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Thursday, September 2nd, 2004 | 12:46 pm |
Step left, around, and together with the right Another Dance class today. I knew I was bad, but now I've got some idea just how bad. Stretching hurts, I lose my balance on some exercises, and when we were practicing simple steps and turns I looked like a fool (I know because there are mirrors all over the room to show me).
I'd so love to say "one step at a time", but I'm not sure I've got time for baby steps. If there's a performance coming up, I'd better be at least passable. | Wednesday, September 1st, 2004 | 12:52 pm |
Alright. I don't know anything about Chechnya. I also don't know anything about why the Russians have soldiers in that country. But I do know that when you take a bunch of kids hostage, I really don't care what your side has to say anymore. | Tuesday, August 31st, 2004 | 10:15 pm |
Heh. A few good ones in here. | 1:31 pm |
I had an appointment at school with a counselor. There's some good news and some bad news on the GPA front. First, the bad news. I started college way back in 1996, when Tri-C was using quarters instead of semesters. This means that a lot of my grades are based on quarter hours. The guidance counselor tells me that I can't replace those grades with semester credits. This means that there are a lot of C's that I coasted to that are simply going to weigh down my GPA. Now the good news. As of this moment, I have a 2.72 cumulative GPA. If I were to pull all A's this semester, that would bring me up to a 2.8 something. Also, I've got two classes under semester credit hours where I coasted and got D's. If I retake those classes, I could theoretically pull my cumulative GPA up over a 3 point average. The counselor also tells me that as long as I keep gunning for A's, I could reach a 3.5 GPA by the time I'm done with this new degree; that would put cum laude on my diploma. It can be done. I can do this. Current Mood: determined | Friday, August 27th, 2004 | 6:22 pm |
I've almost completely broken myself of the habit of visiting Penny Arcade. I haven't visited the website in quite a while, and I've stopped typing in the address. Now if I can just purge it from my mind as one of the websites to visit, I'll be all set.
Work and school are a nastier one-two punch than I'd anticipated. It's only the end of the first week and I'm already drained. I've also discovered that I can't get to school on time Mondays and Fridays without leaving early. Maybe it would be different if there wasn't a solid wall of construction between me and the school, but that doesn't help me now. What this does mean is that I'm going to have to either sneak out early (easier than it sounds, since some people come in early and say it's ok to go), or start burning up earned time. Let's see, one hour a week for the next seven weeks... that was a nice supply of ET I had built up, once. | Thursday, August 26th, 2004 | 1:51 pm |
Today was the first Dance class where we started actually doing work. I'm completely confused by a lot of the instructions, and suffice to say there's a lot of work to be done with balance and grace.
And this instructor thinks he can have me performing in 16 weeks? He's dreaming. I'm going to put a lot of effort into this class, but there's just no way that I'll be ready. | Tuesday, August 24th, 2004 | 4:59 pm |
So, the last couple of days. ( It's not all whining, I swear. )While on the subject of my friend, I might as well state that this girl just looks like she'd make a good wife for him. I don't know much about their interaction and it's still early, but I'd be willing to put up even money that says they'll get married. | Monday, August 23rd, 2004 | 2:55 pm |
ladiorange = RAWK. Thanks for the card and the present! Current Mood: happy | Sunday, August 22nd, 2004 | 8:23 am |
I wonder if it's not Bush who's linked to the veterans' group that put out the ads, but if it's Kerry, instead. ( DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! POLITICAL COMMENTARY AFOOT! )Pure speculation on my part, of course, but I'm allowed a paranoid fantasy every once in a while, aren't I? Current Mood: ParanoidCurrent Music: Somebody's Watching Me | Friday, August 20th, 2004 | 1:06 pm |
I was looking at my college transcript online. I wonder if I should retake a couple of classes to help improve my cumulative GPA. | 7:32 am |
Another one stolen from ladiorange. The quiz actually got something right... be afraid. | Thursday, August 19th, 2004 | 8:56 pm |
Please tell me that I'm not the only person in the world who thinks this is a bad idea.And I don't mean just the ladies who read this, either. I just want to make sure that the gents who read this think that the product is as stupid as I think it is, and that it'll land in the bargain bin right next to BMX XXX within a month. Current Mood: drained | 6:47 am |
