Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "the faint".
416 matches:
- 1900deerwoodave - ★:::1900:Deerwood:Ave:::★
- 2scene4thescene - we are the elite
- 3d_glasses - music|poetry|art|anything
- 53biatch - Short mother fucker
- 80s_fashion - 80s fashion-o-rama!
- ______radtastic - radtastic
- _____danseparty - ____!!!bust a moby!!!____
- _____exquisite - XXX
- _____hxc_cunts - HardXcore Cunts
- _____so_noxious - We're fucking awesome.
- _____whatever - whatevercore
- ____fuckyou - ____fuckyou
- ____loveaffairs - we are totally cool
- ___cuthroat - literate & stylish
- ___dontfakethis - Be true. Don't fake this. It's you.
- ___emoboys - tight shirts and black nail polish.
- ___fuckthatshit - ___fuckthatshit
- ___indielectric - Who loves to dance?
- ___pure_vanity - We're the Cam Whores That Own Your Computer Screen
- ___superb - OMG WE ARE SO HOT
- ___too_hip - d o w n and that's the way we get down.
- __indiewhores - __indiewhores
- __kilkill__bang - edit:SCENE FUCKS
- __musicwhores - __MusicWhores
- __rockout - music is life
- __scene_shit - joo
- __shocked - __shocked
- __sophisticated - ♥Beautiful, polite, We're everything sophisticated
- __stellastarr - __stellastarr
- __thequiettype - we kind of rock
- _addison_is_hot - shake it like a polaroid picture
- _are_you_blank_ - Are You ________?
- _ask_us_ - are you smart and hot?
- _astaticpallor - _astaticpallor
- _blackout_ - Blackout
- _commandervenus - Commander Venus
- _conor_oberst__ - the feel good revolution
- _det_die - DETD LJ Community
- _evasive - Evasive
- _fagxcore_ - Being A Fag Doesn't Make You A Pussy!
- _girlsnightout - SASS<3
- _gosling - * th.e twist/ing {begun}
- _indierthanthou - indierthanthou
- _kaito_ - KaitO (the band)
- _killradio - kill radio revolution
- _membersonly - _membersonly
- _modest_mouse_ - Styrofoam Boots
- _oberstcult_ - the oberst cult
- _ohoh_scenester - heeyy scenester!
- _s_h_o_k - |F E E L| |T H E| |S H O K|
- _saddlecreek - _saddlecreek
- _so_vain - _so_vain
- _takemeon - Take On Me
- _teh_mixtapes_ - let's go to sleep.
- _the_paradox_ - _the_paradox_
- _thebands - Bands with The!
- _thewildcamels - lovely.
- _thewordisloss - _thewordisloss
- _undress_me - watching every inch of your body.
- accentsx2 - We all fall down.
- am_i_to_die_for - To die for
- an_farewell - The Nightmare continues here....
- and_______now - bazile
- angryraspberry - Angry Raspberry Society (ARS)
- animalrightshs - Animal Rights High School
- anothertried - One More Chance to Bitch
- anti_emo_image - Breaking the Emo Stereotype
- anxietysaturday - PsychoCandy Patio
- arctic_sperm - ARCTIC SPERM!
- art_icons - art_icons
- astate__divided - NJ's most wanted
- avant - in the know
- azureray - i was afraid to be alone
- bandphototrade - A new reason to take your camera to shows.
- basement_jaxx - Soul Punx Unite // Basement Jaxx Fan Community
- bayareascene - Bay Area Scene
- bettathanyours - touch me
- betterthenyou - Betterthenyou
- beyondcool - [[the motherfucking elite]]
- bibliothekmusik - Substanz
- binarypsyche - Binary Psyche
- black_tie_event - black_tie_event
- black_wire - ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK!
- bleedingemo - Breaking down the boundaries.
- boredom_hurts - boredom_hurts
- boysweddo - boys we'd do
- brkn_promises - brkn_promises
- btrash - Betty's Trash
- bumpintothings - Like someone in love
- burntcitylights - burntcitylights
- cagedyouth - Caged Youth
- cameljockies - beep beep for now
- cameltoecrew - Camel Toe Crew
- capunk - California Punk
- cflrockshows - Central & North Central Florida Show Connections
- champagne_kiss - Champagne Kisses, High Class, Zero Self Respect
- chelseasbitches - chelseasbitches
- chikchikchik - !!!
