes focused [29 Aug 2002|11:55am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | power tools outside the window ]

he leans down to touch her face
asleep, she feels him not
his fingers stroke her eyelids gently
her dreams turn to other things
beauty in the trees
blue in the sky
rainbows in the oil stained streets
he whispers in her dozing ear
you have nothing to worry about
you have no reason to fret
i am here to help you
do not fight
remain blind

but this can only last so long
her slumber is not eternal
his words affect her only when she dreams
when she remains in beauty
he knows this and has come prepared

she sees him standing over her
she hears him alter her thoughts
she feels the injustice he's done to her
she wakes
eyes focused
arms pushing
legs flailing

he holds the pillow until she's only atwitch

1 hallelujah| say your prayers

stolen from basement...she won't mind...then again she might [28 Aug 2002|08:12am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | someone crumpling up paper ]

start time: 8:13 AM central standard (US) time
candles on your last birthday cake: 22
date you regularly blow them out: march 31
pets: anything that'll let me
height: 5' 4.5"
weight: fuck if i know
eyes: dark green with gold parenthesis (so my optometrist says)
hair: dark brown, short (yet starting to get shaggy)
piercing: ears...occassionally eyes
tattoos: someday
birth place: washington, iowa, u.s.
current place: cedar rapids, iowa, u.s. (yeah i
ever been in love? yes. i mean...i think. yes.
ever loved someone so much it made you cry? no no no...been lonely enough it's made me cry... don't cry out of happiness much. love may be painful at times, but it's the pain i cry from, not the love.
ever been in a car crash? two.
croutons or bacon bits: both. i love the fake ones and the real ones. because lettuce has no taste. and yesterday, they kept putting the fucking cores in my salad. how'm i supposed to eat a lettuce core? i mean i would, but i almost broke my fucking front tooth and i can't take time or money to fucking go get that fixed again!
2 or 4 doors: on a car? 4 cuz it's easier. otherwise...oh who does care?
dumper or dumpee: dumpee. cuz it actually feels worse to be the dumper, in my experience. high achiever or easy-going: easy-going with high achievement potential
gloves or mittens: i thought about leaving basement's answer, cuz i think it's the cutest i've ever witnessed her being, but instead, i'll just say ... gloves. cuz i like having use of my fingers.
BWM mini or VW Beetle: VW...what is this some kind of a joke question?
lucky number: i've never had one and don't want to start
favourite movie: welllllll...i'd pick a favorite...i really would...except i'm scared my movie collection will form a union and refuse to work until i retract the statement of my favorite. so i plead the fifth.
movie quote: just any random movie quote? okay... um... "it's better to help people than garden gnomes." except in french. it's the first one i thought of. oh! source! that would be amelie.
favourite food: um...basement's answer made me hungry. i like seafood...shrimp scampi...crab legs (even if you do have to do work to eat those) like food. maybe there's a question asking what foods i don't like? that'd be a shorter list.
favourite day of the week:'ll probably be thursday this fall. because my night class on thursday should prove to be interesting, if not fun.
song playing at the moment: well i'm sure a lot of songs are playing right now, but i'm not listening to a single one of fact, i basically just hear my fingers tappitytap on the keyboard.
favourite tv show: tv? what's that? i try not to have
favorite tv shows, though i've been slightly addicted to american idol (thank god i have a class that night!) and undressed (thank god i stopped that before school!). when i have time to sit and watch tv, i throw in a movie, or watch hbo, comedy central, or the cartoon network. occassionally i may watch behind the music.
favourite toothpaste: stuff with not so bad taste.
favourite restaurant: i'm still trying to discover that. one with great food and reasonable prices...funny people to wait on me...good atmosphere...wide selection (even though then it's tougher for me to choose)
favourite flowers: dahlias...though i couldn't for the life of me tell you what they look like right now. i just like the name a lot.
least favourite thing: today? charlie horses. damn that charlie anyway!
favourite sport to watch: i like extreme sports to watch...but especially skateboarding...don't ask me why, i don't know...i blame mtv.
last hospital visit: when i went in for a random drug test. i passed.
favourite drink: vanilla
how many times did you fail your drivers test: zero. i passed. but then when i got my passenger's license, i had to take and actual driving test and i failed it first (because i stopped five feet from the railroad tracks rather than fifteen) but the next day i went to take it again and i passed.
your opinion of ouija boards: the plastic pointers in the milton bradley ones make good paper weights.
where will you be 10 years from now: in my bathroom taking a shit? that's just a wild guess though.
your clothing style: jeans. men's shirts. shoes. casual comfy. mainly. today i'm wearing a woman's top. so.... but my mom bought it. and i didn't gag when i saw it. so i wear it occassionally.
do you wear makeup? only when called for. and let me tell you, it isn't called for that much...and then only usually if i'm in a play.
your website: ashita though it's through angelfire and i don't like them much. i might use the school's jade server if i ever get my lazy ass down to computer services to ask. but then i'll have to move it when i graduate. so i'll just never graduate. :P
favourite website: um...dunno. i'll have to find one one of these days.
where do you like to shop: i don't like to shop. that's a lie. i like best buy cuz they have cheap dvds and cds...but i try to frequent local music and movie stores...they're usually expensive though and i don't have money.
what do you do when bored: read. watch a movie. let my mind leave me for awhile.
age: um...this being redundant, i refuse to answer.
most annoying thing: fear
best thing: i'll have to agree with basement...seduction. either that or ice cream.
what keeps you interested: in what?
iz u ghetto: sup, boi! where u @? i'm missin' your bonzes. and i'm not sure all the people i know who think they are really are either. like, perhaps, whoever wrote this survey. i DID go to an alicia keys concert though...does that count?
favourite bands or singer: oh my lordy! changes day to day with mood. right now, i'm kinda enjoying no music.
end time: 8:49 AM because i kept rereading basement's answers

