The Wayback Machine -
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "learning".
414 matches:
1sinner2another -
5_foot_4 - 5'4" ~ leading healthier lives
_______ - ________
_awesome_ - The AWESOME! Community
_pip_ - Prose in Progress
_ponderlife - ponder life
_southwest - Southwest High School
_what_if - what If?
a_soap_box - a_soap_box
aboutmyjob - helping *you* choose the right career
academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
add_adhd - ADD_ADHD
addmenow - add me!
admit_italready - Own Up To The Truth Already
adoptedbychrist - Adopted By Christ Community
adult_students - Adult Students
agentofchange - The Revelation
alexandertech - The LJ Alexander Technique Community
aliensusa - Strangers In a Strange Land
alt_uk_parents - alt_uk_parents
alternate_books - the alternative notebooks
angels_incarnae - Angels Incarnae
antivists - antivists
apcentral - Advanced Placement Students
aprende_espanol - Learn Spanish - Aprende Español
arachnophobia - arachnophobia
arcadiajournals - Arcadia Journal Project
armchair_anthro - Serious Questions, Badly Asked
armchairscience - Armchair Scientists
art_challenge - Ursula's Irregular Art Challenge
art_form - Art_form
art_in_abstract - Art in it's many Forms
art_skill_trade - Art Skill Trade
artistsinrevolt - Artists in Revolt
ask_lady_meymey - Ask Lady Mey Mey
ask_sugarpuss - Dear Sugarpuss
asweseeit - Life. As We See It
atheist_parents - Atheist Parents
atlanta_mothers - Atlanta Mothers
audgepaudge - AudgePaudge
aupair - The Au Pair Connection
aussie_doofers - Aussie Doofers
awnw - A Whole New World
axioma_dominium - studium axioma dominium
axioms - Experiments
backalley - Back Alley Clown Society
bad_teachers - Bad Teachers
banned_bylj - bannED by Lj
bc_parents - The Mama's and The Papa's (and their children)
bdsm_tng - BDSM - The Next Generation
bearingaweenie - Tolerators of Mark
beautifuldreams - ~*~*~A Place For Dreams and Sleep~*~*~
betasigmaphi - Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
bitch_n_moan - Rant n' Rave Bitch Pit
black_cats - A Wiccan Community
bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
bluestockings - blue stockings
bodhisattvas - Bodhisattvas
bookofthemonth - LJ Book of the Month Reading Group
buddhistmoms - buddhistmoms
celestial_souls - celestial_souls
cellists - cello community
cells - critique
celtic_ogham - Ogham
certification - Roger Levelle's Certification Community
chamblee - Chamblee High
childcaregivers - Touching Little Lives
chokezion - digital intifada
cinderella_fans - Cinderella Dreamers
circleofthewise - Wise Ones
clark_college - Home of the Penguins
clashpowbang - Speech Therapy
class_of_2002 - University Students
classof2003 - Class of 2003
closetoyou - Dancing With The Virgins
club_compulsion - Compulsion!
cogsci - Cognitive Science
collectedquotes - genius in the form of the written word
collegetextbook - Buy and sell your college textbooks
communitiessuck - Communities Suck
conclave - Imagination
conscientia - Conscientia
coolmommies - Cool & Sassy young mommaS
cooplearning - Coop Learning
csu_fullerton - Cal State Fullerton Community
csuci - CSUCI Life
dailylists - Daily Lists
dailysubject - Topical
davis_scatchat - Scat Chat
dc_aa - DC area's Asian Americans
dcwords - Dawson's Creek Quote Collection
denglish - The German-English Language Community
desales - DeSales University
die_frage - Die Frage - German Questions
discuss_writing - the writers discussion group
dissentingminds - Dissenting Minds
doghousetheatre - Doghouse Theatre Company
doitnow - Procrastination Rehab
dork_alt_hs - Dork Alternative High School
dps_fans - Dead Poets Society
dreamforme - Dare To Dream
drowningsorrow - The Sacred Place
drugdialogue - Alex Carbon
dua_sekhmet - Children of Sekhmet
dusty_pages - dusty_pages
dyscalculia - Dyscalculics Unite
dysgu_cymraeg - The Welsh Language
earth_children - Nature's Child
eclectic_faith - Eclectic Faith
educators - Educating today's youth
egotisticemo - Abstract Emo
electric_chair - The Holy Church of the Electric Chair
elvenpaths - Elven Paths
employedparents - Employed Parents Community
emtb - EMT-B
endignorance - Understanding and Ending Ignorance
english - English for Non-native Speakers
enneagram - The Enneagram
erotica - Erotica
euphorik - Easily and Elegantly Tear my World Apart
europeans - ze Europeans
excellent - Goals for better living
eye_and_dagger - Kamchatka v. Alaska
familiars - Familiars
feministsanon - feminists anonymous
fiar - The Fuck It All Revolution
filmbooksmusic - Recommend your favorite movies, books and music
find_justice - Search For Justice Through Philosophy
findingyourself - Discovering Who You Are And What You Want To Be
findmyway - into the great wide open...