- chrisholifields - the followers of chris holifield.
- clippingchaos - Never Ending Math Equation
- conor_fans - Conor Oberst Fans
- cool_to_the_max - cool_to_the_max
- creativefucks - creativefucks
- crowd_pleaser - finding humor in annoying concert-goer's
- cuffsandcults - Cuffs Cults and Culdesacs
- cunts_so_scene - Lets pistol fuck
- current_philly - Electro-Current
- cursivearmy -
- cute_core_kids - cute hardcore kids.
- cutoutmylungs - The Atlantic Was Born Today
- daily_hipster - The Daily Hipster.
- dallas_crunks - dallas crunks
- dance_moves - dancin' dancin' dancin'
- dancesfantastic - neva dinova
- dealerkids - Dealerkids
- dementedvampire - Something to sink your fangs into ...
- dhc_ - Die Hard Convention
- diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
- djsyntheticlove - Futurepop/Synthpop/EBM/Electro-Industrial
- donnie_darko28 - donnie_darko28
- dont_be_modest - Don't be modest, this is judging hardcore
- downloadables - The Downloading Community
- doyoudigmusic - do you dig music?
- dpgb - Dance Party Gone Bad
- dressupdummies - dressupdummies
- dry_bones - Music
- duckiedroorings - something i made for you
- eaturheartout - eat.your.heart.out
- electrique__ - le shok
- electro_whores - Shock and Awe
- electrocore - electrocore
- electrorock - Electro Rock!
- electroscene - ELECTRICLY HIP
- elite_with_love - elite_with_love
- emergencyradio - emergencyradio
- emo101 - emo101
- emokids_dontcry - emokids_dontcry
- emorockers - Transmit Failure
- er_y3w_hawt - h@w+/\/3s5
- euro_trash_ - ANTI-</3
- fartinmymouth - Randy
- fashionbitches - Fashion Bitches
- fivewithabullet - Rad
- fkc4lyfe - FAT KIDS CLUB.
- fla_core_whores - FLORIDA!!!!
- forthestrongxxx - XXX
- fucking_elite - fucking_elite
- fuckmeimscene - you're just jealous because we're better than you
- gig_pics - Gig Pics
- glass_danse - |||THE FAINT|||
- goldenkitsch - \\Golden.Kitsch_
- goldstandardlab - Gold Standard Laboratories
- gordontown - Gordon Anderson Fans, Unite!
- gothupny - Goth/Industrial for Upstate NY
- groggie - groggie
- hairygenitalia - Your hairy parts!
- hand_to_phone - blank-eyed, nosebleed
- hannahhannahhey - HANNAH FANS
- happyemokids - Happy Emo Kids
- hardcorexhips - Shakin' Hips And Bustin' Lips
- hardwave - Hard Wave
- herishim - Official HIM Community sanctioned by UniversalJFRC
- hey_yr_cute - Cutie Patooties!
- hips_and_lips - it's just a little casual sex...
- homebodies - non-social non-active
- homo_core - homo_core
- hopeimc - hopeimc
- horrid_beauty - Pretty in Punk
- hot_pants_crew - Bringing Hot Pants to the Masses
- hotkidshotnames - hotkidshotnames
- hotpocketsdance - Hot Pockets Dance Party
- hotsexscenekids - hotsexscenekids
- hussyxcore - HUSSYxCORE
- hxc_hotties - TOUGH BITCHES
- hxc_whorexcore - hxc_whorexcore
- hxcsxe - X HxC SxE Community X
- i_likedinosaurs - R A W R ! !
- i_love_laney - <3 Your Laney
- i_may_look_emo - we break skulls, kind of.
- ifeelelektric - ifeelelektric
- igun - Industrial Gothic Underground Night
- ihavegotabrick - we are the world
- ilickindiestars - we heart music
- illbreakyou - we really love chloe
- im_a_punk - Rate a punk/emo/hardcore!
- im_so_indie - Elitist Ass
- indelible_heart - ex-oh.
- independence - Independence
- indie_djs - indie djs
- indie_fcks - indie_fcks
- indie_gangstas - oh so []0 [] []\/[] []0
- indie_glamour - indie glamour.
- indie_hotties - Oh So Cool
- indie_love - indie_love is for lovers
- indie_ohio - Spreading the indie music vibe in Ohio
- indie_on_air - .::INDIE::ON::AIR::.