1 hallelujah| say your prayers

Charlie the Horse [28 Aug 2002|07:45am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | silence ]

wake up in pain what do you do? point then flex then point then flex. of course it hurts like a bitch, but it's prone to do that. just point then flex as much as you possibly can. keep it in the flexed position. flex so much you think your toes might fall off. is it working yet? now try to walk on that leg. OUCH! hurts, doesn't it? but not as much as when you woke up, or you did something wrong. keep walking. no, that's okay. i'll be back with you in just a sec. you keep walking, i'm going to the bathroom... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...i'm back. how's the leg? okay...for the ultimate test. go down the steps. yeah just down the steps. WHOOPS! sorry about that. didn't mean to push you down. oh man! there's blood gushing out of your face! i'll bet that hurts! hey, don't fucking yell at me! it was you who apparently can't keep your balance! you dipshit! hey! i did my part! you're not even thinking about your leg anymore, are you!?

woke up with a charlie horse/cold/pimple. got rid of the horse, blew my nose, popped the pimple, took a shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed...waiting for class.

last night wasn't so bad. not even the three hour night class. plus, i went the day without...and i believe that makes my mood better now. yeah yeah yeah. on the phone, she can always make me smile. online, she just frustrates the hell out of me. so... maybe that's how it'll have to be. i'll get over it (get used to it) and possibly find someone nice around here to take my mind off of it.

say your prayers

blue like my water bottle [27 Aug 2002|12:00pm]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | tegan and sara: this business of art ]

ever sit and wonder why you find yourself pining over someone who could care less that you exist?
that's harsh
she cares
ever sit and wonder why you find yourself pining over someone who could care less that you're pining over them?
more likely the case
give me something i can chew on
because my oral fixation isn't being fed
but she changes the subject
flaunces and flounders
jumps as quickly as possible
into useless tatter

like the dream where you went to the store naked
or the one where you had a huge zit on picture day
or how about the one where you confessed your love and were laughed at
or the one where the person you loathed confessed his/her love for you
maybe the one where your favorite teacher catches you masturbating in the bathroom....

that's how it feels to pine over you
it's the most embarrassing shit i've ever been through
because you don't acknowledge that it's happening
and i pour it all over your shoes every day

so what to do what to do
think i'll go find a fling
a romance
a life
think i'll go find a bottle
or a class
are a really good flick
anything to take me out of myself
and keep my out of you
anything to fill my mailbox
anything to keep my hands busy
my mouth full

3 hallelujahs| say your prayers

looking better [26 Aug 2002|05:20pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Radiohead's OK Computer ]

i've reworked the look of this journal. hope i like it. not too worried about everyone else. *smirk*

today i went to class and played online and typed some stuff and soon i'll go to supper and pee and check out a dvd and maybe watch it and read some assignments (though probably not in that order) and then i'll be online again.

as for entries in here. this will probably be one of the last non-obscure ones for awhile. school HAS started, afterall. you can rely on me to be incoherant soon. if not already.

2 hallelujahs| say your prayers

long time no see [26 Aug 2002|02:24pm]
I just now remembered I have this account... a lot has happened since then. LMAO. A lot and nothing at all.
say your prayers

moved over from freeopendiary [astroknot] (28/09/01-21/08/02) [21 Aug 2002|11:57am]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Luscious Jackson: Electric Honey (Devotion) ]

Lush                                               - 9/28/2001

Forget yourself in me
Here I linger

Studying & Sophie                                  - 10/12/2001

You were sitting at the table, spoon hanging from your mouth, hands 
busily flying through the pages of the text book in front of you, an 
open jar of chunky honey roasted peanut butter to your side. 
bring your body home to me
bring your leotards and applesauce
bring your messy room and dirty socks
bring yourself on home to me

take your mess away from me
take your baggage and disorder
take your sulking in the corner
take yourself away from me

could you describe what you see
describe colors and ambiance
describe people and the steps they dance
could you tell me what you see

don't you give me all your lies
don't give me excuse after bad excuse
don't give me stretched and half-thruths
don't you dare lie to me

i have given all i can
i have given love and trust and faith
i have given house and home away
i have no more to give

Another Entry? INCONCEIVABLE!                      - 10/12/2001

i've had other diaries here in opendiary.  for some reason, i'm scared of 
repeating everything that i've done in my old diaries.  i mean, i'm supposed 
to be a whole new person now right?  RIGHT?!  repetition reminds me of 
lucinda williams on NPR folk night.  that's not saying that i don't like 
lucinda williams.  i DO like lucinda williams.  but i can only hear "lonely 
girls" SO many times without wanting to pull over and tear my radio out of 
my car to leave it in the ditch for the raccoons.  i don't want to be that 
diarist.  i don't want to be the diarist who writes exceedingly obscure 
poetry on a regular basis.  i did that once ( or twice.  okay, four times.) 
with other diaries. in fact, the name astroknot is from one of my favorite 
old poems and purple ponies made many an appearance in my poetry. i didn't 
write it so much because i like obscure poetry.  i do, but that's not why i 
wrote it.  i'm always scared of two things happening.  1)someone i know will 
stumble across my online diary and recognize what i'm writing about and 
confront me about it or 2)people i don't know will think that they know all 
about me just because they understand my poetry.  i also don't want to be 
the diarist who writes daily "nothing exciting happened today.  had chicken 
nuggets for lunch again.  forgot to take my medication," entries.
BOOM BOOM BOOM.  there is loud music playing outside.  i think i shall go 
check it out in a minute.

as for entries, they shall be sporadic for awhile.  except for maybe today.