floridart - Writers and artists born, bred or based in Florida
foreignlanguage - The Foreign Language Community
fortheboys - for the boys
forumzers - @Forumzers
frenchwordaday - French Word-a-Day
future_liberals - Intelligent / Enlightened Liberalism
gaea_mere - Earth Mother
gayacceptance - Gay Acceptance
gayslaves - Gay Slaves
geeksunite - geeks unite!
gildedbutterfly - metamorphosis
gimpgirl - GimpGirl Community
globalfeminisms - Global Feminisms
globalkitchen - global kitchen
goal_posts - Stop slacking off, you procrastinator!
god_rocks - God's Fellowship
goingonexchange - goingonexchange
grammar_whores - Grammar Snobs
grammargasm - GrammarGasm
greekorgeek - apply here
grimm_groupie - grimm_groupie
growing_pains - Growing up is hard to do.
growup - Why Don't you Grow Up?
guilfordians - Guilfordians
haiyuki_high - Haiyuku High
hanzi - Asian Writing Community
hartsfaraway - Harts Far Away
healers_circle - Circle of Healers
hereliemonsters - Here Lie Monsters MUCK
hfxpagans - Halifax Pagans
highered - Higher Education
hineimatov - hineimatov
hip_republicans - Young, Hip, Cool Republicans
homeschool_ga - Homeschoolers in Georgia
homeschooling - Homeschoolers
homesick - Homesick
hothead_paisan - Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
howtosupport - Support Tutorials
htmlhelp - HTML Help
humans_being - Healing Through Awareness & Love
i_am_thankful - [thankful]
i_guild - Implausibility Guild
i_think - Synapse
iasmh - Indiana Academy
ibscrewed - IB Screwed
icon_tutorial - Icon Tutorial
idealdiscussion - Discussion of Ideas/Prompts
idealism_in_edu - Educational Idealism
infinityproject - The Infinity Project (A Species' Compendium)
inkorperated - ª®†¡s†§ Inkørþë®a†ed
innerchild - innerchild
intbac - International Baccalaureate
ipfw - Indiana U.-Purdue U. at Fort Wayne
itdiestoday - itdiestoday
iupui - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
j_r_a - Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Community
jenkinsfanclub - Ms. Jenkins Fans
joshuaproject - The Joshua Project
journal_trade - North American Memoirs
journalreviews - Journal Reviews
k_state - Kansas State University
ke_bulldogs - ke_doggystyle
keeg - geek
kickmybutt - motivation for procrastinators
kkennenlernen - Want to learn? Kennenlernen!
knotted_jewelry - Knotted Jewelry
know_thyself - Know Thyself
korean - The Korean Community
kscollegestud - Kansas College Students
lab_gripes - Lab Rats
ladyfestbayarea - lfba planning committee
lame_eyecandy - Share your candies
laurentian_u - Laurentian University
ld_adults - Learning Disabled Adults
learn_italiano - Learn Italian
learn_languages - Learning Languages Community
learn_swedish - Learning Swedish / Lär dig svenska
learnphilosophy - Learn Philosophy
lemon_head - Fresh Thinkers
lhs - Lomira High School
liberatedsex - The Sexually Liberated
life_and_all - this is your canvas, what will you fill it with?