- indie_punk - +INDIE, PUNK, ROCK MUSIC+
- indie_shit_head - indie in tha hizzouse
- indieboylove - We love indie boys, they love each other.
- indiefucks - indiefuck
- indielanta - Indie Atlanta
- indiemilwaukee - Independent Milwaukee
- indieminority - keeping the wet dream alive
- indiemixtape - indiemixtape
- indiemixtapes - Want to Trade?
- indiemusictrade - Indie Music for Trade
- indieradio - Indie Radio
- indierockmix - [[mixes]]
- indiesceneco - the Colorado Indie Community
- indiesluts - indiesluts
- indietrade - !!
- indievidual - charming folks
- indievirgins - indie + virgin = super cool
- indieyoface - indieyoface
- inform_katie - The Organization to Keep Katie Better Informed
- insanocore - metal, screamo, grind-core, nintendo-core and hxc
- irony_is - Noise Sculptures
- iwantyourparts - Give me, Mine
- kissatlanta - *KISS* - Atlanta's biggest rock dance party
- kungfuxkrew - kungfuxkrew
- l33tcore - l 3 3 t c o r e
- la_bella_elite - The Beautiful Elite
- la_matabellas - la_matabellas
- la_musique - R O C K N R O L L
- lab1a_records - lab1a:records
- lalaladisco - *******
- lameassxcore - lameassxcore
- last_outlet - beautifuks
- lesser_circle - A bunch of losers
- lets_be_friends - the transitive property.
- letsgodancing - let's go dancing.
- limpwrist_mafia - limpwrist_mafia
- lipstick_cherry - Houston's Electronic Indie Community
- literatehipster - A Dark Wind Blows...
- ljwhoresunite - Live Journal Whores
- logicalinsanity - common physical space
- looktotheclouds - a summers breeze turns red with fever
- lost_our_way - emo-indie-screamo kids
- lyrical_photos - Lyrical Images
- lyricallyemo - Lyrically Emo
- mailmancore - mailmancore
- marcus_haiku - marcus_saujon_haiku
- md_indiekids - indie kids in MD
- methxcore - Meth To the fucking core
- michigan_indie - michigan indie music
- michiganshows - michigan shows
- michikids - Michigancore
- midtownmemphis - i ♥ midtown of memphis
- mix___bitchez - mix___bitchez
- mixcompetition - mix competition
- mixhoors - Whores of the Mixtape
- mixtapetrade - fast forward
- mixxxesbitchez - Best Mixed Tape Friends Forever!
- moshonyourface - moshonyourface
- msu_indie - I'll drive and close my eyes in Michigan...
- music_debate - Debate don't playa hate
- my_bright_eyes - bright eyes community
- my_mom_floats - my_mom_floats
- n_m_e - NME : New Musical Express
- naked_indie_boy - Rock out with your cock out!
- ncgoth - The North Carolina Gothic-Industrial Community
- ncindierawk - north carolina indie rawk
- negroclash - Negroclash!
- neon_skeleton - Seek and Destroy
- new_alternative - less brittney spears, more kim gordon
- newwaveelite - the New-Wave Elite
- noandroid - coke babies
- noclass_justass - Bitchfest
- noirfarder_etui - blackmakeuppurse
- nonaverage_mix - Non-Emo/ Non-Indie Mixtape Community
- nosinfernalis - We, Infernal
- not_all_therage - not_all_therage
- nottoblame - nottoblame
- npda - National Parliamentary Debate Association
- oh_oh_hawt - ooo so h a w t
- oh_oh_overflow - oh_oh_overflow
- oh_so_clever - Ooohhhhh Soooo Clever
- oh_so_emoh - i'
- old_punks - Mix Away, The Youth are getting restless!
- omaha_lj - omaha_lj
- onelinelyrics - The One Line
- philly_electro - ELECTRO-DISCO-PUNK and 80s/NEW WAVE Revival
- pinball_pirates - punk rock pinball
- pinkloveletters - alysha&dot
- pintrade - pintrade
- pizza_pahtee - pizza_pahtee
- poll_fever - Poll Fever
- portland_gutter - A PDX punk community
- postal_service - Postal Service
- pumaxcrew - The Puma Crew
- pump_squad - pump_squad
- punkfuckingrock - we got the fever to tell
- puresexhot - puresexhot
- pussy_x_patrol - PxP
- randomness_ - you like it random, too?
