Global Warming Links

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1 The MSU Controversy The Kyoto Protocol
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The sun and earth constitute an energy system. The sun produces energy, approximately 4*10^26 watts, of which the earth receives a portion, approximately 1.7*10^17 watts.

Of the solar energy coming to earth, a proportion is reflected, a proportion is absorbed by the atmosphere and a proportion is absorbed by the earth. The earth, like all matter, radiates energy proportional to (the 4th power of) its temperature (Kelvin). A proportion of the radiated energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and a proportion of the radiated energy escapes to space. This is frequently called the global energy balance . For more information on this subject see Earth's Annual Global Mean Energy Budget.

If the atmosphere were magically removed from the above system, the equilibrium temperature at the earth surface would be approximately -15C. In fact the measured temperature at the earth surface is approximately +15C. The approximately 30 degree difference is due to what is called the natural greenhouse effect.

If one looks at the range of temperature variations over the lifetime of the planet, there have been many changes.
See, for example:

There are several factors which affect the average surface temperature.
Among these factors are:

In historical time, it appears that humans have begun to affect the average surface temperature primarily via the concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere. The recent temperature record shows:

The relevant questions are:

While you consider these questions, you might like to keep in mind, that if you come to the conclusion humans must reduce the concentration of green house gases in the atmosphere, there is a significant fossil fuel industry and lobby which stands to lose greatly by that decision. A consideration of the scope of the effort to utilize alternative energy sources may be relevant.

Skepticism is a good thing. Science thrives in an environment of challenge and question. A refusal to acknowledge some data and a narrow minded self serving interpretation of other data, however, does credit to no one.

The Climate Change issue which many now regard as a fringe concern may be considered by future generations to have been pivotal.
Consider well.


FAQs - Frequently Questioned Answers

International Orgs.

US Govt. Sites

Misc. Govt. Sites

NGOs - Non-Governmental Organizations

News Organizations

Scientific Articles

Climate & the Law

News Stories

The MSU Controversy


Link Pages

Global Warming Denial

Global Warming Denial Sites


The Temperature Record

CO2, GHGs, Green House Gases

Irradiance, Insolation Changes

Sunspots, Solar Cycle

Milankovitch Cycles

Aerosols, Volcanoes

Ocean Circulation

Feedback Mechanisms

Climate Models, GCMs

Carbon Sequestration



Glaciers Receding

Arctic Melting


Sea Ice

Sea Level

Coral Reefs

The Kyoto Protocol

Economics & The Kyoto Protocol

Canada & The Kyoto Protocol

Insurance, ReInsurance, UNEP Insurance Initiative


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Last modified January 26, 2005
I'd appreciate a brief note about any broken links. -het