lincoln_hs - Lincoln High School
littlescripts - littlescripts
livejonah - Matranga = Love
livingwithbooks - livingwithbooks
ljkids - livejournaling kids
ljlovelysuite - the Lovely Suite, lj-style
ljsisterhood - Sisterhood of Livejournal
loversofpoetry - Poetry's LOVERS!
lyssapics - lyssapics
magic_book - The_Magic_Book
math_class - math class
mctc - Minneapolis Community and Technical College.
meet_other_moms - an ADD ME mom community
methuen_high - methuen high school
military_pagan - military_pagan
mind_exchange - The Mind Exchange
miniegg - The fabulous treehouse harem of lovely mermaids-wi
mitzvahjourneys - Ba'alei Teshuva
moms_network - Moms Network
montrealartists - Montreal Artists
moon_dancers - Moon Dancers
moondancers - Moondance
motherhood - Moms Alumni
msualumni - Spartans (students, alumni, friends)
mudder - Harvey Mudd College
myphotography - Kate's Photography
nancytribe - The Nancy Tribe
natural_math - Natural Math
nc_for_peace - North Carolinians Supporting Peace
nccrafts - north carolina arts and crafts
nerdies - Homework Helpers
neuroscience - Neuroscience
neverevers - Learning from the Misfortune of Others
newcreation40 - NewCreation
nhvt_yruu - NH/VT Young Religious Unitarian Universalists
nihongonewbie - People Learning Japanese
ninjatemple - Ninja Temple
nonidiots - Non Idiots!
notebookxchange - notebook exchange
nrrdmixes - nerd mixes
oddballs - oddballs
oklapagans - Pagans and other non-christians in Oklahoma
oldfashionways - The way it used to be done
onehundredwords - 100 words
onthisday - On This Day
opengl - OpenGL
oral_sects - (Psycho)linguistics and Linguistic Anthropology
orchidheart - motivation community
ottawau - University of Ottawa
ourpromise - .joshua.and.mya.
over40 - Users Over 40
over_18yrs - Over 18yrs - Add me Community
paganparents - Pagan Parents
peopleofthesun - People.Of.The.Sun
peopletopeople - People to People International
perfect_parents - Know-It-All
pesit - The PESIT Brigade
phenomenalwomen - Phenomenal Women
philomafia - looking into our i
phobia_support - Beating Agoraphobia/Specific Phobia
photodissection - get your photos dissected
poetrycritic - Poetry Critic
pointers - Helpful Hints
poly_youth - I don't think there's just one anymore....
popicons - Pop Icons
potatochips - Theories on Consciousness
potty_training - It's Potty Time!
prit - The Prit (and others) Movement
project_oasis - a place for positivity
psp7_beginners - Paint Shop Pro 7 for Beginners
psp8_fun - Paint Shop Pro 8 Fun
psptutorials - psp tutorials .
psych_students - Psychology Students
psychology - The Psychology Community
queryforanswer - Understanding
question - question everything
questionsongod - Questions on God
quetal - Spanish Talk
quo_vadis - Quo Vadis Gathering
randombutuseful - Random But Useful
realm_o_the_fae - * ~ * ~ * ~ The Realm Of The Faery ~ * ~ * ~ *
riotgrrrl_pa - riot grrrl pa
riottime - RiotTime
rogue_rawks - rogue lovin'
roomtowrite - Making Room to Write
sa_activists - South Australian Activists
safehaven_ds - SafeHaven
sagwa - Sagwa: The Siamese Chinese Cat
salon - Salon
same_oh - same-oh!
say_yes - millionth relationship forum
sca_associates - Mentor Student Associations in the SCA
schmitza - So Worded
school_age - school_age
school_hogwarts - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
schoolevolution - Youth For A Just Education
searching4light - searching4light
service_subs - Service Submissives
sexadvice - Sex Advice
sexuallyactive - Sexually Active
sfasu - SFASU - Nacogdoches Community
shobudo - shobudo
signing - signing
singlesbar - The Singles Bar
skidmore_ - Skidmore College!