My dreams are getting awfully screwed up. I'll spare you all the details. School starts Monday. I'm at least a little nervous, I'm sure you've gathered that from my incessant blathering on the subject. I'm pretty sure I can pass the classes, it's a matter of doing well that has me worried. I tend to go in with all the good intentions in the world, but I get tired quickly and start to fall away from the coursework, and of course I fall behind. I say every time I begin that I won't let that happen, but of course I do. What really upsets me is that I know what kind of work I'm capable of doing. I used to pull A's without thinking, but I started to slide, and bad things came of it. These last few classes have proven to me that it wasn't a lack of brainpower, but rather a lack of effort that kept me from doing well. Let's see if I can put in the time and energy this round. If I can't, then I'll have to cut back and slow down next semester. I started reading the textbook for Dance, and now I'm nervous. Did any of you play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and if you did, do you remember the guy on KCHAT who was talking about how important it was that he wear tight pants? These guys... they're saying the same thing, but it's not a joke. If the class goes along the same lines as the book, then I'm signed up for modern dance. And all I wanted to do was learn how to boogie on down during Dimension Jump without looking like an ass. Current Mood: nervous | Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 | 8:05 am |
| Tuesday, August 17th, 2004 | 7:05 pm |
Went to the dentist today for a cleaning. The hygenist was pleased that things looked as healthy as they did (i.e., very little new damage), but that's what you get when your braces have finally come off and you can actually take care of your teeth. I've also got a new dentist, and he wants to do all kinds of work. Leftovers from the orthodontics... man, those braces did almost as much harm as they did good. | Monday, August 16th, 2004 | 10:35 am |
I have a confession to make.
I... am addicted to The Great Steak and Potato company's Great Steak sandwich.
I can't help it, it was an innocent flirtation at first. The taco stand at Parmatown Mall had closed, I was hungry, and I wanted to try something different. I went there, and ordered the Great Steak sandwich.
It was unusual, to say the least. Chopping up Steak'ums and adding lettuce and tomato to the sandwich, that just isn't done! But I ate it, and now I go there regularly. I go to the mall just for it! This makes me a bad person, I know, but they're so darn good!
On an unrelated note, I went to school today and bought the last book I needed for Fall semester. It's a thin book, about 90 pages long and in paperback. It cost me $25. Gotta love textbooks. I still have no idea who the instructor will be for this class (Dance I), so I don't know what else I'll need to buy. | Sunday, August 15th, 2004 | 10:01 am |
Doubles are no fun. I left work yesterday at 3:30, was a cranky bastard for the few hours I was awake, and then had to get back at 11:30. Now I'm tired.
I just popped on to Gamespot and looked at the GTA:SA feature they've got going. I'm not sure that I like the way they're making the new guy so high-maintenance, but some of the stuff they're doing looks fun. The most recent addition mentions armed robbery. Having played Thief 3 just recently, I'm not totally against B&E; in my videogames. I just hope that it's done well.
More school babble. I've started reading my textbooks ahead of time, a first for me. The programming course looks like it could be trouble, but as long as I keep on top of it there shouldn't be any genuine problems. | Friday, August 13th, 2004 | 5:25 pm |
As I've mentioned before, I'm working another double tonight. I've got some groovy stuff lined up to make the experience slightly less painful, including a book of ghost stories about the Great Lakes. I hope this overtime helps take the sting out of all my recent expenses.
Only a week and a half to go until school starts again. I'm feeling excited and nervous -- excited because I want to get closer to this new degree, and nervous because I'm taking on a full time courseload. If I can handle this semester, though, then I should be able to finish this degree quickly. | 8:59 am |
Birthday greetings go to slices today. | Thursday, August 12th, 2004 | 8:32 am |
I've been thinking about this for a few hours, and now I'm curious. Everyone knows that Disney has a bunch of animated films, and that's just swell. Everyone also knows that Disney was responsible for some classic live-action films, among them Mary Poppins and Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Also groovy. But what most people know (small children might not) and really don't care about are Disney's lesser films. Given that, I'd like to know which of those films is your favorite. Remember, I don't want to know about the classics, I want the ones that are kinda boring in a way. If any of these aren't Disney films, don't complain too loudly. Just vote for the one you like the most. Poll #334827
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllWhat is your favorite Disney B-movie? |
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