Ever been to Yemen?                                - 10/13/2001

I haven't.  My White Wave Silk(TM)* Mocha is giving me a lesson on Yemen.  
Apparantly, the flavor Mocha comes guessed it...Yemen.  Mocha is 
even named for a Yemeni port townin the 1500s.  And it was the first coffee 
exported to Europe from that port town.  The rest of our mocha comes from 
mocha trees planted in the booming and super rich societies of Ethiopia and 
Haiti.  Mocha evolves though.  The Yemeni offshoots of Mocha are no longer 
considered true Mocha because their flavors changed.  But nowadays, that 
doesn't matter much, since the term "Mocha" has be generalized and now also 
means a coffee/hot chocolate blend.  If you got this far, you now know 
everything I know about the original Mocha flavor.
If that topic ever comes up in conversations, I am so set.  I have a feeling 
that here is the only place I'll actually get to talk about it though.
I spent the night at a friend's apartment last night.  I didn't really ask.
  It just got too late to drive and I fell asleep.  It was great spending 
time with her, even though she was grumpy at first when i was hanging out 
with her because her boyfriend left her a disturbing message and she was 
grumpy at the very end of the night because her boyfriend was taking so long 
to show up (visiting from four hours away) and she thought something had 
happened to him.  
There's more to that whole story...including a few reasons I think I dislike 
this boyfriend I've said maybe two words to (more than he's said to me cuz I 
was trying to leave them alone when he arrived)...but all that is 
incriminating and I don't quite want to admit it to myself yet, let alone 
see it in writing.
My ice cream is melting.
I have an old friend whom I rarely get to talk with anymore who is dating an 
old crush of mine that turned into a friend whom I also rarely get to talk 
with anymore.  She's concerned because he's taking so long to realize that 
she's who he wants to spend the rest of his life with FOR SURE.  I think 
he's just kidding himself.  I could tell from the getgo that they were meant 
to be together, which is why I got so pissed off (because not only was my 
crush falling for another, but I actually LIKED her...which made it hard to 
hate her).  I think they just both need to chill and she needs to realize 
that boys are slow 9 times out of 10 and he needs to realize that he's being 
an ass and if he ever does lose her it'll be the most devestating thing to 
happen to him in his adult life because he'll grow up a lonely and bitter 
old canadian.  the end of love rant.


I'm trying to avoid talking about everything important that happened last 
night.  Because I know if I write about it, it will turn into obscure 
poetry.  And I need at least two entries in a row without obscure poetry.


I think I'll move to Yemen.

*For some reason, this particular computer will not let me use the actual 
trademark symbol.  It will, however, let me use every other symbol under the 
sun.  It just puts a vertical line when I try to Alt in the trademark symbol 
though.  Hmmmm...

a long long time ago...i can still remember        - 12/1/2001

I can still remember when I used to have time to write in my diary 
frequently.  Time keeps slipping away.  I'm not sure where it's going.  I 
think it has a mistress hidden in the linen closet.
Things haven't turned out entirely like I'd hoped they would.  I suppose I 
should've known better.  Or I should've put more oomph into getting 
everything right.  C'mon, Astroknot...put your back into it!
If, someday, you have to choose between watching a group of 15 to 16 
toddlers with the help of 2 or 3 other adults and watching a group of 20ish 
grade school children with the help of one other adult, for God's sake, 
choose the toddlers.  If they misbehave you can toss them in a highchair for 
a few minutes and they're not afraid to give you a hug if you need it.  
Well, most of the time.
Lessee...over a month since my last post...I'll see you in a month or less 
and I'll be more entertaining.  Right now, all I can think of to really say 
is Harry Potter related (the influence of the 20ish grade school children 
and the other adult).  I can't wait until Lord of the Rings comes to the 
theaters.  And Moulin Rouge comes out on DVD.
I need a haircut.  Anyone have goat sheers I can borrow?

Cautious Lara Croft                                - 12/21/2001

It's 11:25 in the evening and I am at my best friend's house.  She's playing
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.  She can't make this one jump in level 
thirteen and it's making her angry.  See there's this...train....  
Nevermind.  The reason for the entry title is because if we ever make a Tomb 
Raider video game, it will be titled Cautious Lara Croft.  And it will be 
advised in it that one saves every three steps (in seperate memory spaces), 
as she is doing.  (If anyone wants to beat us to developing that video game, 
go ahead, as neither of us knows crap about video game development.)