skillswap - Skills Barter Community
society_of_casa - CASA
solitarywiccans - Solitary Wiccans
somuch2learn - Learning...
spanish_majors - Spanish Majors
spreading_wings - adult former homeschoolers
spunschoolclub - south puget sound unschool club
steeltrap - Steel Trap
stephen_hawking - Stephen Hawking Community
storynight - Story Night
streamconscious - Stream of Consciousness
student_parents - Babies and Books
sufferingexists - living is sorrow
sugar_hippo - You know nothing.
sunnydale_elem - Sunnydale Elementary
super_luminal - super_luminal
supportwhore - Help Screaming
surviving_ib - Surving the IB Program
symphonic_ - the string section
talk_soup - talk_soup
talk_therapy - Talk Therapy
talkaboutbooks - Book Discussion
taugammaalpha - Tau Gamma Alpha
teacher_aide - Teacher Aides
teachforamerica - Teach for America Community
teachingcircle - The Teaching Circle
teenageriots - Activists Under 18
temple_u_goth - Temple University Goth
tessier_ashpool - Artificial Intelligence Community
the_boredome - the_boredome
the_bravest - For Emergency Workers of all Types
the_escapists - away from here
the_fitz - The Fitzgerald Learning Center
the_lost_muse - abandoned children of the muse
the_meadows - The Meadows Apartment Complex
the_neverhood - The Chatsworth Homework Database
the_real_you - there is no one like me, really.
the_strange - the strange
theboundrose - ~ The Bound Rose ~
thecitizens - {xsecondxclassxcitizenx}
theeegroup - ~*~Our Group~*~
thefuglies - The Fuglies.
theintellects - The Intellects
thelynchfanclub - Mr Lynch Fans
theme_photoshop - Theme Photoshop
thenewsroom - Self Publishing
thepoetrycritic - blatantly honest
thequestionclub - The Question Club
thethirdway - The Third Way
thewaylifeis - The One's Who Are Alive
thssdl_4n6 - Tennessee's LiveJournal Invitational
today_i_learned - Learn Something New Every Day
travel_soli - dive_in
truth_faith - Infinitism
twc_aficionados - No Place On Earth Has Better Weather!
type3s - type3s
uk_law - UK Lawyers
ukuni - UK Uni's Coffee Shop
umkc - The University of Missouri at Kansas City
unconstraint - crossing the thin lines
unlv - UNLV Community
unschoolers - Unschoolers
unschooling - Unschooling
up_with_spanish - Learn to Speak Spanish!
useless_facts - Community For You To Share Some Useless Knowledge
utterly_random - ☆Utterly Random☆
vancouvermamas - Vancouver's Hip Mama's
vietnamese - Vietnamese Community
wandering_tribe - The Zen Pimp Nomadic Wanderers
wchs - WCHS
we_like_stuff - we_like_stuff
where_to_now - The College Decision
whisperimagined - Newsflash!
whitepiketfence - And the fence came a tumblin' down...
who_what_why - Have you ever wondered...? Or known?
wiccan - Wicca
wiccan_mommies - Pagan Parenting
wicked_gravity - Wicked Gravity
wildkingdom - WildKingdom
wildwomen - The Wild Women
wingedbunny - wingedbunny
wishyouwerehere - Big Ideas [don't get any]
wolf_eyes - the pack
worcesterstate - Worcester State College
worddistillery - Word Distillery
wordwizard - That silent whisper...
world_cultures - Care to share?
write_away - Virtual Workshop for Writers
writerswelcome - An Open Writing Journal
writingcritic - writingcritic
wytchbaby - wytch babies
yellow_world - The cultivation of a political Asian consciousness
young_family - endless ramblings
zen_within - Zen-Within
zippervaginas - viva la zippervaginas
Interested users
The following users are interested in learning. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
474 matches: