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[25 May 2005|03:32pm]
which revenge of the sith character am i? )
explore the infinite abyss

[25 May 2005|03:20pm]
[ mood | sick ]

Monday I went to go see matt. I drove there. well on the way my mom was with me and my dad was with me on the way back, but next time i'll be able to do it by myself, haha. and so i drove on 287 and 80 and i felt so proud of myself. yeah i'm a loser. we watched the season finale of 24 which was amazing and we also went to the mall and the game store that he goes to. it was really fun.

yesterday my mom and i went to the gym and then to panera for lunch...yum. i think i'm getting a cold, my throat hurts and my nose is stuffy and i have a nasty little cough. :-( so i'm just chilling right now, i slept till 12 and i'm bored. it's so nasty outside. i want it to be 80 degrees like it was in north carolina!!

i start work this weekend but if anyone wants to hang out whenever let me know!

explore the infinite abyss

[22 May 2005|06:05pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

i'm back from north carolina!! i had a lot of fun. i got a bit tan and did a LOT of knitting. made myself mittens, a hat, a sock (still need to do the other one) and a dishrag. anyway was a lot of fun but i'm glad to be home. i have a week till i have to start work. (ugh).

explore the infinite abyss

[15 May 2005|05:57pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | moulin rouge soundtrack ]

well i haven't done this before but here are two icons that i made the other day, they are moulin rouge and i thought i would post them to see what yall thought and also if anyone wants to use them feel free to! :-D


explore the infinite abyss

[15 May 2005|04:45pm]
See my comment statistics )
2 will explore the infinite abyss

[13 May 2005|11:22am]
last night i dreamed that they asked me to play Maureen in Rent for a night, and i kept messing up. also i dreamed about the shows at MK and Miss Spatola was some weird dreams! the maureen thing was especially weird. everyone was mad at me for not knowing my lines. but i swear whatever was going on onstage was not exactly rent. if it had been, i would have definitely known all the lines! because it's me. but no, i forgot lines and was making stuff up and it was crazy. but i was maureen! how crazy.
2 will explore the infinite abyss

[11 May 2005|06:01pm]
[ mood | blah ]

i saw kingdom of heaven with tina was okay. orlando was hot of course. eh i wouldn't pay to go see it. i had a gift certificate luckily. it was 2.5 hours long. ::sigh:: eh it was interesting.

wow it's so hot outside!!

the end.

explore the infinite abyss

blahhhhhhhhhh [10 May 2005|04:03pm]
[ mood | bored ]

ughhhhhhhhhhh i'm so bored

i officially joined the gym today and went again with my mom. they weighed and measured me. x.x. hopefully by lifeguard time and especially by england time things will look a lot better. lol.

i haven't been doing anything and i'm sooo bored.......

24 was great last night. that's all. gah. people need to come home or i need to go to north carolina or something.

explore the infinite abyss

[09 May 2005|04:20pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

look at this...crazy manda! )

1 will explore the infinite abyss

[09 May 2005|12:42pm]
[ mood | content ]

Guess who's my new workout buddy? Mrs. Kolis!!

today i went to Curves, the place where my mom works out, because i might join for the summer. (it's only $100 for 3 other fees...who wants to join with me!!!) anyway, it was a really good workout, aerobic and muscles and everything, and anyway Mrs. Kolis was there!!! Hahaha I knew that she goes there but my mom said she hadn't been there for awhile, but then we saw her! I talked to her for awhile and gave her a hug and told her that I am majoring in English which she was very happy about. it was cool to see her. she was actually a pretty good teacher. lol. anyway i had fun working out with my mom and mrs. kolis. i really think i might join the place. the workout is only 30 minutes and going only 3 times a week gives results, as long as you eat right too. my mom goes 4 times a week sometimes though. anyway if i start now i will be so in shape for lifeguarding and especially for the england trip at the end of july. woot!!

so that was my day so far, now i'm going to take a shower cuz i'm nasty, and then work on cleaning my room. yesterday i did my other room, the one without the bed and with the kitchen (lol) and today i'll do the actual bedroom. ::sigh:: what a mess.

anyway so who's home? i got nothing to do tonight. oh except watch 24 at 9. does anyone else love that show?

explore the infinite abyss

[08 May 2005|03:28pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

i'm home now...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i'm cleaning out my WHOLE room before i unpack. my room is very messy and cluttered. it is not fun to clean it. but hopefully when i'm ALL done cleaning and unpacking it will look awesome!! and i will keep it clean and it will be sweet. i'm getting a futon in the second room. <33333 yay cool futonness!!!!!!!!


explore the infinite abyss

[05 May 2005|10:21am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | music theater songs that i had to memorize ]

i think i totally just rocked my music and the stage final!!

only one more final to go...lit...and then i'm done!!!

wow, getting up at 6 today to study sure sucked.

::goes back to sleep::

explore the infinite abyss

[03 May 2005|03:43am]
Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

join up ... it's really cool. it's like forums and games and stuff to do, and earn points to dress up your avatar (little person that represents you) sort of like neopets but WAY better!! and when you sign up and it asks for who referred you, say that LothlorienLover referred you!! that would be great!!! and let me know if you join, it's fun.
explore the infinite abyss

dispatch [30 Apr 2005|11:37pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | Dispatch- "The General" ]

dispatch is my new favorite band. "the general"...anyone else love this song???

there was a decorated general with
a heart of gold, that likened him to
all the stories he told
of past battles, won and lost, and
legends of old a seasoned veteran in
his own time

on the battlefield, he gained
respectable fame with many medals
of bravery and stripes to his name
he grew a beard as soon as he could
to cover the scars on his face
and always urged his men on

but on the eve of a great battle
with the infantry in dream
the old general tossed in his sleep
and wrestled with its meaning
he awoke from the night
to tell what he had seen
and walked slowly out of his tent

all the men held tall with their
chests in the air, with courage in
their blood and a fire in their stare
it was a gray morning and they all
wondered how they would fare
till the old general told them to go home
He said
I have seen the others
and I have discovered
that this fight is not worth fighting
and I've seen their mothers
and I will no other
to follow me where I'm going
take a shower and shine your shoes
you got no time to lose
you are young men you must be living
take a shower and shine your shoes
you got no time to lose
you are young men you must be living
go now you are forgiven


but the men stood fast with their
guns on their shoulders not knowing
what to do with the contradicting orders
the general said he would do his own
duty but he would extend it no further
the men could go as they pleased

not a man moved, their eyes gazed
straight ahead till one by one they
stepped back and not a word was said
and the old general was left with his
own words echoing in his head
he then prepared to fight

ahhh so great!

3 will explore the infinite abyss

[29 Apr 2005|01:48pm]
[ mood | in pain ]

this is quite funny:

1 will explore the infinite abyss

[24 Apr 2005|12:25am]
[ mood | crappy ]

i quit.

3 will explore the infinite abyss

Hehe [17 Apr 2005|04:35pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Halo 2! ]

You are a Go-Go Girl! Yay you!

What kind of Sixties Person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

explore the infinite abyss

24 [16 Apr 2005|11:09pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | 24 ]

24 is the best show ever!!!

explore the infinite abyss

[15 Apr 2005|02:22pm]
I am worth $1,838,250.00 on
explore the infinite abyss

go me, english major. right. [15 Apr 2005|02:00pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | my printer ! ]

i just wrote a 5.5 page paper in 2 hours.

go meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

never again will i leave a paper for 2 and a half hours before it's due. anyway it was just a rough draft, i have a conference with the teacher at 2:40, so i just needed something to show him. he's probably going to tell me that my thesis isn't really a thesis. that's what he did last time.

explore the infinite abyss

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