I've had a relatively good week this week.  Hearing from one friend I 
haven't heard from in awhile and finding out another will be back next 
week.  I'm totally excited.  :)  

I've been having extremely vivid dreams lately.  The alarm goes off, I hit 
snooze and go back to sleep to the same dream I was having before the 
alarm.  At this moment, I cannot remember this morning's dream, except that 
I was at work and everyone around me was from a movie...not the actors, but 
the characters.


Someone asked me about Amy Millers.  I told her I know two.  It now occurs 
to me that I know three.  But the third would still not be the right one.

This makes me wonder how many Amy Millers there are in the world.  They 
should start a club or something.

Which makes me also wonder how many people have my name...not my exact name 
or my diary name, but my name.

How many people have YOUR name?
Is your life in your birth certificate?


It's time to take the game back now.  You all have a sweet night.


#029 interrupted by monthly examination            - 1/1/2002

I've dealt drama and I've received
I've wanted to but wouldn't leave
I've been in pain and caused it too
I've lived in red and slept in blue
I've picked up pennies heads and tails
I've been Jonah and the whale
I've bathed in rain and bathed in streams
I've learned and lost a million things

What's a resolution but a flood of words
Meaningless patterns of letters reflecting
All those things we hate about ourselves
Or imagine others dislike about us?
I'm putting my resolve to rest

I've been hungry then overate
I've been scared to enter but passed through the gate....

I'm lost, but don't plan on being so for much longer.

I've been examining again.  My mind keeps wandering.  I've noticed that I 
can't write anything that sticks since I moved back home.  Even stuff I 
wrote while I was with Tray seems bland and as if it's not even what I used 
to be able to come up with.  Not even close.  This isn't evolution.  It 
feels as if I've given up.  So why can't I write?  Why have I given up?  I 
examine what's been going on:
Unsubstantial crushes
Drowning in work
Bad health.

Top 5 Songs Today:
Elton John: I Want Love
Indigo Girls: Crazy Game
Erin McKeown: Daisy and Prudence
Elton John: This Train Don't Stop There Anymore
Amy Martin: Horizon

Top 5 Songs Yesterday:
Beatles: Here Comes the Sun
Greg Brown: Downtown
Greg Brown: Ships
Weezer: Simple Pages
Indigo Girls: Kid Fears

Illusions of having past
Your having passed before
Your having prose
Left me standing here
Eyes to the floor
Illusions of us having a past
And prose

A girl caught up in getting wherever she's going as quickly as possible 
learns a lesson about taking her time and appreciating the beauty around 
her.  Hallucinatory teacher in the form of what she needs most but wants 
least of all, until she sees it.  HOW?  How does she learn to trust her own 

I'm leaning toward early morning
Avoiding my Jelly Bellies in a wine glass
(One of the four we bought together from Arby's)
Stuck in a writing mode
But feeling unremarkable

If you (who?) appear and open my eyes
I will keep them fixed upon you
And always answer you
When you ask if we're okay
If and when you appear(Who could you be?)

Avoidance                                          - 1/2/2002

I cheat on myself--promising myself I'll do something but shirking it off 
when the time comes.  

I treated myself to City Park today.  I ate lunch at a pretty spot with a 
mock-Shakespearean Theatre to one side of me and beautiful wintered weeping 
willows bordering a pond, frozen over and white, to the other side.  I sat 
there, thinking of the few times I had been to the park.  I never take the 
time to treat myself.  I shirked off promises today, but I made up for it. 
And I felt good.  I drove home when my hands had frozen beyond feeling.  On 
the way, they warmed up.  I think some pent up sadness seethed out of me 
with the aching in my fingers.

READING DONE: Girl Walking Backwards by Bett Williams in its entirity and a 
              few short stories in Her^3.

Top 5 Songs Today:
David Gray: My Oh My
Amy Martin: Grace
Ani Difranco: Overlap (LIC version)
Pink: Let's Get This Party Started (on radio)
Debussey: Claire de Lune (piano version)

Used to Like Your Smile                            - 1/3/2002

Sitting as close as I can
My leg touching yours
My eyelids flutter
Relaxed and comfortable
I drift off
And fall in love for the moment
Starting myself awake
You look at me and I catch you
Love for a lifetime in your eyes

Top 5 Songs Today:
Zrazy: When You Cry
Tegan and Sara: More For Me
Zrazy: Wild Child
Gorillaz: Sound Check
Tegan and Sara: Superstar

"Lean over here."
I did.
His lips close to my ear, he placed his hand upon my knee as he 
whispered, "I used to like your smile..."
"And now?"
"It's fading."
We sat in silence.  I pushed his hand from my knee.  His eyes spoke concern.
"She won't leave it be," I said.
"Your mom?"
I nod.  He knows what I mean.  He goes back to door watching.  After a few 
minutes, he points to a baby butch entering the club.
"That her?"
We stand to greet my friend.