- revolution_club - Revolution at Fusion in Dayton Ohio
- roborotic - roborotic
- robot_jox - the Robot Jox
- robotsarepretty -
- rockingthescene -
- rockstarbang - fock them cos they're famous
- sa_communion - The Children of the Night
- sacto_ebmgoth - Sacramento Industrial-Goth
- saddle_creekfan - *Saddle Creek FANS*
- saddlecreek - Saddle Creek
- salad_plz - hardcore cardboard road rage team!
- sasssmo - emo, screamo, and now sassmo
- scene_shallow - we think were better than you. and we are.
- sceneboppers - Gimmie Scene Points
- sceneornot - A devious look and a cold glass of lemonade
- scenephotos - the show visuals.
- scenetastic - xarexyouxscenetasticx?x
- sceneundressed - sceneUNDRESSED
- scenexasxfuck - scene as fuck
- scwbers - saddle creek fanatics
- sd_distro - social deviant distro
- secretnames - Secret Names: an Independent Music Database/Blog
- selectro - dig that street beat
- sexmusic - Sex Music
- sexxploitation - the sexx.
- sexyclique - Sexy Clique
- shadesatnight - we wear our sunglasses at night.
- shaggy_hair - We Love Shaggy Hair
- shitmo - Emo or Indie?
- show_off_ur_emo - show it!
- shsukids - shsu kids
- signalfroze - The Milemarker Community
- simplyvogue - simplyVOGUE
- sing_to_me - sing_to_me
- sippin_40z - 40 oz bitches
- sk8rdude12000 - contrast and compare
- skin_cancer - Marla Singer
- slutxitxout - +++SECRET.SLUTS.BRIGADE+++
- snapflash - SnapFlash!
- snazzyindies - snazzyindies
- so___sexual - worked up so sexual
- so_girlxcore - because, we are just so girlXcore
- so_scene_ - Scenesters
- sock_rocking - sock_rocking
- sofla_lounge - South Floridas Green Room
- song_request - song request
- sorona - Fucktarded Indie Crap
- soundxcheck - Soundcheck Music Club
- southparktavern - the cherry pit
- soviet_nyc - soviet (the band)
- spicy_scene - Spicy Scene
- ssyouth - Service Station Youth
- stare_on - If I can't dance, I don't want your revolution...
- stinkinlincoln - stinkinlincoln
- strikea_pose - my fashion is better
- stripeytown - stripeytown
- subpop - unPOP
- suicide_boys - this is the new cutting edge.
- sundays_fashion - Adore Us.
- swimsuitissue - i don't wanna be a sensation
- teenagedna - teenageDNA
- texxxas - Texxxas
- that_band - that_band
- thats_so_sex - thats_so_sex
- the_ass_brigade - Niggas be messin.
- the_burow - the burrow
- the_faint - THE FAINT LJ COMM.
- the_goodlife - the good life
- the_last_frame - A Match Like Memory
- the_scenery - scenery of palm beach
- the_sirens - the sirens
- theangryindie - Get Angry About Art!
- thefaint - The Faint
- thefuckinsquad - we're the fucking squad bitch!
- thegoondocks - The Goondocks
- themeangirls - The Mean Girls.
- therockers - therockers
- thesexy_sxe - thesexy_sxe
- thesfvscene - the san fernando valley xscenex
- this_is_emo - emo
- thisprovidence - thisprovidence
- threedayweekend - three day weekend
- throwdown_crew - WE ARE THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN
- torntalent - Talent Disaster
- traffic_jam - ACTION, ACTION
- trustyliarsclub - Why We Do What We Do
- tss_reno - The Spotlight Syndicate
- un_edge - Edge or Not?
- undercore - Undercore
- uniqueskitzo - Pretty on the outside....DIFFERENT ON THE INSIDE
- unsexyemokid - UnsexyEmokids
- vaginalicious - vaginalicious
- vanity_is_cool - Vanity Is Cool
- vanity_sanity - the vain bitches
- vanitybeach - Vanity Beach
- vd_whores - VD_whores
- vertigo_music - vertigo_music
- vintage_hots - ♥vintage_hots♥
- wcatyclique - The WCATY Clique
- we_luv_thursday - the ballad of ian curtis
- we_the_scene - we eat vegans!
- wearenerds - i like video games
- weareteh_sexx - Sex me up buttercup.
- wegotmadbeatz - do you have mad beatz?
- whiplashed - ::whiPlash::
- whyarewesohottt - WHY ARE WE SO HOTT.
- wtf_nj - Welcome To Forever
- xdarjeelingx - BxSxHxC
- xkeyboard_artx - frank sinatra
- xninjaxcrewx - xforever familyx
- xporcelainxface - I want to see your vanity.
- xscarredheartsx - Rating Community
- xscenesterx - indie as fuck//
- xstraightxcorex - .Closing My Eyes Just To Pass The Time.
- xxacid_tearsxx - xXAcid_TearsXx
- yes_tomorrow - sounds chill to me
- your_ears_only - music to your broken ears...
- youwishyouwish - Jesus Hates The Meek
Interested users
The following users are interested in the faint. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
441 matches:
- 35mmdreams - Amber
- 80sxfoxsho - stacie ☆
- __x_vougette - __x_vougette
- _aladdinsane_ - jacob
- _astrolabe_ - Jeremiah Fox
- _botoxserenade - _botoxserenade
- _ctrl_z_ - ctrl+z
- _endofthered - Jonathan
- _fading_away_ - Livie
- _novocaine - courtney helena
- _sheepies_ - Caitlin
- aarhed - JAM! I'm real!
- abelitz - finalfailure
- abstartselect - Patrick
- abstulofides - Grant
- acidic_morphia - Lady Sara of the Spades
- aconitesblood - heather
- acrindespair - _flash photography and screams_
- aeon - the bitch was all bloody and her name was mary
- aestetrix - future kitsch [a.k.a. tallkid]
- afterwake - Insecure
- againifall - severe knife fight action
- agesixracer - I'M DYING TO LIVE
- aldoushxle - Val
- alexiel - Karen
- alipstickriot - ...every breath is a bomb
- alittlerain - curiosity kitten
- allxinxblack - Kris
- almalthea - Almalthea
- amazingfetusboy - Anhedonia-In-A-Bag
- amberalert - 011222333344444
- amberpetrified - you're about as easy as a nuclear war
- amedsped - and you will know us by the trail of taco meat
- amelia - Miss Spiritual Tramp of 1948
- amykins - .Let the poison spill.
- anastasia_128 - Double S
- antifluff - Amber
- antipinkgrrrl - ...IT'S NOT A TOOMA!
- arsenicookie - Sugar Loaf
- artbyair - Esotairika AKA Puff Hummer
- artifice_x - Johnny Grey
- audreyclaire - A Dollhouse Drawn in Sand
- babycuzimathug - Allah akbar
- babyonfire - lalala
- bali__hai - sweet adeline
- beatnikchik2001 - RoSa MaRiA ,Postergal for Church Girl gone wild!
- bellanovi - BeLLaNovi
- bellarosa - Marian Rose
- bellston - Chris
- bettybanana - Another confused kid
- blackdreams - The Part You Throw Away
- bleenk1atey2 - i'm not telling
- bloodyangelfuck - monica
- bludroses - amber
- bluefaery - bluefaery
- blume - mule dice
- bomp - wave bye bye to the crazy lady
- bonanzajellyb - bonanza jellybean
- boozecore - royal gate
- boscokhan - Ike Krull
- bouncingferrit - Meg
- boythunder - pororro de tu corazón
- boywonder - matthew.
- breeject - forever
- brodie86 - Kristin
- broken666wings - Miss Angel Starr
- broken_s0und - mea
- c0g - hank williams is my spirit animal
- calista - calista lorene
- capple5 - Colleen
- caracat - never you mind
- carrietherage - Carrie D' Way
- cary - cary
- catch_fireflies - L-Unit
- charlatan - Jerome Holeyman
- cherrycandy - virgin wh0re
- cherryflavored - kat!e
- chumpmnkey - william
- ciri - editor-in-training
- claudia - Teddah.
- clearstatik - clearstatik
- cocacolaguy27 - notsickbutnotwell
- coincidence - fandango
- coldandblue - catfish p. irate
- concombre - oil can boyd
- coneybean - Courtney
- controlledchaos - vikki suicide
- cornflakegirl1 - Helena Handbasket
- couragefalls - i'm better than you
- crashingstars - Christy
- crickett150 - xsarahx
- curemadgirl - Xiomara
- curlyanne - Anya
- dancexlifexaway - Now Wait Just One Minizzle
- danielle_ - chuck b, motherfuckers.
- dannyboy00015 - Danny
- darcyzero - Tiffany
- davidsane - David Sane
- daylightlost - Argentina brovatziA
- dee902 - Dee
- deepndementia - Desley
- defeatedsoul - dedication to desertion
- deranged - vioLet
- dethbunny - brain scratch
- devil_doll99 - devil doll 99
- devilcat - Grumpy ol' Bastage
- devilsoftruth - James
- dieuberhosen - Dancing Senseless in the Bedroom
- dis1035 - the next to last song
- disc0nnect - damned if i do, damned if i don't.
- discodx - discodx
- diseased_ovary - kelley tenille
- disgorge - Captian Indecision
- disintegrationn - like cockatoos
- djbits - bits
- doll - elizabeth
- dorky - One Weird Chick
- doublethink - doublethink
- dress_up_angela - dress_up_angela
- dteandrew - Andrew
- dumbasscat - Bored and Obsessed
- dynamitegirl - qui etes vous Polly Maggoo?
- dysphoric - violet pretty
- eccentricitee - big titter, dog sitter
- editthesadparts - jennifer june
- effectivezero - Sam, don't play it again.
- elasticagrrl - elasticagrrl
- electrcspacegrl - A nice, quiet kind of crazy
- elske - Eugene
- emeraldfire - Lisa
- emochild - Jaime
- endlesslydry - David
- eremitan - franklin eleanor fabulous.
- erinandcurie - Erin and Curie
- ernielink - Kay Jay
- escapefromme - The Psychiatrist Never Called Back
- evilbadtzmaru2u - prof. frank
- excitableboy - suckerface
- excrement - Rick doog
- eyesoutoffocus - a cracked machine
- fallen_angel_ - [fall into the void]
- fallenangel00 - Amandarae <3's Joshua Fucking Maines
- fashionista74 - videokilledtheradiostar
- fearedgift - we can THROWDOWN
- fearmullet - Rough n' Tough Rudy
- fetisharose - In the AA, thinking XXX
- fetusmcnugget - defenestrate
- feverzandmirors - Kelly
- firefighter - Erin
- flowerfairy - ~*UnDer the PinK*~
- flyingfudrucker - Kar
- folkypunk - folkypunk
- forpixelssake - the girl with the filthy laugh
- fraggle_rawker - Nicole
- freecupcakes - JeN
- frenzy05 - I Proformed Acts Of Devotion As If You Were Ganesh
- frozenfaces - plasticeyes
- frozenglory - Sadie Rose
- fulflej - trent
- gahgusterjane - kissed between the ears with human error
- gamine - poured out
- garebear18 - Gazer of ze Journal
- gasoline__love - gasoline__love
- generator - jimmy stewart suicidal sex appeal
- getchoo32 - Emily O.
- gigireveur - Lita
- ginevra - Ana Marie
- girl7 - girl7
- givemeahug - Jane
- glamfiles - Diavolina
- glamkittie - Ali
- glamourupx - Mel
- glasstornado - kayruh
- glitter_burned - my mom almost named me polly
- glitterwontflow - an ebb and a flowing
- gotmike - mike
- greypele - Grey Pele
- guiltpuppy - Crisp Puppy
- haloform - laurie
- hanamichi - another lovely goddamn day
- heartin_the_80s - Kiss it!
- heath0r - i crush skulls
- herbrokenvow - love
- hereinmyvoid - I gotta man who makes me wanna kill
- herkaleidoscope - Jackie Suzzanne
- herodotusfile - monica
- hillaryvicious - rub your face in glass
- hollyhox158 - Stepha
- honeyspider - zelig
- howling - Rockin this party 8 days a week
- hushkitten - KaJaGoogoo
- hypegreen - Jamie
- i_delete_myself - <icy stare & silence, exhalation of smoke>
- iamlark - blissfully unaware
- ianthe - ianthe
- idealisticfutur - they call me ivan
- iloveurkneecaps - iloveurkneecaps
- imlikeserious - cliche my darling...
- incostantemoto - the nakED button pusher
- indyablu - .dilapidated royalty.
- insurreal - just a queerion
- internalxternal - nerdygirl
- jacquelyn_b - stuck in place
- janebond87 - Vanessa
- jansavestheday - january wellingt(r)on
- jaymez - mind lost in a torrent
- jclapandcough - pretentious crap.
- jealouslime - Katey
- jenne - pants
- jermo - Questions In A World Of Blue
- jesiska - marguerite bridget.
- jessicka - Jessica
- jevio - Aj
- jewosh - j.bomb
- jizosh - push out the jive, bring in the love
- joelio - Joey
- joesbrokenheart - Mellisa
- johnko - John Ko
- jomyke - Kimberly
- jonlegere - Jon Legere
- jorge - bryan
- josie206 - Jenna
- jynx - snoWBite.
- karisma - Fragile
- kid1138 - chelsinator
- killbotfactory - the only boy living in new york...
- killjoysdesire - .·¤°**°¤·.Carah.·¤°**°¤·.
- kissingnuthing - Jerk butt
- kissmequick_ - That one you never forgot
- kitee - Kitee
- kokakolaclash - Gregory V.
- kurplunk - sarah-sarah-bo-bearah
- kurtstepp - kurtstepp
- lacking_vision - Reef
- laralikesska - d-money
- laura7715 - Laura
- lemoninterupt - ;A Blue Formica Halo
- liberal_chick - Allie Q
- lidora - susan
- lifeobscura - invisible
- like_wasabi - Michelle
- lindseymoongirl - sha sha sha doo
- lipstouchingx - leilani.
- littlelawn1954 - brian little
- lizzka - elle eye double zee
- logicblue - LogicBlue
- lollirazor - Aaron Von Frankenstein
- losetheday - postlapsaria
- louis_quatorze - Punching Sting in the throat
- lovebites - Hott Carla
- lovesuglychild - bite me
- luciferlavey - LuciferLaVey
- lulluby83 - My love wont last
- lusciousgirl - my name is I dare
- macabre_grrl - milk crate bandit
- malef - Emily
- marsiphone - marsiphone
- mary_heart - Mary (kate)
- may_illusion - eau d´bedroom dancing
- mazikeen - Eternal Beautiful Child
- mcursivem - Meaghan
- melicious - *~melindy~*
- mellosonic - hadakajin
- mje - Melissa
- mmmayhem - the kid with the sideburns
- mnemosyne138 - long ago forgotten
- mollykats - my thoughts have wings and they dont obey me
- mollymolly - Sassy Britches
- moths - damion
- mourning_starr - Alexandra Julia
- mouser882 - Jessie
- mrmercurial - ♪
- muffintop - sugar tits
- mutation - sharon
- mysteriouso - Riot Gear
- nekoreitonma - Neko
- neotokyox - neotokyox
- newthrash - newthrash
- next_day_flight - Window Seats and Last Wishes
- nickey - TAKE ME TO THE H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L
- nimbus - bryan donahue
- no_more_smiles - suzanne.
- nocultreicons - Zac
- noisextoaster - Nicholas
- notaprettygurl - i hate how emo i am
- notbored - The Amazing Larry K
- notquite - Mika
- novademon - Mike Seele
- nowheregirlx - nowheregirlx
- number217 - (none)
- nunica - Sputnik Sweetheart
- nxdgurl3eb - Pretty When I'm Faithful
- ny_hc - yayafi
- obscured - gypsy of the unattainable
- october_jackie - The one and only, lovely, lonely october jackie
- oh_kyle - jenna
- oherin - ubiquitous starfucker
- oneradkid420 - oneradkid420
- oreofuchi - Joe Magarac
- orgynelle - netty Grrrr
- owltranslator - mateo
- paper_nightmare - [this place is a prison]
- photobooth - Dawn Davenport
- pink - sarah
- pinkfluff - Laura H.
- pip - pip squeak
- piratepug - i like liking things that no one else likes
- pistol_whipped_ - pistol_whipped_
- ponder - p.s. i miss you
- poplife - ReFuel
- prazzy - P:raz
- pretendlove - baby delilah
- psycobob - So Damn Metal, My Bones Are Made Of Steel
- punkmint39 - ~*Anthology of Shooting Stars*~
- punkrockbetty - PunkRockBetty
- punksa_living - punksa_living
- punkskaemochick - Jeni
- puppthead - The Sassy Frassy Lassie
- purple_person - Janie
- purplesparklies - manda
- qtlees - xo elise
- racebannon - racebannon
- raisingrrl - ***ms. JULIES'ruined***
- rapidfix - Marcos
- raven7421 - raven7421
- rawkerkid - Your sins into me...Oh my beautiful one
- razorbladesmile - Suffering in Silence
- reallynothing - euphoria
- redelephant - the astronaut is dead
- repent - ♥tarable♥
- revival - A Robot With Iron
- reyna - uniformly beautiful
- rhombosis - King Rhomboid de Rhombalot
- riotboi - Ry-Guy
- riotdrake - once bitten, forever smitten
- rocksalt - saw wave
- ruineddoll - ♥Pretty Pistol ♥
- ruiner212 - ruiner212
- rutterlullaby - reality breaths through me
- sandune - SanDeE*
- sarah_stars - sarah
- sarahsilly - fast times and parallel lines
- sarahstardust - Jeffrey "Hot Shit" Dahmer
- sase - distancedbymoments
- selwonk - Ryan Knowles
- semolina - jamie jellybean
- shank_yo_face - i'm gonna...
- shatterastar - lindsayrae
- shesjustapuppet - shadow of a ghost
- shhhakeit - insane
- sincerelyjedi - jedi
- sleeplessinmpk - Angela Shen
- slitwrist - big fat dumb head
- slowdecay - not the red baron
- smudgedeyeliner - Fiorella
- snazin - Snazin
- snowywhite22 - Allie
- somais_what -
- sonjaduck - the cat wit the .45 caliber claws
- sparkler999 - Aubra
- specialgoodness - A cool bro soon to be the Boston strangler
- spiderasylum - Michea
- spyingthedir - can't always be wrong
- srenedisturbnce - Lilly
- starjunkie - filmstar
- starrzinhereyez - Verbal Diarrhea
- starzarefalling - forever yours
- storyofmylife - Dialectical
- strawberri77 - Cereal Killer
- strawberrie - Amanda J
- subjectiveme - Williams
- subterranean - deBORah
- sugarspunsister - Alyssa
- sunnydayhumgirl - I'm not breathing anymore
- superbabe - kristin
- superstaricon - __arthur
- suprasonik - peg leg pete
- swdpunk - victoria
- sweetoblivion - jb
- swept_away - fading fast
- syndresthesia - All That Could Have Been
- telephasic - o_0
- thaprovider - Lydia
- thatsyouth - the moving units stole my hair cut
- the_boy - TENTH DAY
- thelasttear - Sheena
- thenprgallery - matthew perlegis
- thetrueingenue - TheTrueIngenue
- thewrath - I am jacks wasted life
- thezygo - Sucky McSuckerson
- thoughtsofflame - thoughtsofflame
- tiffythepunk - tiffy tuffington
- tomatosan - m
- trayce - Trayce
- treaclemouse - insensitivity training
- treesuponmyroof - Davey Shitmaggit
- tsunamibomber - valerie
- twocrashes - twocrashes
- typicaldream - I can't believe she fucked him...
- valerieflames - chelsea!
- vanezzac - Vanessa
- vangogh - bumble the boy wonder
- vanitystrings - shel
- veganboy45 - obsesso boy
- venusvext - :MissConduct:
- verucaviolet - .pegleg kelly.
- vintagelife - the boy who can't help but creep good people out
- vivica - Miss Kyle
- vonlagio55 - Diego
- vonnibelle - Looking Glass Girl
- watereverywhere - ...heidi
- whacked - Eric
- whenyouwake - kitty
- withoutadoubt13 - christina
- workedupsodown - WorkedUpSodown
- worldsonheroin - femme fatale
- wraincloud - Wraincloud
- wreck - wreck
- xdeskx - e luxo so
- xfallchildrenx - caitlin
- xgirliexoc - corinne
- xgirloclockx - Francesca
- xicachu - x is to vex
- xiwantemochixx - Night Driving
- xkristyx - Kristy
- xlaurrocksit - Laur
- xoaurastarrxo - & they called her AngeLs
- xoutinsect - twiddler of thumbs
- xqx33 - Sixteen Clumsy and Shy
- xsnugglepuffx - .Krystle.
- xtruckerx - Short pants make me kranky
- xurbantofux - crystal
- xxbleedblackxx - Levi
- xxblueyedevilxx - shanna
- xxritalinxx - thee ritalin anti christ
- yanna - FEEL MY WRATH!
- yocello - C Squared
- zaphod_b - Zaphod Beeblebrox
- zina22 - Rosina
- zisforzillah - Zillah