Flannel                                            - 1/4/2002

Asleep, I felt a body fall on top of me
It nuzzled its nose into my neck
Its leg rested between mine
Its weight covered me and consumed me
I lifted a knee and pressed it firmly
My mouth found a lobe, a cheek, a chin, a mouth
I was no longer asleep as my hands began their work
Their play
I flipped us over and became the weight
I opened my eyes
Below me, only mattress and pillow

Revenge                                            - 1/4/2002

back in the world
on my feet
treading softly bound by bound
keys jingling jangling jarring me awake
playing promises and friends
playing world that never ends
playing confident and large
i'm and executive for hire
finding the door catching the lock
shutting everything out that makes me look
makes me feel unprofessional

your mistake was asking if i needed to talk
not one to admit weakness when reason cannot be found
a tired voice on the other end
i slam selfishness back on the dusty shelf
"Go to Sleep."
you couldn't hear me crying for you
because i'm back in thw world on my feet
playing happy and well adjusted
because tears are as unprofessional
as reaching out

Top 5 Songs Today (early edition):
Indigo Girls: Kid Fears
Coldplay: Yellow
Coldplay: High Speed
Erin McKeown: The Little Cowboy
Amy Martin: To You

I'm Five Years Old                                 - 2/4/2002

Well, I feel like it.  I'm playful and uncomprehending.  What did you say? 
What does that mean?  I'm crying because you took away my toy.  I'm waking 
from my nap with the urge to go to the bathroom.  I'm watching cartoons and 
laughing at silly words.  I laugh at you.  You cry.  I run down the street, 
my arms outstretched, making plane noises.  You follow, close on my heels, 
swerving and skipping.

I say something and you make me repeat it five times until you finally  
figure out what my dutchy speech means.  You nod, and we walk back home, 
holding hands.

Don't Hurt Yourself                                - 2/19/2002

When I get online at my best friend's house, I can't exactly write what I 
feel like writing, as she looks over my shoulder constantly and heaves these 
heavy sighs in my direction, because it bores her when I write what I want 
to write.

I almost told her not to hurt herself last night, all that neck craning and 
heavy sighing.  

So what should I have written in all the emails I sent yesterday?  And what 
should I have written in this exact spot?  I don't know.  What I felt like 
doing was being brutally honest yesterday, what I ended up doing was being 
silly against my mood.  That is something that never works out quite right.

I reread the emails.  I obviously didn't reread them BEFORE I sent them.  
That's OBVIOUS.  I'm slightly embarrassed they were sent at all.

Next time I feel honest, I'm gonna write it all down in my notebook if I 
can't get to the library to write it.  Next time.

I just hurt myself otherwise.

*coughs*                                           - 2/27/2002

what i want to say is....

see i have this cold...but that's not what i want to say....

aside from this cold...i'm feeling empty.  so it's time that someone fills 
me with the four core values:

it's time that someone fills me with lurve *cough* love.

*stares*                                           - 3/7/2002

*watches you pass, not taking her eyes off of you until you're completely 
out of sight*

how can you not feel me looking at you?

I do.

My Colorgenics (thanks to Purrkat)                 - 3/14/2002

Purrkat (one of my best friends in the world) has the url to colorgenics in 
her diary, so i took it.  very accurate i must say!  all but the managerial 


You are trying to establish yourself and make an impact despite the fact 
that everything around you seems to be against you .. putting up 
barriers .., but don't be unduly concerned ... you have the right ideas and 
come what may, they will soon be manifested and appreciated. 

You are a very warm and emotional individual but unfortunately in the past 
too many people have taken advantage of this sensitive trait. You need 
aesthetic surroundings, or an equally sensitive and understanding partner 
with whom to share a warm understanding.

You are trying to break away from the mundane existence that you have been 
experiencing of late. You have many high hopes and ideals but you are 
concerned whether circumstances will allow you to realise these ambitions. 
You want to spread your wings ... to broaden your fields of activities but 
you are concerned that your dreams are just that "dreams" which are not 
realistic. It concerns you that you are not thinking clearly at this 
time ... what you need is to get away from it all - to give you time 
to "think" A short vavation could well restore your confidence.

Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your 
independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is 
essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would 
like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like 
to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every 
opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have 
the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or 

You are trying to build up your own position and you resist all external 
influences. You insist that you are your own person and you will not 
tolerate any outside interference. Decisive and proud, you are true 
managerial material...

Note to Self:                                      - 3/23/2002

I want the girl from Vortex.  Must remember she's taken and that I'd 
probably want anyone I found interesting at the moment.

accident                                           - 3/30/2002

Was in a car accident today.  Everybody's basically okay.  Only one slight 
injury (a bruise) for my passenger.  My car still runs, but now it's 
definitely a "only in town when I absolutely HAVE to use it" car.


At least we're all alive.

sun                                                - 4/10/2002

it sure is sunny

hot glare                                          - 4/15/2002

it's so beautiful outside that a hot glare is coming through the window and 
hitting me and the computer screen.  it doesn't really bother me to squint 
through glare to see what i'm typing.  what bothers me is that i'm typing at 
all.  i have an go to the palisades and take a hike.  since i had 
my accident though, i can't exactly GET to the palisades.  this stinks!  
it's a totally beautiful day and i don't work until three (a development 
that came up yesterday when my boss told me "we don't need you until three 
tomorrow.") and i only have my hometown to walk around.  mayhaps i'll end up 
on the trail at the park.  i don't know.

other than that, i had an exciting night of insomnia last night.  finally 
got all into my screenplay again, although what i wrote wasn't good.  it 
usually takes a couple days of trying before i get anything i can actually 
use.  so i'm not concerned.  and i wrote incredibly obscure poetry in my 
journal last night...poetry about someone i didn't even realize i was 
thinking about...poetry that only that someone would understand.  

i once had a girl tell me that it's not fair to put inside jokes and stories 
in my poetry.  it's not fair to the outside reader.  i want to know 
something:  what the heck is that girl smoking?  most poetry IS inside jokes
and stories!  does she expect to fully understand something from the poet's 
perspective?  you're SUPPOSED to experience poetry from your own point of 
view!  am i right?  well am i?

okay.  i would like to go spout off to a whole different group of people 
now, so toodles.  :)

The First Book of Presidents                - 4/16/2002

sitting in the kiddy section
blast from the past
poisoned tea
origami cranes flap flap flapping in the breeze
and the heat is sticky
like the backs of the stickers we painted ourselves with
and the colors were always brighter
when the rainbows emerged after rain

we knew it all
you and i
though we always disagreed
you in your spandex shorts
blue jeans for me
you in your belly shirts
me in my t's
we knew it all
but have long since forgotten
us as a we

                if you want to come over to play
                    i just got new markers
                        and four coloring books


right-eyed dandylion chain

Stir Crazy                                         - 4/16/2002

Shocking how relaxation
             can make one
             for anything but the norm
anything but relaxation
                  lazy fools
a need for...for
a need for a break in 

a need for a 
                             VROOM VROOM
way out of town

a need to be

joyride                                            - 4/18/2002

Picture this:
Riding down the street on his bicycle
wind blowing his hair
making it hard to pedal
up and down hills
stopping at stop signs
a smile on his face and an ache in his legs
carefree for now
just fancying a jaunt on his bike
perhaps a bite to eat

Picture this:
She's frantically calling
and having never lost a child before
she's even more frantic
on the phone for a solid hour
where is he?
what's happening?
and hoping for the best
it's such a beautiful day
except the wind is blowing paper crowns into the backstop

Picture this:
Thrown into things again
having no choice again
feeling helpless again
a nightmare coming true
as stagefright hits the already frightened
feeling the urge to strangle the boy
on a joyride

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr                                - 4/30/2002

stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here stuck here 
stuck here stuck here stuck here 

whistling dixie                                   - 5/3/2002

he said he was lost without her
pointing toward home he no longer fit
being in her aura and out
out of her favor out of her heart out of her life
being in her memories and out
locked in this filth--the room cold and dark--the dirt gathering at the 
                      corners--the roaches hiding beneath
the bed the carpet the toilet his feet
and he dreams without sleeping
pouring over the events that lost her to him
lost him to her
lost him to us

you and me
we search it in him
we spy on the hurt
his eyes skipping with melancholy
desperate to SEE
she lost him to us
since we cannot find him
we haunt her

                                        don't bother
                                    to whistle dixie
                             we still can't hear you
we just waste

road construction aka tearing the town apart       - 5/10/2002

down the middle
(reminds me of you
scar you were so ashamed of
bright pink...or peach
your eyes drawn within themselves)
it cracks us in two
(to texas, utah, arizona)
black asphalt
and the smell of tar

survey thanks to purrkat                           - 5/10/2002

1. LIVING ARRANGEMENT: my parents' house until this fall
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW: chekhov's plays, rereading girl walking 
backwards by bett williams
i don't have a mouse and even if i did, i wouldn't pay the rent for its pad.
the ones i can't afford to buy at prairie lights.
good food and the smell of certain people
the trash for the diapers at the daycare
that's personal!
throwing a shoe at the alarm clock
forest green
when i get to it.  sometimes i screen.
whatever shows up on the birth certificate
feeling like i've accomplished something
shellfish and ... um... i like a whole lot of things....
chocolate most of the time....
yes, but not TOO fast.  never a speeding ticket.
four.  two at my feet, two in my arms.
18. STORMS - COOL OR SCARY? a point.
1982 AMC Concord.  white in color.
wow...let me think about that.
it varies.  no pucker.  malibu rum and coke...kahlua...captain morgan....  
don't know.  wine coolers probably
i've never been anywhere so interesting that it sticks out in my mind as the
most interesting... sad isn't it?
a filmmaker.  yeah yeah yeah!
it was cool black...but maybe...i dunno...i've always wondered what i'd look
like with blonde hair.  but probably bright red....
i dunno...i like several shows, but not so much that i can't miss them...
that's like asking a porn star her favorite position!
the other half of my bed (a day bed)
32, 36, or 38.  i forget which one has significance.  i could say 69 just to
appease your gutter mind.
to watch?  x-games
well...she didn't send it to me...but she's one of the few people who can 
make me giggle by sitting on my head.
what's a vacation?

big green quilt                                    - 5/21/2002

i've been obsessively watching buffy...yesterday.  ha.  i don't know why. 
seth green was back.  was okayayay.  when i first started watching it, it 
was all willow and xander.  kept the show funny.  i was wondering how they 
would keep people watching something based on that horrible movie.  now here
i am watching reruns.  i even watched the new one saturday night, because it 
was on an hour after snl and for some reason i couldn't get to sleep that 
night.  willow freaked me out a bit, but she looks hella cool when she's all 
vamped not vamped out...witched out.  it's important to use 
the correct terminology right?

speaking of not sleeping, i haven't in a few days.  not good sleep.  i slept 
for twelve hours on friday night and since then i've been getting a couple 
hours a night.  it's really starting to piss me off.  especially when the 
dreams in that couple hours are upsetting me to high heaven.  not 
nightmares.  not scary.  but they make me want to bitchslap someone.

one good thing that's come out of not sleeping is that i've written about 
fifty pages of my screenplay, only ten of which i'll probably use.  and i've
reread the lotr trilogy as well as stuart little (shush, i was REALLY 
tired).  whoduvthunk a talking mouse would entertain me so much?

i bought back to the beach on friday.  funny 80s frankie and annette.  "what
the hell is a "kahuna?"  is it good to have a big one?"  i'm tempted to go 
back and buy the 60s frankie and annette.  they DO have beach blanket bingo 
for sale.  but i think i'd gag at that cheese.

speaking of cheese, i want to see scooby doo.  for the scooby snacks?  no. 
to see how this disaster of a movie idea is actually going to turn out.  
plus, i want to see velma say "your name means scooby poo!" again.  it 
cracks me up everytime i see it on a trailer.  and the shaggy impersonation 
is just uncanny.  i just want the two pop icon shaggys to melt into one.  
shaggy and scooby singing "it wasn't me" by the other shaggy.  would 
be...priceless...yet annoying.

i'm gonna go beat myself over the head with an iron skillet now.  maybe i'll 
pass out and sleep a few hours.

another pony                                       - 5/22/2002

roll out of your
head             bed
and fall to your knees
last one to the henhouse...

             if you remember
               back to the memory
             the times we spent
               the money too
             if you remember
             the times we spent
             wandering the streets
             looking for something
             anything to do
               you were so restless
             if you remember that
             do you also remember
             the times we spent arguing?
               you slammed the door in my face!
             i did
             if you remember that 
             do you also remember
             me carrying you home after a night of drinking?
               i don't recall
             you wouldn't
             and do you remember
               enough remembering!
             one more!
             do you remember how it felt when i gave up on you?

i feel so small down here beneath your hooves

princess heather                                   - 6/11/2002

i wrote a journal entry called "one for her" in my paper and pencil 
journal.  but i still can't bring myself to post it.  it's the type of entry 
heather liked.  easy to understand.  emotional.  the next day i wrote "one 
for me" in the same journal.  i'll post it.  it's the kind i'm comfortable 
with.  obscure.  lot's to be read into it.  non-emotional and overemotional 
at the same time.  so here it is.

One For Me

fasting on fear
i fly by fly down
look up and you're there
nothingness near
i fly right fly wrong
you're floating mid-air

and i wonder is it possible?
could you be my thunder source?
and i wonder if you had a choice
of if lightning set your course.
and i wonder if we'll ever heal
eat right or say our prayers.
and i wonder if we'll ever find
that someone really cares.

forging forward i fast
i fly left i fly on
stretch high but can't reach
this hunger won't last
i fly straight fly queer
you're waiting to teach

and i wonder is it possible?
could this excellerate my mind?
and i wonder if i ahve a chance
because my heart's been hard to find.
and i wonder if you're scared of me
up in your heaven space.
but i know you can't be scared of me;
you can see the grief upon my face.

i force myself to feed on this
i fall forward fall hard
forgetting form forgetting fear
i land
the flight has failed my feet
my fingers stiff with feathers
feeling weak i kneel to speak with you
having faith my words reach where my arms cannot
"i lost in you my audience"*
i lost in you my friend
i lost in you my rite of passage

"Till another open for me
In God's Eden-land unknown
With an angel at the doorway,
White with gazing at His Throne;
And a saint's voice in the palm-tree singing,
ALL IS LOST, and won.**

*Ralph Waldo Emerson to Margaret Fuller (post mortim)
**Elizabeth Barret

forgetful sleeping                                 - 6/26/2002

lost in a world of 
lying awake at night
wondering about the way you...
struggling to open my eyes and rise
morning has come...get out of bed you sleepyhead!
but still lost in the way you treat me
is this the way it has to be?
break off a chunk of me
feed it to your cat/dog/guinea pig
i'll be here 
            right here
                      just here
waiting for you to wake me
or put me to sleep
waiting for you to lose me
and point me in the right direction
i've left here for years
day after day
forgetting it all as i sleep

losing time                                        - 7/6/2002

i'm alone but not lonely
i've learned to face myself
i've got my hero in my back pocket
and i know your bones when i see them

fits and starts                                    - 7/9/2002

the week is moving slowly (my god it's only tuesday!) but raggedly.  one 
second i think "boy this is going by quickly" and the next second everything 
is excruciatingly slow.  i think it's just what happens...depending on how 
one thinks about things.

when i'm anticipating something in the future, time moves slowly.  when i 
look back at the past 22 years (that's my age, see) it seems to have gone 
alarmingly fast.  i feel as if i'm still 13, making stupid mistakes in 
junior high and embarrassing myself for future years when my mother makes 
sure to bring those mistakes up.

seems like yesterday.

but SO FAR away.  and sometimes knowing that makes it tough to 

but sometimes...when there's something you're not looking forward to coming 
up...time moves too quickly.

i suppose that's why time is moving raggedly.  i'm not really sure if i am 
looking forward to school or dreading it.  i want to escape here.  but am i 
escaping just to trap myself somewhere else?  my dream is to be free to move 
around.  i hate being trapped.  i think i get that from my father, though we 
joke to my mom (who hates travelling) that she is trapping him.

maybe she is.

they're all trapping me.  i feel i have a duty.  so i will fulfill it, 
knowing it'll trap me for another two years.

[end gripe]

surreal                                            - 7/15/2002

my mother was wrapping along to eminem today on the way home from finding me 
a job.

i'm too stunned to say anything else.

screenwriting                                      - 7/22/2002

write two pages, throw one away...repeat.

i haven't written in a week....  on my screenplay...i haven't written in a 
week.  it feels written already.  i know what's to happen, i know how it 
happens, i have it all written down in outline form (i hate outlines, i do) 
and i know what the film will look like (assuming i have access to the 
equiptment i need...i wish i'd seen the films of the others so i'd know if i 
need to prepare to watch my vision unfold on yummy 35 mm or detestable it was i need part digital anyway...lovely).  i need dialogue. 
and i'm relatively good at writing dialogue...but i already know what has to 
happen.  this is a tragedy for me.  why?  because the dialogue will seem 
more contrived...i KNOW where i'm GOING!  tempted to just use improvisation 
except it'd be hard to budget time that way.  

GET TO THE POINT in five minutes or less!

what i should practice is my direction.  horrible at telling my peers and 
those older than me what to do.  when to be places.  where to stand.  what 
to say.  


and in the end i can see my vision being nothing like i want it to be.  
natural lighting won't work out.  the camera will be too crisp looking.  i 
won't have time to edit.  catastrophe.  it'll look less documentary and children playing with a video camera.  can you give me space 


what do i do if some guy decks my interviewer for asking him one of the 
questions.  do i get it on film and use it?  violent violent.  must use 
disclaimer.  must cast interviewer who can take care of self.  must screen 
interviewees for violent pasts and broken homes...must...must...must....

must write the frickin' script!

*grumble grumble*  for some reason, my creativity has already moved on.  
past the script.  the story is complete.  i suppose i shouldn't have written 
the last scene yet.  

just forget about that, brain...forget you have an ending and a beginning 
and a skeletal middle and remember that the middle needs MEAT.



Tactful Dinnertable Conversations Wanted           - 7/31/2002

toddlers and preschoolers are not graceful or tasteful when it comes to 
speaking at the dinnertable.  not that i've eaten with either group for at 
least a week.

i can't believe i'm anxiously awaiting tonight's "undressed", next 
tuesday's "real world: the lost season", tonight's outcome for "american 
idol", and the vma's on mtv. i'm a little ashamed of 
the "undressed" which i think i'm addicted to.  damn them for rotating plots 
and adding one that readdicts me just as my last addiction has ended!  that 
didn't make a lick of sense.  but it did.  damn them anyways.  as for next 
tuesday... i think that movie will be hilarious.  and as i can only stand 
about two hours of each season of real world, it's just the right size for 
me.  however, it's on at the same time as next week's american 
i'll have to tape one of them.  i choose mtv.  which i've been watching way 
too much for it being so gag worthy most of the time.  as for american 
idol...some of those people can really sing!  and some can't!  as for the 
vma's...well...jimmy fallon's hosting.  so it should be pretty funny.

and that's all i'm writing as all the kids i work with every morning are in 
the library crowding around me and reading over my shoulder.

crunch                                             - 8/3/2002

don't push me too far
too hard
lighten up and feel what i want you to feel
what i feel
backwards we walk
loaning ourselves out
to somebody else
fighting the illness
desire sparks
falling so quickly
we never see what's happening
until we hear the crunch

back off and so will i
i'm driving way too fast
i pump the brake
you speed on by
right into arms not mine
upside down and floating
paying with our blood
we light the candle wanting
all we want is what?
pick ourselves up off the ground
i know we'll try again
pulling ourselves down again
until we hear the crunch

last i saw you
laughing out at
something i just
could not see
bringing out your
and forcing it on me
justify our tortured lives
your envy and my shame
justify the torture as
what we have placed upon ourselves
just dive again
get off my rock
i want to feel the crush
and when you dive
dead or alive
all i hear's the crunch

                   para tu mi lossefalme

prelude to a choice                                - 8/13/2002

or you
and me

i'm nodding off
and wondering
what everyone else would do

what could i do
but lose again
and fall to earth


i could use some...something.

layers beneath                                     - 8/21/2002

there is a jackolantern hanging over my rightnowspot.  it swings, 
threatening all around it with fire and spark.  it threatens my fall and i 
fall as i'm looking up at all of you looking down at me.  and i wonder if 
i'll ever find my spring and bounce back to heights above your 
middlegroundaboveme.  i wonder if there are people here to catch me 
fori'mfalling i wonder if they'll catch me if they're there (downthere).  so 
the jackolantern breaks it crumbles (it'ssmashed) and with the seeds come 
fire and spark and you'll pick me up but will you catch me 
(i'mfallingandburning).  i know you'll pick me up but will you catch me?  or 
will i lay here batteredbruisedburned for daysweeksmonthsyears until you 
feel it's time to pick me up and bounce me on your knee?  until you feel 
it's time to bring me spring?  find me low air fare and a shot of pumpkin 
wine and i'll fall back into middleground for you. 
say your prayers

sleep [21 Sep 2000|07:51pm]
i don't have another girlfriend. leave it be. it's just me.

she keeps licking the wound.

she keeps tasting her doom...
seems as if i've heard that somewhere before.

hey. how's it goin'?
say your prayers

LeaveItBe [20 Sep 2000|11:41pm]
a transfer of neurons
brought me here
and here i am
say your prayers

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